• Title/Summary/Keyword: LOHAS lifestyle

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University Students' Attitudes toward Valuable Consumption to the Types of LOHAS Lifestyle (대학생들의 로하스적 생활유형에 따른 가치소비태도)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.869-878
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to review university students' attitudes towards value-based consumption and their influences on it to the types of LOHAS lifestyle. The statistical analysis was based on a questionnaire survey by 275 subjects. Several attitude variables included in the study such as 'attitudes toward LOHAS lifestyle', 'environment', 'charity', 'need of business ethics', 'investment into socially responsible business', and 'good consumption'. By the results of the study, first, students' attitudes and concerns about the environment were positive, however, not expanded to the absolutely positive attitudes for their future society. Second, there is no clear relationship between their participation in the community and their attitudes to the LOHAS lifestyle. Third, university students' consumption was not based on the values of LOHAS, but on the attitudes to their own well-being. Fourth, groups with lower income and with no religious tendency revealed more positive attitudes toward LOHAS lifestyle than other groups. Fifth, there are some relations between LOHAS lifestyle and the individual's economic role performances such as the attitudes to 'environment', 'charity', 'need of business ethics,' 'investment into socially responsible business', and 'good consumption'.

Characteristics of Lohas Fashion Represented Green Design in 2000's (2000년대 그린디자인에 나타난 로하스(Lohas)의 패션특성 분석)

  • Park, Su-Min;Yoo, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.307-318
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the environmental problems have surfaced as serious social issues. More people become aware of the environments and seek for new kinds of lifestyle Lohas. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expressional characteristics of Lohas fashion design in ready-to-wear collection from 2000 till 2005. In the study, green design which was the base of Lohas fashion, was first examined, which was followed by an analysis of Lohas styles to understand the green design-oriented characteristics of Lohas fashion in the current fashion trends. The findings were as follows: First, the lifestyle of Lohas values 'environment-friendliness', 'sustainability', 'importance of health' and 'sensitivity'. Second, the distinguishing features of Lohas lifestyle categorize the Lohas fashion into five different looks: 'Lohas Natural Look', 'Lohas Vintage Look', 'Lohas Redesign Look', 'Lohas Multi look', and 'Lohas Wellness Look'. This study set out to provide useful results to be used as the basic data in studying design and related areas where they would develop fashion products for the consumers with the latest tastes as well as to promote environment protection.

A Study on the Naturalistic Cosmetics Purchasing Behavior and Attitudes According to Women (성인 여성의 로하스 라이프스타일에 따른 자연주의 화장품 구매행동과 태도)

  • Park, Im-Koo
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify purchasing behavior and attitudes toward naturalistic cosmetics according to women's LOHAS lifestyle. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 500 women aged 19-59. SPSS was used for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Factors of LOHAS lifestyle were social consciousness, reduce resources, family centered, individuality & environmental consciousness, healthy food life, and information search. Women were clustered into bad-being group, environmentalists, LOHAS group, well-being group, and individualists. 2. Most women had a bit of knowledge and experienced naturalistic cosmetics. Over 85% of women had intention to use naturalistic cosmetics. 3. Bad-being group and individualists included university women and had little knowledge and experiences of naturalistic cosmetics. LOHAS group and well-being group included more career women with higher education, had more knowledge and experiences. 4. Knowledge and experiences of naturalistic cosmetics were the most effective factors on the use intention of naturalistic cosmetics.

Awareness of Environmental Pollution and Attitudes toward Eco-Friendly Clothing according to Women's LOHAS Lifestyle (성인 여성들의 로하스 라이프스타일에 따른 환경오염 인지와 친환경 의류에 대한 태도)

  • Kim, Yong-Sook
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study were to identify awareness of pollution and attitudes toward eco-friendly clothing according to women's LOHAS lifestyle. Over 60% of women were not aware of severity of environment pollution by clothing wastes and 37.2% kept their not-wearing clothing in dead storage. 26.7% of women disposed not-wearing clothing into clothing collecting box separately and 20.9% sent them to neighbors or friends. 39.4% of women were willing to pay 10% more for eco-friendly clothing and 84.6% were not willing to buy clothing produced by unethical companies. Factors of LOHAS lifestyle were healthy food, environmental protection, family life, healthy clothing, healthy housing, and community service, and were segmented into using leisure group, family centered group, LOHAS group, and LOHAS stagnated group. Using leisure group were university women with low incomes, well aware of environmental pollution by clothing wastes and eco-friendly clothing, kept their not-wearing clothing into dead storage, and low intention to buy clothing produced by unethical companies. Family centered group were women of 30’s with average income and higher educationl, unaware of environmental pollution by clothing wastes and eco-friendly clothing, but low intention to buying them, disposed not-wearing clothing into clothing collecting box. LOHAS group were the over forties home makers with higher income and education, well aware of severity of environmental pollution, sent not-wearing clothing to others or remodeled, intended to buy eco-friendly clothing, and not to buy clothing produced by unethical companies. LOHAS stagnated group were university students, unaware of severity of environmental pollution by clothing wastes and threw not-wearing clothing into trash box, no experience of eco-friendly clothing, could buy clothing produced by unethical companies if needed.

A Study of the Effects of a Mother's LOHAS Lifestyle Attitude on Children's Dietary Habits, Food Behavior, and Health-related Lifestyles (모(母)의 로하스(LOHAS) 라이프스타일이 자녀의 식습관, 식행동 및 건강생활습관에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Yeon-Jung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of children's dietary quality, dietary habits, food behavior and health-related lifestyles according to the mother's lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS). The subjects were 580 children. Mother's LOHAS attitude index was 66.85 points and 100 points was a perfect score. The mother's high LOHAS attitude items that children perceived were "My mother often communicates with the family"(3.99 points) and "My mother thinks that the family's health is more important than her health"(3.93 points). In contrast, the LOHAS attitude items for "My mother does community service activity on weekends"(2.78 points), and "My mother participates in environmental protection service activity for the local community"(2.78 points) were very low. The high LOHAS behavior index of mothers was "resource saving", whereas "social welfare" scored low. When self-perceived health status and monthly income of children was high, the mother's LOHAS score was high. The LOHAS attitude index of mothers had a meaningful impact on the children's dietary quality, dietary habits, food behavior and health-related lifestyles. The most frequent food behavior variables were "high skipping rate", "frequency of snacks is 2~4 times per week", "speed of eating is rapid", and 'meals' amount is sufficient. The highest daily life habits item was "I try to maintain a pleasant and enjoyable life style"(3.42 points). The highest nutrient intake attitude score was "I tend to eat rice everyday."(3.41 points). They were highly recognized with "moderate physical activity", "high exercise preference", "positive posture exercise", "exercise <2 days per week", and "over 30 minutes exercise time per day" for the exercise performance status items. It was verified that the higher mother's LOHAS lifestyle score is, the higher children's food behavior, daily life habits, nutrient intake, exercise performance state score are.

Biochemical Crop Protecting Agents for LOHAS (LOHAS 생화학 작물보호제 개발)

  • Choi, Jung-Sup;Ryu, Choong-Min;Han, Byung-Soo;Lee, Dong-Hee;Hwang, In-Taek
    • Prospectives of Industrial Chemistry
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2011
  • 앞으로 글로벌 시장에 진입할 수 있는 작물보호 신물질 개발을 위해서는 기술 난이도가 크면서 파급성 및 경제성을 갖는 친환경 신규작용점 탐색과 독창적 Scaffold를 갖는 후보물질 또는 천연물소재 발굴에 주력해야 하며, 이를 지원하는 HTS, 화합물은행 및 천연물은행 활용 분자설계 및 최적화 합성기술 등 후보물질 발굴 핵심 기술개발에 국가적인 지원이 지속적이고 장기간에 걸쳐 이루어져야 한다. 고품질의 식량생산 관리기술은 물론 석유대체 에너지 확보를 위한 농작물 바이오매스(작물, 사료, 바이오연료 등) 생산관리기술로서, 그린바이오기반(Target 효소, 천연물소 재탐색응용) 저탄소 녹색성장을 실현시키기 위한 친환경적인 생화학 작물보호제 개발이 필요하다. 또한 인구 증가와 유가상승 등 전 세계적인 경제위기 극복과 이산화탄소 증가에 따른 온난화 등 지구환경보존의 중요성이 크게 증가되면서 안전한 먹거리 생산과 환경오염을 최소화하는 지속적 생산체제를 갖추기 위하여 LOHAS (Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability) 트랜드가 최근 농업의 화두로 떠오르고 있다. 이를 만족시키기 위하여 OECD를 중심으로 하는 선진 국가들은 기존 작물보호제의 사용을 5년 이내에 현재 사용량의 절반 이하로 감소시키고자 하고 있는데, 특히 지속적 재배와 국민건강 보호를 위한 LOHAS 농작물의 생산이 매년 50-100억불로 성장하고 있다. 이러한 추세는 2017년까지 그 성장세가 계속 지속될 것으로 예상되고 있어 미생물/생화학 중심의 바이오작물보호제의 개발은 LOHAS 트랜드를 충족시킬 수 있는 유력한 수단으로 인식되고 있다.

The Effects of Restaurant and LOHAS Images on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Focusing on the Incremental Information Content of LOHAS Image

  • Kim, Dong-Jin;Kim, Young-Ja;Jeon, Min-Sun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2016
  • Since protecting the environment became a major issue in modern society, an increasing number of individuals have engaged in lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of restaurant and LOHAS images on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Particularly, this study analyzes the incremental information content of LOHAS image in the relationship between restaurant image and customer satisfaction/loyalty. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to customers of casual-dining restaurants in three major cities (i.e., Seoul, Daegu, and Busan) in South Korea. The empirical findings suggest significant incremental information content of LOHAS image beyond general restaurant image in explaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A Study on Space Design of the LOHAS Concept (로하스(LOHAS)개념의 공간 디자인 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Ok;Yim, Eun-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.130-133
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    • 2005
  • The ecological environment planning begins with the awareness that human are a part of ecological system. A recent issue, LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Substantiality), will be defined as a consumption trend which values highly health, social justice, economy, self development and sustainable life. LOHAS aims at coexistence with human and nature, pursue a sustainable development and it could be an alternative for SHS(Sick House Syndrome). This research tries to show the case analysis in coexistence in human and nature which LOHAS aims at. The design space applied the concept of LOHAS(renewing, reusing and recycling) will maintain healthy lives of the present and the future. In this context, it tries to solve the problems in architectural space and show the new possibilities in it

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Female Clustering & Characteristics according to Environmental Attitude and Eco-clothing Purchase (친환경 태도와 친환경의류제품 구매에 따른 여성 소비자의 유형화 및 특성)

  • Han, Dongil;Kim, Junho;Na, Youngjoo
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.815-824
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    • 2013
  • This study divides female consumers according to eco-friendly attitudes and the purchase frequency of eco-clothing products; in addition, it analyzes the characteristics of each group in terms of LOHAS lifestyles, the attitudes for eco-clothing products, and satisfaction. Eco-clothing attitudes of female consumers were lower than eco-friendly attitudes. A total of 360 female consumers were divided into 4 group according to purchase frequency and the eco attitude, Type 1: survival (33.0%), Type 2: wellbeing (25.6%), Type 3: curious (15.0%), Type 4: LOHAS (26.4%); in addition, age, income, marit alstatus, occupation, LOHAS lifestyle and shopping places were differentiated by type. Type 1 (low eco attitude and low eco-clothing purchase) were composed of the youngest, college students, low income, low level of LOHAS lifestyles and low level of eco-clothing attitude. Type 2 (high eco attitude and low eco-clothing purchase) were interested in healthy eating & exercise among LOHAS lifestyles; in addition, Type 1 & 2 showed alow level of eco-clothing satisfaction. Type 3, low eco attitude and high eco-clothing purchase, were characterized with high expenditures on clothing relative to income as well as lower levels of family activities and leisure life than LOHAS Type 4. Type 4 (high eco attitude and high eco-clothing purchase) were the oldest group and mostly composed of married workers (the highest income) with the highest LOHAS lifestyles and the highest level of eco-clothing satisfaction.

Research on cases of furniture design with the idea of sustainability applied - Mainly on Lohas' 3R (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce) - (지속가능성의 개념이 적용된 가구디자인사례 연구 - 로하스의 3R(Recycle, Reuse, Reduce)을 중심으로 -)

  • Baik, Eun;Lee, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.392-402
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    • 2010
  • Although the industrial society gained people with material wealth, they were panic-stricken, felt in lack of everything, not to mention how fast the environment was destroyed. In the midst of this social flow, more and more people who became aware of the problems of the industrial society began to crave happy and beautiful lives through the combination of mental and physical health. This resulted in a new lifestyle called 'well-being'. Lohas, which has become a prominent figure through deep thoughts on social well-being is beyond the persuation of an individual's health and quality of life. Not only does Lohas propose a lifestyle for the mental and physical health of an individual, it also proposes sustainable consumption without hurting the world or the environment. The appearance of the Lohas provided an opportunity not only for people to look in a different aspect on the problems of pollution and ecosystem but to develop and design different products accordingly. Through furniture designs with the idea of lifestyles of health and sustainability applied, this thesis analyses how the main concept of the 3R-Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce is being applied and put to use productively in furniture design.

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