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A Study on the Surgical Hand Scrub and Surgical Glove Perforation (외과적 손씻기 및 외과용 장갑의 천공율에 대한 연구)

  • 윤혜상
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.653-667
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    • 1995
  • Post - operative wound infections have been a serious problem in nursing care in the operating room and appear to be strongly related to the infection occurring during the performance of operation. The purpose of this study is to identify patterns in duration of surgical hand scrub (SHS), to evaluate the method of SHS and to examine the rate of glove perforation. Subjects for this study include 244 doctors and 169 nurses working in the operative theatre of a hospital in Seoul area. Test samples and related data were collected from this medical facility between April 1, through 15, and July 1, through 5, 1995 by the author and a staff member working in the operating room. For the study, data on the SHS of doctors and nurses were obtained at the time of operation and multiple batches of surgical gloves worn by the operating doctors were collected after each operation. The duration of SHS was measured with a stop watch and the method of SHS was evaluated according to Scoring Hand Scrub Criteria (SHS Criteria) and expressed as SHS scores. For the analysis of the data, t-test was used to compare the differences in the duration and the SHS scores of doctors and nurses, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between the SHS duration and the SHS scores. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The mean time spent in each SHS was 167 seconds in nurses, and 127 seconds in doctors. The data comparing nurses and doctors indicated that there were significant differences in Our ation of SH S between these two groups (t=5.58, p=.000). 2) The mean time spent in the first SHS was 145 seconds and that in the End SHS, 135 seconds, and there was not a significant difference in the duration of the SHS between doctors and nurses (t=1.44, P=.156). 3) The mean time spent in the SHS by OS (Orthopaedic surgery) doctors was 162 seconds, 150 seconds by NS(Neurologic surgery), 121 seconds by GS(General surgery), 94 seconds by OPH(Opthalmology) and DS(Dental surgery), 82 seconds by URO(Urology), 78 seconds by PS(Plastic surgery) and 40 seconds by ENT(Ear, Nose & Throat) These also showed a significant difference in the duration of the SHS among the medical specialities (t=4.8, P=.0001). 4) The average SHS score of the nurses was 15.2, while that of doctors was 13.1. The statistical analysis showed that t-value was 3.66, p was. 000. This indicates that the nurses actually clean their hands more thoroughly than the doctors do. 5) The average SHS score of NS doctors was 15.5, 15.3 for doctors for OPH,14.3 for OS,12.7 for GS, 12.0 for DS, 11.7 for URO, 10.1 for PS, 7.5 for ENT. Comparison of the average SHS scores from 8 specialties showed that there was a significant differences in the patterns of the SHS (F=5.08, P=.000) among medical specialties. 6) It appears that the operating personnel scrub the palms and dorsum of their hand relatively well, however, less thorough the nails and fingers. 7) The more the operating personnel spend their time in hand scrubbing, the more correctly they clean their hands(r=.6427, P<.001). 8) The overall frequencies of perforation in all post-operative gloves tested was 38 out of 389 gloves (10.3%). The perforation rate for PS was 13%, 12.1% for GS,8.8% for 05, and 3.3% for NS.

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A study on oral discomfort in gynecological cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (화학요법을 받는 부인암환자의 구강불편감에 관한 연구)

  • 정재원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.372-389
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    • 1995
  • The frequency with which administration of chemotherapy for gynecological cancer treatment is used has increased along with the use of surgery and radiotherapy Among the various side effects of chemotherapy, stomatitis causes a problem of function and sensation in the oral cavity. This oral discomfort can be categorized into two components ; perceived oral symptoms and observed oral symptoms. If the oral problem continues, it may cause infection, bleeding and nutritional deficiencies. As a result of this condition, compliance with the treatment process can be affected as well as the prognosis for the cancer patients. But as the oral discorrfort usually appears after chemotherapy, it is often not reported to the health care personnel as a patient problem. Without problem identification of the oral discomfort and ability to assess the problem, effective intervention cannot be planned. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the pattern and the degree of oral discomfort due to cancer chemotherapy and thus to provide data for identification of the patient problem and for nursing assessment. The design of this study was a longitudinal de-scriptive study The subjects were in - patients who received chemotherapy under the diagnosis of gynecological cancer between Mar. 15, 1994 and May 15, 1994 at a general hospital in Seoul, Korea. The number of subjects was 64 and they were divided into two groups, one of 41 (A : 5FU & Neoplatin), the other of 23(B : Neoplatin, Cytoxan, Adriamycin), according to the treatment regimen. The data were collected for 24 days using self-re-port instruments. The instruments were the 「Perceived Oral Symptom Assessment Tool」 and 「Observed Oral Symptom Assessment Tool」 developed by this researcher. Data were analyzed using the SPSS-PC program, ANOVA, t-test, paired t-test and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient were applied. The results of this study are as follows : 1. In A regimen the peak time for perceived oral symptom scores was the fifth day after chemotherapy, and the tenth day for observed oral symptom scores. Both of the problems started on first day of chemotherapy and were not resolved completely until the 24th day after treatment. 2. In B regimen, the peak time for perceived oral symptom scores was on the seventh day after chemotherapy, and the eighth day for observed oral symptom scores. It was noted that perceived oral symptom scores were higher than observed oral symptom scores consistently for 24 days. Both also started on first day of chemotherapy, and were not resolved completely until the 24th day after chemotherapy. 3. There were no differences statistically in perceived oral symptom scores between A and B regimen. The loss of appetite and xerostomia caused the most severe discomfort in both of these two groups. 4. The were no differences statistically in observed oral symptom scores between the A and B regi moil. In the A regimen, the highest observed symptom scores were the lips, gingiva, tongue and buccal membrane in that order. But in the B regimen, the highest observed symptom scores were tongue, lips, buccal membrane and gingiva in that order. 5. In A regimen, the patients who had gingival edema and dentures had significantly higher perceived oral symptom scores. And those who had gingival edema and bleeding, foul odor and aphthous stomatitis had significantly higher observed oral symptom scores. 6. In B regimen, the patients who had the experience of stomatitis in the last course of chemotherapy had significantly higher perceived oral symptom scores. Those who had gingival edema had significantly higher observed oral symptom scores. 7. In the A regimen there was no correlation between lab values for lymphocytes and albumin with perceived oral symptom scores and observed oral symptom scores. In the B regimen, there was a significant negative correlation between lymphocytes and albumin with the observed oral symptom scores, but not between perceived oral symptom scores and lymphocytes and albumin values. In conclusion, the nurse should expect that the patient undergoing chemotherapy will complain severely about subjective discomfort and before objective physical change is observed. Also the patients who have chronic oral problems such as dentures, gingival edema and bleeding, foul odor, aphthous stomatitis will complain of severe oral discomfort due to chemotherapy.

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A Study on the Risk Factors for Maternal and Child Health Care Program with Emphasis on Developing the Risk Score System (모자건강관리를 위한 위험요인별 감별평점분류기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이광옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1983
  • For the flexible and rational distribution of limited existing health resources based on measurements of individual risk, the socalled Risk Approach is being proposed by the World Health Organization as a managerial tool in maternal and child health care program. This approach, in principle, puts us under the necessity of developing a technique by which we will be able to measure the degree of risk or to discriminate the future outcomes of pregnancy on the basis of prior information obtainable at prenatal care delivery settings. Numerous recent studies have focussed on the identification of relevant risk factors as the Prior infer mation and on defining the adverse outcomes of pregnancy to be dicriminated, and also have tried on how to develope scoring system of risk factors for the quantitative assessment of the factors as the determinant of pregnancy outcomes. Once the scoring system is established the technique of classifying the patients into with normal and with adverse outcomes will be easily de veloped. The scoring system should be developed to meet the following four basic requirements. 1) Easy to construct 2) Easy to use 3) To be theoretically sound 4) To be valid In searching for a feasible methodology which will meet these requirements, the author has attempted to apply the“Likelihood Method”, one of the well known principles in statistical analysis, to develop such scoring system according to the process as follows. Step 1. Classify the patients into four groups: Group A1: With adverse outcomes on fetal (neonatal) side only. Group A2: With adverse outcomes on maternal side only. Group A3: With adverse outcome on both maternal and fetal (neonatal) sides. Group B: With normal outcomes. Step 2. Construct the marginal tabulation on the distribution of risk factors for each group. Step 3. For the calculation of risk score, take logarithmic transformation of relative proport-ions of the distribution and round them off to integers. Step 4. Test the validity of the score chart. h total of 2, 282 maternity records registered during the period of January 1, 1982-December 31, 1982 at Ewha Womans University Hospital were used for this study and the“Questionnaire for Maternity Record for Prenatal and Intrapartum High Risk Screening”developed by the Korean Institute for Population and Health was used to rearrange the information on the records into an easy analytic form. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The risk score chart constructed on the basis of“Likelihood Method”ispresented in Table 4 in the main text. 2) From the analysis of the risk score chart it was observed that a total of 24 risk factors could be identified as having significant predicting power for the discrimination of pregnancy outcomes into four groups as defined above. They are: (1) age (2) marital status (3) age at first pregnancy (4) medical insurance (5) number of pregnancies (6) history of Cesarean sections (7). number of living child (8) history of premature infants (9) history of over weighted new born (10) history of congenital anomalies (11) history of multiple pregnancies (12) history of abnormal presentation (13) history of obstetric abnormalities (14) past illness (15) hemoglobin level (16) blood pressure (17) heart status (18) general appearance (19) edema status (20) result of abdominal examination (21) cervix status (22) pelvis status (23) chief complaints (24) Reasons for examination 3) The validity of the score chart turned out to be as follows: a) Sensitivity: Group A1: 0.75 Group A2: 0.78 Group A3: 0.92 All combined : 0.85 b) Specificity : 0.68 4) The diagnosabilities of the“score chart”for a set of hypothetical prevalence of adverse outcomes were calculated as follows (the sensitivity“for all combined”was used). Hypothetidal Prevalence : 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Diagnosability : 12% 23% 40% 53% 64% 75% 80%.

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A Study on the Turnover Intention and Job Satisfaction of Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 이직의도와 직무만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to help decrease turnover and to make full use of dental hygienists and to help improve management by managers. After relevant literature and data were reviewed, a survey was conducted on dental hygienists, who worked at dental institutes in different areas, for about four months from September through December, 2004, to find out their turnover intention and job satisfaction level. When the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were given: 1. The collective average of the dental hygienists investigated in job satisfaction was 3.30±0.70. By area, they expressed the best satisfaction at a clear role factors with a mean of 3.53±0.73, and they were pleased with wages factors and promotion factors the least with an average of 3.14±0.70 and 3.18±0.80. 2. The collective average of the dental hygienists investigated in turnover intention was 3.23±0.77. As for connections between general characteristics and turnover intention, By age, those who aged in 21 and 25 were most intended(p < 0.001). The unmarried dental hygienists were more intended than the married ones(p < 0.001). By type of hospital, those who worked at dental clinics were most intended(p< 0.01). By career, those who had worked at one to three years were intended the most(p < 0.001), and as to the length of service at current work places, those who had worked at their current work places for one to three years were intended the most(p < 0.001). By monthly mean pay, those whose pay ranged from 1.3 to 1.6 million won found their turnover most intended(p< 0.01). 3. Regarding correlation among turnover intention and job satisfaction were both inversed correlationship, and wages factor(r = -0.249, p < 0.01) and interrelationship factors(r = -0.218, p < 0.01) had a strong correlation to turnover intention, and clear role factors had a strong correlation to job contents factors by job satisfaction(r = 0.612, p < 0.01), and job satisfaction factors had a strong correlation to job contents factors(r = 0.759, p < 0.01).

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Evaluation of Etiological Factors for Injuries at Oral and Maxillofacial Area (구강악안면부 외상발생의 역학적 평가)

  • Bae, Sung-Suk;Hwang, Soon-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.310-319
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    • 2012
  • In this study, 1,495 cases of computerized data collected as disease entities of oral and maxillofacial injuries among patient visiting S university hospital located in Seoul in 2009 were analyzed and following results were obtained. It was found that the injury incidence in male was greater than in female (1.49:1), it occurred most frequently in the age of 7~14 years old (19.6%), and its most frequent cause was falling down (25.9%). Injuries occurred in other place including beach and open-air (24.7%) most frequently, often developed in anterior teeth (43.2%) and posterior teeth (43.1%), their incidence was relatively higher between 15:00~17:00 (10.4%) and 19:00~23:00 (7.1%) O'clock. In the relationship between causes of the injury and the diagnosis based on the international classification of disease), falling, fall, impingement, violence, traffic accident, sports and own making accident caused most frequently lip and oral open injuries (S01.5), open fracture of tooth (S02.51), close fracture of tooth (S02.50), close fracture of mandible (S02.60), close fracture of tooth (S02.50), respectively. From the above results, it is necessary to understand general characteristics of oral and maxillofacial injuries and to consider their trends for the establishment of systematic complement policies and for the performing safety training and public relations activities.

Awareness of Major Zoonoses among Dairy Farmers in Gyeonggi Province (경기도 낙농업자의 주요 인수공통감염증 인지도)

  • Choi, Kum-Bal;Lim, Hyun-Sul;Lee, Kwan;Min, Young-Sun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.339-349
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    • 2010
  • Objective: We surveyed awareness levels of brucellosis, Q fever and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) among dairy farmers in Gyeonggi Province to suggest directions for public education and public relations. Methods: We designed questionnaires to evaluate awareness of 3 major zooneses. We conducted a questionnaire survey to assess knowledge of the general characteristics of them, information sources for the awareness of zooneses, and the mode of transmission. Subjects were 716 workers from 482 dairy farms in Gyeonggi province. Results: The awareness levels for brucellosis, Q fever, and EHEC were 90.2%, 2.5% and 56.6%, respectively. Awareness of brucellosis and EHEC were tended to increase with higher number of school years. Television was the most common route of information for these zoonoses. Most common responses for questions concerning the method of transmission for each zoonoses, 'Contact with parturient fluid or placenta of animal' was 63.2% for brucellosis, 'Ingestion of raw meat or residual product' was 66.7% and 64.2% for Q fever and EHEC, respectively. The most common reason why dairy farmers think that it is difficult to prevent zoonoses was the inconvenience of wearing protection. Conclusions: Education programs for zoonoses, especially Q fever, are needed for dairy farmers. In addition, publicity information activities about prevention of zoonoses are needed for high risk groups, such as the dairy farmers surveyed.

Changes of Radiation Dose and Image Quality Due to Additional Filtration Material in Computed Radiography (Computed Radiography에서 Additional Filtration Material에 따른 Radiation Dose와 Image Quality의 변화)

  • Kwon, Soon-Mu;Cho, Hyung-Wook;Kang, Yeong-Han;Kim, Boo-Soon;Kim, Jung-Su
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2014
  • Filter absorbs low-energy X-ray to increase the average energy and reduces patient exposure dose. This study investigates if the materials of Mo and W could be used for the digital imaging device CR by conducting image assessment and dose measurement of SNR, FOM and histogram. In addition, measurement of beam quality was conducted depending on the material of the filter, and at the same time, a proper combination of filters was examined depending on the change in tube voltage (kVp). In regard to entrance skin dose, Mo filter showed the dose reduction by 42~56%, compared to Cu filter. Moreover, Mo filter showed higher transmission dose by around 1.5 times than that of Cu filter. In image assessment, it was found that W was unsuitable to be used as a filter, whereas Mo could be used as a filter to reduce dose without decline in image quality at the tube voltage of 80 kVp or higher. As tube voltage increased, 2.0 mm Al+0.1 mm Mo almost had a similar histogram width to that of 2.0 mm Al+0.2 mm Cu. Therefore, Mo filter can be used at relatively high tube voltage of 80 kVp, 100 kVp and 120 kVp. The SNR of 2.0 mm Al+0.1 mm Mo did not show any significant difference from those of 2.0 mm Al+0.2 mm Cu and 2.0 mm Al+0.1 mm Cu. As a result, if Mo filter is used to replace Cu filter in general radiography, where 80 kVp or higher is used for digital radiation image, patient exposure dose can be reduced significantly without decline in image quality, compared to Cu filter. Therefore, it is believed that Mo filter can be applied to chest X-ray and high tube voltage X-ray in actual clinical practice.

Epidemiological Study of Kawasaki Disease in Kyung Nam Area (경남 지역 가와사끼병의 역학적 조사)

  • Yang, Jeong Soo;Cho, Eun Young;Jung, Hae Sung;Hwang, Ji Young;Lee, Dong-Jin;No, Eun Suk;Choi, Myoung-Bum;Park, Chan-Hoo;Youn, Hee-Shang;Woo, Hyang-Ok
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.896-901
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiology of Kawasaki disease in the Kyung Nam area and to evaluate whether the results of this epidemiological study could support infectious etiology. Methods : We sent a questionnaire to three training hospitals in the Kyung Nam area and retrospectively reviewed their medical records of Kawasaki disease from Jun. 1995 to Dec. 1999. Results : The total number of patients was 717 cases, with little differences of annual prevalence during the five years. In all cases, the monthly prevalence of Kawasaki disease was high in Apr. and Jul. At the eastern of Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence was high in Apr. and Jul. in 1995 and 1996, Jul. in 1997, Apr. in 1998 and Apr. and Jul. in 1999. In the central area of Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence was high in Apr. in 1995 and 1996, Apr. and Jul. in 1997 and Jul. in 1998 and 1999. In the western Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence was high in Nov. in 1995, Aug. in 1996, Oct. in 1997, Dec. in 1998 and Nov. in 1999. Conclusion : In the eastern and central areas of Kyung Nam, the monthly prevalence of Kawasaki disease was similarly high in Apr. and Jul. However, in the western district, the prevalence was high in late fall and winter. We could not prove the hypothesis that Kawasaki disease occurred with the spread of single infectious agent, but the a nnually similar prevalence in eastern and central Kyung Nam supported the infection theory for the etiology of the disease.

Comparison of Clinical Features between Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (특발성 폐동맥고혈압과 만성혈전색전성 폐고혈압의 임상상 비교)

  • Kim, Hyun Kuk;Na, Joo Ock;Ahn, Jong Joon;Park, Yong Bum;Lim, Jae Min;Hong, Sang-Bum;Oh, Yeon-Mok;Shim, Tae Sun;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Younsuck;Kim, Woo Sung;Kim, Dong Soon;Kim, Won Dong;Lee, Sang-Do
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.170-178
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    • 2005
  • Background : Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) are rare but significantly imperative in inducing chronic pulmonary hypertension. Clinically, it is difficult to distinguish between IPAH and CTEPH. However, the treatment of pulmonary hypertension is different depending on the disease. The present study was performed to analyze the similarities and differences in clinical features between IPAH and CTEPH. Methods : During a nine-year period, thirty-three patients with IPAH and twenty-two patients with CTEPH were enrolled. Symptoms, physical findings, chest radiograph, electrocardiograph, pulmonary function test, echocardiograph, perfusion lung scan, right heart catheterization results were analyzed between both the groups. Results : The median age of IPAH group was 33 (6~70) years that was lower than that (52(27~80) years) of CTEPH group. Amongst the IPAH patients, there was female predominance (76 %) and there was no sex difference between the patients with CTEPH. Both the groups exhibited similarity in the results of chest radiograph, electrocardiograph, pulmonary function test, and echocardiograph. In the perfusion lung scan, all IPAH patients exhibited findings with normal (28%) or low probability (72%) of pulmonary embolism and all CTEPH patients exhibited findings with high probability of pulmonary embolism. Conclusion : Although IPAH and CTEPH bear similarities in terms of symptoms, physical signs and general investigation results, there were differences in age distribution, sex predominance and results of perfusion lung scan.

The 3 years Prognosis of Patients with Long Term Mechanical Ventilation in Medical Intensive Care Unit at a University Hospital (한 대학병원 내과계중환자실에서 장기간 기계 환기를 받은 환자들의 3년 예후)

  • Chon, Gyu Rak;Choi, Ik Su;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Younsuck;Oh, Yeon-Mok;Shim, Tae Sun;Lee, Sang Do;Kim, Woo Sung;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won Dong;Hong, Sang-Bum
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.5
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 2007
  • Background: There is little data on the 3 year prognosis and quality of life of patients on long-term (>72 hour) mechanical ventilation in a medical intensive care unit (MICU). Methods: Patients with long-term mechanical ventilation from May 2003 through July 2003 in MICU of Asan Medical Center, Seoul were enrolled in this studay. The survival rates were observed prospectively at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months, and the quality of life of survivor was measured at 12 months by using Short Form 36 (SF-36). Results: The survival rate at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months was 54.8% (40/73), 39.7% (29/73), 30.1% (22/73), 20.5% (15/73), 18.3% (13/71) and 16.9% (12/71), respectively. There was a similar survival rate regardless of the diseases that required mechanical ventilation. A neoplasm or chronic liver disease had a worse survival rate than chronic lung or kidney disease (p<0.05). Each SF-36 domain except for the Role-emotional was inferior to the general population. Conclusions: The survival rate of patients with mechanical ventilation more than 72 hours is decreases continuously until 12 months but is relatively constant from 12 to 36 months. In these patients quality of life is also decrased.