• 제목/요약/키워드: K-L transformation

검색결과 554건 처리시간 0.023초

TCP10L synergizes with MAD1 in transcriptional suppression and cell cycle arrest through mutual interaction

  • Shen, Suqin;Zuo, Jie;Feng, Huan;Bai, Meirong;Wang, Chenji;Wei, Youheng;Li, Yanhong;Le, Yichen;Wu, Jiaxue;Wu, Yanhua;Yu, Long
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2016
  • T-complex protein 10A homolog 2 (TCP10L) was previously demonstrated to be a potential tumor suppressor in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, little is known about the molecular mechanism. MAX dimerization protein 1 (MAD1) is a key transcription suppressor that is involved in regulating cell cycle progression and Myc-mediated cell transformation. In this study, we identified MAD1 as a novel TCP10L-interacting protein. The interaction depends on the leucine zipper domain of both TCP10L and MAD1. TCP10L, but not the interaction-deficient TCP10L mutant, synergizes with MAD1 in transcriptional repression, cell cycle G1 arrest and cell growth suppression. Mechanistic exploration further revealed that TCP10L is able to stabilize intracellular MAD1 protein level. Consistently, the MAD1-interaction-deficient TCP10L mutant exerts no effect on stabilizing the MAD1 protein. Taken together, our results strongly indicate that TCP10L stabilizes MAD1 protein level through direct interaction, and they cooperatively regulate cell cycle progression.

Age Studies on the Butter Fish Population from Southwestern Waters of Korea

  • Han, Pyung Chin
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 1973
  • The present paper concerns the age determination and growth of butter fish, Pampus argenteus from the southwestern waters of Korea by otolith reading. 743 specimens taken by stow-net in the southern part of the Yellow Sea and northeastern part of the East China Sea during the period from October 1972 to September 1973 were examined. Results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Sex ratio of females to males was found to be 2:1. 2. Ring marks on the otolith were found to be formed twice a year, once during the period of January-May and the other time in September. 3. The Lee's phenomenon was observed on the otolith sample. 4. The relationship between the radius of otolith(R) and fork length(L) was found to be as follows: R=0.3069+0.0133L 5. Calculated fork length at the time of otolith ring formation are found to be as follows:I-ring,71.67mm; II-ring, 125.05mm; III-ring, 168.65mm; IV-ring, 201.74mm; V-ring, 225.80mm; VI-ring, 240.84mm. 6. Maximum fork length calculated according to the diagram of Walford's growth transformation was found to be 281.5mm. 7. Growth curve, when related to the von Bertalanffy's equation, was laid out as $L_{t}=281.5[1-e$^{-0.674(t-0.128)}]$

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  • Zhong, Ting
    • 대한수학회지
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.835-845
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    • 2017
  • The $GCF_{\epsilon}$ expansion is a new class of continued fractions induced by the transformation $T_{\epsilon}:(0, 1]{\rightarrow}(0, 1]$: $T_{\epsilon}(x)={\frac{-1+(k+1)x}{1+k-k{\epsilon}x}}$ for $x{\in}(1/(k+1),1/k]$. Under the algorithm $T_{\epsilon}$, every $x{\in}(0,1]$ corresponds to an increasing digits sequences $\{k_n,n{\geq}1\}$. Their basic properties, including the ergodic properties, law of large number and central limit theorem have been discussed in [4], [5] and [7]. In this paper, we study the large deviation for the $GCF_{\epsilon}$ expansion and show that: $\{{\frac{1}{n}}{\log}k_n,n{\geq}1\}$ satisfies the different large deviation principles when the parameter ${\epsilon}$ changes in [-1, 1], which generalizes a result of L. J. Zhu [9] who considered a case when ${\epsilon}(k){\equiv}0$ (i.e., Engel series).

수로형 해역에서의 파랑전달에 미치는 영향인자 분석 (Analysis of Impact Factors for the Wave Transmission in the Narrow Channel Sea)

  • Lee, Gyong-Seon;Yoon, Han-Sam;Ryu, Cheong-Ro;Park, Jong-Hwa
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2003년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, wave numerical modeling was experimented for the analysis of impact factors for the wave transmission as the incident wave and topographic conditions in the narrow channel sea. Recently, Although the results of many researcher for the wave modelling, numerical equations have limited to simulation of wave transformation effects. Despite of thispresent problems, the models was used to design the coastal structures in barrow channel sites. Finally, this paper estimated the wave model(mild slope eq. model) as the analysis of the wave energy transmission according to changing of impact factors(width of channel, bottom slope in channel, incident wave angle, wave period). As the results of numerical experiment, the major impact factors which influence to wave energy transmission were the width of channel and incident wave direction. But in the case that the width of channel is larger than 3L(L=Length of wave), the reduction of wave energy was small.

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식물생장조절물질이 레드 톱 밴트그래스 (Agrostis alba L.)의 종자로부터 캘러스 유도와 식물계 재분화에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Mature Seeds of Red Top Bentgrass (Agrostis alba L.))

  • 박충훈;김경희;이동기;알람이프테칼;이기원;이상훈;김기용;원성혜;이병현
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2008
  • 레드 톱 밴트그래스의 성숙종자로부터 최적조직배양조건을 확립하기 위하여 종자로부터 배발생 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화 체계를 확립하였다. 종자로부터 배발생 캘러스 유도시 첨가되는 auxin으로는 2,4-D가 가장 효율적이었으며, 2 mg/L의 2,4-D가 첨가된 MS 배지에서 가장 높은 빈도로 배발생 캘러스가 유도되었다. 배발생 켈러스로부터 식물체 재분화는 0.5mg/L의 2,4-D와 2 mg/L의 BA가 첨가된 N6 배지에서 배양했을 때 64.4%의 높은 재분화율을 나타내었다. 본 연구를 통하여 확립된 성숙종자로부터의 고효율 재분화 시스템은 유전자 형질전환기술을 이용한 신품종 분자육종기술개발에 유용하게 이용 될 수 있을 것이다.

동기발전기용 디지털 여자시스템 고성능 제어 (High Performance Control of Digital Excitation System for Synchronous Generator)

  • 서민성;류동균;김이훈;김준호;원충연;배기훈
    • 전력전자학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 전력전자학회 2002년도 전력전자학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.763-768
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    • 2002
  • In this paper digitally based excitation systems for the synchronous brushless generators are presented. System configuration, control functions with their structure functions are also shown. The control system has two feedback loops: main one based on a generator's voltage with digital controller and inner one based on excitation voltage of the exciter with analog controller. Usually the generator regulation of voltage Is made with transducers for the voltage measurement. This paper shows technique of measuring the voltage without harmonics affect, using Park's equation transformation.

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멜론 체세포배의 조직학적 특징 (Histological Characteristics of Somatic Embryos in Melon (Cucumis melo L.))

  • 최필선;권석윤
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.511-515
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    • 2013
  • 멜론으로부터 체세포배를 얻기 위하여 유식물체의 배축 절편을 1 mg/L 2,4-D와 0.5 mg/L BA가 혼합첨가된 MS배지 치상하여 6주 동안 배양하였다. 배축절편으로부터 연한 노란색의 부드러운 캘러스 형성을 거쳐 형성된 체세포배중에는 2개의 자엽을 갖는 정상적인 형태의 체세포배(26%)와 합생 자엽을 갖는 나팔형의 비 정상적인 체세포배(74%)가 관찰되었다. 정상 체세포배의 하배축 부위에서는 원형의 전형성층 조직이 발달되었고, 자엽 절 부위로 이동되면서 점차 독립적으로 나뉘어져 자엽에서는 완전히 2개의 전형성층 조직으로 분화하였다. 그러나 합생 자엽을 갖는 나팔형의 체세포배에서는 하배축에서 발달된 원형의 전형층조직이 자엽 절과 자엽부위에서도 원형의 전형성층 조직으로 연결되어 있었다. 또한 2개의 자엽을 갖는 정상 및 합생 자엽을 갖는 비 정상 체세포배 tunica-corpus구조를 볼 수 없었으며 전형적인 dome구조도 관찰할 수 없었다. 이러한 결과는 체세포배에서 전형성층 조직의 분화는 자엽형성 및 유경조직 형성과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 추측할 수 있다.

동백 자엽절편으로부터 부정아 형성을 통한 식물체의 재분화 (Adventitious Bud Induction and Plant Regeneration from Cotyledon Explants of Camellia japonica L.)

  • 김광수;황성진;표병식;김선민
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.105-108
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    • 2005
  • 기내배양을 통해 동백종자의 자엽절편으로부터 직접 체세포분화를 통하여 식물체를 재분화 시켰다. 종피를 제거한 후 표면살균 처리한 자엽절편을 2.4-D, NAA 및 BA가 단독 또는 조합 첨가된 MS 고체배지에 치상하였다. 원배체 형성을 통한 부정아 형성은 0.1 mg/l 2.4-D와 1 mg/l BA가 첨가된 처리구에서 이루어졌다. 부정아는 주로 자엽절편체의 배축에 가까운 기저부위에서 캘러스의 형성없이 직접 형성되었으며, 이로부터 형성된 유묘는 식물생장조절물질이 첨가되지 않은 기본배지에서 정상적인 개체로 발달 하였다. 이와같은 연구결과는 앞으로 동백나무의 육종과 산업적 이용에 필요한 형질전환 연구에 효과적으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.