• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Classification

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A Study on the Roof Components of the Traditional Single-Room Square Type Pavilion (한칸형 전통 사각정자의 지붕부 연구)

  • Jeong, Da-In;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2021
  • Pavilion is an important landscape installation in the traditional landscaping and a representative facility that organizes space. To interpret and succeed the traditional landscape space, researches on the shape and structure of the traditional pavilion are also needed. However, researches on the style and structure of the traditional pavilion are difficult to be found. Accordingly this study aimed to identify the structural characteristics of roof part that occupied the largest portion in determining the shape of pavilion. Our research findings are as follows. As a result of analyzing 15 traditional Single-room square pavilions whose structure could be identified, it was found that the main building elements that distinguished the type of roof part in the Single-room square were crossbeam, ridge pole, and baluster. Depending on the presence of roofing members, pavilion was classified into five types: crossbeam, crossbeam+ridge pole, crossbeam+baluster, ridge pole, and baluster. In addition, as a result of analyzing the load and joint that worked on crossbeam based on the shape classification of roof part, it was found that in the traditional Single-room square pavilion, crossbeam was designed to play a balancing role between pillar and load. This study is significant in that it attempted to make a close interpretation of the shape of roof part in the pavilion and the role and function of building elements in terms of size, ratio, and load.

A Study on the Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture Construction Principles by the Type Outside Relics (발굴유적 외부공간의 유형별 경관계획 및 조경시공 원칙 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to present specific standards for landscape planning and construction applicable to landscaping areas in various historical sites. The results are as follows: First, the types of historical sites are classified according to their preservation status and processing techniques, and the classification according to their status is divided into those that have been buried underground, such as those that have been exposed to the ground, such as buildings and structures, and those that have a reputation or a record of the sites. The classification according to the wartime processing technique was classified by such techniques as closures that isolate the site, penetration that can be seen on the site, and overlays where a separate protection facility is installed on the site. Second, the principles of landscape planning for display of historical sites are divided into the items that make up the historical site, surface treatment of the sites, tree planting, and installation of facilities. If the site is not a circular space, the area separating the space by different materials between the components is required. In the event that preservation of the historical site is required, it is deemed desirable to use the soil, and to do so, the use of grasses and shrubs is effectively considered to be effective. The introduction of plants and plants should be considered according to the nature of the space. Depending on the area and nature of the monument, the facility is required to take a cautious approach by reviewing its influence on the landscape and the additional excavation of the monument. Third, the readjustment method derived as a result of looking at the landscaping principle in the historical site space was classified as conservation of status, installation of protection facilities, burial, restoration, relocation, and reproduction. Preservation of the status quo is essential for limited landscape planning and should not affect the prototype of existing relics. The protection facility shall be installed where necessary to protect the relics, and when the soil is formed, the surface treatment shall be required to remove trees that could damage the site and prevent soil and soil oil from being lost after the site. The restoration shall establish a landscaping plan according to the circular preservation based on the clues to the circle. The transfer requires a landscaping plan to create an environment similar to the outer space of an existing site and should be able to highlight the value or location of the original site. The reenactment should have a landscaping plan to revive the landscape and atmosphere of the past for the now-defunct remains. Fourth, landscaping can simultaneously satisfy the preservation of excavation sites and the increase in exhibition effects. In order to protect the traces of the past and vitalize the site of the ruins today, specific measures are required, the creation of a park for historical sites that preserve the functions and value of the relics, and the formation of a shape of linked contents can be suggested as alternatives.

Development of BIM Templates for Vest-Pocket Park Landscape Design (소공원의 조경설계를 위한 BIM 템플릿 개발)

  • Seo, Young-hoon;Kim, Dong-pil;Moon, Ho-Gyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2016
  • A BIM, which is being applied actively to the construction and civil construction industries, is a technology that can maximize efficiency of various sectors from initial planning and design, construction, and maintenance, to demolition; however, it is in the introductory phase in the field of domestic landscaping. In order to introduce and promote BIM in the field of landscape design, this study developed a prototype of a library and template and analyzed the performance of trial application. For the development of a prototype, annotations and types were analyzed from floor plans of existing small parks, and components of landscape template were deduced. Based on this, play facilities, pergola, and benches were madeintofamily and templates, making automatic design possible. In addition, annotations and tags that are often used in landscape design were made, and a 3D view was materialized through visibility/graphic reassignment. As for tables and quantities, boundary stone table, mounding table, summary sheet of quantities, table of contents, and summary sheet of packaging quantities were grouped and connected with floor plans; regarding landscaping trees, classification criteria and name of trees that are suitable for domestic situations were applied. A landscape template was created to enable the library file format(rfa) that can be mounted on a building with BIM programs. As for problems that arose after the trial application of the prepared template, some CAD files could not be imported; also, while writing tables, the basis of calculation could not be made automatically. Regarding this, it is thought that functions of a BIM program and template need improvement.

Analysis of Setting Indicators for the Selection of Landscape Simulation View Point and their Importance to Improve the Quality of Landscape Plans (경관계획의 질적 향상을 위한 경관시뮬레이션 조망점 선정의 지표설정 및 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Im jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.709-718
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    • 2016
  • The study considers viewpoints for qualitative improvement of landscape planning based on research literature, books and reports. By classifying items used in this study, evaluation criteria was derived for viewpoint selection using SPSS Statistics. In addition, we establish weights and prioritize viewpoints by measuring the relative importance within the hierarchical index. The analysis results are as follows: First, 16 viewpoints were determined using surveys from experts to establish specific and systematic plans for landscape simulation. Second, with respect to the medium classification level of viewpoint evaluation, the most important factor found was 'view' followed by 'publicness' and 'place.' Third, priority by viewpoint was found to exhibit the following order of relative importance: visual openness of viewpoint, favorability as view target, cultural property space, historicity, public place, gateway place, area where the target can be observed, thickly-populated or most-used place, place where various shapes of targets and surrounding landscape can be identified, ecological protection area, river and waterside area, viewing angle (relief-etching), viewing direction, major roads, distance between the viewpoint and the target, and plains and farmland. These results can contribute to developing systematic and reliable analysis frame for qualitative improvement of landscape planning and evaluating landscape simulation.

Poly Synonyms Study on Naturalness in Landscape Architecture (조경학 연구에서 자연성 개념의 다의적 체계 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Jin;Kim, Do-Eun;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2023
  • In landscape studies, the concept of naturalness was vast in its categories from physical space to cognitive systems, making it difficult to define terms at once. Therefore, this study summarized the concept and evaluation attributes of 'naturalness' used in the literature through systematic review (SR), and identified the scope of individual attributes that constitute the meaning of naturalness. In addition, the individual attributes classified in previous studies were identified as the meaning chain, one of the cognitive linguistic research methods, and applied to papers targeting naturalness among domestic landscape studies to organize a polysemous meaning system. Meaning chain is a suitable method for grasping words whose meaning expands in a chain due to family resemblance around prototypical meaning, and the dimension is classified according to the classification of naturalness evaluation items and a multi-semantic chain system of naturalness concepts discussed in domestic academia. The results of the study are as follows. First, the attributes of naturalness extracted through foreign landscape literature were classified into four areas: nature perceived as wilderness, nature as non-artificiality, nature as visual landscape, and nature as experience, and 13 detailed attributes. Second, these detailed attributes are generally consistent with domestic landscape studies, but their specific cases were different, and a Korean context was presented in perception of time accumulation, also they suggested that there may be a mutual conflict between naturalness attributes.

The Present and Future for the Protection, Management and Planning of Landscape in the Country - A Perspective from Holism - (국토경관 보호·관리·계획의 현재와 미래 - 전체론의 관점을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Je-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, in the European countries, landscape is spoken of its importance as often as environment, by those who are engaged in such fields as politics, administration, research and civil society. In Korea, while recognizing such an international trend, academics and administrators have made a series of efforts to reflect landscape concept on a variety of policies. However, it is recognized that the effects of these policies have not been satisfactory. Under these circumstances, this paper aims to examine the complex values and multiple meanings in the landscape, which have been discussed by landscape experts in the European countries. Then, it aims to the explore the future direction of policy and research on the landscape to be pursued in Korea, where there is relatively less interest in the issues of landscape. It is argued that landscape should be approached and understood from a holistic perspective, because it is a very complex concept with multiple meanings that have been coined differently depending on the situation. All the academic fields, involved in the landscape research, should try in co-operation to develop the comprehensive approach rather than the inter- and multi-disciplinary approach to the landscape study. In Korea, moreover, it is also necessary in the legislation to recognize the fact that degradation and retreat in the quality of landscape would make a negative effect on the quality of human daily life. Natural and cultural heritages contained in the rural landscape are also now in danger of disappearing. These heritages, therefore, should become an important subject for research and policy on landscape before the countryside is completely evacuated after the aging population die out. To make this happen, it is very urgent that evaluation and classification of landscape character should be undertaken from the holistic perspective, which is equipped with a methodology overcoming as well as encompassing the boundaries of academic fields. It is also equally very urgent that education on landscape should be provided to the politicians, citizens and students as well as the officials dealing with landscape matters. Finally, government should strive to make the landscape concept penetrate deeply as well as widely into the spatial planning and legislation process while designing and implementing a comprehensive landscape policy at the national level.

A Study on Status of Landscape Architecture Industry with National Statistics (국가통계자료를 활용한 조경산업 현황 연구)

  • Choi, Ja-Ho;Yoon, Young-Kwan;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2022
  • This study carried out to provide the methodology and basic status material of using Korean national statistics needed to find the actual state of the landscape architecture industry. The landscape architecture industry was classified into 'Design', 'Construction Management', 'construction', 'Maintenance & Management', 'Materials', 'Research', 'Education', and 'Administration' areas. In each field, business types were systemized and associated in accordance with Korean standard industrial classification and legislations pertinent to construction. Among them, the business types directly defined in the construction related legislations under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport were focused on, and the establishment, association, integration, distribution, duplication, and omission of national statistics were analyzed. As a result, the business types of statistical analysis were selected. In order for commonality of statistical items and minimized error of interpretation, semantic analysis was conducted. Finally, the number of registered business types, the number of workers, and sales were selected. Based on them, the analysis framework applicable to fundamental analysis and evaluation of the actual state of the industry was proposed. Actual national statical data were applied for analysis and evaluation. In 2019, the number of registered business types related to the landscape architecture industry was 12,160, the number of workers by business type was 106,296, and the sales by business type were 8,308.5 billion KRW. The number of registered business types and the number of workers had been on the rise from 2017, whereas the sales had been on the decrease. It is required to come up with a plan for industrial development. This study was conducted with the national statistics established by multiple public institutions, so that there are limitations in securing consistency and reliability. Therefore, it is necessary to establish systematic and consistent national statistics in accordance with 「Landscaping Promotion Act」. In the future, it will planned to research application and development plans of national statistics according to subjects including park and green.

A Study of Morphometric Characteristics and Mountain Classification in Korean Mountainses (우리나라 산지의 형태적 특성과 산지분류에 관한 연구)

  • Tak, Han Myeong;Park, Sun-Yurp
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2017
  • This research was classified mountain areas with high ecological, environmental and resource value among the macro scaled terrain that can be checked at the space scale of less than 1:1,000,000 and analyzed the topographical characteristics. It has been confirmed that the mountains of the Korean peninsula belong to the groups IV, V, VI(classification by Kapos et al.(2000)) as a result of applying the quantitative standards for designation of mountain areas to the global mountain system. The area of mountains calculated using high resolution DEM is equivalent to 48% of the area of the Korean peninsula, and the result is quite different from the general idea of which 70% is the mountain area of the Korean peninsula. The mountain areas show the distribution of geomorphons, that is different from the plains and the hills and also, it shows the differences between the mountains of the groups IV~ VI classified according to the altitude. As a result of analyzing the relations among type pattern, slope, and relief, specific geomorphons are concentrated at $10^{\circ}$ and $20^{\circ}$ and it shows the possibility to classify the mountainous areas into two groups based on the result that the distribution of landform patterns are bimodal in the relation to the amount of relief.

The Urban Parks and Rivers Contribute to the Citizen Satisfaction and Utilization in Uijeongbu City

  • Kim, Yoo-Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2010
  • This research aimed at measuring Park and Green Satisfaction (PGS) using subjective indicators of 'surface, line and spot' green evaluated by citizens. Also frequency of visits to park and green measured using objective indicators (number of visits) to find the relationship with PGS. A conceptual model of PGS was developed to relate evaluation to satisfaction and finally to utilization of open spaces. A sample of 500 questionnaire survey was employed for Uijeongbu City in Korea. A Structual Equation Modeling (AMOS) techniques was used to test the hypothesized relationship among factors (construct). As a result, first, PGS was explained by three latent factors of 'urban park' (${\gamma}=0.54$), 'linear facilities' (${\gamma}=0.25$), and 'surface green' (${\gamma}=0.15$) respectively. These three exogenous construct was found very useful classification system for open spaces of cities. Second, PGS (${\gamma}=0.34$) was found as a mediating variable to utilization of open spaces and also PGS was closely related to citizens Environmental Quality Satisfaction (EQS), such concept as, 'livability' and 'aesthetic quality'. The more satisfied with park and green the more people use the space. The PGS was an important QOL indicator together with the subjective indicator of 'livability'. Third, jogging and walking trails and bike ways along the river corridor was the most important green facilities contribute to the PGS and EQS. The near the distance (within 500m) the more number of visit to river corridor (green way). The river corridor promote accessibility to nature and other parks.

Amenity Improvement Directions for Eup and Myun in Jinan County through a Rural Amenity Resources Analysis (진안군 농촌 어메니티 자원 분석을 통한 읍.면별 어메니티 증진 방안)

  • Park, Jae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to find directions for the improvement of amenities for Jinan according to Eup and Myun through an analysis of survey data on rural amenity resources. This survey was performed over a period of 4 years(from 2005 to 2008). The data were collected by field survey, interview, and internet site. Analyses of descriptive statistics, regression and correlation were performed to identify the characteristics of each Eup/Myun in Jinan County and the relationship between each resource. Rank analysis was performed to classify the type of each region. Through this, directions for the improvement of amenities in Jinan according to Eup and Myun are presented.