• 제목/요약/키워드: J-STAGE

검색결과 1,758건 처리시간 0.041초

Experimental Study on a GM-type Two-Stage Pulse Tube Refrigerator for Cryopump Applications

  • Lee, S.J.;Hong, Y.J.;Park, S.J.;Kim, H.B.;Kwon, S.B.
    • 한국초전도ㆍ저온공학회논문지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.35-38
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    • 2007
  • A single-stage and two-stage pulse tube refrigerators have been designed for cryopump application. The different diameters of pulse tube and regenerator have been investigated at single-stage pulse tube refrigerator(PTR). Experiments have been performed on single-stage PTR to reach minimum temperature with optimum valve opening at a few frequencies. And the two-stage pulse tube refrigerators have been assembled with tested single-stage pulse tube and tested. When orifice turn is opened to 9 and double inlet is opened to 3 at a single-stage, the lowest temperature of 33.7 K is achieved. The cooling capacity at single-stage is 38 W at temperature of 80 K. A two-stage pulse tube refrigerator has 16.3K at the second stage and 59.7K at the first stage. The cooling capacity achieved is 16.5 W at 80 K, the first stage and 0.6 W at 20 K, the second stage. Some details on the design of pulse tube refrigerator and the experimental apparatus are given.

고출력 색소 레이저의 다단 증폭 시스템의 최적설계에 관한 수치해석 (A Numerical Analysis for Optimum Design of Multi-Stage Amplifier System of High Power Dye Laser)

  • 고도경
    • 한국광학회지
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 1993
  • 고출력 Rhodamine 6G 색소 레이저의 다단 증폭 시스템의 출력 특성 및 최적조건을 수치해석을 통하여 조사하였다. 율 방정식과 전송 방정식에서 펌프광의 에너지가 주어진 경우에 레이저 광의 직경, 색소셀의 크기, 색소의 농도, 증폭단의 갯수 및 각 증폭단의 펌프 에너지의 비율 등을 변수로 하였다. 그 결과 펌프에너지가 25mJ이고 색소 레이저의 입력에너지가 0.01mJ일 때, 2단 증폭 시스템의 최적조건에서 출력 에너지 10mJ과 변환 효율 40%를 얻을 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.

  • PDF

미소 2단 기어 부품 금형 가공을 위한 마이크로 엔드밀링 공정기술 연구 (Study on Micro Endmilling Process for Manufacturing of Very Small Gear Parts and Mold with Two-Stage)

  • 제태진;노진석;김병두;김재구;윤재성
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2010
  • A multi-stage gear mold including gears of 2mm and 1.5mm diameter was designed and machined in this research for developing micro gear mold manufacturing technology with micro endmill. Mechanical shapes having differential micro teeth were analyzed to be formed as designed and processing conditions were optimized by analyzing machined surface chip and cutting force. Based on the results, a prototype of micro multi-stage gear mold was manufactured.