• Title/Summary/Keyword: Law System

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Legalistic Study Of The Subrogation Payment System In Emergency Medicine (현행 응급의료비 미수금대불제도에 대한 법리적 고찰)

  • Song, Ki-Min;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Lee, Young-Ho
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.139-179
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to investigate the present conditions and discuss the issues of the Subrogation payment system in emergency medicine. Hitherto preceding study is focusing on controversial of management or efficient control of Subrogation payment system in emergency medicine. The object of this study is legalistic study of the Subrogation payment system in emergency medicine. The Current legalistic issues of subrogation payment system in emergency medicine are the following aspects; Firstly, there are a claimant conformity to the standard limit. Secondly, the review system is not propriety of the promptitude. Thirdly, there is a lack of propriety claim for compensation of a support responsible person. Fourthly, there are objectivity and fairness of administrative appeal system Fifthly, the point where one starts counting of extinctive prescription. Sixthly, the administrative punishment is an illogical system. Lastly, equity and fairness of the Review Agency, as an insurance company and an review Agency are sameness In conclusion, we ought to improvement an unnecessary obstructions of promptitude in the Subrogation payment system in emergency medicine, and ensure a right of emergency medicine without delay.

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A law of large numbers for maxima in $M/M/infty$ queues and INAR(1) processes

  • Park, Yoo-Sung;Kim, Kee-Young;Jhun, Myoung-Shic
    • Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.483-498
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    • 1994
  • Suppose that a stationary process ${X_t}$ has a marginal distribution whose support consists of sufficiently large integers. We are concerned with some analogous law of large numbers for such distribution function F. In particular, we determine a weak law of large numbers for maximum queueing length in $M/M\infty$ system. We also present a limiting behavior for the maxima based on AR(1) process with binomial thining and poisson marginals (INAR(1)) introduced by E. Mckenzie. It turns out that the result of AR(1) process is the same as that of $M/M/\infty$ queueing process in limit when we observe the queues at regularly spaced intervals of time.

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On the Discrete-Time Version of the Distributional Little's Law (이산시간 대기행렬시스템에 대한 분포적 Little의 법칙의 활용)

  • Kim, Nam-Ki;Chae, Kyung-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.374-378
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    • 2001
  • We present a discrete-time version of the distributional Little's law, of which the continuous-time version is well known. Then we extend it to the queue in which two or more customers may depart at the same time. As a demonstration, we apply this law to various discrete-time queues such as the standard Geom/G/1 queue, the Geom/G/1 queue with vacations, the multi-server Geom/D/c queue, and the bulk-service Geom/$G^b$/1 queue. As a result, we obtain the probability generating functions of the numbers in system/queue and the waiting times in system/queue for those queues.

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A Study on Some Issues of Business and Law in relation to ICC Model Turnkey Contract - Focusing on ICC Model Contract for Turnkey Supply of Industrial Plant (ICC모델 턴키 계약의 쟁점에 관한 연구 - ICC Model Contract for Turnkey Supply of Industrial Plant를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Ok;Kim, Dae-Hwan
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    • v.54
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    • pp.189-209
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    • 2012
  • This Work intends to study on some issues of business and law in relation to Contract for Turnkey Base System. The continuing advance of export system of the plant with the importance for efficient and effective management emphasizes the need for business and legal approach to uniform international model contract. ICC Model Contract for Turnkey Supply of Industrial Plant by ICC covers a particular category of turnkey contract, i.e. contracts for the supply of a plant or production line to be erected within facilities which already exist or which are constructed by the purchaser. Furthermore, the application of the ICC Model Contract for Turnkey Supply of Industrial Plant leaves much to be desired from a business and legal point of view. Therefore, there would appear to be room for compromise between the supplier and purchaser in respect to make a contact for Turnkey supply of industrial plant.

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A study on the trajectory controllable minimum-time controller using modified bang-bang control law (뱅뱅 제어법을 변형한 중간 경로 제동이 가능한 최단시간 제어기의 개발)

  • 이현오;양우석
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.44-47
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    • 1996
  • Bang-bang control law provides the optimal solution for a minimum-time control problem, but ignores the intermediate path except for the initial and final points. In this paper, a near minimum-time suboptimal fuzzy logic controller is introduced that can control the intermediate path. A dynamic model for a system is established using the average dynamics method of linearization. System model is continuously updated over the control time periods. This makes it suitable for high speed or variable payload applications. Bang-bang control theory is modified and used to derive the preliminary control law. A fuzzy logic algorithm is then applied to adjust and find the best solution. The solution will provide the suboptimal minimum-time control law which can avoid obstacles in the workspace.

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A Study on the Control Law Design and Analysis Process (비행제어법칙 설계 및 해석 절차에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang Byung-moon;Cho In-jae;Kim Chong-sup
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.913-919
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    • 2005
  • An advanced method of Relaxed Static Stability (RSS) is utilized for improving the aerodynamic performance of modem version supersonic jet fighter aircraft. The flight control system utilizes RSS criteria in both longitudinal and lateral-directional axes to achieve performance enhancements and improve stability. Standard CLDA (Control Law Design and Analysis) process is provided that reduce the development period of the flight control system. In addition, if this process is employed in developing flight control laws, it reduces the trial and error development and verification of control laws. This paper details the design process of developing a flight control law for the RSS aircraft, utilizing military specifications, linear and nonlinea, analysis using XMATH and ATLAS(Aircraft, Tim Linear and Simulation), handling quality tests using the HQS (Handling Quality Simulator), and real flight test results to verify aircraft dynamic flight responses.

Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Linear Time-Varying System with an Additional Compensation Term (추가 보정항을 이용한 시변 시스템의 기준 모델 적응 제어)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyun;Yoon, Tae-Woong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.11c
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    • pp.54-57
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    • 2002
  • In this paper model reference adaptive control (MRAC) of linear time-varying(LTV) systems is considered. MRAC for a linear time invariant(LTI) system does not assure the boundedness of the output and parameter estimation errors in the presence of time variations of the parameters. However, changing the adaptive laws such as use of $\sigma$-modification can result in the boundedness of the output and parameter estimation errors[5]. Together with the $\sigma$-modification in the adaptive law, we also modify the control law by adding an additional term to the standard control law. The additional term leads to smaller bounds of the output and parameter estimation errors when compared to the case where only the standard control law is applied.

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Convergence Analysis on Conversation between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law in EBS 'Multicultural Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Biograph' (EBS '다문화 고부 열전'에서 나타난 고부간 대화에 대한 융복합적 분석)

  • Yang, Eun-Mi;Lee, Hyun-Sim
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2017
  • This study tries to figure out the communication types between a mother-in-law and a foreign daughter-in-law through their 'confrontational conversation.' For this, three episodes of 'Multicultural Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Biography' aired by EBS (Education Broadcasting System) were monitored. The dialogues between the mother-in-law and the foreign daughter-in-law were written down and analyzed. According to the result, there were 'dysfunctional communication' styles during their conversation. Theses styles deepened their conflict. Thus, to abate the conflict between the mother-in-law and the foreign daughter-in-law, this study suggested that it was necessary to develop the convergence counseling program and the family therapy for their functional communication.

An Legal-doctrine Investigation into the Application of ADR to Administrative Cases (행정사건에 대한 ADR의 적용에 관한 법이론적 고찰)

  • 이용우
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.459-488
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    • 2004
  • General interest in the out-of-court dispute resolution system are mounting in Korea, and the spread of ADR(alternative dispute resolution) is the worldwide trend. In addition, it was confirmed that the resolution of disputes by ADR such as the decision based on arbitration made by the Prime Ministerial Administrative Decision Committee is no longer in exclusive possession of the civil case. The activation of ADR could lead to the smooth agreement between parties by getting away from the once-for-all mode of decision such as the dismissal of the application or the cancellation of disposal and the like in relation to administrative cases for the years. In consequence, it is anticipated that the administrative litigation that applicants have filed by not responding to the administrative decision would greatly reduce in the future. But, it would be urgent to provide for the legal ground of the ADR system through the revision of related laws to take root in our society because ADR has no legal binding power relating to the administrative case due to the absence of its legal grounds. The fundamental reason for having hesitated to introduce ADR in relation to the administrative case for the years is the protective interest of the third party as well as the public interest that would follow in case the agreement on the dispute resolution between parties brings the dispute to a termination in the domain of the public law. The disputes related to the contract based on the public law and the like that take on a judicial character as the administrative act have been settled within the province of ADR by applying the current laws such as the Civil Arbitration Law, Mediation Law, but their application to the administrative act of the administrative agency that takes on a character of the public law has been hesitated. But as discussed earlier, there are laws and regulations that has the obscure distinction between public and private laws. But there is no significant advantage in relation to the distinction between public and private laws. To supplement and cure these defects it is necessary to include the institutional arrangement for protection of the rights and benefits of the third party, for example the provision of the imposition of the binding power on the result of ADR between parties, in enacting its related law. It can be said that the right reorganization of the out-of-court dispute resolution system in relation to the administrative case corresponds with the ideology of public administration for cooperaton in the Administrative Law. It is high time to discuss within what realm the out-of-court dispute resolution system, alternative dispute resolution system, can be accepted and what binding power is imposed on its result, not whether it is entirely introduced into the administrative case. It is thought that the current Civil Mediation Law or Arbitration Law provides the possibility of applying arbitration or mediation only to the civil case, thereby opening the possibility of arbitration in the field of the intellectual property right law. For instance, the act of the state is not required in establishing the rights related to the secret of business or copyrights. Nevertheless, the disputes arising from or in connection with the intellectual property rights law is seen as the administrative case, and they are excluded from the object of arbitration or mediation, which is thought to be improper. This is not an argument for unconditionally importing ADR into the resolution of administrative cases. Most of the Korean people are aware that the administrative litigation system is of paramount importance as the legal relief for administrative cases. Seeing that there is an independent administrative decision system based on the Administrative Decision Law other than administrative litigation in relation to administrative cases, the first and foremost task is the necessity for the shift in thinking of people, followed by consideration of the plan for relief of the rights through the improvement of the administrative decision system. Then, it is necessary to formulate the plan for the formal introduction and activation of ADR. In this process, energetic efforts should be devoted to introducing diverse forms of ADR procedures such as settlement conference, case evaluation, mini-trial, summary jury trial, early neutral evaluation adopted in the US as the method of dispute resolution other than compromise, conciliation, arbitration and mediation

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The study of teachers' recognition analysis for system construction administrative and financial support system of integrated early education program (유아통합교육의 행·재정 지원체제 시스템 구축을 위한 교원의 인식 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Ok-Heui;Lee, Ki-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the recognition on the administrative and financial support system to execute integrated early education program by kindergarten and educational offices. The results were as follows. First, there has been a difference of recognition by three variables: 1) teachers' position in the area of all, law and institution, curriculum, administrative and financial support, and assessment, 2) educational career in the area of all, law and institution, curriculum, and supervision, 3) integrated education career in the area of all, law and institution, administrative and financial support and assessment. Second, there has been a difference of recognition by two variables: 1) kindergarten institutional establishment in the area of all, law and institutions, curriculum, teaching-learning, financial support, and assessment. 2) size in the area of all, law and institutions, curriculum, supervision, administrative and financial support, and assessment.

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