• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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A Comparative Study of Vietnamese IJVs' Performance - A Two Country Empirical Examination - (베트남 국제합작기업 성과에 관한 비교연구 : 2개국 실증분석)

  • Shin, Geon-Cheol;Nguyen, Thi Gam;Park, Yonghee
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.3-39
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this study are to identify important variables such as strategic motivation, performance objectives and satisfaction, managerial and functional area control, functional area conflict, resource contribution, investment environment and competition of international joint ventures (IJV) and to compare the management practices of Korean and Japanese IJVs in Vietnam. Data set consists of those Korean and Japanese IJVs with local partners in Vietnam. The results suggest that Korean and Japanese IJVs in Vietnam reveals significant differences in their international management practices at IJVs in most areas. We also found differences in satisfaction of the parent companies with the performance of these IJVs in Vietnam.

Korea's Tied Aid for Export and Competition with China

  • La, Jung Joo
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.81-100
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    • 2013
  • This paper investigates the new link between the export-creating effects of Korea's tied aid and the export-diverting effects coming from China's export expansion, which have been rarely explored by the existing studies. A panel data consisting of 98-104 aid recipients of Korea through the period of 1995-2009 shows that the net export-creating effects are weaker at the export destinations where the export competition between Korea and China is fierce, while they are stronger at the export markets where it is not so severe. These findings applies to consumption goods rather than capital and intermediate goods.

A Study on future oriented urban space production Strategy for Activation of CBD (CBD 활성화를 위한 미래형 도시공간연출 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Jae-Woo;Park, Kwan-Il
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 2009
  • 1. CONTENTS 1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of the study was to propose a future oriented urban space production strategy to offer diverse useful services to citizens to improve international competitiveness of cities in the times of competition that competitive subjects were changed from competition among countries to competition among cities. 2) RESEARCH METHOD In the proposed future-oriented urban space production strategy, the study compared/analyzed main plans related to development of urban space by selecting CBD(Jung-gu) of Busan out of local metropolises in South Korea. 3) RESEARCH FINDINGS In the proposed future-oriented urban space production strategy, the study largely sorted city's function into four scopes function of industrial support, function of social support, function of living support and function of urban infrastructure. 2. RESULTS It is expected that the proposed future oriented urban space production strategy will be utilized as a useful reference model when a lot of local governments, planning a ubiquitous urban space, establish a plan for constructing a ubiquitous urban space.

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글로벌 리서치 1 - 경쟁과 지식재산권에 관한 정책간의 인터페이스 : 경쟁당국의 역할

  • Singham, Shanker A.
    • Journal of Korea Fair Competition Federation
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    • no.162
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    • pp.68-85
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    • 2012
  • 이 글은 2012년 3월 9일 '무역 및 경쟁 정책에 관한 국제 원탁회의(International Roundtable on Trade and Competition Policy) 비공개전문가회의'에서 Shanker A. Singham이 발표한 자료와 참석자들의 토의내용을 발표 이후 정리, 이를 요약문 형식으로 번역(의역)한 것이다. 이 글의 주요 논지는 경쟁당국의 지식재산권에 대한 전통적 관점에 대한 재고찰로서, 필자는 "지식재산권 보호가 반드시 경쟁정책에 반하는 것은 아니고, 오히려 지식재산권 보호가 경쟁을 촉진하는 효과를 가진다"는 점을 강조하고 있다. 저자는 자신의 논지를 설명하면서 의약산업의 예시를 상당부분 들고 있다. 이 글 중에는 국내 사정과 정서에 일부 부합하지 않는 내용도 있을 수 있지만, 국내외 경쟁정책에 대한 다양한 관점을 경험할 수 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 생각한다.

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Operation Strategy of Container Terminal in the Era of Unlimited Competition (무한경쟁시대의 컨테이너부두 운영전략)

    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 1998
  • By the rapid expansion of containerization and intermodal transportation in international shipping since the 1970's, the larger containerships have emerged and concentrated their calls at a limited number of ports. Moreover, large-scale container terminals have been built to accommodate the ever-larger containerships, and the mordernization of terminal facilities and many developments in information technology etc. have been brought out. Thus, unlimited competition has been imposed on every terminal with neighbouring ports in Japan, Singapore, Hongkong and Taiwan etc. The purpose of this study is to suggest how the container terminal operators cope with unlimited competition between local or foreign terminals. The results are suggested as follows: First, transshipment cargoes, which the added value is high, is to be induced. Second, the function of storage is given on On-Dock Yard. Third, Berth Pool Operation System is to be introduced, especially in Gamman Container Terminal and Kwangyang Container Terminal. Fourth, the cargo handling charges is to be decided by terminal operator.

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A Study on the Identity and Development Direction of Gyeonggi Furniture Design Contest (경기 가구우수디자인 공모전의 정체성 진단과 발전방향 모색)

  • Lim, Kwang Soon;Cheon, Hye Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.485-495
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    • 2012
  • Full-fledged competitions in Korea have been held since 2000, while the competitions have shown a wide variety of chaos in holding, deploying, developing, declining, and suspending them from the context of uncountable needs and demands. At the present time, we have to establish an identity of the competitions, being aware of the importance of it. And positive efforts should be made to prepare the future. "Gyeonggi Furniture Design Contest" that started in 2003 and became 10th in 2012, should be evaluated by the performance and operation seriously. Therefore, as the GFDC related data for 10 years are diagnosed and analyzed thoroughly, its identity will be established. Finally, the competition will be able to create the progressive strategy and concrete measure to develop the steps on an international design competition.

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The Analysis of the Achievement of Korean High School Students in the International Geography Competition (세계지리경시대회를 통해 본 고등학교 지리교육 학업성취도 분석)

  • 김두일;황철수;유우익
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2001
  • The contents and results of teaching should be evaluated periodically and intermationally in the age of globalization. The Third Internatinal Geography Competition, held from August 13 to August 19,2000 in Seoul, was a good opportunity to compare the level of achievement in geography among Korean students with that of other countries. Students from 13 countries competed with one another by demonstrating their geographical knowledge via three kinds of test. The aim of this study is to evaluate the international level of high school students in geography education in light of the result of the competiton. Four specific contents ate analysed here: 1)the process and result of the competiton, 2) the analysis of test scores of all students, 3) the international comparison of achievement level of the Korean students, and 4)the evaluation of the examination items and their comparison with those of the first competition. The result of this study will help to evaluate ths competitive achievement of geography education in high school. Although the Korean studenrs scored high marks overall, their were relafively weak in the fieldwork assignment. This shows that instructions in geography are unbalanced.

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  • Saeed Abdollahi Sean Pour;Hyung Seok David Jeong
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2013
  • State Highway Agencies (SHAs) have started utilizing cost-plus-time bidding (A+B bidding) since Federal Highway Agency (FHWA) declared it operational on May 4, 1995. Although this technique has successfully accelerated many projects by incorporating construction time in the bidding competition, a framework to illustrate the interactions of incentive/disincentive (I/D) rates on the competitiveness of contractors participating in the bid competition is yet to be developed. In a previous research, authors indicated that for each bid competition there is an efficient cap for I/D rates which are dictated by the capabilities of contractors in project acceleration. However, the results of previous study were based on the assumption that there is a statistically significant relationship between cost and time. In this study, the entire cost-plus-time projects implemented by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) were investigated. Then the significance of relationship between cost and time were analyzed for each contractor utilizing Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique, and the price-time function of each contractor was determined by regression analysis. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a significant relationship between cost and time for the majority of contractors. However, a quadratic relationship is not always significant and for some contractors a linear price-time relationship is significant. The results of this project can be used not only by ODOT to optimize the incentive/disincentive rates but also by contractors to determine the most competitive strategies of other bid participants.

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Study on Undergraduate-Driven Autonomous Vehicle Competition (대학생 자율주행자동차 경진항목 연구)

  • Choi, Gyeung Ho;Lee, Jae-Cheon;Ahn, Sang Ho;Cho, Kwang Sang;Oh, Youkeun
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2017
  • The current autonomous vehicle competitions are dominated by a few leading research institutions and universities. Since the leading research groups have been able to accumulate their knowledge and to develop their own algorithms for autonomous vehicle for many years, the technology gap seems too big for other followers to catch up with. On the other hand, recent researches predict that there would be a sharp rise in demand for engineers with background in autonomous vehicle technology. Therefore, it would be warranted to further expand the base of the academia and autonomous vehicle industry. In an effort to achieve this goal, it would be beneficial to hold a new format of autonomous vehicle competition event where undergraduate students can play a leading role. So, this study is to analyze the current autonomous vehicle competitions and thus to establish a strategic plan to develop a unique and improved competition event. This study investigates the pros and cons of the domestic and international autonomous vehicle competitions. Based on the analysis for the current autonomous vehicle competitions, the authors suggest a strategic plan to initiate an autonomous vehicle competition. To implement the aforementioned strategic plan, it is necessary to develop a systematic environment where the education and communication are actively available. Through the strategic plan the authors propose, the newly launching autonomous vehicle competition will able to encourage the undergraduate students and professors to dive in the cutting-edge technology thereby increasing technology competitiveness.

Capital Structure Inertia and Product Market Competition (자본구조의 관성과 상품시장 경쟁간의 관계)

  • Choi, Chilsun;Son, Pando;Yi, Sangeun;Kim, Sanghyun
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.143-169
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    • 2017
  • This paper empirically examines how capital structure inertia varies across industries and there is different in industries, and whether this fact is explained by product market competition using non-financial firms listed in KOSP market over periods of 1981 to 2015. In empirical test, I find that firms with more competition environment tend to have inertia behavior in making decision of capital structure. This implies that it is explained by debt discipline effect and it is substitution for product market competitions. Also I find that manager tends to take action actively making decision of capital structure when product market competition is low. Also I show that they use debt to constraint the free cash flow. As a result, I conclude that Korean non-financial firms do not have more strong inertia behavior in capital structure rather than U.S. firms. Second, using OLS estimation, inertia effect disappears while there is strong inertia effect in relationship between inertia and product market competition. This result suggests that transaction cost is not key factor in explaining inertia behavior of capital structure.