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S.Y.Huh, "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Effect of Energy Efficiency Policy," Proceedings of the Conference of the Korea Environmental Policy And Administration Society, pp.51-52, 2019.
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S.M.Lee, D.Y.Kim, J.H.An, C.S.Lee and U.C.Shin, "Availability Evaluation of Korea Window Energy Consumption Efficiency Rating System for the Office Building," Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, Vol.31, No.10, pp.464-47, 2019.
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S.K.Im, J.C.Ku, D.H.Lee, I.T.Kim and H.J.Moon, "A Study on the Efficient Approach for Public Building Energy Audit," Proceedings of the Conference of the Society of Air-Conditioning And Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, pp.375-378, 2013.
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S.H.Kim, J.H.Kim, H.G.Jeong and K.D.Song, "Analysis of Energy Efficiency Improvement Project through U-value and IAQ Measurement of Low-income Households," Journal of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, Vol.17, No.6, pp.73-79, 2017.
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D.H.Shin, "A Study on Heat Price Level Affecting Energy Consumption Efficiency Parity," Proceedings of the Conference of the Korea Society of Energy & Climate Change, p.71, 2019.
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Flir System Korea, Co., Thermal imaging guide book for building and renewable energy diagnosis.
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D.B.Kim, C.S.Park, S.T.Park, H.S.Lee, Y.S.Jeong and K.M.Cho, "Design of Energy Diagnosis Management Application using Thermal Camera," Proceedings of the Conference of the Korea Internet of Things Society, Vol.3, No.1 pp.24-26, 2018.
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Enforcement Decree of the Green Building Creation Support Act (http://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsLinkProc.do?&lsNm=%EB%85%B9%EC%83%89%EA%B1%B4%EC%B6%95%EB%AC%BC+%EC%A1%B0%EC%84%B1+%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EB%B2%95+%EC%8B%9C%ED%96%89%EB%A0%B9&chrClsCd=010202&mode=20&ancYnChk=0#), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
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Building energy efficiency level certification and zero energy building certification standard (http://www.law.go.kr/conAdmrulByLsPop.do?&lsiSeq=208692&joNo=0002&joBrNo=00&datClsCd=010102&dguBun=DEG&lnkText=%25EA%25B3%25B5%25EB%258F%2599%25EC%259C%25BC%25EB%25A1%259C%2520%25EA%25B3%25A0%25EC%258B%259C%25ED%2595%2598%25EB%258A%2594&admRulPttninfSeq=1855#AJAX), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
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Rules for building energy efficiency rating certification and zero energy building certification (http://www.law.go.kr/lsInfoP.do?lsiSeq=208692#0000) , Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
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Green Building Support Act (http://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsLinkProc.do?&lsNm=%EB%85%B9%EC%83%89%EA%B1%B4%EC%B6%95%EB%AC%BC+%EC%A1%B0%EC%84%B1+%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EB%B2%95&chrClsCd=010202&mode=20&ancYnChk=0#), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.