• 제목/요약/키워드: IS project performance

검색결과 2,313건 처리시간 0.026초

연구개발팀의 환경 성숙도 및 인지적 다양성과 정서적 수용이 연구개발 성과에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Environmental Maturity, Cognitive Diversity and Affective Acceptance on the Performance in the R&D Team)

  • 박경환
    • 기술혁신연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.141-167
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to present the model of performance in new product R&D project team, from the perspective of the problem solving. The quality and commitment of the problem solutions in R&D project team depend on the team's cognitive diversity and affective acceptance. The higher cognitive diversity is, the higher quality of solutions is. And more affective acceptance is, more commitment to the problem solving is. The environmental maturity of team, and quality and commitment of problem solutions in R&D project teams are supposed to relate to the performance of research and development.

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철도건설사업의 효율적인 VE수행을 위한 성능측정기법 (Performance Measurement Method for Efficient Value Engineering Study of Railroad Construction Project)

  • 임종권;박미연;박흥민;김성훈;이광균
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2008년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.2242-2249
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    • 2008
  • A severe problem in VE study of a project is to reduce value due to loss of performance, caused by focusing on cost reduction. Also a lack of understanding performance concept, no trial VE workshop as well as cost saving-based policy have not satisfied customer needs. A efficient VE job plan for especially large scale railroad construction project is proposed in this study. This study developed a more objective performance evaluation system for value engineering study of mega projects and suggested a systematic process of performance quantitative analysis for value improvement. The proposed performance measurement method would be very useful for better communication and consensus between decision makers and VE team.

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기술지주회사 연구동향과 기업성과 향상을 위한 제언 : Project Management Office(PMO) 도입을 중심으로 (Research Trends of Technology Holding Companies and Suggestions for improving Corporate Performance : Focusing on the introduction of PMO)

  • 이강오;이찬호
    • Journal of East Asia Management
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2023
  • Modern company faces an uncertain future and a competitive environment and are seeking new technologies and creative products to ensure the corporate growth and survival in the market through continuous innovation. "University Industry Cooperation(UIC)" is a point of contact for overcoming the crisis faced by companies and universities in this era and a cooperation platform for mutual prosperity. As a subsidiary of a university, "Technology Holding Company(THC)" is attracting attention as a new window for UIC in Korea. The role of THC is to establish and foster the business opportunities of their subsidiaries and to return investment profits to the university ecosystem again. But recently, the life cycle of technology is getting shorter, and the development cost is steadily increasing. In particular, with the increase of hybrid projects based on convergence and combination, the risk of conducting research(R&D) and new product development(NPD) projects is gradually increasing. A PMO refers to a project management organization that can contribute to improving the success rate of projects with increasing uncertainty by supporting project visibility and appropriate decision-making. The purpose of this study is to raise a research question on whether THC's corporate performance can be improved when "Project Management System(PMO Service)" is introduced into the subsidiary incubation system of THC. This study proposes several research methods to identify the relationship between the introduction of PMO and the corporate performance of THC.

A Study on the Effect of Satisfaction with R&D Projects on R&D Performance Satisfaction -For SMEs in Jeollanamdo-

  • Choi, Hong Wan;Kang, Min Jung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to check whether the satisfaction of the R&D (Research & Development) project directly affects the R&D performance, and to find out whether the satisfaction with regional connectivity and the satisfaction with the R&D operation management significantly mediate the relationship that the satisfaction with the R&D project has on the R&D performance. In order to verify the research hypothesis on this, a total of 51 companies located in Jeollanam-do that actually conducted R&D research projects were surveyed and analyzed. In order to conduct an empirical study based on the collected questionnaire, a survey questionnaire related to the variables of the study model was composed based on a sample of 51 questionnaires. We used the SPSS program to verify the hypotheses in this study, and the hypotheses were verified by analyzing the validity, reliability, correlation, and deflection. As a result, there was a positive (+) significant relationship between R&D project satisfaction and R&D performance. In addition, it was found that the relationship between R&D project satisfaction and R&D performance was significantly mediated by the satisfaction with R&D regional connectivity and satisfaction with R&D project operation management.

해외건설 프로젝트의 성공적 수행을 위한 위험요소 및 대처방안에 대한 연구 - 해외건설 사례분석을 포함하여 - (A Study on Risk Analysis and Relevant Measures for the Successful Performance in Overseas Construction Projects - Including Case Analysis on A Overseas Construction Project -)

  • 김상만
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제50권
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    • pp.215-250
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    • 2011
  • Korean won overseas construction projects worth 71.6 billion US Dollars in 2010, which exceeded that of 2009 by 45.6%. An overseas construction project is a transaction of large scale, long term project, many parties participating, deferred payment, and of high-technology. It contributes to foreign currency earning, and also leads the nation's export restructuring work towards high value-added one. There are various kinds of risks towards the relevant parties respectively, which are key elements in successfully performing the overseas construction project. There are completion risk, financing risk, operating risk, revenue risk etc, in an employer's place. A contractor may be confronted with payment risk, issuance risk of performance bond, financing risk, performance risk of sub-contractors, and exchange rate risk. In lenders place there are repayment risk, completion risk, and political risk in the host country. In order to mitigate risks, the parties shall take relevant measures or require relevant securities. A contractor needs to evaluate the credibility of an employer in respect of payment risk, and can also request export insurance cover by the Korea Trade Insurance Corporation(the former 'Korea Export Insurance Corporation"). An employer can require a contractor to provide performance bond in respect of completion risk, and employ a well-known first class bank as a mandated arranger to arrange financing with regard to completion risk. Lenders needs to evaluate the credibility of an employer and accomplish feasibility study of the project. Lenders can request insurance cover from export credit agency. Once the parties assess the respective risks and obtain relevant securities, the project will be successfully completed. The success of the project will be sure to bring the parties involved enormous profits and another opportunity to participate in overseas construction project afterwards.

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사례의 수정최소화 기법에 의한 소프트웨어 프로젝트 네트워크 생성시스템 (Case-based Software Project Network Generation by the Least Modification Principle)

  • 이노복;이재규
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2003
  • Software project planning is usually represented by a project activity network that is composed of stages of tasks to be done and precedence restrictions among them. The project network is very complex and its construction requires a vast amount of field knowledge and experience. So this study proposes a case-based reasoning approach that can generate the project network automatically based on the past cases and modification knowledge. For the case indexing, we have adopted 17 factors, each with a few alternative values. A special structure of this problem is that the modification effort can be identified by each factor independently. Thus it is manageable to identify 85 primitive modification actions(add and delete activities) and estimate its modification efforts in advance. A specific case requires a combination of primitive modifications. Based on the modification effort knowledge, we have adopted the Least Modification approach as a metric of similarity between a new project and past cases. Using the Least Modification approach and modification knowledge base, we can automatically generate the project network. To validate the performance of Least Modification approach, we have compared its performance with an ordinary minimal distance approach for 21 test cases. The experiment showed that the Least Modification approach could reduce the modification effort significantly.

Key Performance Indicators for Project Management Performance of Large Contractors in Developing Countries: A Case Study in Vietnam

  • Soo-Yong Kim;Troung-Van Luu
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 3th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1599-1607
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    • 2009
  • In order to deal with severe competition in the construction market of developing countries, large contractors must continually improve their own performance and operation. Performance measurement is the heart of ceaseless improvement in organizations. Key performance indicators (KPIs) play a key role in measuring project management performance (PMP) of large contractors in developing countries. The main objective of this paper is to identify KPIs, which can be used to measure PMP of contractors, and then analyze the underlying relationships of these KPIs in order to gain insight into PMP of large construction firms in Vietnam construction industry (VCI). Literature reviews and the pilot survey provided 30 KPIs. Fourteen KPIs, which have the mean values higher than 3.0, were considered as important KPIs through a questionnaire survey of 32 professionals. Factor analysis of these KPIs was employed to categorize them. The results of the survey revealed that top six KPIs are construction time and cost, owner satisfaction on services and products, and quality management and project team performance. Factor analysis uncovered that 14 top-ranked KPIs can be grouped under six categories, namely: (1) construction input management, (2) owner satisfaction, (3) cost and quality, (4) manpower management, (5) subcontractor performance and (6) equipment management. The findings of this research can be used as a guideline to measure PMP of contractors in Vietnam as well as in other developing countries. Since contractors from a country to the other country may have the same manner to manage construction projects, the results of this study may be useful not only to practitioners and researchers in Vietnam but also to participants in other developing countries.

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국방규격 개선사업의 성과평가모형 개발 및 적용방안 연구 (A Study on the Development and Application of Performance Evaluation Model for Defense Standard Improvement Projects)

  • 이민철;김영현;안영준;김준수
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify key performance evaluation items and factors that are effective and practical for project management of defense standard standard improvement projects, and to develop a quantitative performance evaluation model. Methods: For the development of a performance evaluation model for defense standard improvement projects, we analyzed past major project performance and derived evaluation items and factors. To increase the objectivity and efficiency of project evaluation, we developed an evaluation index that enables relative evaluation of evaluation targets, and calculated the main importance of evaluation items using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method based on the main opinions of expert groups. Results: The study resulted in the identification of main performance items for defense standard improvement projects, which were classified into defense standard conformity review performance and defense standard improvement performance items. We also simplified the evaluation model by integrating various evaluation items into similar evaluation factors. Additionally, we developed a quantitative evaluation index that enables relative evaluation of the targets and verified the objectivity and validity of the suggested performance evaluation model by reevaluating it using performance data from past commissioned professional institutions Conclusion: Developing a quantitative evaluation model for defense standard improvement projects is expected to provide a means of measuring the effectiveness of the project, and to be used as a tool to determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of medium and long-term project plans.


  • Du Yon Kim;Seung Heon Han;Heedae Park
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 3th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1414-1418
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    • 2009
  • International construction projects typically manifest difficult, complex, and varied types of risk exposures; because of this, there is a need for accurate evaluation of risk-integrated performances during the timeframe of project execution. Given the financial crisis currently affecting the world economy recession, risk management has become a more crucial part for the success of international project management. However, the majority of risk management approaches, particularly for overseas projects, are focused primarily on simple forms of checklists, formalization of risk variables affecting project performance for a specific phase, or more complicated computational methods that restricting practical utilization in real-world projects; moreover, these methods lack the conceptual basis to broadly visualize the level of risk over all phases of a project. This study suggests an efficient, yet simple risk-integrated total index to successfully assess the risk levels of overseas construction projects. To this end, this paper first investigates the life cycles and key processes of decision-making for a given project and then derives formulas to represent the total risk index (TRI) along the key decision-making processes. In addition, the study examines the relationships between TRI and performance levels based on the analysis of 126 real-world project samples. Validations using the proposed TRI showed a high correlation to project performance, signifying the usefulness of the proposed approach for construction firms when investigating the level of risks and key areas for management focus.

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전사적 리스크 관리(ERM)가 프로젝트 리스크 관리(PRM) 향상을 통해 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향 분석: 해외 건설사업을 중심으로 (Analysis of the Impact of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) on the Project Success through PRM Process: Focused on the Overseas Construction Projects)

  • 정설림;김승철;김대철
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2024
  • As the complexity and uncertainty of international construction projects increase, the importance of risk management capabilities in the construction industry has become more pronounced. Accordingly, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has become a widely adopted approach among organizations as a new way for more effective risk management. Despite its growing application, research related to ERM is still in its infancy, and most of the existing studies have been limited to financial industries. Therefore, this study aims to empirically examine the influence of ERM's core elements on project risk management (PRM) and project performance within construction firms. Our findings indicate that the key ERM components-organization, policy, and culture-significantly enhance PRM processes, underscoring their critical role and importance. Additionally, effective PRM positively affects project outcomes, highlighting its significance for construction companies engaged in international projects. While ERM does not directly impact project performance, it indirectly improves outcomes through enhanced PRM capabilities. It suggests that ERM will contribute to the firm's performance by improving the firm's PRM capability through policies and a risk-focused culture corresponding to the adopted ERM organization and system..