• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human education

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Study on the improvement of the technical issues and multicultural education from the perspective of human rights (인권의 관점에서 다문화 교육의 문제점과 개선방향에 관한 기술적 연구)

  • Shin, Kyoung-Jou;Shin, Myoung-Chul
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2014
  • The significance of the research is to leverage on the policy makers and school education, and research in terms of human rights issues and for the improvement of multicultural education by seeking an effective training plan with the purpose of the present study it. The efforts to address human rights issues through real multicultural care center starts with the question of human rights education in multicultural education methodology that can protect the human rights of migrant workers, immigrant youth in a multicultural society such situation in Korea by. Accordingly we suggest that it is appropriate to human rights education in the moral multicultural care center for human rights education. Cant because the regular students on the basis of morality that respects the human rights of migrant workers, immigrant adolescents 'human rights' training done 'pursue human rights' migrant worker, immigrant youth in their own rights, as well as multicultural education is through morality The Seen to suggest ways through the development of multicultural education issues and the results of these studies.

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Delphi Study on Human Rights Education Framework for Families (가족인권교육 프로그램 체계도 구성을 위한 델파이 연구)

  • Choi, Saeeun;Joo, Hyunjung;Lee, Gisun
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.315-331
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    • 2020
  • This study clarifies the definition of and to provides guidelines on educational objectives, core concepts, and content in developing a Human Rights Education Program for families. The Delphi survey method was used to develop a Human Rights Education Program for families. As a result, a Human Rights Education Program for families was defined as education that would ensure all members of the family enjoy universal human rights without discrimination. In addition, that the prejudice and discrimination against socially marginalized would not be created within the family by learning values and attitudes that respects human rights and freedom. The objectives were to learn the merit of respecting individuals, relationships, and community. Core concepts of the program were the rights for myself and others, communicating and responsibilities and a sense of citizenship. Content included human rights, respect of oneself and others, empathetic understanding, acceptance, communication in an intimate relationship, conflict management, sharing the role of caring the family, no discrimination against the socially marginalized, and creating an inclusive community culture. This study can be used as a guideline for family human rights education based on family human rights, which is the core of family democracy.

A Study on Specialized Human Rights Education for Practicing Aviation Security Personnel's Human Rights Perspective (항공보안요원 인권관점 실천을 위한 특화된 인권교육에 관한 연구)

  • Young-Chun Kim;Min-Woo Park;Wontae Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2022
  • Human rights education is to acquire understanding and knowledge about human rights, to develop values, attitudes and character that respect human rights, to develop the ability to overcome human rights violations and discriminatory acts, and to protect and promote the human rights of others. In order to prevent human rights violations of the transportation vulnerable, such as the disabled, it is necessary to develop specialized human rights education plans for aviation security personnel to practice human rights perspectives. Therefore, in accordance with the 「National Civil Aviation Security Education and Training Guidelines」, specialized human rights education should be included in the initial aviation security education and regular education courses. The point is that there is a need to reexamine the aviation security education program for aviation security personnel based on the essential knowledge and educational contents for aviation security personnel to perform security screening tasks in the aviation security education course. When this happens, various efforts must be made to improve the human rights of the transportation vulnerable, such as the disabled, during the security screening process, so that human rights violations will be significantly reduced. In particular, it is necessary to enhance the ability to detect dangerous terrorist items such as weapons or explosives that can be used for illegal sabotage through practical security screening training. For aviation security and aircraft safety, efforts to improve the quality of aviation security personnel training, such as human rights training, must be continuously made while thoroughly preparing for terrorism in advance.

Integrated Education for Sustainable Character, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity Based on Family Life Education: Focusing on University Students (가정생활교육에 기반한 지속가능한 인성, 인권, 문화다양성 통합교육: 대학생을 중심으로)

  • Kim, WooJoung;Ju, YoungAe
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2020
  • This study examined human rights perception, cultural diversity perception, level of character perception, and influencing factors for university students in order to prepare basic data on integrated education methods of character, human rights and cultural diversity and education program models. The research questions are as follows. 1. What are university students' perceptions of character, cultural diversity and human rights? 2. What is the status of the experience of family life education on character, cultural diversity, and human rights, and is it related to the level of perception? 3. What variables affect character perception, cultural diversity perception, and human rights perception? The survey targeted 407 students at two universities in Seoul and used IBM PASW Statistics as a tool to analyze data. The study results are as follows. First, university students' character, cultural diversity and human rights perception were above average; however, empirical education is still required because they had low scores in the area of action. Second, male university students have less experience in family life education on character, cultural diversity and human rights compared to female university students. Third, it is necessary to integrate education for character, cultural diversity and human rights because the most influential factors in character perception, cultural diversity perception and human rights perception were character education. The role of family life education should be considered important because personality education in the home showed a relatively high correlation.

Educational Meaning of Human Creation Process in Mythology (신화에서 인간출현과정의 교육적 의미 - 단군신화와 창세기 내용을 중심으로 -)

  • Chae, Hweikyun
    • Philosophy of Education
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    • no.63
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    • pp.105-131
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    • 2017
  • The myth reflects the human way of thinking about the world. Therefore, an important part of myth is human creation and role. This study examines the process of human creation in myth and discusses implications for education. The subjects that can be considered from the viewpoint of education are as follows. The status and role of teachers and students, the relationship between teachers and students, how to create or create humans, and the purpose and results of human creation. First, it is the position and role of the teacher. In myth, being like a teacher is a divine being that transcends human ability. In Dangun mythology, Hwanwoong or Shinwoong descended from heaven, and in the Genesis it is the Creator God. In Dangun mythology, the role of the teacher guides the way of becoming a human and provides necessary tasks. In Genesis, the image of the teacher is the Creator God. God plays the role of a teacher who prepares various environments in which learners can work. Second, the status and role of students in myths. In Dangun mythology, students are symbolized by bear and tiger. They go to the teacher with the desire to become human beings. In Dangun mythology, the student is not a passive existence but an autonomous and active image. In Genesis, the appearance of a student is a passive being created by a teacher. Third, the creation of human beings in myth can be seen in terms of educational process and method. In Dangun Myth, the beginning of education is the wish or expectation of learners. Learners eat mugwort and garlic and participate in human learning. In Genesis 1, however, there is no need for a special method, since human beings are created according to the Creator's command. Fourth, the purpose of education can be discussed through the purpose of human creation. In Dangun mythology, the purpose of education is not to live according to instinct but to become human with culture and personality. In Genesis 1, the purpose of human creation is the role of the Creator in creating and managing the world. Therefore, it is the aim of humans to manage the world in an orderly manner. The purpose of education in Genesis 2 is to enable humans to serve the world.

Educational Needs for the Development of a Career Exploration Program for Human Ecology Majors for High School Students: A Survey Targeting Experts and High School Students (고등학생의 대학 생활과학전공 진로탐색 프로그램 개발을 위한 교육요구 조사: 전문가 및 고등학생을 대상으로)

  • Kyoung A, Kim;Jihyun, Sung;Sueun, Ju;Seung Min, Kim;Sohyun, Park;Jiyoung, Lim
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.609-623
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    • 2022
  • As human life and welfare become more valued in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, the role and mission of human ecology are expanding. Therefore, a career exploration and education program for high school students covering all the academic fields of human ecology may be necessary. To investigate what would be needed to develop such a program, a focus group interview (FGI) targeting experts within the same field and a survey targeting high school students were conducted. As a result of the FGI, a total of 3 categories and 7 subcategories were identified. The three categories included "human ecology and high school education," "human ecology and career choices," and "education program development and management in human ecology." The results of the high schoolers' survey showed that they had a moderate level of awareness about careers related to human ecology majors, but their interests and known information about human ecology programs in universities were low. Within the sub-content of each major, the contents with the highest educational needs were fashion product management, nutrition by disease, housing market analysis, personal financial management, and children's rights and welfare. If a career exploration and education program is implemented in the future, the most preferred type is a mentoring program by professors, students, and graduates in the field of human ecology. In conclusion, it is necessary to develop and implement an integrative education program about human ecology majors based on the educational needs of high school students.

The Ideal Portrait of Human Being Pursuing in Home Economics Education from a Critical Science Perspective (비판과학 관점의 가정과교육에서 추구하는 인간상)

  • Yang, Jisun;Yoo, Taemyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2017
  • This study develops an the ideal portrait of a human being pursuing in home economics education from a critical science perspective. The practical problem is 'what should the ideal portrait of a human being pursuing in home economics education with a critical science perspective be?' was addressed through a practical reasoning research method with the stages of valued ends, context, alternatives, consequence, and a final plan. The sequential flow of understanding values and contexts established the setting of three valued ends by organizing issues and categorized areas of individuals, families, society, and cultural from a critical science perspective. The ideal portrait of human being was specifically stated, in the self-formation, independent, inter-subjectivity, social participation, and enculturation according to subcategories; in addition, the stated ideal portrait of human being was modified through expert consultations. Alternatives and consequences were reexamined for the validity of the statement and restated as a comprehensive statement of ideal portrait of a human being that included a restatement of the five areas. An ideal portrait of a human being pursuing in home economics education from a critical science perspective was made from alternative ideal portraits of the proposed human being and stated as 'a person who can continually act autonomously in one's life-world.'

The value of artistic expression and the effect application of human education and therapy (예술적 표현의 가치와 인성교육 및 치료의 효과와 적용)

  • Jung, Kil- Young
    • Philosophy of Education
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    • no.49
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    • pp.235-270
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study is to make clear the significance of art education for solving problem in elementary and secondary school. These days, our students have so many negative problems in school and society, for example, school violence, group teasing, group outcasts, arrogate teacher's authority, school collapse, dehumanization get soused excessive and such like. We must support to make humanization through a normal art education and art class. Art, music, physical and literature education is a good methods for human education and mental therapy. The best art education is enlightening the children's imagination and curiosity. To enlighten. in art class at the school, teachers must think about enlightening the children's imagination and curiosity. Aesthetic experience includes creative activities and appreciative activities for human formation. The school must expend effort to increase the art class in each week, because students can change positively in aesthetic experience and aesthetic environment.

A Basic Study on the Introduction of Human Rights Education for Seafarers (선원인권교육의 도입 방안에 관한 기초연구)

  • Jin, Ho-Hyun;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.560-571
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    • 2019
  • In line with the United Nations' Action Plan for the First and Second World Programme for Human Rights, countries around the world are making efforts to strengthen and develop human rights education through voluntary participation and improvement of the legal system. South Korea is also trying to spread human rights education under the leadership of the National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea, but there has been no significant progress so far. Moreover, it has failed to pay close attention to the human rights issues of seafarers on board. This study identified the phenomenological problems based on an analysis of domestic and international literature, and of cases of violation of seafarers' human rights. It utilized the interactivity research method to create an educational environment for improving the human rights situation of seafarers on board mixed-nationality crew vessels. In doing so, the research suggests the introduction of human rights education for seafarers and the implementation of a human rights education program in designated educational institutions as fundamental solutions to the human rights issues of seafarers, as these have been pointed out as the main cause of conflicts in mixed-nationality crew vessels.

The Effects of Human Rights Education Activities using Bullying Fairy Tales on Young Children's Human Rights-Related Attitudes and Self-Esteem (부링(Bullying)동화를 활용한 인권교육 활동이 유아의 인권관련태도 및 자아존중감에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, Jung Sook;Kim, Kyung Sook;Kim, Hee Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.89-112
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    • 2016
  • The present study examined effects of human rights education activities using bullying fairy tales on young children's human rights attitudes and self-esteem. The subjects of the study were a total of 40 five years old. children. Twenty of children were assigned to an experimental group and the other 20 children were assigned to a control group. The experimental group participated in human rights education activities using bullying fairy tales 21 times, 3 times a week for 7 weeks and the control group participated in Nurui curriculum activities during the same periods.. The study results indicated that the experimental group showed more improvement in their human rights attitudes and self-esteem than the control group. Therefore human rights education activities using the bullying fairy tales used in this study might be an effective educational mothod to enhence young children's human rights attitudes and self-esteem.