• Title/Summary/Keyword: High schools

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Meta-evaluation for Evaluation of Science Gifted Educational Institutions Affiliated with Universities (대학교 부설 과학영재교육원 평가에 대한 메타평가)

  • Seo, Hae-Ae;Jung, Hun-Chul
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.313-341
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    • 2008
  • The research attempted to propose directions for improving evaluation of science gifted educational institutions affiliated with universities through its meta-evaluation. A survey questionnaire was developed and responded by 25 representatives of 25 science gifted educational institutions and 9 evaluation committee members in February 2008. According to research results, it was found that reference-criteria and categories for evaluation were abstract and did not reflect varied characteristics of individual institutions. Evaluation of outcomes mainly emphasized student number admitted by science high schools and science gifted school. Evaluation was performed for the sake of judging ranks. In addition, research capacity of institutions was not even considered as an evaluation element. For its improvement, the followings were suggested: First, evaluation should be functioned as consulting. Second, evaluation criteria are presented as concrete as it can be. Third, on-site evaluation should be introduced Fourth, evaluation process and results should be publicized Fifth, satisfaction by student and parents should be also included. Furthermore, exemplary cases of science gifted educational institutions should be identified and rewarded, and their management strategies should be disseminated with other institutions.

Effect of Participation in Regular Leisure Sports on Satisfaction with Family Relationship in Adolescents (청소년의 규칙적인 여가스포츠 참여가 가족관계 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Hyungsun;Hwang, Sunhwan;Bang, Shinwoong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.591-602
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of participation in regular leisure sports on satisfaction with family relationship in adolescents. To achieve this purpose, 650 students of elementary and middle schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi area were selected and surveyed using the purposive sampling method. 611 survey samples were used in final analysis and 39 survey samples were excluded because of untrustworthy response. Statistical program AMOS 18.0 was used to conduct the confirmatory factor analysis and goodness of fit test, and SPSS 21.0 Window program was used to conduct analysis of frequency, t-test, and ANOVA. Through the analysis, the main findings were as follows; First, it was found that the adolescents participating in regular leisure sports has significant difference in satisfaction with family relationships compared to non-participation group. Second, satisfaction with family relationship of parental participation group in regular leisure sport was high the most followed by lonely participation group and non-participation group. Finally, authors described the implications and future studies.

The Relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Job Performance among Secondary School Married Female Teachers (중등기혼여교사의 결혼만족도와 직무수행과의 관계)

  • Chung Ock Boon;Sim Soon A
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between marital satisfaction and job performance among secondary school married female teachers. The subjects of this study were 237 married female teachers who worked in middle-and high-schools in Seoul and Gyeonggido. To gauge how they were pleased with their married lives. Lee Jeong-ryeon(1987)'s scale that was based on Synder's scale and made up for its segment about relations with family-in-law. As for job performance. Yun Gyeong-hye(2001)'s scale that was based on Son Jeong-hwan(1990)'s teacher job scale was employed. For data analyses. t-tests. ANOVAs. Scheffe tests for pairwise comparison. Pearson's correlations were utilized. The findings of this study illustrated that the marital satisfaction of the secondary school married female teachers were significantly related to their job performance. This indicated that their marital satisfaction served to enhance their job performance. and furthermore. that could be said to determine the quality of school education.

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Difference in Understanding of the Need for Using Radiation in Various Fields between Students Majoring in Radiation and Non-Radiation Related Studies (전공자와 비전공자 대학생 간의 방사선이용 분야별 필요성인식 수준 차이)

  • Han, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.230-236
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    • 2011
  • As a way of improving social receptivity of using radiation, this study looked into the difference of understanding the need of using radiation in various fields between students majoring in radiation and non-radiation related studies, who will influence public opinion in the long term. This study also provides data needed for developing efficient strategies for projects promoting the public's awareness of using radiation. Of the students in the 79 schools sampled, 24%(177) were in 4 year colleges and 146 were junior colleges in educational statistics service (http://cesi.kedi.re.kr) In November 2010 1,945 students were selected as a sample, and they were given surveys on the need of using radiation in different fields. As a result, both between students majoring in radiation and non-radiation related studies showed a high level of understanding the need for radiation in the medical field and showed a low level of understanding of the need for radiation in the agricultural field. In all 6 fields of radiation use, students majoring in radiation related studies showed higher levels of understanding for the need to use radiation than students majoring in radiation and non-radiation related studies. In each field, male students and those who have experience medical radiation and relevant education had higher level of understanding. This shows we need to improve the understanding of the cases of female students and those who have not had experiences with medical radiation and to provide relevant education through various kinds of information. The characteristics of the groups that are shown in the results of this study are considered to be helpful for efficiently for project promoting the public's awareness of using radiation.

Exploring the Image Types of Secondary School Students' Perception about the Talented Person in Convergence (중등학생들이 생각하는 융합인재에 대한 이미지 유형 탐색)

  • Lee, Jun-Ki;Lee, Tae-Kyong;Shin, Sein;Chung, Duk-Ho;Oh, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1486-1509
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to identify the image types of secondary school students' perception about the talented person in convergence and to find the differences in drawing images of the talented person in convergence among the students who have taken STEAM class and the ones who haven't. One hundred and eighty seven students in middle and high schools located in the southern part of South Korea participated in this study and they were asked to draw a picture of the talented person in convergence with a brief explanation. Based on students' pictures, researchers categorized their perception about convergence and talented person in convergence by using an inductive method. The result indicated that secondary school students' perceptions were categorized into convergence as individual cognitive processing and collective cognitive processing and convergence as outcomes. The image of the convergence in a talented person leaning toward individual cognitive processing was divided into the following seven types: idea banker type, various talented celebrity type, multi-tasking master type, multi-talented career type, active problem-solver type, creative developer type, and unrealistic ideal man type. Another image of collective cognitive processing was split into expert group type and interactive-mates group type. The other image was transformer type which is the subcategory of convergence as outcomes. From this study, it can be suggested that secondary school students express the various images of the talented person in convergence depending on experiencing STEAM or not.

A Study on Actual Conditions and Patterns of Sexual Harassment in the Korean Adolescents (한국 청소년의 성희롱실태 및 유형에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hae;Lee, Hwa-Za;Jung, Eun-Soon;Kim, Lee-Soon;Moon, Sun-Hwa;Jung, In-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.196-206
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to identify Korean adolescents' sexual harassment conditions and patterns in schools as well as their psychological reactions when they are under sexual harassments or they committed sexual harassments. The subjects were 475 middle and high schoolers in Pusan and Gyeong Sang Nam-Do. The survey was executed from July 1 through Dec. 31, 2000. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS WIN 8.0 using percentage, mean. The results of this study were as follows: 1. the linguistic sexual harassment such as 'lewd jokes or dirty talks' was the major pattern(35.4%), The body touching such as 'kiss or embracing', 'internet transmission of pornography', 'sexual harassing of body characteristics', touching breast', 'grasping of hands or body touching', 'body touching in secret place', 'urging to sit in touch or on knees', 'exposing of special body areas', and 'showing pornography' followed in a row. 2. The eighteen point three percents of subjects had the experience to commit sexual harassment. The forty four point seven percent of above subjects committed it against their classmates. The first time to commit sexual harassment was their middle school period (38.4%). Their motives to commit it were as under: 'killing time'(48.8%), 'annoying', 'attracting attention from the other sex', 'expressing lovely emotions', 'urging of their friends', 'misunderstanding that the other partners felt good when they experienced sexual harassment, 'showing their strength' etc. their with committing harassments they felt as under ; 'joyful'(61.6%), 'funny,' 'desirous to try again', 'thrilling', 'breaking stress', very pleasant', 'exciting', 'regretful', 'guilty', and 'feeling fear' etc. 3. Twenty four point two percents of the population exposed to sexual harassments. The sexual harassers were almost their classmates (42.7%). And then unknown people', 'boy or girl friends and school staffs' followed in a row. The places where harassments happened were 'inside classroom'(69.8%), 'school bus and subway', 'outside school', etc. The feelings when experienced harassments were 'anger' (51.3%), 'hurting self-respect', 'embarrassing', 'rejection', 'insulting', 'shame', 'fear', 'dislike', 'anxiety', 'melancholy' etc. The reasons not to have consultations after sexual harassments were 'worrying to be well-known'(49.6%), 'believing not helpful enough', 'regarding simple mischief', 'trying to revenge directly', 'understanding their mistakes', 'worrying retaliation' etc.

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A Study on the Process of Being Delinquent (청소년 비행화과정에 관한 연구 - 중학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ik-Seob;Kim, Geun-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.35
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    • pp.319-344
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    • 1998
  • The endeavor to reveal reasons and backgrounds of juvenile's being delinquent has been continuing. Most of them, however, are not multi-dimensional and integrative, but one-dimensional which has had just focused on the factor of family or individual. One of the main purposes of this. study is to get implications on practical programs through the ecological-systematic analysis on factors and processes of juvenile delinquency. In this study, region has separated into two, one is of poor and the other is non, and then informations on factors and process of being delinquent were gathered by comparing between them. Eleven hundreds and sixteen cases were sampled from six junior-high schools which have met the purpose of this study. The survey had been committed with structured questionnaire which had been consisted in several variables; personal; familial; school and peer related; delinquent characteristics. Reliability and validity of each variables had been tested through pilot test. Effects of independent variables on dependent variables were analyzed according to the region through path analysis. In the analysis, remarkable differences on the processes of being delinquent had been found and three path models of being delinquent had been made on the basis of those differences. Each of them has shown different effecting patterns of personal, familial, and school and peer related variables on one's degree of delinquency. In Pattern 1, peer related variables have committed more powerful effects on the degree of delinquency than the others have. School related variables, in Pattern 2, commit most striking effects on the dependent variables. The degree of delinquency in Pattern 3 is most strongly effected by familial variables. The limitations that personal behavior oriented approach might be confronted in the field of juvenile delinquency have been proved by these results of this study. These results have given many implications to us on the needs of distinctive and integrative approaches to the problems of juvenile delinquency.

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Comparison of the Oral Health Education Effect between CCI and SDL in Elementary School Students (초등학생을 대상으로 한 교실교육(CCI)과 자가학습(SDL)의 구강보건교육 효과 비교)

  • Mun, So-Jung;Byun, Ju-Hong;Yang, Su-Jung;Yang, Ju-Yeon;Lee, Jee-Ae;Kim, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the oral health education effect and the satisfaction about the method between SDL and CCI on elementary school students. Method: The subjects of this study were 233 elementary school students in fourth grade (male: 56%, female: 44%) who attended two different elementary schools in Wonju Gangwon-do. They are divided into two groups and instructed by different method of the oral health education, SDL (Self-Directed Learning) and CCI (Conventional Classroom Instruction). The survey was conducted three times, preeducation, just after the education and one week after education. Collected data were analyzed into Chi-square test, Independent t-test and Repeated measure ANOVA using SPSS 12.0 K program. Result: 1. Changes of oral health knowledge: After the education, the average score of the oral health knowledge went up significantly in both groups. 2. Changes of oral health behavior: After the education, the average score of the oral health behavior rose up significantly in both groups and especially just after education, SDL group was recorded higher average score than CCI group. 3. Satisfaction: In both groups, the satisfaction rates about the education method were high (SDL: 88.9%, CCI: 99.1%). The main reason of satisfaction in SDL group was that the students were interested in the method of the education and the main reason of dissatisfaction was that they could not ask a question to the educator.

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On the Development of Microcomputer-Assisted Mathematics Teaching/Learning Method (마이크로 컴퓨터를 이용한 수학 교수.학습법 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Chang Dong;Lee Tae Wuk
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 1988
  • We are at the onset of a major revolution in education, a revolution unparalleled since the invention of the printing press. The computer will be the instrument of this revolution. Computers and computer application are everywhere these days. Everyone can't avoid the influence of the computer in today's world. The computer is no longer a magical, unfamiliar tool that is used only by researchers or scholars or scientists. The computer helps us do our jobs and even routine tasks more effectively and efficiently. More importantly, it gives us power never before available to solve complex problems. Mathematics instruction in secondary schools is frequently perceived to be more a amendable to the use of computers than are other areas of the school curriculum. This is based on the perception of mathematics as a subject with clearly defined objectives and outcomes that can be reliably measured by devices readily at hand or easily constructed by teachers or researchers. Because of this reason, the first large-scale computerized curriculum projects were in mathematics, and the first educational computer games were mathematics games. And now, the entire mathematics curriculum appears to be the first of the traditional school curriculum areas to be undergoing substantial trasformation because of computers. Recently, many research-Institutes of our country are going to study on computers in orders to use it in mathematics education, but the study is still start ing-step. In order to keep abreast of this trend necessity, and to enhance mathematics teaching/learning which is instructed lecture-based teaching/learning at the present time, this study aims to develop/present practical method of computer-using. This is devided into three methods. 1. Programming teaching/learning method This part is presented the following five types which can teach/learn the mathematical concepts and principle through concise program. (Type 1) Complete a program. (Type 2) Know the given program's content and predict the output. (Type 3) Write a program of the given flow-chart and solve the problem. (Type 4) Make an inference from an error message, find errors and correct them. (Type 5) Investigate complex mathematical fact through program and annotate a program. 2. Problem-solving teaching/learning method solving This part is illustrated how a computer can be used as a tool to help students solve realistic mathematical problems while simultaneously reinforcing their understanding of problem-solving processes. Here, four different problems are presented. For each problem, a four-stage problem-solving model of polya is given: Problem statement, Problem analysis, Computer program, and Looking back/Looking ahead. 3. CAI program teaching/learning method This part is developed/presented courseware of sine theorem section (Mathematics I for high school) in order to avail individualized learning or interactive learning with teacher. (Appendix I, II)

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Parents' Perceptions toward Students' Adjustments after Grade Skipping and Early Graduation (조기전급 및 조기졸업 이후 학생적응에 대한 부모지각)

  • Lee, Mi-Soon;Cho, Seok-Gee
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.411-432
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    • 2009
  • This study analyzed the differences in parents' perceptions toward children's adjustments after grade skipping and early graduation. Parents of an early entrancer to K university(n=43) and parents of a non-early entrancer to K university(n=12) responded two kinds of questionnaires, one is for parents' perceptions towards children's needs for grade skipping and early graduation, and the other is for parents' perceptions toward children's adjustments to university experiences. Parents' responses were analyzed by MANOVA and MANCOVA. Results indicated that there was the significant difference in parents' perceptions for 'information about early graduation.' That is, parents of an early-entrancer had more 'information about early graduation' than their counterparts. However, there was no significant difference in parents' perceptions, after the effect of 'information about early graduation' on parents' perceptions toward children' academical and social-emotional adjustments. Thus, parents having more 'information about early graduation' considered more seriously the needs of grade skipping and early graduation in their children and worried less about their children's adjustments to university experiences.