• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean youth

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The Characteristics of Pain Coping Strategies in Patients with Chronic Pain by Using Korean Version-Coping Strategies Questionnaire(K-CSQ) (한국판 대처 전략 질문지 (K-CSQ)를 이용한 만성 통증 환자의 통증대처 특성)

  • Song, Ji-Young;Kim, Tae;Yoon, Hyun-Sang;Kim, Chung-Song;Yeom, Tae-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.110-119
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    • 2002
  • Objectives : Numbers of patients who have chronic pain seem to be increasing in the psychiatric practice. Many investigators have used models of stress and coping to help explain the differences in adjustment found among persons who experience chronic pain. Coping strategies appear to be associated with adjustment in chronic pain patients. The objectives of this study were to develop a self-report questionnaire which is the most widely used measures of pain coping strategies, Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) into Korean version and to study the different coping strategies with which chronic pain patients frequently use when their pain reaches a moderate or greater level of intensity. Methods : One hundred twenty-eight individuals with chronic pain conditions and two hundred fifty-two normal controls were administered the Korean version-Coping Strategies Questionnaire(KCSQ) to assess the frequency of use and perceived effectiveness of a variety of cognitive and behavioral pain coping strategies. We also obtained their clinical features in chronic pain patients. Reliability of the questionnaire were analyzed and evaluated differences of coping strategies between two groups. Results : Data analysis revealed that the questionnaire was internally reliable. Chronic pain patients reported frequent use of a variety of pain coping strategies, such as coping self-statements, praying and hoping, catastrophizing, and increase behavior scales which were higher compared to the normal controls. Conclusion: K-CSQ revealed to be a reliable self-report questionnaire which is useful for the assessment of coping strategies in clinical setting on chronic pain. And analysis of pain coping strategies may be helpful in understanding pain for chronic pain patients. The individual K-CSQ may have greater utility in terms of examining coping, appraisals, and pain adjustment. A consideration of pain coping strategies may allow one to design pain coping skills training interventions so as to fit the individual chronic pain patient. Further research is needed to determine whether cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to decrease maladaptive coping strategies can reduce pain and improve the physical and psycho-social functioning of chronic patients.

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An exploration of the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and the victim's criminal damages: Variable selection based on random forest algorithm (범죄 및 피해자 특성과 범죄피해 내용의 관계 탐색: 랜덤포레스트 알고리즘에 기초한 변인선택)

  • Han, Yuhwa;Lee, Wooyeol
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2022
  • The current study applied the random forest algorithm to Korean crime victim survey data collected biennially between 2010 and 2018 to explore the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and the victim's criminal damages. A total of 3,080 cases including gender, age (life cycle stage), type of crime, perpetrator acquisition, repeated victimization, psychological damage (depression, isolation, extreme fear, somatic symptoms, interpersonal problems, moving out to avoid people, suicidal impulses, suicide attempts), and emotional changes after victimization (changes in self-protection confidence, self-esteem, confidence in others, confidence in legal institutions, and respect for Korean legal system/law) were analyzed. Considering the features of data that are difficult to apply traditional statistical techniques, this study implemented random forest algorithms to predict crime and victim characteristics using the victim's criminal damages (psychological damage and emotional change) and selected good predictors using VSURF function in VSURF package for R. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the relationship between the type of crime and depression, extreme fear, somatic symptoms, and interpersonal problems, between perpetrator acquisition and somatic symptoms and interpersonal problems, and between repeated victimization and changes in respect for Korean legal system/law. Gender and life cycle stage (youth/adult/elderly) were found to be related to extreme fear and changes in self-protection confidence, respectively. However, more empirical evidence should be aggregated to explain the results as meaningful. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to enhance the experts' knowledge and educate them on cases about the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and criminal damage. Strengthening their interview strategy and knowledge about law/rules were also needed to increase the effectiveness of the Korean victim assessment system.

A study on the smile of Korean Youth compared with twenty years ago (20년전과 비교한 한국청년의 미소 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Beom, Seung-Gyun;Jung, Ji-Hye;Kim, Tae-Young;Lee, Kyung-Eun;Dong, Jin-Keun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Teeth are generally exposed when people smiling. Moreover, the exposed teeth and soft tissue when smiling becomes an important guideline for esthetically prosthetic restoration. This research is to compare and find out differences of Korean young men's smile living in presence and twenty years ago. Materials and methods: Subjects, 100 young men (50 male and 50 female), were required about several aspects; normally developed physical condition, no psychological or genetic disorders, a fine face with no loss of teeth, no experience in orthodontic or prosthetic treatment, relatively normal occlusion, aged between 20-29. The photos of the subject at rest position and front face when fully smiled were taken three times. 100 photos (50 male and 50 female) were chosen at random from the 240 university students' smile photos taken by Yoon and his colleagues in 1991. By Hulsey's method of measuring smile, several factors; the change of upper lip curvature, the change of the relation between the upper lip and teeth, parallelism between Mx. incisor and lower lip, contact relation between Mx. incisor and lower lip and teeth displayed in a smile, were measured and analyzed. Meanwhile, ten dentists assessed aesthetic evaluation about men and women's smile for twice and recorded and compared smile score. The -test (P<.05) was used to compare the measured value. The difference of smile score was analyzed by t-test (P<.05). Results: The smile score calculated in 2011 (60.22) was higher than that of 1991 (52.80). Among five measurement categories, the noticeable difference was distinguished from two factors; the change of upper lip curvature and contact relation between Mx. incisor and lower lip. Conclusion: The Korean young men's smile has been considerably improved for twenty years. And it is found that the change of upper lip curvature plays an important role, that is, the smile formed with an ascended labial commissure has been increased significantly.


  • Park, Hae-Song;Choi, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.106-116
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    • 2005
  • Summary : This study was designed to identify the difference in temperament, parent-adolescent's goodness of fit and behavioral problems between early-adolescent high risk group which can be divided into subgroups (ADHD-I and ADHD-HI/C) and normal group. Method : Subjects of this study were students of a Boy's Middle School and their parents. ADHD high risk group was determined by using three rating scales of ADHD behavioral symptoms : 1. Korean-ADHD Rating Scale, 2. Abbreviated Conners Parents Rating Scale, 3. Conners-Wells' Adolescent Self-Report Scale. Final research was based on the subjects including 25 people in ADHD-I high risk group, 70 ADHD-HI/C high risk group, 70 in normal group. Revised Dimensions of Temperament (DOTS-R) was used for students to assess their temperament, while DOTS-R : Ethnology for parents to access environmental demands. Goodness of fit between parent and adolescent was figured out by results of the two scales. Korean Youth Self Report (K-YSR) was used to examine behavioral problems. Results : When it comes to temperament of adolescents, ADHD-HI/C high risk group was found to be associated with higher scores on general activity level. In contextual parent demand to adolescent, ADHD-HI/C parents showed higher level of demands in general activity than other groups, and lower expectation of positive mood than ADHD-I parents. In parent-adolescent's goodness/poorness of fit, the research found out that ADHD-I and ADHD-HI/C had lower level of fit on pesitive/negative mood than normal group and indicated that ADHD behavioral symptoms connected with poorness of fit in emotional relationship between adolescents and their parents. In behavioral problems, ADHD-HI/C high risk group had severe externalizing and internalizing problems distinctly. It had more severe in externalizing problems than ADHD-I, while there were no differences in internalizing problems between the two subgroups. Conclusion The two ADHD subgroups in high risk adolescents had differences on temperamental activity level and on goodness of fit about positive mood. In addition, they had different patterns in externalizing/internalizing problems.

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Factors Associated with Sexual Debut among Korean Middle School Students (중학생의 성경험 영향요인)

  • Yu, Jung-Ok;Kim, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Jung-Soon
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors associated with sexual debut among Korean middle school students. Methods: From the database of the Eighth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS), the researchers selected 37,297 middle school students aged 12-15 years. Data were analyzed using $x^2$ test and multiple logistic regression with the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. Results: The proportion of middle school students who had a sexual debut was 2.1% of boys and 1.5% of girls. In multiple regression analysis, economic status, experience of part time work, smoking, drug use and depression were associated with an increased proportion of sexual intercourse for both boys and girls. Living with parents, drinking alcohol and suicidal ideation were associated with sexual debut for boys only. By contrast, formal sexual education was associated with a reduced risk of sexual debut. Conclusion: The results of this study show the factors associated with sexual debut among Korean middle school students. Gender-related interventions should be taken into consideration in school sexual education programmes, because of differences in related factors according to gender.

Family Welfare Policies and Fertility Rate (가족복지정책과 출산율)

  • Chai, Goo-MooK
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.337-361
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    • 2005
  • This study seeks the implications for the Korean family welfare policies after examining the characteristics of fertility rates and family welfare policies of advanced OECD countries, and comparatively analyzing the fertility rates among clusters of countries having similar family welfare policies. The fertility rates of most advanced OECD countries declined below the population replacement level in the 1970s, and continuously declined slowly after that period. But in the 1990s the fertility rate of some countries increased, on the other hand that of other countries declined. Such a difference of fertility rates suggests that there is some correlation between the fertility rate and the family welfare policy of each country. Advanced countries became concerned about the decline of fertility rate, established the government Population Issues Committee in order to deal with population problems, and increased family welfare supports. But the level and pattern(focusing on maternal employment supports or child-rearing supports) of each country's family welfare policies are differently developed according to its political ideology, cultural and historical background, and economic environments. A comparative assessment of the fertility rate among clusters of countries having similar family welfare policies demonstrates that the higher the level of family welfare supports is and the level of maternal employment supports in comparison with that of maternal child-rearing supports is, the higher of fertility rate is. And a comparative assessment of the fertility rate changes among clusters of countries also shows that the higher the level of family welfare supports is and the level of maternal employment supports in comparison with that of maternal child-rearing supports is, the higher the increase of fertility rate is or the lower the decrease of fertility rate is. The implications for the Korean family welfare policies are summarized as follows. First, it is necessary to establish the government Population Issues Committee which can study systematically fertility rates and population problems, and provide comprehensive population measures. Second, family welfare supports should be expanded through the establishment of family allowances, the prolongation of maternity leave and child-care leave and the upward readjustment of child-care leave benefits, and the extension of public child-care facilities. Third, maternal employment supports such as public child-care facilities and maternity leave should be given more weight than maternal child-rearing supports such as family allowance. Fourth, it is required to prepare social environments which can provide the youth with the hope that child-rearing is not difficult and gives them happiness.

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The Origin and Formation of Korean Public Art Theories in the 1980s (1980년대 민중미술론의 기원과 형성)

  • Choi, Youl
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.7
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    • pp.37-64
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    • 2009
  • The theories of Korean Public Art originated by the artists who were against dictatorship and they associated with democratic politicians. They criticized the Fine art that were supported by the dictatorship and gave their efforts for restoration of 'resistance paintings(against dictatorship)', 'proletarian painting', 'realism painting'. In addition, they participated new social ideology(democracy) movement and demonstrated for their rights in arts. These became the main kernel the public art theory was initiated. The public artists splitted into several different parts and participated in the democratic social movement as well as the art movement for freedom. They opened various art exhibitions within different genre, diverse space for various art section such as an exhibition hall, a factories, a university, or a congregation square. Furthermore, the public art theorists published their divergent views through newspaper/broadcasting or unauthorized printed materials. Most of the public artist and the theorists kept their relationship strongly until 1985, the time when 'National Arts Association' started. In 1983 and 1984, they were clearly separated into two parts; artists(move only in art museums) and activists(move in public spaces like school, convention square etc). Their ideological separation also took out national problems. The division; professional artists and armatures, became the social issue as a social stratification matter. And in creating method, there are also other conflicts; critical realism, and public realism as well as western painting and traditional one. These kinds of separation and conflicts made different Public artists associations, under divergent names; 'Reality and Speak'(R&S), 'KwangJu Art Association', 'Durung', 'Dang(Land)', and 'Local Youth Students Association'. In addition, their ideology and pursuit toward art movements were very difference. However, the differences and conflicts weakened When the oppression of democratic education from new dictatorship(Pres. Jun, Doo Hwan) came out. In August. 1985 the government opened to the public so called, 'The draft of School stabilization law'(Hankwon Anjung Bup) to control the teachers' rights and that initiated bigger street demonstration and conflicts between police and educators. In November.1985, assembly meeting of National Arts Association in democracy opened as 'ONE' combined organization. In this presentation, I'd like to summarize the stream of art movement until 1984, and clarify the main art theories that lead the Public Art Movements in 1980s. The main theories in 1980s are crucial because they become the origin of public art theories. This presentation started with O,youn's "Hyunsil Dong In the first declaration" and explained the absent of practice in 1970s. In addition, Won, Dong Suk 's theory was mentioned as all over struggles in theories before 1980s. GA and R&S 's founding declarations in 1970s were the start of public art theorists' activities and this article reported the activities after the declarations. First, realism base on the consciousness of reality. Second, practice art democratization based on the ideology. Third, the subject of public art movement based on understanding people's social stratification structure. Fourth, the matters of national forms and creative ways in arts based on showing reality. Fifth, the strong points in arts that the practitioners accepted. About the public art theories around 1984, I discussed the dividing point of public art theories that were shown in 'generation theory', 'organization theory', and 'popularization theory' by the practitioners. The public realism theory that subjects the contradiction of reality and point out the limits of critical realism not only showing the new creative ways but also giving the feeling of solidarity to the public art activist groups. After that, public art movements expressed 'Dismentlement of Capitalism' and 'Public revolution'. In addition, the direction of public art movements were established strongly. There were various opinions and views during the start and formation of the public art theories. The foundation of theorists activities derived from the practitioners who had the concept based on stratification and nationalism. The strong trend of group division spreaded out by practitioners who opened art work together in factories, universities, squares and rural areas. Now many lively active practitioners are gone to the other field not related with arts, and others join into professional art field not public art one with unknown reason. The theorists have the same situation with the practitioners. It means to me that theory always have to be based on the practice.

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The Relationships Among Highly Caffeinated Beverage Intake and Depressive Symptom, Suicide in Adolescents (청소년의 고카페인 음료 섭취와 우울증상 및 자살의 관계)

  • Ahn, In-Young;Seo, Ji-Yeong;Lee, Dongyun;Lee, So-Jin;Cha, Boseok;Kim, Bong-Jo;Park, Chul-Soo;Choi, Jae-Won;Lee, Cheol-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Despite the increased popularity of highly caffeinated beverages, there is little research examining psychiatric adverse effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among pattern of highly caffeinated beverage intake and depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan, suicidal attempt in Korean adolescents. Methods : The data was obtained from the 2014 Korean Youth's Risk Behavior Web-based Study by Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. All participants conducted web-based questionnaire survey. Chisquare test and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to determine the association among highly caffeinated beverage intake pattern, depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and suicidal attempt adjusting for differences in age, gender, academic achievement, socioeconomic status. Results : A total of 71,638 participants were enrolled in this study. Depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and suicidal attempt were significantly more frequent in the group with presence of highly caffeinated beverage intake within 1 week than in non-drinker group(p<0.01). Highly caffeinated beverage intake was significantly associated with suicidal attempt(OR=1.99 ; 95% CI, 1.77-2.22). In addition, depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and suicidal attempt were significantly more common in the group with heavy-drinker who exceed recommended daily intake dose of caffeine than in the group with light-drinker(p<0.01). Heavy drinking of caffeinated beverage was significantly associated with suicidal attempt(OR=4.05 ; 95% CI, 3.02-5.43). Conclusions : We found that highly caffeinated beverage intake was related to more frequent depressive symptom, suicidal ideation, plan, attempt in adolescents. Also, caffeine intake which exceed recommended daily intake dose identified the predictor of suicidal attempt. Our result suggested that clinicians need to be aware of the possible psychiatric adverse effects of highly caffeinated beverage in vulnerable population including young adolescents.

The Differences in Obesity Rates According to Status of Co-Residence with Their Parents in Korean Adolescents: The Implication of the Gender of Single Parent Living with Adolescents (한국 청소년에서 부모와의 동거 형태에 따른 비만율 차이: 동거 부모 성별의 영향)

  • Kim, Nahee;Cho, Young Gyu;Kang, Jae-Heon;Park, Hyun Ah;Kim, Kyoungwoo;Hur, Yang-Im;Kwon, Duho
    • Korean journal of health promotion
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2018
  • Background: Many studies have reported that adolescents living with single parent have a high risk of obesity. However, those studies did not explore the implication of the gender of single parent living with adolescents. This study investigated the differences in obesity rates according to status of co-residence with their parents in Korean adolescents. The family living with single parent was classified into the family living with single father and the family living with single mother. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 59,602 adolescents who participated in the 2017 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The data on height, weight, status of co-residence with parents, and the other variables were obtained through online questionnaires. Results: In male adolescents, the family living with single mother was related to a high proportion of obesity (odds ratio [OR] 1.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.09-1.40) and overweight (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.03-1.34). However, in female adolescents, the family living with single father was related to a high proportion of obesity (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.23-1.82). In addition, female adolescents living with neither parent were more likely to be obese (OR 1.47, 95% CI 1.13-1.91) and overweight (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.00-1.70). Conclusions: This study showed a risk of obesity in adolescents living with single parent differs according to the gender of single parent living with adolescents. Not adolescents living with a same-gender parent, but those living with an opposite-gender parent have a high risk of obesity.

The development of resources for the application of 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 활용 자료 개발)

  • Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Yangha;Lee, Haeng Shin;Park, EunJu;Kim, Jeongseon;Shin, Sangah;Kim, Ki Nam;Bae, Yun Jung;Kim, Kirang;Woo, Taejung;Yoon, Mi Ock;Lee, Myoungsook
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2022
  • The recommended meal composition allows the general people to organize meals using the number of intakes of foods from each of six food groups (grains, meat·fish·eggs·beans, vegetables, fruits, milk·dairy products and oils·sugars) to meet Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) without calculating complex nutritional values. Through an integrated analysis of data from the 6th to 7th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2013-2018), representative foods for each food group were selected, and the amounts of representative foods per person were derived based on energy. Based on the EER by age and gender from the KDRIs, a total of 12 kinds of diets were suggested by differentiating meal compositions by age (aged 1-2, 3-5, 6-11, 12-18, 19-64, 65-74 and ≥ 75 years) and gender. The 2020 Food Balance Wheel included the 6th food group of oils and sugars to raise public awareness and avoid confusion in the practical utilization of the model by industries or individuals in reducing the consistent increasing intakes of oils and sugars. To promote the everyday use of the Food Balance Wheel and recommended meal compositions among the general public, the poster of the Food Balance Wheel was created in five languages (Korean, English, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese) along with card news. A survey was conducted to provide a basis for categorizing nutritional problems by life cycles and developing customized web-based messages to the public. Based on survey results two types of card news were produced for the general public and youth. Additionally, the educational program was developed through a series of processes, such as prioritization of educational topics, setting educational goals for each stage, creation of a detailed educational system chart and teaching-learning plans for the development of educational materials and media.