• Title/Summary/Keyword: MAPS

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2002
  • In this paper we give an example of energy minimizing harmonic maps for which the set of singular points are two or more lines intersecting at a point.

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  • Hong, Suk Ho
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 1996
  • In this note, we study a relation between harmonic maps and exponential harmonic maps, and we show existence of Yang-Mills connections.

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Miniscalpel acupuncture points of the cervical region: A review

  • Kim, Ju-ran;Lee, Jung Hee;Gong, Han Mi;Jun, Seungah;Chung, Yeon-Joong;Park, Chung A;Choi, Seong Hun;Lee, Geon-Mok;Lee, Hyun-Jong;Kim, Jae Soo
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : We conducted a literature search to identify trends with respect to miniscalpel acupuncture points (MAPs) of the cervical region with the aim of providing guidance regarding miniscalpel acupuncture (MA) in the cervical region. Methods : We searched 2 overseas sites (PubMed and Google Scholar) and 5 domestic sites (NDSL, RISS, KISS, OASIS and Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal) for clinical trials of MA of the cervical region. The search terms used were "acupotomy or miniscalpel acupuncture or miniscalpel" and "cervical." Of 73 studies found, 11 were included in this review, 6 of which presented exact MAPs. Owing to the lack of data, we refer to 1 Korean and 4 Chinese articles to analyze the exact location and meaning of the MAPs used in the published studies and to propose other clinically applicable MAPs. Results : We identified 10 of the most commonly used MAPs in the published studies, including those located below the external occipital protuberance, 2-2.5 cm both side down of the external occipital protuberance, 4.5-5 cm both side down of the external occipital protuberance and C3-7 spinous process. Furthermore, we proposed 13 additional MAPs that can be used clinically. Conclusion : We hope that this study will form a basis for the development of MA and hope to improve the safety and reproducibility in future MA studies of the cervical region.

Development of Scanner Test and Vectorizing Programs for Digitization of Cadastral Maps (지적도면 전산화를 위한 스캐너 검사 및 벡터화 프로그램 개발)

  • Jeong, Dong-Heon;Jeong, Jae-Jun;Shin, Sang-Hee;Kim, Byung-Guk;Kim, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 1999
  • Much efforts are being process at many ways for digitization cadastral maps that will be the base map of Parceled Based Land Information Systems. But, current digitizing systems need too much time and cost digitizing about 720,000 cadastral maps. That's way we develop new digitization system for cadastral maps by using scanning and vectorizing methods. In this paper, we treat scanner test and vectorizing program that are the most important parts of new digitization system for cadastral maps. we analyze needs of Korean Cadastral Survey Corporation, and discuss algorithms and functions of developed programs. Using newly developed scanner test program, user could test various scanners, and use inexpensive scanner if it satisfy the accuracy needed. And vectorizing program will reduce much time and cost, because it is designed and customized practically to he adequate to cadastral maps and to improve work speed, accuracy and usage.

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Adaptation and validation of body maps for musculoskeletal pain location in patients with severe obesity

  • Mendonca, Carolina Rodrigues;Noll, Matias;Silveira, Erika Aparecida
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2018
  • Background: Although a variety of instruments implement body maps for the precise identification of pain symptoms, no instrument has been validated for use in people with obesity. This study reports the adaptation and validation of body maps for musculoskeletal pain location in people with obesity. Methods: Nine key anatomical regions were highlighted based on the original images of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire body maps. Adult silhouettes were generated from photographs of men and women with obesity. The body dimensions were adjusted to take into account the different body fat distribution patterns of people with obesity. The validity of the images was assessed by 12 experts. Subsequently, a data collection stage was performed with 58 patients with severe obesity from both sexes. The reproducibility of the images was tested by comparison with the original images. Results: The results of the validation pilot study indicated that the adapted images facilitated the location of musculoskeletal pain in men and women with obesity. The reproducibility of the original and adapted versions of the body maps indicated good agreement for pain over the last 12 months and 7 days (80% vs. 79.7%). Pain scores in the last 12 months indicated good and high sensitivity and specificity for all body areas (60.9% vs. 89.1%). Considering pain in the last 7 days, high sensitivity and specificity for all areas of the body (85.1% vs. 70.1%). Conclusions: The body maps developed in this study are reliable and valid to identify the location of pain in people with obesity.

Animated Mesh Compression with Semi-regular Remeshing (준균일 메쉬 재구성를 이용한 메쉬 시퀀스 압축 기법)

  • Ahn, Min-Su
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a compression method for animated meshes or mesh sequences which have a shared connectivity and geometry streams. Our approach is based on static semi-regular mesh compression algorithm introduced by Khodakovky et al. Our encoding algorithm consists of two stages. First, the proposed technique creates a semi-regular mesh sequence from an input irregular mesh sequence. For semi-regular remeshing of irregular mesh sequences, this paper adapts the MAPS algorithm. However, MAPS cannot directly be performed to the input irregular mesh sequence. Thus, the proposed remesh algorithm revises the MAPS remesher using the clustering information, which classify coherent parts during the animation. The second stage uses wavelet transformation and clustering information to compress geometries of mesh sequences efficiently. The proposed compression algorithm predicts the vertex trajectories using the clustering information and the cluster transformation during the animation and compress the difference other frames from the reference frame in order to reduce the range of 3D position values.

A Study of Visualization Scheme of Sensing Data Based Location on Maps (지도에서 위치 기반의 센싱 데이터 가시화 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Ik-Jun;Kim, Yong-Woo;Lee, Chang-Young;Kim, Do-Hyeun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2008
  • Recently, OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium) take the lead in SWE(Sensor Web Enablement) research that collection various context information from sensor networks and show it on map by web. OGC SWE WG(Working Group) defines a standard encoding about realtime spatiotemporal appear geographical feature, sensing data and support web services. This paper proposes a visualization scheme of sensing data based location on 2D maps. We show realtime sensing data on moving node that mapping GPS data on map. First, we present an algorithm and procedure that location information change to position of maps for visualization sensing data based on 2D maps. For verifying that algorithm and scheme, we design and implement a program that collecting GPS data and sensing data, and displaying application on 2D maps. Therefore we confirm effective visualization on maps based on web which realtime image and sensing data collected from sensor network.

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Morphological Classification of Knowledge Map for Science and Technology and Development of Knowledge Map Examples in the View of Information Analysis (과학기술 지식맵의 형태적 분류와 정보분석 관점의 지식맵 사례 도출)

  • Lee, Bangrae;Lee, June Young;Kim, Dohyun;Noh, Kyung Ran;Yang, Myung Seok;Kwon, Oh-Jin;Choi, Kwang-Nam;Kim, Han-Joon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.461-476
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    • 2013
  • Knowledge maps for science and technology are used extensively in the research projects. However, they are not organized systematically and are not necessarily suitable to be used in the research projects. Therefore, this study aims to organize the knowledge maps in order to support scientific research projects. To this end, the existing knowledge maps for science and technology are classified as one of four types based on data representation methods; the frequency summary map, trend summary map, distribution-based knowledge map and network-based knowledge map. Additionally, by summarizing and classifying the knowledge maps through the principle of 'five w's and one h', the unexplored area are investigated. Finally, some examples of useful knowledge maps in terms of data analysis are provided with details such as definitions, components and utilization purposes. These findings may be a starting point for future research into a better understanding of knowledge maps for science and technology.