• 제목/요약/키워드: Marine Building

검색결과 384건 처리시간 0.038초

고속선의 새로운 국제안전규칙 -화재안전규칙에 대하여- (International Code of Safety Regulation for High Speed Craft - as compared with Fire Safety Regulation-)

  • 박영규;신영식
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 1997
  • The application of all regulations during building phase, plus constant vigilance in operation is essential to reducing the risk of fire aboard. A Safety by design approach is increasingly important. Fire safety regulation can solve problems which are hard to be solved by HSC code(International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft). Recently HSC code is applied for ship design development or guidance to the designer and demonstrates many advantages. In this pages, ship fire Safety are realistically modeled as ship design and the shipboard fires & muster stations are analyzed using HSC Code.

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친환경 SCW공법용 지반고화재 경화체의 내해수특성 (Sea Water Resistance Properties of Ground Solidification Materials for Eco Friendly SCW)

  • 조정규;형원길
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2017년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.116-117
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    • 2017
  • The most important factor when designing coastal and offshore concrete structures is durability. However, concrete in marine environment is exposed to physical and chemical deterioration of seawater, which might easily lead to low quality. The purpose of the present study is to understand advantages of adding ground solidificaton materials by comparatively analyze the seawater resistance of general concrete and environmental-friendly ground solidification materials.

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황산이온 반응제어 물질을 이용한 자기치유 콘크리트에 관한 문헌 연구 (A Literature Study on Self Healing Concrete Using Reaction Control Materials of Sulfate Anion)

  • 김보석;장현오;이한승
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2016년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.122-123
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    • 2016
  • Sulfate anion which cause concrete degradation is affected on marine structures. There are two of control method concrete degradation which is arisen by sulfate anion. Cementitious materials prevent permeation of sulfate anion and water-binder ratio increase to improve watertightness. But, those methods are passive. So, this study is developing new materials which prevent actively concrete degradation on sulfate anion.

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해양치유자원 DB 구축 및 활용을 위한 웹 GIS 기반 해양치유포털 구축 (Development of a Web GIS-based Marine Healing Portal for Building and Utilizing Marine Healing Resource DB)

  • 박용길;김계현;이재혁;이성재;이기훈
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구에서는 해외에서는 각광을 받고 있는 해양치유를 국내에 적용하기 위한 시범연구로서 선정된 4개의 시범지자체를 대상으로 해사와 해수, 소금, 머드, 해조류, 산림, 기상 등 7개의 주요 해양치유 관련 자원을 수집하고 GIS 기반의 관련 DB를 구축하였다. 나아가 구축된 DB의 원활한 활용과 해양치유 관련 다양한 콘텐츠의 제공, 관련 산업의 활성화를 지원하기 위하여 웹GIS 기반의 해양치유포털을 구축하였다. 포털에는 GIS 기반의 해양치유에 필수인 해양자원의 주제도는 물론, 국내외 연구문헌, 해양치유요법 관련 매뉴얼과 시범 지자체의 해양치유 관련 다양한 프로그램 등을 포함하였다. 구축된 해양치유포털의 시범운영을 통하여 향후 국내 관련 산업의 활성화에 기여가 클 것으로 사료되었으며, 향후 해양치유자원의 확대 구축과 보다 다양한 콘텐츠의 확보를 위한 후속연구의 필요성도 대두되었다.

해양교통시설 통합관리시스템을 위한 개방형 운영시스템 구축 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Building of Open Operational System for the Integration Management System of the Maritime Traffic Facilities)

  • 전중성;이서정
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제34권8호
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    • pp.1135-1144
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    • 2010
  • 유무선 통신기술이 접목된 정보통신 및 제어기술을 이용하는 첨단해양교통시설은 안전한 해양교통환경을 보장할 수 있는 혁신적인 해양교통시설이다. 표준화를 기반으로 개발되어진 기술들을 통합한 해양교통시설은 항로표지 시스템의 관리와 원격 모니터링 분야에 그 응용기반이 확대되어져 가고 있다. 이러한 해양교통시설의 환경적 변화를 고려하여 시스템 독립성, 유연성, 확장성 등을 제공하는 해양교통시설 통합관리 시스템에서의 미들웨어 개념을 정의하고, 미들웨어에 적용 가능한 기술들을 조사하였으며 이를 바탕으로 하여 소프트웨어 구조와 인터페이스를 구성하고 그 구현 방안을 연구하였다.

고강도 용접구조용 강재 적용 장스팬 보부재의 해석적 내화성능 비교 연구 (Comparative Study for Long Span Beams built up with Sub-marine High Strength Structural Steels at High Temperature using Analytical Method)

  • 권인규
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2016년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.120-121
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the building has been changed into high-rise and long span and this yields a development of high performance structural steels in construction market. According to this effect, the SM 520 and the SM 570 were developed and utilized into steel building industry. However, the study for fire resistance of them were not done actively. In this study, to know and comparative the fire resistance performance of long span beams built up with high strength structural steels an analytical method is going to applied using mechanical and thermal properties at high temperature.

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해상교통안전진단제도에 따른 바다모래채취 주변수역에서의 통항선박 안전성 평가에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Evaluation for the Safety of Passing Vessel in the Vicinity of the Seasands Gathering Area By Marine Traffic Safety Diagnostic Scheme)

  • 김세원;박영수;이윤석
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.677-689
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the supplying of basic materials for construction of building as sand is big issues due to lack of shoreside supply. For solving this problem, many suppliers attempt to gather aggregate from the sea bottom of the EEZ & west coastal area of Korea. In this regard, the 'Jangantoe' which exists in the westside of the Daesan port is worth noticing as good seasand supplying areas. The Chungnam Aggregate Association have plan to gather of seasand from 'Gaduckdo 5 regions & Igok 3 regions' which lies westside about 6 miles off from the Jangantoe areas. This designated area also locates upper parts of the Gadaeam TSS(Traffic Separation Scheme) which is very useful passing routes for the sailing vessels of Inchon & Daesan ports. In this study, the evaluation of the safety for passing vessels in the vicinity of the seasand gathering area was performed by various methods of radar observations & GICOMS AIS data for marine traffics and vessel traffic-flow simulation of the 'Marine Traffic Safety Diagnostic Scheme'. By the results of this evaluation, I suggested comprehensive countermeasures for the safety of passing vessels in the near the seasand gathering area.

Simulation of a two-stroke diesel engine for propulsion in waves

  • Yum, Kevin Koosup;Taskar, Bhushan;Pedersen, Eilif;Steen, Sverre
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.351-372
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    • 2017
  • Propulsion in waves is a complex physical process that involves interactions between a hull, a propeller, a shaft and a prime mover which is often a diesel engine. Among the relevant components, the diesel engine plays an important role in the overall system dynamics. Therefore, using a proper model for the diesel engine is essential to achieve the reasonable accuracy of the transient simulation of the entire system. In this paper, a simulation model of a propulsion system in waves is presented with emphasis on modeling a two-stroke marine diesel engine: the framework for building such a model and its mathematical descriptions. The models are validated against available measurement data, and a sensitivity analysis for the transient performance of the diesel engine is carried out. Finally, the results of the system simulations under various wave conditions are analyzed to understand the physical processes and compare the efficiency for different cases.

중국의 해양전략 (China's Maritime Strategy)

  • 이원봉
    • 정보학연구
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 2009
  • After Chinese reforms and market opening, China actively started working on ways to attach importance to the ocean and it's maritime strategy has been developed and carried out by external and internal factors. We can take two things as external factors attributed to China's marine strategy. The first one is maritime environment change in the East Asian region and the second one is the strategic importance of Taiwanese Straits and the South China Sea. And we can take about national strategy, security strategy, and change of foreign policy as internal factors. China recognizes the ocean as a major step to achieve a goal of national development. The main goal of China's marine strategy in the 21st century is to secure marine transportation and marine resources and to make peaceful maritime environment in the ocean to keep up with their economic development by opening itself to the world. China has strengthened their defense abilities to act against threat of national security by modernizing sea forces and increased national power by building up the marine power. It is expected that China will continue to seek more aggressive maritime strategy on matters of national security as well as pour heir efforts into making economic development and obtaining energy resources. This will also be one factor making new dynamics between countries in and around the East Asian region.

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태풍에 의한 해양사고의 발생 특성 (Occurrence Characteristics of Marine Accidents Caused by Typhoon)

  • 양찬수
    • 해양환경안전학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 해양환경안전학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 2004
  • 매년 여름에서 가을까지의 기간에 걸쳐, 한반도 주변의 수역에서 선박들은 태풍의 영향으로 파손되거나 좌초되기도 한다. 2003년 9원 12일에서 13일에는 태풍 매미가 우리나라를 휩쓸었으며, 최소 110명이 죽거나 실종되었으며, 수많은 건물이 무너지고, 홍수에 의해 약 2만 5천명의 이재민이 발생하였으며, 선박들을 파괴하였다. 본 연구에서는 1962년에서 2002년까지의 기간 동안 태풍의 영향에 의해 해양사고로 이어진 경우에 대해서 해양사고의 재결내용을 조사하였다. 또한, 1990년에서 2003년까지 태풍이 지나간 궤적을 해양사고의 분포와 비교를 수행하였다. 태풍의 내습빈도와 해양사고 모두 8월에 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다.

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