• Title/Summary/Keyword: Job environment

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Psychological burden for legal responsibility of 119 emergency personnels (119구급대원의 법적책임에 대한 심리적 부담감)

  • Lim, Jae-Man;Yun, Seok-Jeong;Lim, Gwan-Su;Kang, Shin-Kap;Choi, Eun-Sook;Seo, Kyung-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : To grasp the mental burden for legal responsibility that rescue members have in the performance of job. Method : Questionnaire was presented to rescue members serving in 2 direct control safety centers of fire station located in Seoul, Daejon, Incheon, Kwangju, Busan, Daegu and Ulsan. Results : 1. Questioned whether they have mental burden for legal responsibility while performing job on the site, the rescue members responded : very burdensome in 38.0%, burdensome in 56.0%, moderate in 4.5%, not burdensome in 1.0%, no burden at all in 0.5%. 2. Questioned on the first aid treat for which they have the most mental burden, the rescue members responded : intubation into trachea laryngeal mask airway(LMA) in 40.4%, automatic external defibrillator in 16.3%, securing vein providing sap(medicine) in 10.8%, basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 7.2%, eliminating foreign matters inserted into body in 5.4%, stanching external bleeding and treating injury in 5.4%, fixing extremities and spine by using splint in 1.8%, measuring the symptom of vitality in 1.2%, providing oxygen in 0.0%. 3. Questioned whether experiencing legal problem or firm petition(complaint) raised by patient while serving as rescue members, they responded : experiencing a complaint in 41.6%, experiencing no complaint in 58.4%. Asked to indicate the stress level in the scale of which they suffered when lawsuit or firm petition was raised, 0(weak)-10(strong), they answered 8.8 in average. 4. Questioned whether 119 rescue members put the legal responsibility in case that they cause damage to patients intentionally in performing, they responded to the inquiry 3.66 in average(of 5.00). It represented meaningful differences (F=2.874, p=.024) whether they had license or not. 5. In future, legal action will raise against the rescue member by 99% because of people's rights improvement(63.1%), high expectations for the rescue system(29.5%), non-licensed rescue members(5.1%). Conclusion : It was found that the rescue members had severe mental burden for advanced life support which was investigated to have low enforcement rate in the preceding research, for instance, intubation into trachea securing vein management by using automatic external defibrillator. To improve the qualitative level of rescue service in the fire fighting, it may be required to construct the environment that eliminates the mental burden of rescue members for legal responsibility.

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A Study on the Employment Circumstances and Employment Status of Temporary Librarians (비정규직 사서의 근무환경 및 고용실태에 대한 연구)

  • Noh, Younghee;Ahn, In-Ja;Oh, Se-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.259-280
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    • 2013
  • There has been a dramatic increase in the proportion of temporary employees in LIS fields, due to current trends of restructuring, automation, complete personnel systems, and complete wage systems. This research, therefore, conducted a survey exploring the current status and working environment of the temporary posts in LIS fields, in order to understand and direct the employment prospects of potential librarians. Results show that the average working period of more than half of temporary librarians are between 1-3 years. The total working period as a temporary librarian, including former experiences in their career, were evenly distributed between 1-5 years. Among those, being temporary often persisted, as 32% of temporary librarians stayed in their temporary status for more than 5 years. Second, temporary librarians perceived themselves as working the same hours as regular librarians, having independent or assistant tasks to regular librarians, and having a neutral or larger amount of tasks than regular librarians. Third, temporary librarians are employed and contracted from the work place, generally having contracts of less than 2 years or an open contract, which shows a serious level of job instability. Therefore, we should consider the following: proper remuneration for work of equal value, professional contractors, the supplementation of the total wage system and the number of public employees in the system as well as changing temporary positions to permanent positions and so on.

A Comparison Study on Satisfaction with Motivation-Hygiene Factors between Technology and Other Teachers in Gwangju City and Chon-nam Province (광주.전남 지역의 중등학교 기술 담당 교사의 동기-위생요인 간 만족도 및 타 교과 교사와의 비교 연구)

  • Jang, Nae-Chan;Kim, Seong-Il
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.230-247
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate and analyze technology teachers' and other subject teachers' satisfactions with motivation-hygiene factors in order to provide informations for their job motivation at secondary schools. The data were collected from 216 technology teachers and other subject teachers in Gwangju City and Chon-nam Province and analyzed and tested at p<.05 or more by employing t-test through SPSS program. The average satisfaction levels of the teachers were M = 3.85 with compounded motivation factors and M = 3.38 with compounded hygiene factors. The former is higher the latter. In the satisfaction levels of individual factors responsibility was first, work itself second, achievement third, and human relation, job safety, growth opportunity, recognition, supervision skill subsequently went down. The satisfaction levels of these factors were higher than neutral(M = 3.00). On the other hand, the satisfaction levels of work environment and payment were a little lower than neutral. Technology teachers were more satisfied than other subject teachers with responsibility and human relation factors among 10 motivation and hygiene factors. They had more positive perception than the others with these two. Generally, these teachers groups presented almost the equal satisfaction level with motivation and hygiene factors. The data were collected from technology teachers and other subject teachers in Gwangju City and Chon-nam Province and thus these might not be applicable to teachers in other cities and provinces.

Case Study on the Evaluation of Transfer in Mechanical Engineering (기계공학과 현업적용도 평가에 관한 사례연구)

  • Park, Kyungsun;Park, Sunhee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the evaluation of transfer and elicit the implications regarding the improvement of educational curriculum, educational method, and educational environment. In order to do this, concepts of the transfer and related theories were explored. In terms of data collection method, the researchers conducted survey and semi-structured interview with 30 graduates who majored in Mechanical engineering by using the transfer tool developed by No and Park (2011). According to the result of the survey, a high average (4.27) between major subjects and one's current jobs was revealed. In addition to this, the participants' opportunity to apply what they learned from the college to transfer to their current job setting scored average of 4.10 and this score implies fairly high application of the transfer. In terms of the participants' extent to remember the liberal arts subjects, it scored average 2.90 which was fairly low. According to the survey about the curriculum, whether the major subjects as well as the liberal arts subjects were necessary for the transfer, the participants showed average score of 3.90. Concerning the item of whether the participants received lectures including practical problems, cases, or experiences in order to increase the transfer, the participants showed 2.63 which was fairly low. The followings are the results of the interview. First, regarding majors in educational curriculum, it was shown that educational curriculum were directly applied to the transfer. Especially, it was shown that involvement in the major-related activities and team projects played a positive role, thus, the involvement in such activities should be enforced. With respect to the improvements of the major, emphasizing the internship of the major-related subjects, courses centered on monitoring the latest programs and job recruiting trends, and information of professional engineers' tests were suggested for the improvements.

Concept Analysis of Tae-um in Nurses (간호사의 태움 개념분석)

  • Jeong, Sun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.482-491
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to identify the conceptual definition and attributes of nurses' Tae-um based on the conceptual analysis method of Walker and Avant. The attributes of nurses' Tae-um were derived from the organizational culture, inexperienced new nurses that are victims, senior nurses that are perpetrators, alteration of teaching, verbal and physical violence experiences, and psychological and physical symptoms. The antecedents were due to excessive work, high work intensity, job stress, lack of workforce, poor working environment, lack of job ability of new nurses, organizational hierarchy, and power imbalance. Moreover, the consequences were physical and psychological symptoms, decreased efficiency, increased distrust, increased turnover intention, and decreased quality of patient care. Improvements of working conditions and social supports for expanding nursing staff and building a culture in which communication and mutual cooperation are used to solve the antecedents of Tae-um among nurses is necessary. This study suggests the need for more qualitative research on Tae-um in nurses, the development of tools that reflect the attributes of Tae-um in nurses, and the development of a program to improve the culture of Tae-um in nurses. This study is significant in that it provides a rationale for development of an adaptation program for new nurses by suggesting the antecedents of Tae-um and solutions for it.

The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Helping Behavior of Secretaries : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of LMX and Utilization of Mobile Devices after Work (변혁적 리더십이 비서들의 도움행동에 미치는 영향: LMX와 퇴근 후 모바일기기 업무사용의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Go, Hyun-Mi;Kim, Dal-Won;Park, Jae-Chun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.178-198
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the effects of transformational leadership on helping behavior for the secretary workers. We also demonstrate comprehensively the moderating effects of job resources(LMX) and job demands(utilization of mobile devices after work) on the relationship between transformational leadership and helping behavior. The results of this study targeted 140 incumbent secretaries are as follows: First, transformational leadership has a significant positive effect on the helping behaviors of members. Second, the interaction effect of LMX(synergistic effect) was verified in the positive relationship between transformational leadership and helping behavior. Finally, interaction effects of utilization of mobile devices after work(buffering effect) were confirmed in the relationship between transformational leadership and helping behavior. The results of this study are that transformational leadership of middle managers is important to strengthen worker's helping behavior, but it is also important to understand the contextual factors such as social support(LMX) and work environment(utilization of mobile devices after work) that affect the will and autonomy of members in accepting leadership. Finally, we suggest the theoretical and practical implications of this study, present limitations and future research directions.

A Study of Selection of Self-employment in Korea (자영업 선택의 결정 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Cheon, Byung-you
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.149-179
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    • 2003
  • This study is analysing the factors determining individuals' behavior of selecting self-employment not only at the micro-level but also at the macro-level to put a particular emphasis on the financial constraint and unemployment rate representing business cycle. The data used in this study are "Korean Labor and Income Panal Study" of the Korea Labor Institute and "Economically Active Population Survey" of National Statistical Office. The main findings are as follows. First, human capital such as educational attainment and job experience has positive effects on male's selection of self-employment. The effects of job experience, however, changed negative for female's selection of self-employment. Second, real estate is significantly enhancing the selection probabilities of employer selection while the income from financial assets has negative effects. Third, entrepreneurial culture and environment are also raising the self-employment selection probability. Lastly, the regional unemployment rate representing the business cycle has positive effects on the self-employment selection after the financial crisis in 1997 both at the micro and macro level. Moreover, the coefficient of regional unemployment rate has changed positive in the structural model of self-employment selection controlling for selection bias and income opportunities, which means that individual's behavior of self-employment selection is rather complex when accounting for the uncertainties of income opportunities and diverse characteristics of self-employment workforce.

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A Survey on the Occupational Health Nursing Activities for primary care (산업간호사의 의료행위 직무지침서 활용 및 의료행위직무 수행실태)

  • Yun, Soon Nyoung;Kirn, Soon Lae;Kim, Young Im;Song, Young Sook;An, Jung Hae;June, Kyung Ja;Cho, Tong Ran;Kim, Jeong Hees
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2000
  • The occupational health nursing guideline for primary care was developed by the Korean Academic Society of occupational health nursing and the organization for occupational health nurses (currently known as the Korean Association of Occupational Health Nurses) in 1993. Since then, there have been many changes in the health care environment and job performance of occupational health nurses. Appropriate revisions are necessary of the guidelinea based on this background. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the occupational health nursing guideline for primary care and to analyze the characteristics of primary care activities by occupational health nurses. The questionnaire was mailed to 150 occupational health nurses(OHNs) with the response rate of 64%. The results can be summarized as follows; 1. 65.6% of OHNs have been using the guideline for primary care and 75.9% of them agreed that the guideline was be helpful for their job. 2. Common symptom care, emergency care and chronic illness care were more frequently implemented than occupational disease care by OHNs. In manufacturing industries, emergency care was more frequently implemented than chronic illness care in contrast to the service industries. 3. Most frequent common symptoms treated by OHNs were indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, and coughing. In the case of chronic illness, OHNs more frequently treated diseases of the gastro-intestinal system, skin and sensory organs, and the respiratory system. Emergency care for bruises, burn, and abrasions was more frequently provided. VDT syndrome was the most common occupational disease cared by OHNs in manufacturing and service industries. 4. OHNs prescribed the medicine for external application more frequently than internal medicine. Remedy for colds, analgesics, vitamins, and digestives were more frequently used. From these results, we suggest that the guideline should be revised to emphasize the activities consisting problem finding such as health assessment, physical examinations, monitoring and screening, and to renew the drug list in the range of over- the counter medication (OTC). In the future, the guideline will include the strategies for the role as the case manager.

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A Study on the Nursing Profession as Stipulated by Health & Medical Laws of Korea (우리나라 보건의료법령에 명시된 간호에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.116-132
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to find out how laws related to the nursing profession can be improved by analyzing the rules and regulations concerning nursing. Furthermore, to help settle legal matters in the process of doing nursing work. The data used for the study are the Health and Medical Act, the Maternal and Child Health Act, the School Health Act, the Special Act for Health and Medical Service in Rural Areas, the Industrial Health & Safety Act and the Notice on Nursing Professional Courses analyzed by age and content. The results of the study are as follows : First, basic nursing practice includes 'nursing care for recuperation and assistance in medical treatment and in special areas including the pre-vention of disease, maintenance of health, control of environment, and other therapeutic activities. It is suggested that the phrase 'assistance in medical treatment' should be eliminated as it limits the basic nursing practice to the assistance of the medical treatment. Second, Article 56 of the Health & Medical Act prescribes a special nurse but it does not prescribe a specific job. Accordingly, the new provison concerning the specific jobs of a special nurse should be added or a job guide should be inseated. Third, it is prescribed that those who have completed the training course after obtaining a license are qualified to be a midwife, a special nurse and a nurse practitioner working in special areas. However, school nurses, occupational health nurses and maternal and health workers are required to obtain a nurse license, but not to take an additional training course. Nurses working in special areas should be legally recognized as nurse specialists. The regulations to control various qualification standards consistently should be established. Fourth, the qualifications and types of nurses by area prescribed by Article 54 of the Health and Medical Act are not consistent with those of special nurses as recognized by affiliated organizations of the Korean Nurse Association and some hospitals. Accordingly, the qualifications and types of special nurses should be adjusted in consideration of special nurses. Fifth, as Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Health and Medical Act does not prescribe the type and scope of first - aid treatment that nurses can provide, the first-aid treatment of nurses might be considered as an unlicensed practice. The specific regulations regarding these matters should be established. Sixth, the contents of the nursing record, which are prescribed by Article 21 of the Health and Medical Act as a duty, include 1) matters concerning body temperature, pulse, breath and blood pressure 2) matters concerning drug prescription 3) matters concerning input and output 4) matters concerning the treatment and nursing care (Article 17 of the Enforcement Regulations, Health and Medical Act). However, these matters are limited to basic nursing care and assistance in medical treatment. The new recording methods on nursing process are suggested to be adopted legally. Seventh, the prescription right entrusted to nurses which are prescribed by the School Health Act, the Special Act on Health and Medical Service for Rural Areas, and the Industrial Health and Safety Act are not consistent with the rights of nurses as prescribed by the Health and Medical Act. New regulations prescribing the partial right for medical treatment entrusted to nurses in consideration of the restraint of time and place in emergency situations should be established.

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An Evaluation of Transfer of Training Effects on Nuclear Power Plant MCR Operators

  • Kim, Jung Ho;Byun, Seong Nam
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2013
  • Objective: The aim of this study sets factors from previous research known to impact transfer effects as the independent variables, and examines their relationship with the dependent variables, near transfer effects and far transfer effects. Background: Transfer of Training refers to the application of what learners acquire knowledge and skills in training programs to their job. The ultimate goal of training is to apply what employees learn in training sessions to their workplace. In this sense, transfer of training has been a vital concern for training effectiveness. For training to be effective, trainees(learners) should be able to use what they learn in training program back on the job. Method: For this research purpose, this study conducted a survey on 170 nuclear operators in nuclear education and training center. Of these, survey result from the 167 recruits were sampled. Theoretical model of this study is based on Holton & Baldwin's(2003) distance model of transfer effects. This study sets transfer effects(near transfer, far transfer) as the main dependent variables. Meanwhile, the independent variables are trainee characteristics, training characteristics, organizational transfer climate. Each independent variable has subordinate variables. Subordinate variables of trainee characteristics are self-efficacy, motivation to learn, motivation to transfer and ability to transfer. Subordinate variables of training characteristics are training contents, ability of trainers, training design, training climate. The last Subordinate variables of organizational transfer climate are support of supervisors, support of peer, support of organization. Conclusion: As a analysis result, trainee characteristics appeared to be in effect only significant influence near far transfer of training, the effect of the far transfer of training, there is no significant. In addition, the training characteristics appeared to be having a significant influence on near and far transfer effects. Organizational transfer climate appeared to be having a significant influence on near and far transfer effects. Finally, near transfer effect appeared to be having a significant influence on far transfer effects. Application: Results of this analysis in the study to training organization and training characteristics of the transition environment effects on nuclear power institutions and operators training organization having a significant impact that says. The transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as that can be applied to a new situation in terms of education and training are important characteristics.