The Analysis on Job Satisfaction of Personnel Engaged in Contract Food service Management Company

위탁급식전문업체 종사자와 직무만족도 분석

  • 양일선 (연세대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박문경 (연세대학교 식품영양학) ;
  • 차진아 (전주대학교 전통음식문화전) ;
  • 이해영 (상지대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2004.08.01


This study was designed firstly to measure the job satisfaction (JS) levels of personnel engaged in contract food-service management company (CFMC), secondly to compare the job satisfaction levels by personal and company-related characteristics, and thirdly to identify the effects of JS facets on overall job satisfaction. Of 1135 respondents, there were 712 employees in the headquarters and 423 in the branch office. From an analysis on job satisfaction, overall job satisfaction level was 3.22 out of a maximum 5 and the co-worker (3.71) facet of JS was the highest job satisfaction followed by supervision (3.32), work itself (3.26), working condition (3.15), promotion (2.95) and payroll (2.74). In comparison of job satisfaction by personal characteristics, the personnel who were male (p < .01), had associate degrees (p < .01) or long-term careers in foodservice field (p < .05), or were regular employees (p < .01) perceived significantly higher than others for overall JS. In comparison of the job satisfaction by company-related characteristics, overall JS was significant by company scale (p < .01) and by work place (p < .05), but it was not significant by operating group. Finally, on the regression analysis for the effects of JS facets on overall JS, adjusted R2 was 0.534 (p < .001) and all six JS facets, especially payroll, had a positive effect on overall JS significantly (p < .001). Considering that the goal of enterprise on profit-making through customer satisfaction (CS) and the role of personnel on CS at moment of thrust (MOT), the findings confirmed the necessity for continuous internal marketing and human relation management focusing on the lower level of JS facets.



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