• 제목/요약/키워드: Hybrid Process

검색결과 1,938건 처리시간 0.041초

Hydrogen Evolution from Biological Protein Photosystem I and Semiconductor BiVO4 Driven by Z-Schematic Electron Transfer

  • Shin, Seonae;Kim, Younghye;Nam, Ki Tae
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2013년도 제45회 하계 정기학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.251.2-251.2
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    • 2013
  • Natural photosynthesis utilizes two proteins, photosystem I and photosystem II, to efficiently oxidize water and reduce NADP+ to NADPH. Artificial photosynthesis which mimics this process achieve water splitting through a two-step Z-schematic water splitting process using man-made synthetic materials for hydrogen fuel production. In this study, Z-scheme system was achieved from the hybrid materials which composed of hydrogen production part as photosystem I protein and water oxidizing part as semiconductor BiVO4. Utilizing photosystem I as the hydrogen evolving part overcomes the problems of existing hydrogen evolving p-type semiconductors such as water instability, expensive cost, few available choices and poor red light (>600 nm) absorbance. Some problems of photosystem II, oxygen evolving part of natural photosynthesis, such as demanding isolation process and D1 photo-damage can also be solved by utilizing BiVO4 as the oxygen evolving part. Preceding research has not suggested any protein-inorganic-hybrid Z-scheme composed of both materials from natural photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis. In this study, to realize this Z-schematic electron transfer, diffusion step of electron carrier, which usually degrades natural photosynthesis efficiency, was eliminated. Instead, BiVO4 and Pt-photosystem I were all linked together by the mediator gold. Synthesized all-solid-state hybrid materials show enhanced hydrogen evolution ability directly from water when illuminated with visible light.

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원격측정 다중 스트림 최적 혼합 후처리 기법 연구 (A Study on Optimum Hybrid Post-Processing Method for Multiple Telemetry Streams)

  • 김인종;이성필;장덕진
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.616-624
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    • 2019
  • In order to understand flying aircraft, satellite, missile, etc, a telemetry ground system is used to receive, record, and process the transmitted radio signal from vehicles. In some cases, a line-of-sight communication is not possible along to the trajectory of vehicles, and multipath fading result in a shade area of communication. A number of telemetry ground systems are installed to overcome this limitation, and acquire the transmitted signal seamlessly. The telemetry signals received by multiple independent ground systems have independent probability of errors since they experienced their own communication channels. In other words, we can exploit the independent error characteristics of received signals by processing them in a hybrid method. The optimum hybrid post-process method is proposed in this study, and applied to process telemetry signals acquired from flight tests.

Roles of polypropylene beads and pH in hybrid water treatment of carbon fiber membrane and PP beads with water back-flushing

  • Song, Sungwon;Park, Yungsik;Park, Jin Yong
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2019
  • The roles of polypropylene (PP) beads and pH on membrane fouling and treatment efficiency were investigated in a hybrid advanced water treatment process of tubular carbon fiber membranes (ultrafiltration (UF) or microfiltration (MF)) and PP beads. The synthetic feed including humic acid and kaolin flowed inside the membrane, and the permeated contacted the PP beads fluidized in the space between the membrane and the module with UV irradiation and periodic water back-flushing. In the hybrid process of UF ($0.05{\mu}m$) and PP beads, final resistance of membrane fouling ($R_f$) after 180 min increased as PP beads increased. The turbidity treatment efficiency was the maximum at 30 g/L; however, that of dissolved organic matters (DOM) showed the highest at PP beads 50 g/L. The $R_f$ strengthened as pH of feed increased. It means that the membrane fouling could be inhibited at low alkali condition. The treatment efficiency of turbidity was almost constant independent of pH; however, that of DOM showed the maximum at pH 5. For MF ($0.1{\mu}m$), the final $R_f$ was the minimum at PP beads 40 g/L. The treatment efficiencies of turbidity and DOM were the maximum at PP beads 10 g/L.

저온 졸-겔 법을 이용한 투명 하드코팅 필름용 ZrO2/TiO2/Organosilane 복합체 연구 (ZrO2/TiO2/Organosilane Hybrid Composites via Low Temperature Sol-Gel Process for Hard and Transparent Coating)

  • 이수현;최종완
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구에서는 투명도와 기계적 특성을 향상시키기 위해 저온 공정의 졸-겔 법을 이용하여 하이브리드 복합체의 코팅 박막을 제조하였다. 하이브리드 복합체로는 $ZrO_2/TiO_2/organosilane$을 사용하였으며, 그 중 organosilane은 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate을 사용하였고 이는 저온 공정의 광경화 반응을 위해 도입되었다. 다양한 조성비로 합성된 복합체를 폴리 카보네이트 기판 위에 저온 공정의 졸-겔 법을 이용하여 광경화와 열처리 공정을 거처 코팅 박막을 제조하였고 이 코팅 박막의 광학 특성 및 기계적 강도를 확인하였다. 코팅 박막은 가시광선 영역에서 97.5 % 이상의 투과도를 가짐을 확인하였고 기계적 강도는 9H 이상의 연필 경도를 가진 것을 확인하였다. 특히 ZTS-2-1 코팅 박막의 나노 압입 경도는 1.14 GPa로 가장 높게 측정되었다.

부유 및 부착성장 미생물을 이용하는 공정의 유기물, 질소 및 인 제거 특성 비교 (Comparison of Removal Characteristics of Organic Matter, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Between Suspended-Growth and Attached-Growth Biological Processes)

  • 류홍덕;이상일
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.206-214
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 도시하수 처리시 부유성장 미생물만을 이용하는 표준 활성슬러지 공정(Conventional Activated Sludge; CAS) 및 MLE(Modified Ludzack-Ettinger) 공정과 부유 및 부착 미생물을 동시에 활용하는 하이브리드(hybrid)형 공정인 M-Dephanox(Modified-Dephanox) 공정의 유기물, 질소 및 인 제거효율을 상호 비교 검토하고자 하였다. M-Dephanox 공정은 기존 Dephanox 공정의 단점을 극복하기 위하여 고안된 공정으로서 기존 Dephanox 공정에 비해 탈질 효율을 증가시킬 수 있다. 연구 결과 부유 성장 미생물을 이용하는 MLE 공정에 비해 하이브리드형 공정인 M-Dephanox 공정의 TCOD, T-N 및 T-P 제거효율이 각각 12.3, 18.6, 28.2% 더 높게 관찰 되었다. M-Dephanox 공정이 MLE 공정에 비해 유기물 및 질소 제거 효율이 더 높은 원인은 M-Dephanox 공정이 하이브리드 공정이자 다단 슬러지 공정(multi-sludge)인 동시에 생흡착(biosorption)을 이용한 효과적인 유기물 이용 기작이 있기 때문이다. M-Dephanox 공정의 질산화 반응조에서의 암모니아성 질소 제거효율은 약 2hr의 수리학적 체류시간에서 약 96.7%로 나타나 Dephanox 공정과 관련한 기존 문헌에서 보고된 5 hr의 체류시간 보다 3 hr 짧은 수리학적 체류시간에서도 높은 암모니아성 질소 제거효율을 관찰 할 수 있어 전체 공정의 수리학적 체류시간을 줄이는데 커다란 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.

기능기반설계와 지식기반 형상설계를 이용한 하이브리드 모니터 마스크(리브, 보스) 설계시스템 (A Hybrid Monitor (Rib, Boss) Design System with a Function Based Design and a Knowledge Based Design)

  • 이수홍;전흥재;전상민
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2006
  • It is necessary to change the existing design process to cope with a short life-cycle product and various customer's demands. Also a frequent design change may delay the whole design process and it will increase the unit cost of the production. New alternatives or techniques have emerged to solve the existing design problems, such as a knowledge based engineering, an intelligent CAD, a function based design, and so on. In this paper, we propose a hybrid design system with a knowledge based design methodology and a function based design technique. The knowledge based design is good at a frequent design change and the function based design is effective to extract a core design behavior. In an early design process, the system utilizes a core design behavior through the function based design process. On the other hand, the system manages complicated design issues with the knowledge based design technique in the detailed design process. We conclude that the hybrid design system can bring fair effects on implementing an efficient design environment in aspect of time and expense.

지능형 연성 복합재 구동기 제작을 위한 3D 프린팅-캐스팅 복합 공정 (Hybrid 3D Printing and Casting Manufacturing Process for Fabrication of Smart Soft Composite Actuators)

  • 김민수;송성혁;김형일;안성훈
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2016
  • Intricate deflection requires many conventional actuators (motors, pistons etc.), which can be financially and spatially wasteful. Novel smart soft composite (SSC) actuators have been suggested, but fabrication complexity restricts their widespread use as general-purpose actuators. In this study, a hybrid manufacturing process comprising 3-D printing and casting was developed for automated fabrication of SSC actuators with $200{\mu}m$ precision, using a 3-D printer (3DISON, ROKIT), a simple polymer mixer, and a compressor controller. A method to improve precision is suggested, and the design compensates for deposition and backlash errors (maximum, $170{\mu}m$). A suitable flow rate and tool path are suggested for the polymer casting process. The equipment and process costs proposed here are lower than those of existing 3D printers for a multi-material deposition system and the technique has $200{\mu}m$ precision, which is suitable for fabrication of SSC actuators.

Inter-Process Correlation Model based Hybrid Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Zafar, Amna;Akbar, Ali Hammad;Akram, Beenish Ayesha
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.536-564
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    • 2019
  • Soft faults are inherent in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to external and internal errors. The failure of processes in a protocol stack are caused by errors on various layers. In this work, impact of errors and channel misbehavior on process execution is investigated to provide an error classification mechanism. Considering implementation of WSN protocol stack, inter-process correlations of stacked and peer layer processes are modeled. The proposed model is realized through local and global decision trees for fault diagnosis. A hybrid framework is proposed to implement local decision tree on sensor nodes and global decision tree on diagnostic cluster head. Local decision tree is employed to diagnose critical failures due to errors in stacked processes at node level. Global decision tree, diagnoses critical failures due to errors in peer layer processes at network level. The proposed model has been analyzed using fault tree analysis. The framework implementation has been done in Castalia. Simulation results validate the inter-process correlation model-based fault diagnosis. The hybrid framework distributes processing load on sensor nodes and diagnostic cluster head in a decentralized way, reducing communication overhead.

하이브리드 박막/쉘 방법을 이용한 박판성형공정의 스프링백 해석 (Spring-Back Prediction for Sheet Metal Forming Process Using Hybrid Membrane/shell Method)

  • 윤정환;정관수;양동열
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2003
  • To reduce the cost of finite element analyses for sheet forming, a 3D hybrid membrane/shell method has been developed to study the springback of anisotropic sheet metals. In the hybrid method, the bending strains and stresses were analytically calculated as post-processing, using incremental shapes of the sheet obtained previously from the membrane finite element analysis. To calculate springback, a shell finite element model was used to unload the final shape of the sheet obtained from the membrane code and the stresses and strains that were calculated analytically. For verification, the hybrid method was applied to predict the springback of a 2036-T4 aluminum square blank formed into a cylindrical cup. The springback predictions obtained with the hybrid method was in good agreement with results obtained using a full shell model to simulate both loading and unloading and the experimentally measured data. The CPU time saving with the hybrid method, over the full shell model, was 75% for the punch stretching problem.

Seismic performance evaluation of moment frames with slit-friction hybrid dampers

  • Lee, Joonho;Kim, Jinkoo
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.1291-1311
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the seismic energy dissipation capacity of a hybrid passive damper composed of a friction and a hysteretic slit damper. The capacity of the hybrid device required to satisfy a given target performance of a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame designed with reduced design base shear is determined based on the ASCE/SEI 7-10 process, and the seismic performances of the structures designed without and with the hybrid dampers are verified by nonlinear dynamic analyses. Fragility analysis is carried out to investigate the probability of a specified limit state to be reached. The analysis results show that in the structure with hybrid dampers the residual displacements are generally reduced and the dissipated inelastic energy is mostly concentrated on the dampers. At the Moderate to Extensive damage states the fragility turned out to be smallest in the structure with the hybrid dampers.