• 제목/요약/키워드: Integrated Thinking

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Groping out Direction for the Supporting System of Consumer Education in School (학교소비자교육 지원 기관을 위한 방향 모색)

  • 김지경;양정혜;박인순
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2002
  • Interested in the importance of Consumer Education in school has recognized in modem society, due mainly to the development and change of consumption life. Among the many contributions to the study of consumer issues that Consumer Education in school is the most important thing to be rational consumer. However, There is no any system to support the Consumer Education in school even though we need it. And thus, this paper is used the method of Contents Analysis through critically reviewing the professional web-sites of Consumer Education Center in Japan and Europe in order to investigate what the goal is, what contents are, how they operate their Consumer Education System. Moreover, we compare two web-sites in aspects of system, structure. The Consumer Education in Japan and Europe is toward the value of life which is not the buy-man-ship but the way of thinking and philosophy of life. The school lead the Consumer Education through the integrated system which is invoked all of related subjects. Each related subject is gotten together for the Consumer Education. Most of all the Consumer Education Center in Japan and Europe is in the middle of Consumer Education in school, and then absolutely assist and support Consumer Education in school.

Searching for the Directions of Open Mathematics Education (열린수학교육의 방향 탐색)

  • 정영옥
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.405-423
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    • 1998
  • This study aims to reflect the origin and the meaning of open education and to derive pedagogical principles for open mathematics education. Open education originates from Socrates who was the founder of discovery learning and has been developed by Locke, Rousseau, Froebel, Montessori, Dewey, Piaget, and so on. Thus open education is based on Humanism and Piaget's psychology. The aim of open education consists in developing potentials of children. The characteristics of open education can be summarized as follows: open curriculum, individualized instruction, diverse group organization and various instruction models, rich educational environment, and cooperative interaction based on open human relations. After considering the aims and the characteristics of open education, this study tries to suggest the aims and the directions for open mathematics education according to the philosophy of open education. The aim of open mathematics education is to develop mathematical potentials of children and to foster their mathematical appreciative view. In order to realize the aim, this study suggests five pedagogical principles. Firstly, the mathematical knowledge of children should be integrated by structurizing. Secondly, exploration activities for all kinds of real and concrete situations should be starting points of mathematics learning for the children. Thirdly, open-ended problem approach can facilitate children's diverse ways of thinking. Fourthly, the mathematics educators should emphasize the social interaction through small-group cooperation. Finally, rich educational environment should be provided by offering concrete and diverse material. In order to make open mathematics education effective, some considerations are required in terms of open mathematics curriculum, integrated construction of textbooks, autonomy of teachers and inquiry into children's mathematical capability.

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Class Design Applying Flipped Learning Combined with Project-Based Learning: Focusing on Digital Painting Tool for Class (플립러닝형 프로젝트 기반학습을 적용한 수업 설계: Digital Painting Tool 수업을 중심으로)

  • Sung, Rea;Kong, Hyunhee
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2022
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution era requires people to have the ability of integrated thinking, critics, sensitivity, and creativity in an integrated manner. Therefore, teaching methods are expected to become more suitable for the trend. In this belief, current teacher-leading education method should move to students' self motivating one and consist of programs in which students voluntarily involve. In this reason, this study suggests FPBL educational method model that is combines project-based learning with flipped learning by analysing preceding research and digital painting tool class was designed by applying it. As a result of applying the designed class model to the class, all of the class satisfaction, effectiveness, and interaction were evaluated positively. Problems such as limitations of project classes due to non-face-to-face classes, large amount of learning before class, and reduced concentration during class were found. Therefore, when the FPBL class model is conducted non-face-to-face, it will be necessary to further strengthen the role of the instructor, provide lecture videos summarizing the core contents, and improve concentration by providing active participation and fun using various digital tools. The result of the study looks significant by confirming the possibility of applying FPBL model not only in design education but also other educational settings.

Analysis of Teachers' Perceptions on the Subject Competencies of Integrated Science (통합과학 교과 역량에 대한 교사들의 인식 분석)

  • Ahn, Yumin;Byun, Taejin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2020
  • In the 2015 revised curriculum, 'Integrated Science' was established to increase convergent thinking and designated as a common subject for all students to learn, regardless of career. In addition, the 2015 revised curriculum introduced 'competence' as a distinctive feature from the previous curriculum. In the 2015 revised curriculum, competencies are divided into core competencies of cross-curricular character and subject competencies based on academic knowledge and skills of the subject. The science curriculum contains five subject competencies: scientific thinking, scientific inquiry, scientific problem solving, scientific communication, scientific participation and life-long learning. However, the description of competencies in curriculum documents is insufficient, and experts' perceptions of competencies are not uniform. Therefore, this study examines the perceptions of science subjects in science high school teachers by deciding that comprehension of competencies should be preceded in order for competency-based education to be properly applied to school sites. First, we analyzed the relationship between achievement standards and subject competencies of integrated science through the operation of an expert working group with a high understanding of the integrated science achievement standards. Next, 31 high school science teachers examined the perception of the five subject competencies through a descriptive questionnaire. The semantic network analysis has been utilized to analyze the teachers' responses. The results of the analysis showed that the three curriculum competencies of scientific inquiry, scientific communication, scientific participation and life-long learning ability are similar to the definitions of teachers and curriculum documents, but in the case of scientific thinking and scientific problem solving, there are some gaps in perception and definition in curriculum documents. In addition, the results of the comprehensive analysis of teachers' perceptions on the five competencies show that the five curriculum competencies are more relevant than mutually exclusive or independent.

Re-validation of the Revised Systems Thinking Measuring Instrument for Vietnamese High School Students and Comparison of Latent Means between Korean and Vietnamese High School Students (베트남 고등학생을 대상으로 한 개정 시스템 사고 검사 도구 재타당화 및 한국과 베트남 고등학생의 잠재 평균 비교)

  • Hyonyong Lee;Nguyen Thi Thuy;Byung-Yeol Park;Jaedon Jeon;Hyundong Lee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2024
  • The purposes of this study were: (1) to revalidate the revised Systems Thinking Measuring Instrument (Re_STMI) reported by Lee et al. (2024) among Vietnamese high school students and (2) to investigate the differences in systems thinking abilities between Korean and Vietnamese high school students. To achieve this, data from 234 Vietnamese high school students who responded to translated Re_STMI consisting of 20 items and an Scale consisting of 20 items were used. Validity analysis was conducted through item response analysis (Item Reliability, Item Map, Infit and Outfit MNSQ, DIF between male and female) and exploratory factor analysis (principal axis factor analysis using Promax). Furthermore, structural equation modeling was employed with data from 475 Korean high school students to verify the latent mean analysis. The results were as follows: First, in the item response analysis of the 20 translated Re_STMI items in Vietnamese, the Item Reliability was .97, and the Infit MNSQ ranged from .67 to 1.38. The results from the Item Map and DIF analysis align with previous findings. In the exploratory factor analysis, all items were loaded onto intended sub-factors, with sub-factor reliabilities ranging from .662 to .833 and total reliability at .876. Confirmatory factor analysis for latent mean analysis between Korean and Vietnamese students yielded acceptable model fit indices (χ2/df: 2.830, CFI: .931, TLI: .918, SRMR: .043, RMSEA: .051). Lastly, the latent mean analysis between Korean and Vietnamese students revealed a small effect size in systems analysis, mental models, team learning, and shared vision factors, whereas a medium effect size was observed in personal mastery factors, with Vietnamese high school students showing significantly higher results in systems thinking. This study confirmed the reliability and validity of the Re_STMI items. Furthermore, international comparative studies on systems thinking using Re_STMI translated into Vietnamese, English, and other languages are warranted in the context of students' systems thinking analysis.

Development and Effectiveness of STEAM Outreach Program based on Mathematics (수학을 기반으로 하는 STEAM 아웃리치 프로그램 개발과 효과성)

  • Hwang, Sunwook;Kim, Namjun;Son, Jeongsuk;Song, Wonhee;Lee, Kapjung;Choi, Seongja;Lew, Kyounghoon
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.389-407
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    • 2017
  • Many researches related to STEAM education have been actively conducted for developing elementary and secondary school students' comprehensive and logical thinking ability in relation to creativity education in Korea. Each sub factor of STEAM education requires creative thinking with the ability to be merged together to solve problems as integrated or combined forms in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Also, these STEAM activities and experiences should be carried out at various places outside the classroom in school. Although various educational programs to enhance mathematical creativity have been emphasized for elementary and secondary school students, recent tendency to focus on classroom learning in the school makes it difficult to develop creative thinking ability of students. This research is mainly based on the result of the project "Development and Administration of STEAM Outreach Program in 2016" supported by KOFAC(Korea Foundation for the Achievement of Science & Creativity). The purpose of this research is to develop a STEAM outreach program including students' activity books, teachers' manuals and administration manual that can maximize STEAM-related interest of students, and to provide a chance for elementary and secondary school students to experience creative thinking based on sub factors of STEAM. The STEAM competency total score and the perception of convergence education were significantly increased for all students participating this program, but some sub factors showed different result by school levels. The STEAM outreach program developed by this study is designed to emphasize STEAM education especially 'based on' mathematics in order to provide students with the opportunity to experience more interest in the field of mathematics and will be able to provide an interesting creative STEAM outreach program that utilizes a variety of activities which, we expect, would help students to consider their career in the future.

Effect of Nursing Case-Focused Creative Thinking Training for Registered Nurses (간호사의 간호사례 중심 창의적 사고훈련 효과)

  • Kang, So-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.2898-2907
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the creative thinking training program(CTTP) focused on a nursing case for registered nurses(RN) working at hospital, and to examine the CTTP's effects on nurses' creative thinking ability and disposition. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on the basis of pre and post-test design with a comparison group for nurses enrolled in registered nurse bachelor science degree program in a University located in Southern area of Korea. The 5 hour-CTTP, including 7 creative activity tasks related to a nursing case, was implemented on 35 RNs of the experimental group from November 21, throughout November 28, 2011. The 39 RNs were participated in this study as a control group. Pre-and post-tests were done with the questionnaire items of the Integrated Creativity Instrument for creative ability and creative disposition. There were significant differences in creative thinking ability(t=3.62, p=001) and creative disposition(t=2.91, p=.01) between the experimental and the control group. The CTTP, developed in this research would contribute to increasing creativity competency for registered nurses.

Contents Analysis of Basic Software Education of Non-majors Students for Problem Solving Ability Improvement - Focus on SW-oriented University in Korea - (문제해결력 향상을 위한 비전공자 소프트웨어 기초교육 내용 분석 - 국내 SW중심대학 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Eunsill;Kim, Jaehyoun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2019
  • Since 2015, the government has been striving to strengthen the software capabilities required for future talent through software-oriented university in Korea. In the university selected as a software-oriented university, basic software education is given to all departments such as humanities, social science, engineering, natural science, arts and the sports within the university in order to foster convergent human resources with different knowledge and software literacy. In this paper, we analyze the contents of basic software education for twenty universities selected as software-oriented universities. As a result of analysis, most of the basic software education which is carried out to the students of the non-majors students was aimed at improvement of problem solving ability centered on computational thinking for future society and improvement of convergence ability based on computer science. It uses block-based educational programming language and text-based advanced programming language to adjust the difficulty of programming contents and contents reflecting characteristics of each major. Problem-based learning, project-based learning, and discussion method were used as the teaching and learning methods for problem solving. In the future, this paper will help to establish the systematic direction for basic software education of non-majors students.

Development of Liberal Art and Natural Science Integration Computational Thinking Education Program Based on the IoT (IoT 기반의 문·이과 통합형 CT 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Jeong, Sang-Mok;Shin, Soo-Bum;Yim, Taek-Kyun;Mun, Seong-Yun;Jeon, In-Seong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2019
  • The informatics curriculum which was revised in 2015 presents the growth of creative and convergent talents as a main goal, and what is essential in the growth of creative and convergent talents is Computational Thinking(CT). In this study, in line with the goal of the growth of creative and convergent talents, the subject of IoT technology and liberal arts and natural sciences integration course was combined with the contents of informatics textbook, and the teaching-learning program was developed. In order to verify the effect of the developed teaching-learning program, the experimental research was conducted, and as a result of study, the mean of the experimental group was 10 points higher than that of the control group. Therefore, it could be known that there was an effect in the teaching-learning program suggested in this study. It is expected that the teaching-learning program suggested in this study can induce the learning motive and interest in SW education by directly implementing SW skill to the various fields of a real life through CT education based on Iot as well as a programing language, and improve convergent and scientific thinking through the experience of solving the problems which are blended with many subjects through liberal arts and natural sciences integration course, and designing them creatively.

A Study on Christian Liberal Arts to Cultivate Religious Literacy (종교 리터러시를 함양하는 기독교 교양교육 연구)

  • Miyoung Cho
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.76
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    • pp.149-172
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    • 2023
  • Purpose of study: The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of the role of Christian liberal arts education in university liberal arts education in the 21st century. Research content and method: It examines how liberal arts education has changed with the times, and examines the modern significance of the role of liberal arts education that is requested today. In the rapidly changing reality of the 21st century, the role of liberal arts education, which was neglected by focusing on major-centered professional education, has become important. The need for creative and integrated thinking skills to create and apply new knowledge on their own has been highlighted. Liberal arts education and Christianity have a common denominator, and they can produce richer fruits through mutual communication. Religious literacy is the ability to identify and analyze the fundamental intersection between religion and social, political, and cultural life through various lenses. It can be said that it is the culture that must be equipped as a democratic citizen living in the 21st century. Understanding religion is the most important humanities and culture. Through the cultivation of religious literacy, it will be possible to develop thinking skills and insights to view the relationship between Christianity and various fields of life as a whole. Conclusions and Suggestions: Through this study, the need for religious literacy was expressed, and the direction of Christian liberal arts education requested in this era was sought. Christian liberal arts education that fosters religious literacy is proposed as a way to handle the role of a holistic leader of public society by aiming for convergent thinking and promoting public responsibility.