• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT based Management

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A Novel Way of Context-Oriented Data Stream Segmentation using Exon-Intron Theory (Exon-Intron이론을 활용한 상황중심 데이터 스트림 분할 방안)

  • Lee, Seung-Hun;Suh, Dong-Hyok
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.799-806
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    • 2021
  • In the IoT environment, event data from sensors is continuously reported over time. Event data obtained in this trend is accumulated indefinitely, so a method for efficient analysis and management of data is required. In this study, a data stream segmentation method was proposed to support the effective selection and utilization of event data from sensors that are continuously reported and received. An identifier for identifying the point at which to start the analysis process was selected. By introducing the role of these identifiers, it is possible to clarify what is being analyzed and to reduce data throughput. The identifier for stream segmentation proposed in this study is a semantic-oriented data stream segmentation method based on the event occurrence of each stream. The existence of identifiers in stream processing can be said to be useful in terms of providing efficiency and reducing its costs in a large-volume continuous data inflow environment.

A semi-supervised interpretable machine learning framework for sensor fault detection

  • Martakis, Panagiotis;Movsessian, Artur;Reuland, Yves;Pai, Sai G.S.;Quqa, Said;Cava, David Garcia;Tcherniak, Dmitri;Chatzi, Eleni
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.251-266
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    • 2022
  • Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of critical infrastructure comprises a major pillar of maintenance management, shielding public safety and economic sustainability. Although SHM is usually associated with data-driven metrics and thresholds, expert judgement is essential, especially in cases where erroneous predictions can bear casualties or substantial economic loss. Considering that visual inspections are time consuming and potentially subjective, artificial-intelligence tools may be leveraged in order to minimize the inspection effort and provide objective outcomes. In this context, timely detection of sensor malfunctioning is crucial in preventing inaccurate assessment and false alarms. The present work introduces a sensor-fault detection and interpretation framework, based on the well-established support-vector machine scheme for anomaly detection, combined with a coalitional game-theory approach. The proposed framework is implemented in two datasets, provided along the 1st International Project Competition for Structural Health Monitoring (IPC-SHM 2020), comprising acceleration and cable-load measurements from two real cable-stayed bridges. The results demonstrate good predictive performance and highlight the potential for seamless adaption of the algorithm to intrinsically different data domains. For the first time, the term "decision trajectories", originating from the field of cognitive sciences, is introduced and applied in the context of SHM. This provides an intuitive and comprehensive illustration of the impact of individual features, along with an elaboration on feature dependencies that drive individual model predictions. Overall, the proposed framework provides an easy-to-train, application-agnostic and interpretable anomaly detector, which can be integrated into the preprocessing part of various SHM and condition-monitoring applications, offering a first screening of the sensor health prior to further analysis.

Transportable House with Hybrid Power Generation System (하이브리드 발전 시스템을 적용한 이동식 하우스)

  • Mi-Jeong Park;Jong-Yul Joo;Eung-Kon Kim
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2023
  • In the modern society, the extreme weather caused by climate change has brought about exceptional damage in succession over the world due to the use of fossil fuels, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19 worsen the quality of human life. It is urgently necessary to reduce green-house gas and use new renewable energy. The global environmental pollution should be decreased by reducing the use of fossil fuels and using new renewable energy. This paper suggests a system which can function for the environment of four seasons, safety and communication, through the photovoltaic power-based intelligent CCTV, internet and WiFi, and cooling and heating systems, and can optimally manage power, through the real-time monitoring of the production and the consumption of the photovoltaic power. It suggests a hybrid generation system supporting diesel generation without discontinuation in the case of emergency such as system power outage caused by cold waves, typhoons and natural disasters in which the photovoltaic power generating system cannot be used.

Breakdown of Boundaries Between Assistive Devices and Wearbles: An Evolutionary Case Study of Starkey Hearing Aid (장애보조기구와 스마트 웨어러블의 경계 붕괴: 스타키 보청기 사례 연구)

  • Yujin Pyo;Jungwoo Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 2022
  • This case research investigates on how hearing aids, which is one of disability aids, is becoming a smart device, focusing on the case of Starkey Hearing Technologies(Starkey Inc.). Starkey, founded in 1967, has been a leader in innovating forms and functions of hearing aids, and has recently introduced the world's first hearing aid implemented with AI and biological sensors. In this study, history of disability aids, hearing aids(especially Starkey Inc.'s), smart wearable devices and smart earphones are compared. It has been found that recently, there has been a breakdown of boundaries between hearing aids and smart wearable devices in terms of their functions, since entertainment and life assistant functions are added to hearing aids. Based on this trend, the development model of disability aids and smart wearable devices are derived, and according social changes are discussed.

Do Innovation and Relative Advantage Affect the Actual Use of FinTech Services?: An Empirical Study using Classical Attitude Theory (핀테크 서비스의 혁신성과 상대적 장점은 실질이용에 영향을 미칠까?: 고전적 태도이론을 이용한 실증 연구)

  • Se Hun Lim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.87-110
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    • 2019
  • The Fintech services provide innovation to financial services users using various mobile devices and computers in wired and wireless communication environments. In this study, we develope a theoretical research framework to explain the psychology of Fintech services users based on a cognitive, affective, and conative framework. Using this framework, this study analyzes the relationships between the cognitive characteristics (i.e., innovation, relative advantage, ease of use, and usefulness), emotional characteristic (i.e., attitude), and behavioral characteristic (i.e., actual use) toward Fintech services users. This study conducted an online survey of people who have experienced using Fintech services. And the data of the collected Fintech services users was analyzed using structural equation model software (i.e., SMART PLS 2.0 M3). The results of the empirical analysis show the relationships between innovation, relative advantage, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and actual use of Fintech service users. The results of this study provide useful information to improve the practical use of Fintech services users in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment.

Implementation of a Wearable Device for Monitoring the Health Status of the Elderly Living Alone

  • Ji-Hoon Lee;Gyung-Hwan Kim;Myeong-Chul Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a low-cost wearable device that can monitor the health status of the elderly living alone in real-time. As aging is accelerating, the elderly population is rapidly increasing, and the social isolation of the elderly living alone is causing physical and mental difficulties and the number of elderly people dying alone is increasing, becoming a social problem. In this study, we propose a belly band-type wearable device that can monitor the biometric information of elderly living alone. The proposed device transmits electromyogram, electrocardiogram, and body temperature information to a remote server through an Arduino-based sensor built into the abdominal band. Transmitted information can be monitored in a web environment in real-time, and it has the feature of enabling remote monitoring of a large number of subjects with a small amount of management manpower. The research results will contribute to improving the safety and welfare of seniors living alone by not only detecting lonely deaths in advance but also responding immediately to dangerous situations that may occur in daily life.

Design of an Integrated University Information Service Model Based on Block Chain (블록체인 기반의 대학 통합 정보서비스 실증 모델 설계)

  • Moon, Sang Guk;Kim, Min Sun;Kim, Hyun Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2019
  • Block-chain enjoys technical advantages such as "robust security," owing to the structural characteristic that forgery is impossible, decentralization through sharing the ledger between participants, and the hyper-connectivity connecting Internet of Things, robots, and Artificial Intelligence. As a result, public organizations have highly positive attitudes toward the adoption of technology using block-chain, and the design of university information services is no exception. Universities are also considering the application of block-chain technology to foundations that implement various information services within a university. Through case studies of block-chain applications across various industries, this study designs an empirical model of an integrated information service platform that integrates information systems in a university. A basic road map of university information services is constructed based on block-chain technology, from planning to the actual service design stage. Furthermore, an actual empirical model of an integrated information service in a university is designed based on block-chain by applying this framework.

FBcastS: An Information System Leveraging the K-Maryblyt Forecasting Model (K-Maryblyt 모델 구동을 위한 FBcastS 정보시스템 개발)

  • Mun-Il Ahn;Hyeon-Ji Yang;Eun Woo Park;Yong Hwan Lee;Hyo-Won Choi;Sung-Chul Yun
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.256-267
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    • 2024
  • We have developed FBcastS (Fire Blight Forecasting System), a cloud-based information system that leverages the K-Maryblyt forecasting model. The FBcastS provides an optimal timing for spraying antibiotics to prevent flower infection caused by Erwinia amylovora and forecasts the onset of disease symptoms to assist in scheduling field scouting activities. FBcastS comprises four discrete subsystems tailored to specific functionalities: meteorological data acquisition and processing, execution of the K-Maryblyt model, distribution of web-based information, and dissemination of spray timing notifications. The meteorological data acquisition subsystem gathers both observed and forecasted weather data from 1,583 sites across South Korea, including 761 apple or pear orchards where automated weather stations are installed for fire blight forecast. This subsystem also performs post-processing tasks such as quality control and data conversion. The model execution subsystem operates the K-Maryblyt model and stores its results in a database. The web-based service subsystem offers an array of internet-based services, including weather monitoring, mobile services for forecasting fire blight infection and symptoms, and nationwide fire blight monitoring. The final subsystem issues timely notifications of fire blight spray timing alert to growers based on forecasts from the K-Maryblyt model, blossom status, pesticide types, and field conditions, following guidelines set by the Rural Development Administration. FBcastS epitomizes a smart agriculture internet of things (IoT) by utilizing densely collected data with a spatial resolution of approximately 4.25 km to improve the accuracy of fire blight forecasts. The system's internet-based services ensure high accessibility and utility, making it a vital tool in data-driven smart agricultural practices.

Application and Policy Direction of Blockchain in Logistics and Distribution Industry (물류 및 유통산업의 블록체인 활용과 정책 방향)

  • Kim, Ki-Heung;Shim, Jae-Hyun
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to subdivide trade transaction-centered structure in a logistics/distribution industry system to apply blockchain, to establish and resolve with which types of technology, and to provide policy direction of government institution and technology to apply blockchain in this kind of industry. Research design, data, and methodology - This study was conducted with previous researches centered on cases applied in various industry sectors on the basis of blockchain technology. Results - General fields of blockchain application include digital contents distribution, IoT platform, e-Commerce, real-estate transaction, decentralized app. development(storage), certification service, smart contract, P2P network infrastructure, publication/storage of public documents, smart voting, money exchange, payment/settlement, banking security platform, actual asset storage, stock transaction and crowd funding. Blockchain is being applied in various fields home and abroad and its application cases can be explained in the banking industry, public sector, e-Commerce, medical industry, distribution and supply chain management, copyright protection. As examined in the blockchain application cases, it is expected to establish blockchain that can secure safety through distributed ledger in trade transaction because blockchain is established and applied in various sectors of industries home and abroad. Parties concerned of trade transaction can secure visibility even in interrupted specific section when they provide it as a base for distributed ledger application in trade and establish trade transaction model by applying blockchain. In case of interrupted specific section by using distributed ledger, blockchain model of trade transaction needs to be formed to make it possible for parties concerned involved in trade transaction to secure visibility and real-time tracking. Additionally, management should be possible from the time of contract until payment, freight transfer to buyers through land, air and maritime transportation. Conclusions - In order to boost blockchain-based logistics/distribution industry, the government, institutionally, needs to back up adding legal plan of shipping, logistics and distribution, reviewing standardization of electronic switching system and coming up with blockchain-based industrial road maps. In addition, the government, technologically, has to support R&D for integration with other high technology, standardization of distribution industry's blockchain technology and manpower training to expand technology development.

Analysis of Priority of Technical Factors for Enabling Cloud Computing Services (클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 활성화를 위한 기술적 측면 특성요인의 중요도 우선순위 분석)

  • Kang, Da-Yeon;Hwang, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2019
  • The advent of the full-fledged Internet of Things era will bring together various types of information through Internet of Things devices, and the vast amount of information collected will be generated as new information by the analysis process. To effectively store this generated information, a flexible and scalable cloud computing system is advantageous. Therefore, the main determinants for effective client system acceptance are viewed as motivator factor (economics, efficiency, etc.) and hindrance factor (transitional costs, security issues, etc.) and the purpose of this study is to determine which detailed factors play a major role in making new system acceptance decisions around harm. The factors required to determine the major priorities are defined as the system acceptance determinants from the technical point of view obtained through the literature review, and the questionnaire is prepared based on the factors derived, and the survey is conducted on the experts concerned. In addition, the AHP analysis aims to achieve a final priority by performing a bifurcation between components for measuring a decision unit. Furthermore, the results of this study will serve as an important basis for making decisions based on acceptance (enabling) of technology.