• Title/Summary/Keyword: Long-term slope stability

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지반의 열화에 따른 사면의 장기 안정성 검토 (Long-Term Slope Stability Considering Strength Degradation of Soil)

  • 강재모;반호기
    • 한국지반환경공학회 논문집
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    • 제25권11호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2024
  • 지반의 강도는 시간의 경과에 따라 그 정도가 감소한다. 이러한 강도의 감소는 실험이나 실측 데이터의 관측에 의하면 지수함 수형태의 감소경향을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 지반의 강도정수가 시간의 이력에 따라 감소하는 열화모델을 제시하였다. 제시된 모델을 이용하여 사면의 장기거동을 수치해석적인 방법을 이용하여 예측하고, 그 결과 값을 보여주었다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 사면의 장기적인 거동을 예측할 수 있으며, 예측된 결과를 바탕으로 사면의 보수/보강 시기를 결정할 수 있는 근거를 제시하였다.

절개사면에서의 보강단계별 사면안정성에 대한 해석적 연구 (An Analytical Study of Slope Stability to Reinforcement Stage in Cut Slope)

  • 강기천;송영석;홍원표;김태형
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2006년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.724-731
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate a landslide using the SLOPILE program from the slope reinforced by slope stability systems such as soil nailing and pile. To do this, cutting slope located at Donghae-Highway in Kwangwon-Do was considered. The behavior of slope was monitored for a long term by using instrumentation according to the reinforcement stages. The sequence of reinforcement stages was followed as pile installation, boring, soil nailing installation, anchoring and embankment. The result from this case study shows that the safety factor of slope depends on the reinforcement stage more or less.

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경상분지 셰일 지역에서의 절토사면 파괴 특성 (Failure Characteristics of Cut Slopes of Shale in Ky ngsang Basin)

  • 김경석;유병옥;이상돈
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2002년도 암반역학위원회 학술세미나 논문집
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2002
  • Stability of cut-slope is considered to have a deep relationship with rock types since rock has its own engineering and geological characteristic such as shear strength, durability, weathering profile, geological structures. Therefore, analysis of geological and engineering characterisics of rock mass is essential for the evaluation of rock slope stability This paper introduces the statistical data of slope failure cases which was collected from highway slopes constructed in sedimentary rock mainly of shale in Ky ng-sang Basin. Primary failure feature in this area is planar failure along the bedding regardless of slope geometry. Even a disasterous slope failure case due to the thick clay layer between the beddings was reported. Failures and rock fall were reported to ocurred frequently after the completion of cutting due to the weathering, so long-term slope stability should be considered as a important factors in design.

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극한 기후 조건하에서 풍화된 화강암반 절취사면에 대한 장기적 안정성 연구 (Long Term Stability of Slopes Excavated in Weathered Granite Rock Masses Subjected to Extreme Climatic Conditions)

  • 양광용;박연준;유광호;우익;박찬
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2003년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.655-662
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    • 2003
  • Slope stability is an important issue ill civil engineering works or in open pit mines where both economy and efficiency is required. These are the long-term stability problems which depend on the change of physical properties under a certain weather condition. These can also result in progress of weathering which can change mechanical or hydro-geological properties of rock mass considerably. In this study, weathering in nature was simulated by freeze-thaw test and Soxhlet test which represent mechanical and chemical weathering respectively. Measured were elastic wave velocities, absorption rate, volume change. Uniaxial compression strengths before and after the weathering tests were also measured. The change in weight and volume of the specimens were not clearly related to the weathering process, but P, S wave velocities were clearly decreased as weathering progresses. For some class of rocks, P-wave velocity was increased probably because of the saturation due to improved connectivity of the pre-existing pores. Based on the test results, stability of the slopes were analyzed using FLAC$\^$2D/. Due to the reduced strength parameters, the factors of safety were decreased for the selected sites.

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취성재료의 장기 강도시험 중 미소파괴음 신호 분석 (Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals during Long-Term Strength Tests of Brittle Materials)

  • 천대성;정용복
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구에서는 암석과 콘크리트의 정적 및 동적 장기강도시험을 통해 이들 재료의 시간 의존적 거동에 대해 연구했으며, 특히 장기강도시험 중 발생한 미소파괴음 신호를 분석하여 장기 안정성 평가에 활용하고자 하였다. 정적 장기강도시험의 경우 임계하 균열성장시험을 활용하여 Mode I과 Mode II에 대한 장기거동과 미소파괴음 발생특성을 분석하였으며, 동적 장기강도시험의 경우, 반복재하 4점 굴곡시험을 통한 장기강도의 한계와 미소파괴음 발생특성을 분석하였다. 미소파괴음 분석결과, 미소파괴음 히트 누적곡선 대 시간에 따른 곡선은 1차, 2차, 3차 구간이 있는 크립곡선의 모양과 유사한 모양을 보였다. 선형구간에 해당하는 미소파괴음 히트 누적곡선의 2차 구간의 기울기와 지연파괴시간과의 로그-로그 관계로부터 암석과 콘크리트의 정적 및 동적 장기 안정성을 평가하는 방안에 대한 가능성을 제시하였다.

S 석회석광산에서의 최종 잔벽사면의 안정성 평가 (Stability Assessment on the Final Pit Slope in S Limestone Mine)

  • 선우춘;이윤수;김현우;이병주
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2013
  • 노천광산사면은 일반적으로 경제성 문제로 지보대책을 고려하지 않고 설계된다. 그러나 최종 잔벽사면은 장기적인 안정성이 필요하므로 경우에 따라서는 안정성을 높일 수 있는 적절한 대책이 필요하다. 본 연구를 위해 S 석회석 광산의 지질 및 불연속면 조사, 암반평가, 강도시험 등 현장조사를 수행하였다. 그리고 최종 잔벽사면에 대해 평사투영, SMR, 수치해석을 통한 안정성 평가를 실시하고, 최종 잔벽사면의 처리방안을 제안하였다. 해석결과, 사면 전체규모에서 파괴는 예상되지 않지만, 벤치규모의 사면파괴는 발생할 가능성이 있다. 최종 잔벽사면은 프리스플리팅 발파로 정리하고, 중간 소단에 폭이 넓은 berm을 설치하거나 국부적으로 지하수 유출이 있는 곳에는 수평배수공 등을 시공하여 벤치사면의 안정성을 높일 수 있을 것이다.

경남 거제 지역 붕적토 사면의 붕괴 및 보강 사례 연구 (A Case Study on collapse and Reinforcement of Colluvial Deposit slopes in Kyeong-Nam Geo-Je area)

  • 정창덕;장정욱;박춘식
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2005년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.870-877
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    • 2005
  • This study examined a case of collapse and reinforcement of the colluvial deposit slope in Kyeongnam Geoje Area. The reason for the collapse was found first in the reduction of the resistant force due to slope-cut for constructing retaining walls. This decreased the resistant force against sliding, which enabled precipitation during the rainy period to seep into the ground in the upper colluvium, resulting in increase in porewater pressure. This leads to decreased shear strength and increased sliding force, which ultimately caused the collapse of the slope. For the long-term stability, methods attained for stability reinforcement are summarized in the following table.

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지중온도와 변형율과의 상관관계를 통한 활동영역의 추정 (Failure Zone Estimation from the correlation between the Temperature in Slope and the Soil Nail Strain)

  • 장기태
    • 지구물리
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2005
  • It is necessary, in the light of the importance of long-term slope stability problem, to develop a simple method or tool which can figure out the possible failure zone resulted from weathering effect and other factors. The FBG sensor system is used to estimate the correlations between the temperature and the slope in Kimhae, and to find a failure zone in slopes effectively. This research is to seek for the correlation between the soil temperature distribution and the strain distribution in a active zone by analyzing the data from the in-situ measurement so that the possible failure zone should be well defined based on the correlation. For instance, the zone of high temperature fluctuation can be regarded as one of the possible sliding zone due to the weathering effect while the constant temperature depth of the ground, if exists would not be relatively affected by the weathering process.

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사면보강재의 강우 및 온도에 의한 변형 해석 (Deformation Estimation of Slope Reinforced Materials by Rain and Temperature)

  • 홍성진;장기태;한희수
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2002년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.643-650
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    • 2002
  • It is necessary, in the light of the importance of long-term slope stability problem, to develop a simple method or tool which can figure out the possible failure zone resulted from weathering effect and other factors. The FBG sensor system is used to estimate the correlations between the temperature and the slope in Yunhwajae, and to find a failure zone in slopes effectively. This research is to seek for the correlation between the soil temperature distribution and the strain distribution in a active zone by analyzing the data from the in-situ measurement so that the possible failure zone should be well defined based on the correlation. The zone of high temperature fluctuation can be regarded as one of the possible sliding zone due to the weathering effect while the constant temperature depth of the ground, if exists, would not be relatively affected by the weathering process.

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An optical fibre monitoring system for evaluating the performance of a soil nailed slope

  • Zhu, Hong-Hu;Ho, Albert N.L.;Yin, Jian-Hua;Sun, H.W.;Pei, Hua-Fu;Hong, Cheng-Yu
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.393-410
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    • 2012
  • Conventional geotechnical instrumentation techniques available for monitoring of slopes, especially soil-nailed slopes have limitations such as electromagnetic interference, low accuracy, poor longterm reliability and difficulty in mounting a series of strain sensors on a soil nail bar with a small-diameter. This paper presents a slope monitoring system based on fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technology. This monitoring system is designed to perform long-term monitoring of slope movements, strains along soil nails, and other slope reinforcement elements. All these FBG sensors are fabricated and calibrated in laboratory and a trial of this monitoring system has been successfully conducted on a roadside slope in Hong Kong. As part of the slope stability improvement works, soil nails and a toe support soldier-pile wall were constructed. During the slope works, more than 100 FBG sensors were installed on a soil nail, a soldier pile, and an in- place inclinometer. The paper presents the layout and arrangement of the instruments as well as the installation procedures adopted. Monitoring data have been collected since March 2008. This trial has demonstrated the great potential of the optical fibre monitoring system for long-term monitoring of slope performance. The advantages of the slope monitoring system and experience gained in the field implementation are also discussed in the paper.