• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health services for the aged

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Factors Affecting Social Participation of the Elderly Living in Poverty (저소득 노인의 사회참여에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Sungeun
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.343-354
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    • 2013
  • Elderly people living in poverty are one of the most vulnerable population groups who are at risk of experiencing social exclusion. Social participation is an important contributing factor to active aging and social integration of the older adults living in poverty. This study aims to identify factors affecting social participation of the poor elderly. Data from the second wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing was used for the analyses and 1,346 poor elderly aged over 65 were analyzed. The findings showed that age, education, health status, a level of depression, financial stress, and economic activity were associated with the social participation of the elderly living in poverty. These results indicated that psychological empowerment and specific needs of the older adults living in poverty should be considered in developing services and programs to promote social participation of the poor elderly.

The Want for Home-Visit Health Care in Rural Olders (농촌지역(農村地域) 노인(老人)의 방문보건의료(訪問保健醫療) 요구도(要求度))

  • Kwag, Hwa-Soon;Kam, Sin;Kim, Jong-Yeon;Ahn, Soon-Gi;Jin, Dae-Gu;Lee, Kyung-Eun;Cha, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to examine the want for home-visit health care of health center and health sub-center in rural olders and to provide the basic data to develop strategies for efficient and effective home-visit health care delivery of public health facilities. The questionnaire survey by interview was conducted to 355 olders whose ages were all over 65 years, residing at a rural community, Myun, Gyeongsangbuk- do. Among study population, 64.5% replied that their self-rated health status were 'poor', 14.1% had low ADL and 14.9% had low IADL. Among study population, 73.5% replied that they had health problem which were in need of medical personnel's care. The existence of health problem were significantly different according to sex, age, marital status, health security status, occupation, economic status, circumstances for medical care, self-rated health status, ADL, and IADL(p<0.05). Among olders with health problem which were in need of medical personnel's care, 19.5% wanted to receive the home-visit health care. The degree of want for home-visit health care was higher significantly in olders whose ages were 75-year old or more(p<0.05), jobless olders(p<0.01), the aged persons who were not in harmony with other family members, olders whose self-rated health status were 'poor' and olders with low IADL. The major reasons why they wanted to receive the home-visit health care services were 'they had no helpers when they were sick' (64.7%), 'long distance to the medical facilities from their residence'(23.5%). The medication service was the most need service among home-visit health care services. The reasons why they didn't want to receive the home-visit health care services were 'we could walk and move' (60.0%), 'we wanted to have a direct contact with doctor' (25.7%) in the order of high rate. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the degree of want for home-visit health care were higher significantly in olders who were not in harmony with other family members and olders whose self-rated health status were 'poor'(p<0.05).

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A Study of Activities and Demand on Welfare Nursing in Korea (사회복지분야의 간호활동실태 및 간호수요에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Im
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 1996
  • Social security is concerned with ensuring all citizens maintain basic needs, community health nursing maintains and promotes health for all community members. Lately, This new area of community health nursing, concern social welfare has increased. The objectives of this study are, first, to analysis the activities of nurses at community social welfare institutes, second, to estimate nursing demand for social welfare areas. The study methods used were as literature review, an analysis of statistical data and case study etc. The analytical framework also included a demand analysis of nursing manpower in community social welfare areas. The major results are as follows; 1. Employees which work at social welfare institutes number 55,464, nursing manpower (including nurse aids) number 1,458 and this is 3% of the total employees. Within nursing manpower, nurses number 780, nurse aids number 670. 2. The rates of nurses among total employees were high in institutes for mental disorders and institutes for the age. 3. The salary level of nurses was lower than average and the rates of retirement showed a roughly middle level in welfare institutes. 4. The satisfaction level of nursing services was high, and it is the trend that nurses substitute for nurse aids which retire at social welfare institutes. 5. Nurse demand that follows legal criteria is 2,221, but only 35% are working. It is therefore insufficient from the minimum of 733 to a maximum 1433. 6. The sufficiency rates by institution were high at institutes for vagrants, aged and the handicapped. In conclusion, the conditions are of nurses which are working in with the social welfare institutes are poor. Also the number of nurses compared rates of demand were in surplus. But, the basic direction of welfare policy is universal-preventive and provision of the family and of community centered service, and nursing service demand in the social welfare institute will increase continuously, we predict. Therefore, we will need a positive plan such as the development of an inservice education program and the construction of an information collection system etc.

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The Effects of cultural values on the physical health of Korean American caregivers through caregiver burden and social support, applying to the socio-cultural stress and coping model (문화적 가치가 수발부담 및 사회적 지지를 통해 남가주 한인 가족수발자의 신체적 건강에 미치는 영향 - 사회문화적 스트레스 대처모델을 적용하여)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Knight, B.G.
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.377-394
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    • 2009
  • Using the Socio-cultural Stress and Coping model, this study proposed a path model to explore how cultural values affect the physical health of Korean American caregivers through caregiver burden, receipt of informal social support and utilization of formal care services. For physical health outcomes, three physical health indicators were employed: self-reported global physical health, self-reported blood pressure, and salivary cortisol. The path model was analyzed by using a sample of 87 Korean caregivers living in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California, USA. The major findings of this study included the following: 1) Stronger belief in cultural values was associated with more frequent utilization of formal care services, leading to lower levels of systolic boold pressure; 2) Cultural values did not affect the physical health of Korean American caregivers through caregiver burden. The demonstration of positive effects of cultural values on the physical health of Korean America caregivers through social support utilization call attention to the need of further research on the understudied group providing family care to frail older family members.

Monitoring system technology of patients' lifestyles

  • Hahn, James
    • Korean Journal of Artificial Intelligence
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.4-6
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    • 2014
  • These days, aging, the aged and patients rapidly increased to produce problems, for instance, rapid increase of demand on medical service, higher medical expenses, low quality of the elderly's lives, shortage of physicians and nurses, and others [1]. These days, not only IT technology but also medical technology has taken the lead in settlement of the problems. Patients see a doctor to be given medical treatment and service when they are sick to have difficulty. The study investigated lifestyle monitoring system of chronic disease patients to indicate variation depending upon time. The health care is likely to solve problems of the elderly and chronic disease patients and to satisfy desire of better life quality by living healthy life and to diagnose diseases and give medical treatment and to give solutions in accordance with changes of paradigm of medical services.

Development of prediction model identifying high-risk older persons in need of long-term care (장기요양 필요 발생의 고위험 대상자 발굴을 위한 예측모형 개발)

  • Song, Mi Kyung;Park, Yeongwoo;Han, Eun-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.457-468
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    • 2022
  • In aged society, it is important to prevent older people from being disability needing long-term care. The purpose of this study is to develop a prediction model to discover high-risk groups who are likely to be beneficiaries of Long-Term Care Insurance. This study is a retrospective study using database of National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) collected in the past of the study subjects. The study subjects are 7,724,101, the population over 65 years of age registered for medical insurance. To develop the prediction model, we used logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, and multi-layer perceptron neural network. Finally, random forest was selected as the prediction model based on the performances of models obtained through internal and external validation. Random forest could predict about 90% of the older people in need of long-term care using DB without any information from the assessment of eligibility for long-term care. The findings might be useful in evidencebased health management for prevention services and can contribute to preemptively discovering those who need preventive services in older people.

Development of the Curriculum for Care Manager of the Elderly (노인 케어매니저 양성을 위한 교육과정(안))

  • Han, Suk-Jung;Yoon, Soon-Ho;Kim, Young-Hye;Kim, Il-Ok;Shin, Sung-Rae;Lee, Kyung-Soon;Oh, Pok-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.240-251
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for care manager based on the results of professional workshops and through the analysis of the roles and curriculums of care managers in other countries. Method: The process of this study included a review of literature, getting advice from various experts, a review of the present state of education programs at abroad. Result: This study revealed the basic content of care manager education which includes understanding health care and welfare delivery system. process of care manager, resource management, legal and ethical issues, management of health and a life style of elderly, communication, stress management. The major roles of care manager was revealed as the one who assess the needs of elders, making a care plan, evaluator, supporter, coordinator and a risk manager who coordinates, validates and reassesses various services needed by elderly. Conclusion: These results can be utilized in care manager educational program for raising the quality of care manager and care management services.

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Comparison in Care Burden, Fatigue, and Life Contentment of Caregivers by Gender Relationship with Demented Elders (치매노인과 주부양자의 성별 관계에 따른 주부양자의 부양부담감, 피로 및 생활만족도 비교)

  • Lee, Young-Whee;Cho, In-Sook;Kim, Hwa-Soon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was done in order to examine the differences in gender respect to care burden, fatigue, and life contentment of family caregivers of elderly with dementia. Methods: The setting of the study was a community-based dementia care center providing daycare services. One hundred ninety four caregivers were recruited for the survey. A structured questionnaire was used which included demographic information, care burden, fatigue, and general contentment scales. Caregivers were classified into 4 groups by gender relationship with care recipients. Results: The majority of the caregivers were middle-aged and elderly. More than twice as many were female rather than male caregivers. The results showed that women caregivers expressed more fatigue than men overall (p < .05). In the gender relationships, a different combination of man-woman appeared to have more burdens than that of a woman-woman group (p < .05). For fatigue, the man caregiver-woman elderly group showed a higher fatigue score than a woman-man group (p < .05). However, there was no significant difference in life contentment among groups. Conclusion: These results suggest that caregiver's gender and gender relationship with elders could be considerable factors when the nurses make a plan in the community for dementia nursing management services.

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A Study on Space and Service Program of Privately Funded Dwellings for the Aged -in reference to Korea and Japan- (유료 양로시설의 공간 및 서비스 프로그램에 관한 연구 -한.일 양국 비교-)

  • 이종협;강건희
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.25
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2000
  • Due to the increase in elderly population, leading our society to that of aging one, informations on elderly living environments are in abundance. However, how the elderly perceive these informations and how they decide to choose their final residences normally depend on each elderly persons aging condition, because differences in each elderly persons daily living environment, dictated by his/her health, living characteristics, and/or living patterns, exist. This research studies design guidelines in planning elderly housing thru analyzing Japans privately funded elderly facilities and comparing their services and spatial configurations.

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Epidemiology of Esophageal Cancer in Yanting - Regional Report of a National Screening Programme in China

  • Wang, Xiao;Fan, Jin-Chuan;Wang, An-Rong;Leng, Yue;Li, Jun;Bao, Yu;Wang, Ying;Yang, Qing-Feng;Ren, Yu
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.2429-2432
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    • 2013
  • Background and Objectives: Yanting in Sichuan Province is one of the highest risk areas of esophageal cancer (EC) in the world. We here summarize the epidemiology of EC in Yanting using data from the national screening programme during 2006-2011. Methods: Random cluster sampling was used to select a proportion of natural villages from six towns in Yanting, and residents aged 40-69 years old were invited for screening. Participants were screened using endoscopy with iodine staining and then confirmed by histological examinations. Results: The overall detection rates of low-grade hyperplasia (LH), moderate hyperplasia (MH), high-grade hyperplasia (HH), carcinoma in situ (CIS), intramucosal carcinoma (IC) and invasive carcinoma (INC) were 5.33%, 1.28%, 0.68%, 0.15%, 0.06% and 0.29%, respectively. The detection rates of LH, MH, HH and INC increased with age, reaching the peak among those aged 60-65 years, and the prevalences of LH and MH were higher among men than among women. In addition, the detection rates of hyperplasia were much higher in mountainous than in hilly areas. Conclusions: Among the high risk population, there are a great number of people with early-stage EC or precancerous conditions who do not have presenting symptoms. In particular, the elderly, men, or those living in mountainous areas are the most vulnerable population. It is therefore important to reinforce health education and screening services among such high risk populations.