• Title/Summary/Keyword: Low Dose Exposure

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Study of Factors Controlling Exposure Dose and Image Quality of C-arm in Operation Room according to Detector Size of It (Mainly L-Spine AP Study) (수술 중 C-Arm Neutral AP 검사 시 조절인자에 따른 피폭선량 및 화질비교(L-Spine AP검사를 기준으로))

  • CHOI, Sung-Hyun;JO, Hwang-Woo;Dong, Kyung-Rae;Chung, Woon-Kwan;Choi, Eun-Jin;Song, Ha-jin
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Time of operation has been reduced and accuracy of operation has been improved since C-arm, which offer real-time image of patient, was introduced in operation room. However, because of the contamination of patient, C-arm could not be used more appropriately. Therefore, this study is to know factors of controlling exposure dose, image quality and the exposed dose of health professional in operation room. Materials and methods: Height of Wilson frame (bed for operation) was fixed at 130 cm. Then, Model 76-2 Phantom, which was set by assembling manual of Fluke Company, was set on the bed. Head/Spine Fluoroscopy AEC mode was set for exposure condition. According to detector size of C-arm, the absorbed dose per min was measured in the 7 steps OFD (cm) from 10 cm to 40 cm (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 cm). In each step of OFD, the absorbed dose per min of same diameter of collimation was measured. Moreover, using Nero MAX Model 8000, exposure dose per min was measured according to 3 step of distance from detector (20 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm). Finally, resolution was measured by CDRH Disc Phantom and magnification of each OFD was measured by aluminum stick bar. Result: According to detector size of C-arm, difference of absorbed dose shows that the dose of 20 cm OFD is 1.750 times higher than the dose of 40 cm OFD. It means that the C-arm, which has smaller size of detector, shows the bigger difference of absorbed dose per min (p<0.05). In the difference of absorbed dose in the same step of OFD (from 20 cm to 40 cm), the absorbed dose of 9 inch detect or C-arm was 1.370 times higher than 12 inch' s (p<0.05). When OFD was set to 20 cm OFD, the absorbed dose of non-collimation case was approximately 0.816 times lower than the absorbed dose of collimation cases (p<0.05). When the distance was 20 cm from detector, exposed does includes first-ray and scatter-ray. When the distance was 60 cm and 100 cm from detector, exposed does includes just scatter-ray. So, there was the 2.200 times difference of absorbed does. Finally, when OFD was increased, spatial resolution was 4 to 5 step was increased. However, low contrast resolution was not relative. Moreover, there was 1.363 times difference of magnification (p<0.05). Conclusion: When C-Arm is used, avoiding contamination of patient is more important factor than reducing exposed dose of health professional in operation room. Just controlling exposure time is just way to reduce the exposed does of workers. However, in the case, non-probability influence could be occurred. Therefore, this study proved that the exposed dose will be reduced if the factors such as using small detector size of C-arm, setting OFD from 20 cm to 25 cm and non-collimating. Moreover, dose management of C-arm in the non-interesting area will be considered additionally.

A Calculation of the Cosmic Radiation Dose of a Semiconductor in a Geostationary Orbit Satellite Depending on the Shield Thickness (차폐체 두께에 따른 정지궤도위성용 반도체의 우주방사선 피폭 계산)

  • Heo, Jeong-Hwan;Ko, Bong-Jin;Chung, Bum-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.476-483
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    • 2009
  • Cosmic ray is composed of nuclear particles moving at a light speed. The cosmic ray affects the performance and the reliability of semiconductor devices by ionizing the semiconductor material. In this study, the radiation effects of protons, electrons, and photons, which compose the cosmic ray, on the GOS(Geostationary Orbit Satellite) were evaluated using the Monte-Carlo N-Particle code. The GOS was chosen due to the comparatively long exposure to the cosmic ray as it stays in the geostationary orbit more than 10 years. As the absorbed dose of semiconductor from electrons is much larger than those of protons, photons, and the secondary radiation, most of the radiation exposure of the semiconductors in the GOS results from that of electrons. When we compare the calculated absorbed dose with the radio-resistance of semiconductor, the Intel 486 of the Intel company is not suitable for the GOS applications due to its low radio-resistance. However RH3000-20 of MIPS and Motorola 602/603e can be applied to the Satellite when the aluminium shield is thicker than 3 mm.

DL-RRT* algorithm for least dose path Re-planning in dynamic radioactive environments

  • Chao, Nan;Liu, Yong-kuo;Xia, Hong;Peng, Min-jun;Ayodeji, Abiodun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.825-836
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    • 2019
  • One of the most challenging safety precautions for workers in dynamic, radioactive environments is avoiding radiation sources and sustaining low exposure. This paper presents a sampling-based algorithm, DL-RRT*, for minimum dose walk-path re-planning in radioactive environments, expedient for occupational workers in nuclear facilities to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. The method combines the principle of random tree star ($RRT^*$) and $D^*$ Lite, and uses the expansion strength of grid search strategy from $D^*$ Lite to quickly find a high-quality initial path to accelerate convergence rate in $RRT^*$. The algorithm inherits probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality from $RRT^*$ to refine the existing paths continually by sampling the search-graph obtained from the grid search process. It can not only be applied to continuous cost spaces, but also make full use of the last planning information to avoid global re-planning, so as to improve the efficiency of path planning in frequently changing environments. The effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method was verified by simulating radiation field under varying obstacles and radioactive environments, and the results were compared with $RRT^*$ algorithm output.

A Comparison of Dose-Response Assessments for CMR Materials in the Workplace (작업장에서 취급하는 CMR물질의 용량반응평가 방법 비교)

  • Lee, Kyung Hwa;Choi, Han Young;Kim, Chi Nyon;Roh, Young Man;Choi, Hee Jin;Park, Chae Ri
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Currently, there is only limited knowledge regarding the hazard of low-level exposure to CMR materials in workplaces. To overcome this limitation, a reference concentration for workers($RfC_w$) from among the risk assessment tools proposed by the US EPA is widely used to set a provisional workplace exposure level(PWEL) for CMR materials for which there are no established Korea Occupational Exposure Limits(KOELs) or subjective chemicals for work environment measurements as regulated by Korea Ministry of Employment and Labor(KMOEL). A simple European calculator of derived no effect level(SECO-DNEL) as proposed by REACH can also be used in place of $RfC_w$ to set the PWEL for chemicals. This study was performed to test the acceptability of using SECO-DNEL as an alternative to $RfC_w$ when setting a PWEL for low-level exposures. Methods: The $RfC_w$ and DNEL for the five CMR materials of dinitrogen oxide, catechol, 2-phenoxy ethanol, carbitol, and carbon black were calculated using the dose-response assessments of the US EPA for $RfC_w$ and REACH guidance for SECO-DNEL, respectively. They were compared using paired t-tests to determine the statistical differences between them. Results: For the five chemicals, the $RfC_w$ were 2.53 ppm, 0.10 ppm, 1.73 ppm, 1.66 ppm, and $0.05mg/m^3$, respectively, while the SECO-DNEL were 2.01 ppm, 0.11 ppm, 1.83 ppm, 1.77 ppm, $0.14mg/m^3$, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between $RfC_w$ and SECO-DNEL. Conclusions: This study suggests that the SECO-DNEL could be applied in place of $RfC_w$ to set a PWEL for low-level exposure to chemicals, especially CMR materials. To further ensure the reliability of SECO-DNEL as an alternative tool, more chemicals should be applied for calculation and comparison with $RfC_w$.

Conversion coefficients for the estimation of effective dose in cone-beam CT

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Rashsuren, Oyuntugs;Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: To determine the conversion coefficients (CCs) from the dose-area product (DAP) value to effective dose in cone-beam CT. Materials and Methods: A CBCT scanner with four fields of view (FOV) was used. Using two exposure settings of the adult standard and low dose exposure, DAP values were measured with a DAP meter in C mode ($200mm{\times}179mm$), P mode ($154mm{\times}154mm$), I mode ($102mm{\times}102mm$), and D mode ($51mm{\times}51mm$). The effective doses were also investigated at each mode using an adult male head and neck phantom and thermoluminescent chips. Linear regressive analysis of the DAP and effective dose values was used to calculate the CCs for each CBCT examination. Results: For the C mode, the P mode at the maxilla, and the P mode at the mandible, the CCs were 0.049 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, 0.067 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, and 0.064 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, respectively. For the I mode, the CCs at the maxilla and mandible were 0.076 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$ and 0.095 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, respectively. For the D mode at the maxillary incisors, molars, and mandibular molars, the CCs were 0.038 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, 0.041 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, and 0.146 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$, respectively. Conclusion: The CCs in one CBCT device with fixed 80 kV ranged from 0.038 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$ to 0.146 ${\mu}Sv/mGycm^2$ according to the imaging modes and irradiated region and were highest for the D mode at the mandibular molar.

Size-Specific Dose Estimation In the Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project: Does a 32-cm Diameter Phantom Represent a Standard-Sized Patient in Korean Population?

  • Kim, Eun Young;Kim, Tae Jung;Goo, Jin Mo;Kim, Hyae Young;Lee, Ji Won;Lee, Soojung;Lim, Jun-tae;Kim, Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1179-1186
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purposes of this study were to evaluate size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) of low-dose CT (LDCT) in the Korean Lung Cancer Screening (K-LUCAS) project and to determine whether CT protocols from Western countries are appropriate for lung cancer screening in Korea. Materials and Methods: For participants (n = 256, four institutions) of K-LUCAS pilot study, volume CT dose index ($CTDI_{vol}$) using a 32-cm diameter reference phantom was compared with SSDE, which was recalculated from $CTDI_{vol}$ using size-dependent conversion factor (f-size) based on the body size, as described in the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Report 204. This comparison was subsequently assessed by body mass index (BMI) levels (underweight/normal vs. overweight/obese), and automatic exposure control (AEC) adaptation (yes/no). Results: Size-specific dose estimate was higher than $CTDI_{vol}$ ($2.22{\pm}0.75mGy$ vs. $1.67{\pm}0.60mGy$, p < 0.001), since the f-size was larger than 1.0 for all participants. The ratio of SSDE to $CTDI_{vol}$ was higher in lower BMI groups; 1.26, 1.37, 1.43, and 1.53 in the obese (n = 103), overweight (n = 70), normal (n = 75), and underweight (n = 4), respectively. The ratio of SSDE to $CTDI_{vol}$ was greater in standard-sized participants than in large-sized participants independent of AEC adaptation; with AEC, SSDE/$CTDI_{vol}$ in large- vs. standard-sized participants: $1.30{\pm}0.08$ vs. $1.44{\pm}0.08$ (p < 0.001) and without AEC, $1.32{\pm}0.08$ vs. $1.42{\pm}0.06$ (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Volume CT dose index based on a reference phantom underestimates radiation exposure of LDCT in standard-sized Korean participants. The optimal radiation dose limit needs to be verified for standard-sized Korean participants.

Absorbed and effective dose from spiral and computed tomography for the dental implant planning (치과 임프란트 치료 계획을 위한 나선형 일반 단층촬영과 전산화 단층촬영시 흡수선량 및 유효선량 평가)

  • Hong Beong-Hee;Han Won-Jeong;Kim Eun-Kyung
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : To evaluate the absorbed and effective doses of spiral and computed tomography for the dental implant planning. Materials and Methods: For radiographic projection, TLD chips were placed in 22 sites of humanoid phantom to record the exposure to skin and the mean absorbed dose to bone marrow, thyroid, pituitary, parotid and submandibular glands and nesophagus. Effective dose was calculated, using the method suggested by Frederiksen et al.. Patient situations of a single tooth gap in upper and lower midline region, edentulous maxilla and mandible were simulated for spiral tomography. 35 axial slices (maxilla) and 40 axial slices (mandible) with low and standard dose setting were used for computed tomography. All the radiographic procedures were repeated three times. Results: The mean effective dose in case of maxilla was 0.865 mSv, 0.452 mSv, 0.136 mSv and 0.025 mSv, in spiral tomography of complete edentulous maxilla, computed tomography with standard mAs, computed tomography with low mAs and spiral tomography of a single tooth gap (p<0.05). That in case of mandible was 0.614 mSv, 0.448 mSv, 0.137 mSv and 0.036 mSv, in spiral tomography of complete edentulous mandible, computed tomography with standard mAs, computed tomography with low mAs and spiral tomography of a single tooth gap (p<0.05). Conclusions: Based on these results, it can be concluded that low mAs computed tomography is recommended instead of spiral tomography for the complete edentulous maxilla and mandible dental implant treatment planning.

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X-Rays through the Looking Glass: Mobile Imaging Dosimetry and Image Quality of Suspected COVID-19 Patients

  • Schelleman, Alexandra;Boyd, Chris
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2021
  • Background: This paper aims to evaluate the clinical utility and radiation dosimetry, for the mobile X-ray imaging of patients with known or suspected infectious diseases, through the window of an isolation room. The suitability of this technique for imaging coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients is of particular focus here, although it is expected to have equal relevance to many infectious respiratory disease outbreaks. Materials and Methods: Two exposure levels were examined, a "typical" mobile exposure of 100 kVp/1.6 mAs and a "high" exposure of 120 kVp/5 mAs. Exposures of an anthropomorphic phantom were made, with and without a glass window present in the beam. The resultant phantom images were provided to experienced radiographers for image quality evaluation, using a Likert scale to rate the anatomical structure visibility. Results and Discussion: The incident air kerma doubled using the high exposure technique, from 29.47 µGy to 67.82 µGy and scattered radiation inside and outside the room increased. Despite an increase in beam energy, high exposure technique images received higher image quality scores than images acquired using lower exposure settings. Conclusion: Increased scattered radiation was very low and can be further mitigated by ensuring surrounding staff are appropriately distanced from both the patient and X-ray tube. Although an increase in incident air kerma was observed, practical advantages in infection control and personal protective equipment conservation were identified. Sites are encouraged to consider the use of this technique where appropriate, following the completion of standard justification practices.

Dose and Image Evaluation of Pediatric Head Image according to CT Scan Mode and kVp Changes (CT Scan Mode와 관전압 변경에 따른 소아 두부 영상의 선량 및 영상평가)

  • Byeong-Je Kim;Dong-Hyun Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.801-808
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    • 2023
  • In order to minimize radiation exposure and secure diagnostic value images during CT examination of the head of children, the usefulness of volume axial mode is evaluated through comparison and analysis of exposure dose and images of volume axial mode, high pitch mode, and helical mode. Image evaluation and dose evaluation were performed in CT high pitch mode, helical mode, and volume axial mode for infants under the age of 1 according to the voltages of 70, 80, and 100 kVp tubes. The image evaluation was conducted by comparing image quality by setting ROI for each image, calculating SNR and CNR, using ONE-WAY (ANOVA) to evaluated statistical significance, and cross-examining the dose evaluation using DLP values displayed in the Dose Report. When inspected using volume axial mode, DLP values were generally low, and SNR and CNR values differed by ROI and kVp. When volume axial mode evaluated the quality of the image compared to other scan modes, the difference is not uniform. For the reason, certain modes are not considered excellent, but the exposure dose was reduced the most in terms of dose. In addition, the point that the volume axial mode can be examined at its original location, short scanning time and needless of table movement is useful for CT tests for children under 1 year of age with high radiation sensitivity.

Analysis of Chromosomal Aberration Induced by Low Dose of Radiation (저선량방사선에 의한 염색체이상 빈도)

  • Yi, Chun-Ja;Ha, Sung-Whan
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 1993
  • Chromosomal aberration analysis, as a basis for biological radiation dosimetry, was performed for radiation dose ranges below 150 cGy. The yield, ratio of lymphocytes with dicentric and/or ring chromosomes, was 0, 0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.8, 5.5, 8.0, and $18.5\%$ for 0,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 cGy, respectively. The Qdr, ratio of dicentric and ring chromosomes in total lymphocytes, was 0, 0, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.009, 0.018, 0.055, 0.084 and 0.207, respectively. The Qdr, ratio of dicentric and ring chromosomes in lymphocytes with aberration, was 1.0 for the radiation doses up to 75 cGy and 1.05 and 1.11 for 100 and 150 cGy, respectively. From the results, it seems possible to estimate radiation dose from Ydr when the exposure is 25 cGy or more. All the 5 radiation workers studied, with exposure much less than 1 mSv per month, had chromosomal aberrations. And acentric fragment pairs, in addition to dicentric and ring chromosomes, showed good dose response relationship and so may be useful for biological dosimetry for low dose radiation.

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