• Title/Summary/Keyword: K-mapping

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A Propagated-Mode LISP-DDT Mapping System (전달모드 LISP-DDT 매핑 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Soonghwan
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.12
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    • pp.2211-2217
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    • 2016
  • The Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) is a new routing architecture that implements a new semantic for IP addressing. It enables the separation of IP addresses into two new numbering spaces: Endpoint Identifiers (EIDs) and Routing Locators (RLOCs). This approach will solve the issue of rapid growth of the Internet's DFZ (default-free zone). In this paper, we propose an algorithm called the Propagated-Mode Mapping System to improve the map request process of LISP-DDT.


  • Stoica, Adrian
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1266-1269
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    • 1993
  • The paper introduces a new method for fuzzy processing. The method allows handing a piece of information lost in the classic fuzzification process, and thus neglected by other methods. Processing the result after fuzzification is sustained by the interpretation that the input-output set mapping, specified by the IF-THEN rules, can be regarded as a direct mapping of their corresponding alpha-cuts. Processing involves just singletons as intermediary results, the final result being a combination of singletons obtained from fired rules.

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A Note on a-Fuzzy Closed And a-Fuzzy Continuous Mappings

  • Moon, J. R.;Ahn, Y. S.;Hur, K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1995.10b
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    • pp.374-377
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    • 1995
  • We introduce new weak forms of fuzzy continuity and fuzzy closed mapping(which we call a-fuzzy continuity and a-fuzzy closed mapping). And we investigate some of the basic properties of a-fuzzy continuous mapping and a-fuzzy closed mappings.

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  • Stukow, Michal
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.601-614
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    • 2016
  • Let $N_{g,s}$ denote the nonorientable surface of genus g with s boundary components. Recently Paris and Szepietowski [12] obtained an explicit finite presentation for the mapping class group $\mathcal{M}(N_{g,s})$ of the surface $N_{g,s}$, where $s{\in}\{0,1\}$ and g + s > 3. Following this work, we obtain a finite presentation for the subgroup $\mathcal{T}(N_{g,s})$ of $\mathcal{M}(N_{g,s})$ generated by Dehn twists.

Mapping Heterogenous Ontologies for the HLP Applications - Sejong Semantic Classes and KorLexNoun 1.5 - (인간언어공학에의 활용을 위한 이종 개념체계 간 사상 - 세종의미부류와 KorLexNoun 1.5 -)

  • Bae, Sun-Mee;Im, Kyoung-Up;Yoon, Ae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.95-126
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    • 2010
  • This study proposes a bottom-up and inductive manual mapping methodology for integrating two heterogenous fine-grained ontologies which were built by a top-down and deductive methodology, namely the Sejong semantic classes (SJSC) and the upper nodes in KorLexNoun 1.5 (KLN), for HLP applications. It also discusses various problematics in the mapping processes of two language resources caused by their heterogeneity and proposes the solutions. The mapping methodology of heterogeneous fine-grained ontologies uses terminal nodes of SJSC and Least Upper Bounds (LUB) of KLN as basic mapping units. Mapping procedures are as follows: first, the mapping candidate groups are decided by the lexfollocorrelation between the synsets of KLN and the noun senses of Sejong Noun Dfotionaeci(SJND) which are classified according to SJSC. Secondly, the meanings of the candidate groups are precisely disambiguated by linguistic information provided by the two ontologies, i.e. the hierarchicllostructures, the definitions, and the exae les. Thirdly, the level of LUB is determined by applying the appropriate predicates and definitions of SJSC to the upper-lower and sister nodes of the candidate LUB. Fourthly, the mapping possibility ic inthe terminal node of SJSC is judged by che aring hierarchicllorelations of the two ontologies. Finally, the ituorrect synsets of KLN and terminologiollocandidate groups are excluded in the mapping. This study positively uses various language information described in each ontology for establishing the mapping criteria, and it is indeed the advantage of the fine-grained manual mapping. The result using the proposed methodology shows that 6,487 LUBs are mapped with 474 terminal and non-terminal nodes of SJSC, excluding the multiple mapped nodes, and that 88,255 nodes of KLN are mapped including all lower-level nodes of the mapped LUBs. The total mapping coverage is 97.91% of KLN synsets. This result can be applied in many elaborate syntactic and semantic analyses for Korean language processing.

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Phantom-Validated Reference Values of Myocardial Mapping and Extracellular Volume at 3T in Healthy Koreans

  • Lee, Eunjin;Kim, Pan Ki;Choi, Byoung Wook;Jung, Jung Im
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Myocardial T1 and T2 relaxation times are affected by technical factors such as cardiovascular magnetic resonance platform/vendor. We aimed to validate T1 and T2 mapping sequences using a phantom; establish reference T1, T2, and extracellular volume (ECV) measurements using two sequences at 3T in normal Koreans; and compare the protocols and evaluate the differences from previously reported measurements. Materials and Methods: Eleven healthy subjects underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using 3T MRI equipment (Verio, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). We did phantom validation before volunteer scanning: T1 mapping with modified look locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) with 5(3)3 and 4(1)3(1)2 sequences, and T2 mapping with gradient echo (GRE) and TrueFISP sequences. We did T1 and T2 mappings on the volunteers with the same sequences. ECV was also calculated with both sequences after gadolinium enhancement. Results: The phantom study showed no significant differences from the gold standard T1 and T2 values in either sequence. Pre-contrast T1 relaxation times of the 4(1)3(1)2 protocol was 1142.27 ± 36.64 ms and of the 5(3)3 was 1266.03 ± 32.86 ms on the volunteer study. T2 relaxation times of GRE were 40.09 ± 2.45 ms and T2 relaxation times of TrueFISP were 38.20 ± 1.64 ms in each. ECV calculation was 24.42% ± 2.41% and 26.11% ± 2.39% in the 4(1)3(1)2 and 5(3)3 protocols, respectively, and showed no differences at any segment or slice between the sequences. We also calculated ECV from the pre-enhancement T1 relaxation time of MOLLI 5(3)3 and the post-enhancement T1 relaxation time of MOLLI 4(1)3(1)2, with no significant differences between the combinations. Conclusion: Using phantom-validated sequences, we reported the normal myocardial T1, T2, and ECV reference values of healthy Koreans at 3T. There were no statistically significant differences between the sequences, although it has limited statistical value due to the small number of subjects studied. ECV showed no significant differences between calculations based on various pre- and post-mapping combinations.

Real Time Eye and Gaze Tracking

  • Park Ho Sik;Nam Kee Hwan;Cho Hyeon Seob;Ra Sang Dong;Bae Cheol Soo
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.08c
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    • pp.857-861
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes preliminary results we have obtained in developing a computer vision system based on active IR illumination for real time gaze tracking for interactive graphic display. Unlike most of the existing gaze tracking techniques, which often require assuming a static head to work well and require a cumbersome calibration process for each person, our gaze tracker can perform robust and accurate gaze estimation without calibration and under rather significant head movement. This is made possible by a new gaze calibration procedure that identifies the mapping from pupil parameters to screen coordinates using the Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GRNN). With GRNN, the mapping does not have to be an analytical function and head movement is explicitly accounted for by the gaze mapping function. Furthermore, the mapping function can generalize to other individuals not used in the training. The effectiveness of our gaze tracker is demonstrated by preliminary experiments that involve gaze-contingent interactive graphic display.

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Prediction of a Mode behavior Using Neural Network Method (신경회로망 기법을 이용한 모드 거동 예측)

  • Shin, Young-Sug;Kim, Seong-Tae;Kim, Heon-Ju;Kim, Jae-Young;Hwang, Chul-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.768-773
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    • 2011
  • The prediction method of future events using the time histories of velocity or pressure, etc., is a useful way for controlling various air vehicles. For example, the sensors of velocity or pressure can be used to extract the time mode coefficients of eigenmode of flow field, and then the result is applied to suppress wake or drag. The velocity information is mapped to the entire flow field, so this mapping function can be used to predict the future events based on the current information. The mapping function is composed of the huge amount of weight parameters, so the efficient way of finding these parameters is needed. Here, the neural network algorithm is studied to draw a mapping function using the number and location of velocity sensors.

Developing the 3D high-resolution forest mapping system using satellite images and GIS

  • Jo Myung-Hee;Jo Yun-Won;Kim Dong-Young;Kim Joon-Bum;Kim In-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.322-325
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    • 2004
  • Recently the domestic technologies to manage forest and to control all related information were developed very rapidly by integrating FGIS (Forest Geographic Information System) and IT (Information technology). However, there still exists a mapping problem for example when overlaying a topography maps scaled in 1/5,000 to a forest type map scaled in 1/25.000. Moreover, there is a greater need to introduce the advanced spatial technologies such as high-resolution satellite image such as IKONOS and GIS to forest. In this study, 3D high-resolution forest mapping system was developed to possibly overlay with all kinds of scale maps and provide the all detailed information by using high-resolution satellite image and GIS. Through this system, all related forest officials could have and maintain the data consistency for their job and share the standard forest database with other post.

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Integration of AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel for Forest Survey Application

  • Mamat, Mohd Rizuwan;Hamzah, Khali Aziz;Rashid, Muhammad Farid;Faidi, Mohd Azahari;Norizan, Azharizan Mohd
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2013
  • Forest Survey consists of road survey, topographic survey, tree mapping survey, stream survey and also ridge survey. Information from forest survey is important and become essential in preparing base map to be used for forest harvesting planning and control. With the current technologies technique of data processing and mapping from traditionally hand drawn method had shifted to a computer system particularly the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD). This gives great advantages to the forest managers and logging operators. However data processing and mapping duration could be further reduced by integrating CAD with other established software such as Microsoft Excel. This time study to show that there is significance difference in term of duration for data processing and efficiency using AutoCAD in combination with Microsoft Excel program as compare to the use of AutoCAD program alone. From the study, it shows that the integration of AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel is able to reduce 70% of duration for data processing and mapping as compared to the use of AutoCAD program alone.