• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT based Management

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Blockchain (A-PBFT) Based Authentication Method for Secure Lora Network (안전한 Lora 네트워크를 위한 블록체인(A-PBFT) 기반 인증 기법)

  • Kim, Sang-Geun
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2022
  • Lora, a non-band network technology of the long-distance wireless standard LPWAN standard, uses ABP and OTTA methods and AES-128-based encryption algorithm (shared key) for internal terminal authentication and integrity verification. Lora's recent firmware tampering vulnerability and shared-key encryption algorithm structure make it difficult to defend against MITM attacks. In this study, the consensus algorithm(PBFT) is applied to the Lora network to enhance safety. It performs authentication and PBFT block chain creation by searching for node groups using the GPS module. As a result of the performance analysis, we established a new Lora trust network and proved that the latency of the consensus algorithm was improved. This study is a 4th industry convergence study and is intended to help improve the security technology of Lora devices in the future.

Application of Urban Computing to Explore Living Environment Characteristics in Seoul : Integration of S-Dot Sensor and Urban Data

  • Daehwan Kim;Woomin Nam;Keon Chul Park
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2023
  • This paper identifies the aspects of living environment elements (PM2.5, PM10, Noise) throughout Seoul and the urban characteristics that affect them by utilizing the big data of the S-Dot sensors in Seoul, which has recently become a hot topic. In other words, it proposes a big data based urban computing research methodology and research direction to confirm the relationship between urban characteristics and living environments that directly affect citizens. The temporal range is from 2020 to 2021, which is the available range of time series data for S-Dot sensors, and the spatial range is throughout Seoul by 500mX500m GRID. First of all, as part of analyzing specific living environment patterns, simple trends through EDA are identified, and cluster analysis is conducted based on the trends. After that, in order to derive specific urban planning factors of each cluster, basic statistical analysis such as ANOVA, OLS and MNL analysis were conducted to confirm more specific characteristics. As a result of this study, cluster patterns of environment elements(PM2.5, PM10, Noise) and urban factors that affect them are identified, and there are areas with relatively high or low long-term living environment values compared to other regions. The results of this study are believed to be a reference for urban planning management measures for vulnerable areas of living environment, and it is expected to be an exploratory study that can provide directions to urban computing field, especially related to environmental data in the future.

A Study on the Assessment of Critical Assets Considering the Dependence of Defense Mission (국방 임무 종속성을 고려한 핵심 자산 도출 방안 연구)

  • Kim Joon Seok;Euom Ieck Chae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.189-200
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    • 2024
  • In recent years, the development of defense technology has become digital with the introduction of advanced assets such as drones equipped with artificial intelligence. These assets are integrated with modern information technologies such as industrial IoT, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing to promote innovation in the defense domain. However, the convergence of the technology is increasing the possibility of transfer of cyber threats, which is emerging as a problem of increasing the vulnerability of defense assets. While the current cybersecurity methodologies focus on the vulnerability of a single asset, interworking of various military assets is necessary to perform the mission. Therefore, this paper recognizes these problems and presents a mission-based asset management and evaluation methodology. It aims to strengthen cyber security in the defense sector by identifying assets that are important for mission execution and analyzing vulnerabilities in terms of cyber security. In this paper, we propose a method of classifying mission dependencies through linkage analysis between functions and assets to perform a mission, and identifying and classifying assets that affect the mission. In addition, a case study of identifying key assets was conducted through an attack scenario.

Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Agrifood Supply Chains through Novel Blockchain-based Architecture

  • Sakthivel V;Prakash Periyaswamy;Jae-Woo Lee;Prabu P
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.1968-1985
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    • 2024
  • At present, the world is witnessing a rapid change in all the fields of human civilization business interests and goals of all the sectors are changing very fast. Global changes are taking place quickly in all fields - manufacturing, service, agriculture, and external sectors. There are plenty of hurdles in the emerging technologies in agriculture in the modern days. While adopting such technologies as transparency and trust issues among stakeholders, there arises a pressurized necessity on food suppliers because it has to create sustainable systems not only addressing demand-supply disparities but also ensuring food authenticity. Recent studies have attempted to explore the potential of technologies like blockchain and practices for smart and sustainable agriculture. Besides, this well-researched work investigates how a scientific cum technological blockchain architecture addresses supply chain challenges in Precision Agriculture to take up challenges related to transparency traceability, and security. A robust registration phase, efficient authentication mechanisms, and optimized data management strategies are the key components of the proposed architecture. Through secured key exchange mechanisms and encryption techniques, client's identities are verified with inevitable complexity. The confluence of IoT and blockchain technologies that set up modern farms amplify control within supply chain networks. The practical manifestation of the researchers' novel blockchain architecture that has been executed on the Hyperledger network, exposes a clear validation using corroboration of concept. Through exhaustive experimental analyses that encompass, transaction confirmation time and scalability metrics, the proposed architecture not only demonstrates efficiency but also underscores its usability to meet the demands of contemporary Precision Agriculture systems. However, the scholarly paper based upon a comprehensive overview resolves a solution as a fruitful and impactful contribution to blockchain applications in agriculture supply chains.

Summative Usability Assessment of Software for Ventilator Central Monitoring System (인공호흡기 중앙감시시스템 소프트웨어의 사용적합성 총괄평가)

  • Ji-Yong Chung;You Rim Kim;Wonseuk Jang
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.363-376
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    • 2023
  • According to the COVID-19, development of various medical software based on IoT(Internet of Things) was accelerated. Especially, interest in a central software system that can remotely monitor and control ventilators is increasing to solve problems related to the continuous increase in severe COVID-19 patients. Since medical device software is closely related to human life, this study aims to develop central monitoring system that can remotely monitor and control multiple ventilators in compliance with medical device software development standards and to verify performance of system. In addition, to ensure the safety and reliability of this central monitoring system, this study also specifies risk management requirements that can identify hazardous situations and evaluate potential hazards and confirms the implementation of cybersecurity to protect against potential cyber threats, which can have serious consequences for patient safety. As a result, we obtained medical device software manufacturing certificates from MFDS(Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) through technical documents about performance verification, risk management and cybersecurity application.The purpose of this study is to conduct a usability assessment to ensure that ergonomic design has been applied so that the ventilator central monitoring system can improve user satisfaction, efficiency, and safety. The rapid spread of COVID-19, which began in 2019, caused significant damage global medical system. In this situation, the need for a system to monitor multiple patients with ventilators was highlighted as a solution for various problems. Since medical device software is closely related to human life, ensuring their safety and satisfaction is important before their actual deployment in the field. In this study, a total of 21 participants consisting of respiratory staffs conducted usability test according to the use scenarios in the simulated use environment. Nine use scenarios were conducted to derive an average task success rate and opinions on user interface were collected through five-point Likert scale satisfaction evaluation and questionnaire. Participants conducted a total of nine use scenario tasks with an average success rate of 93% and five-point Likert scale satisfaction survey showed a high satisfaction result of 4.7 points on average. Users evaluated that the device would be useful for effectively managing multiple patients with ventilators. However, improvements are required for interfaces associated with task that do not exceed the threshold for task success rate. In addition, even medical devices with sufficient safety and efficiency cannot guarantee absolute safety, so it is suggested to continuously evaluate user feedback even after introducing them to the actual site.

A Study on the Implement of AI-based Integrated Smart Fire Safety (ISFS) System in Public Facility

  • Myung Sik Lee;Pill Sun Seo
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2023
  • Even at this point in the era of digital transformation, we are still facing many problems in the safety sector that cannot prevent the occurrence or spread of human casualties. When you are in an unexpected emergency, it is often difficult to respond only with human physical ability. Human casualties continue to occur at construction sites, manufacturing plants, and multi-use facilities used by many people in everyday life. If you encounter a situation where normal judgment is impossible in the event of an emergency at a life site where there are still many safety blind spots, it is difficult to cope with the existing manual guidance method. New variable guidance technology, which combines artificial intelligence and digital twin, can make it possible to prevent casualties by processing large amounts of data needed to derive appropriate countermeasures in real time beyond identifying what safety accidents occurred in unexpected crisis situations. When a simple control method that divides and monitors several CCTVs is digitally converted and combined with artificial intelligence and 3D digital twin control technology, intelligence augmentation (IA) effect can be achieved that strengthens the safety decision-making ability required in real time. With the enforcement of the Serious Disaster Enterprise Punishment Act, the importance of distributing a smart location guidance system that urgently solves the decision-making delay that occurs in safety accidents at various industrial sites and strengthens the real-time decision-making ability of field workers and managers is highlighted. The smart location guidance system that combines artificial intelligence and digital twin consists of AIoT HW equipment, wireless communication NW equipment, and intelligent SW platform. The intelligent SW platform consists of Builder that supports digital twin modeling, Watch that meets real-time control based on synchronization between real objects and digital twin models, and Simulator that supports the development and verification of various safety management scenarios using intelligent agents. The smart location guidance system provides on-site monitoring using IoT equipment, CCTV-linked intelligent image analysis, intelligent operating procedures that support workflow modeling to immediately reflect the needs of the site, situational location guidance, and digital twin virtual fencing access control technology. This paper examines the limitations of traditional fixed passive guidance methods, analyzes global technology development trends to overcome them, identifies the digital transformation properties required to switch to intelligent variable smart location guidance methods, explains the characteristics and components of AI-based public facility smart fire safety integrated system (ISFS).

An Empirical Research on Information Privacy Risks and Policy Model in the Big data Era (빅데이터 시대의 정보 프라이버시 위험과 정책에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Park, Cheon Woong;Kim, Jun Woo;Kwon, Hyuk Jun
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2016
  • This study built the theoretical frameworks for empirical analysis based on the analysis of the relationship among the concepts of risk of information privacy, the policy of information privacy via the provision studies. Also, in order to analyze the relationship among the factors such as the concern of information privacy, trust, intention to offer the personal information, this study investigated the concepts of information privacy and studies related with the privacy, and established a research model about the information privacy. Followings are the results of this study: First, the information privacy risk has the positive effects upon the information privacy concern and it has the negative effects upon the trust. Second, the information privacy policy has the positive effects upon the information privacy concern and it has the negative effects upon the trust. Third, the information privacy concern has the negative effects upon the trust. At last, the information privacy concern has the negative effects upon the provision intention of personal information and the trust has positive effects upon the offering intention of personal information.

Design and Diagnosis Case of Energy Eefficiency Diagnostic Solution based on IoT (사물인터넷 기반 에너지 효율 진단 솔루션의 설계 및 진단 사례)

  • Cho, Kwangmoon
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2020
  • This paper proposes energy management directions to discover the factors of energy loss in homes and buildings and to find ways to improve them. We designed a diagnostic content app for everyday life so that not only housing experts but also the general public can use the detachable thermal imaging camera, which is a strong point of popularity and convenience. The diagnostic results using the app were analyzed using Energy Finder, an energy efficiency diagnostic solution. The survey was conducted on the senior center which is in the blind spots and facilities of the energy welfare area. The target of diagnosis was energy efficiency diagnosis by selecting 30 senior centers for over 15 years from 600 locations located in Naju City, Jeollanam-do. The overall diagnosis was good, but it is considered that the place classified as 7th grade needs to be supplemented to improve energy efficiency.

Non-memorizing authentication system using the preference words (좋아하는 단어를 이용한 암기하지 않는 패스워드 시스템)

  • Rim, Kwang-Cheol;Lim, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.565-570
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    • 2016
  • User requirements for access and authentication increase daily because of the diversification of the Internet of Things (IoT) and social structures. The increase in authentication needs requires the generation of new passwords. Users want to utilize the same passwords for memorization convenience. However, system administrators request each user to use different passwords, as well as passwords that include special symbols. Differnet passwords and including special symbols passwords seem to exceed the tolerance range within your memorization skills. It fetches a very negative consequences in terms of password management. This paper proposes a preference symbol password system that does not require memorization by users. First, a survey is conducted to prove statistical safety, and based on this, an evolution-type password system that uses preference symbols is designed. Preference symbol passwords show superiority with respect to installation cost and convenience, compared with conventional non-memorizing password systems such as biometrics, keystrokes, and mouse patterns.

Building Control Box Attached Monitor based Color Grid Recognition Methods for User Access Authentication

  • Yoon, Sung Hoon;Lee, Kil Soo;Cha, Jae Sang;Khudaybergenov, Timur;Kim, Min Soo;Woo, Deok Gun;Kim, Jeong Uk
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • The secure access the lighting, Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), fire safety, and security control boxes of building facilities is the primary objective of future smart buildings. This paper proposes an authorized user access to the electrical, lighting, fire safety, and security control boxes in the smart building, by using color grid coded optical camera communication (OCC) with face recognition Technologies. The existing CCTV subsystem can be used as the face recognition security subsystem for the proposed approach. At the same time a smart device attached camera can used as an OCC receiver of color grid code for user access authentication data sent by the control boxes to proceed authorization. This proposed approach allows increasing an authorization control reliability and highly secured authentication on accessing building facility infrastructure. The result of color grid code sequence received by the unauthorized person and his face identification allows getting good results in security and gaining effectiveness of accessing building facility infrastructure. The proposed concept uses the encoded user access authentication information through control box monitor and the smart device application which detect and decode the color grid coded informations combinations and then send user through the smart building network to building management system for authentication verification in combination with the facial features that gives a high protection level. The proposed concept is implemented on testbed model and experiment results verified for the secured user authentication in real-time.