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Data and reliability evaluation in industry  

Baik, Jai-wook (Korea Broadcasting University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.2, no.1, 2017 , pp. 1-7 More about this Journal
In the case of manufacturing companies, various types of data are collected. Many of these data can be used as useful information for product reliability evaluation. In this study, we first look at data that can be collected by a manufacturing company and related to products, technology, finance, and customers. Next, we will look at the company's business management system, scientific journals, test and marketing survey data, etc., as sources of data. Next, look at what kind of data is collected over the product life cycle to evaluate the reliability of the product. In the development stage of the product, reliability test is performed for each component, and reliability data is collected by performing reliability test at the subsystem and system level. On the other hand, at the manufacturing stage, data on the functional test and the design change test of the product are collected, and at the field stage, the problem of the product is detected in the field and collected in the form of data. Finally, let's look at what you need to do to make a reasonable analysis later in your data collection.
Industry; Data; Reliability Assessment; Manufacturing Enterprise;
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  • Reference
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