• Title/Summary/Keyword: H & S manager

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The Design of 32 Bit Microprocessor for Sequence Control Using FPGA (FPGA를 이용한 시퀀스 제어용 32비트 마이크로프로세서 설계)

  • Yang, Oh
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the design of 32 bit microprocessor for a sequence control using a field programmable gate array(FPGA). The microprocessor was designed by a VHDL with top down method, the program memory was separated from the data memory for high speed execution of sequence instructions. Therefore it was possible that sequence instructions could be operated at the same time during the instruction fetch cycle. In order to reduce the instruction decoding time and the interface time of the data memory interface, an instruction code size was implemented by 32 bits. And the real time debug operation was implemented for easeful debugging the designed processor with a single step run, PC break point run, data memory break point run. Also in this designed microprocessor, pulse instructions, step controllers, master controllers, BM and BCD type arithmetic instructions, barrel shift instructions were implemented for sequence logic control. The FPGA was synthesized under a Xilinx's Foundation 4.2i Project Manager using a V600EHQ240 which contains 600,000 gates. Finally simulation and experiment were successfully performed respectively. For showing good performance, the designed microprocessor for the sequence logic control was compared with the H8S/2148 microprocessor which contained many bit instructions for sequence logic control. The designed processor for the sequence logic showed good performance.

Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Constructed Wetlands: A Systematic Review (국내 및 국외 적용된 인공습지 내 Bibliometric Analysis을 이용한 탄소저장 및 탄소격리 능력 분석)

  • M. E. L. Robles;N. J. D. G. Reyes;H. S. Choi ;M. S. Jeon; L. H. Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.132-144
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    • 2023
  • The use of constructed wetlands (CWs) to sequester carbon has been a topic of interest in recent studies. However, CWs have been found to be both carbon sinks and carbon sources, thus leaving uncertainties about their role in carbon neutrality initiatives. To address the uncertainties, a bibliometric and comprehensive review on carbon sequestration in CWs was conducted. Upon forming various scripts using CorText Manager, it was found that a majority of the studies focused on the effectiveness of CWs to remove nutrients, particularly nitrogen. The results of the comprehensive review revealed that high carbon concentrations and carbon sequestration rates in CW soils are dependent on the vegetation types used, the ages of the CWs, and the organic content of inflow water entering the CWs. The Typha genus was the most dominant plant genus used in the CWs from the reviewed studies and was associated with the highest carbon sequestration rates documented in this review study. Furthermore, the relatively high ability of tree species, in comparison to emergent plants, to sequester carbon was observed. Therefore, incorporating tree species into CW designs and adding them to emergent plants is seen as a potential breakthrough approach to improve the ability of CWs to sequester carbon and ultimately contribute to mitigating climate change.

A Study of Employee engagement on Hexagon Leadership (핵사곤 리더십이 종업원 인게이지먼트에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jinwook;Chang, Youngchul;Jee, Cheoulgyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1699-1708
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    • 2013
  • A Korean Retail Company 'Homeplus' has accomplished great growth in a short period. The main factor behind it, which is Hexagon leadership, is based on the manager's experience and management philosophy. It focuses on leaders and the ability to build basic traits of leaders. The main points are organization managing foundations such as people, work, performance, management, facilitation, training and growth. It also includes specific analysis that are applicable right away on success, failure, efficiency and effectiveness of management. The important factor for hexagon leadership is that it focuses on traits of leaders than the skills. Through training, the members of the organization can internalize the six fundamentals, which create a synergy when performed together. Positive results can be found from 'Viewpoint', which is the evaluation method of the Homeplus.

Ecological Characteristics of Natural Habits of Deutzia paniculata, a Rare and Endemic Woody Species in Korea

  • Park, Jin-Sun;An, Jong-Bin;Yun, Ho-Geun;Yi, Myung-Hoon;Park, Wan-Geun;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Hong, Yong-sik;Lee, Kyeong-Cheol;Shim, Yun-Jin;Sung, Jung-Won
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2021
  • Deutzia paniculata Nakai, a rare and endemic plant, has limited distribution throughout the North and South Gyeongsang provinces of South Korea. The D. paniculata community grows mostly on the stony slopes of forests, valley edges, and rock layers at 250-960 m in altitude, where deciduous trees are dominant and high humidity is maintained. Correlation analysis of vegetation and environmental factors found that the Walter's dogwood-mulberry community was correlated with soil acidity (pH). Whilst the queritron community had correlations with distance from the valley, rock rate and slope. The natural habitat of the Palgongsan Mountain in Daegu is known to have high genetic diversity, had eight D. paniculata individuals recorded from 2014 to 2018, and 12 individuals recorded in 2020 (new individuals due to a newly created space within the herbaceous layer caused by grass mowing works), it is therefore unlikely that the community would perish unless there was an artificial disturbance. To conserve the natural habitats of D. paniculata, oppression by Sasa borealis, damage, increase in crown density of the upper layer, overexploitation, and absence of seedlings should be carefully investigated. In addition, response measures should also be established and the impact on seed fullness and the reproductive characteristics of D. paniculata recorded. To restore declined genetic diversity, individuals from high genetic diversity regions, such as Palgongsan Mountain, should be artificially transplanted.

Innovation Capability and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: An Entrepreneurial Marketing Perspective

  • TEGUH, Sriwidadi;HARTIWI, Prabowo;RIDHO, Bramulya Ikhsan;BACHTIAR, Simamora H.;SYNTHIA, Atas Sari;NOOR, Hazlina Ahmad
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to determine the role of innovative capabilities as a mediator in analyzing entrepreneurial marketing's effect on sustainable competitive advantage in food and beverage micro-, small-, and medium- enterprises (MSMEs). Data was obtained from a food and beverage store manager in Tangerang City, comprising 119 samples. Furthermore, the G⁎Power, a tool used to calculate statistical power analysis for various t-tests, F tests, χ2 tests, z tests, and several exact tests, was used to determine the number of research samples, the α error probability of 5%, and 3 variables. The data collection method used questionnaires with Likert Scale 1-5 to indicate strongly disagree to strongly agree. To analyze data, we used Path Analysis supported by SmartPLS statistics software. Path analysis is a form of multiple regression statistical analysis that is used to evaluate causal models by examining the relationships between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. It aims to provide estimates of the magnitude and significance of hypothesized causal connections between sets of variables. The data processing process took place in two stages, namely the estimation model testing with validity and reliability, and the structural model testing to decide the impact or correlation between variables utilizing the t-test. The result showed a positive and significant effect of entrepreneurial marketing to innovative capability and competitive advantage through the innovative capability of MSMEs.

The Changes of Cuff Pressure from Endotracheal Intubation for Long-term Mechanical Ventilation (장기간 기계호흡 환자에서 기관내 관의 기낭압의 변화)

  • Jung, Bock-Hyun;Park, Whan;Koh, Youn-Suck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.156-165
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    • 2002
  • Background: A tracheal stenosis is caused by mucosal ischemic injury related to a high cuff pressure ($P_{cuff}$) of the endotracheal tube. In contrast, aspiration of the upper airway secretion and impaired gas exchange due to cuff leakage is related to a low $P_{cuff}$. To prevent these complications, the $P_{cuff}$ should be kept appropriately because the appropriate $P_{cuff}$ appears to change according to the patient's daily respiratory mechanics. However, the constant cuff volume($V_{cuff}$) has frequently been instilled to the cuff balloon on a daily basis to maintain the optimal $P_{cuff}$ instead of monitoring the $P_{cuff}$ directly at the patients' bedside. To address the necessity of continuous $P_{cuff}$ monitoring, the change in the $P_{cuff}$ was evaluated at various $V_{cuff}$ levels on a daily basis in patients with long-term mechanical ventilation. The utility of mercury column sphygmomanometer for the continuous monitoring $P_{cuff}$ was also investigated. Method: The change in $P_{cuff}$ according to the increase in $V_{cuff}$ was observed in 17 patients with prolonged endotracheal intubation for mechanical ventilation for 2 week or more. This maneuver measured the change in $P_{cuff}$ daily during the mechanical ventilation days. In addition, the $P_{cuff}$ measured by mercury column sphygmomanometer was compared with the $P_{cuff}$ measured by an automatic cuff pressure manager. Results : There were no statistically significant changes of $P_{cuff}$ during more than 14 days of intubation for mechanical ventilation. However the $V_{cuff}$ required to maintain the appropriate $P_{cuff}$ varied from 1.9 cc to 9.6 cc. In addition, the intra-individual variation of the $P_{cuff}$ was observed from 10 $cmH_2O$ to 46 $cmH_2O$ at constant 3 cc $V_{cuff}$. The $P_{cuff}$ measured by the bedside mercury column sphygmomanometer is well coincident with that measured by the automatic cuff pressure manager. Conclusion: Continuous monitoring and management of the $P_{cuff}$ to maintain the appropriate $P_{cuff}$ level in order to prevent cuff related problems during long-term mechanical ventilation is recommended. For this purpose, mercury column sphygmomanometer may replace the specific cuff pressure monitoring equipment.

Survey of Manager's Perception of Slaughter House for Poultry Grading (닭고기 품질등급제에 대한 도계장 관리자 설문 조사)

  • Chae H. S.;Yoo Y. M.;Ahn C. N.;Ham J. S.;Jeong S. G.;Lee J. M.;Choi Y. I.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to establish a comprehensive grading guideline for poultry. Guidelines for sampling size and grading were determined on the basis of survey data obtained from chicken processing house. Results were summarized as follows : For application unit, most chicken processing house preferred lot unit to farm unit. Most processing house did not want the total survey method, but selection sampling. At the beginning of the grading system, chicken processing house wanted to apply the system to a particular lots for which the company requests. There were much suggestions for grading not only portion meat, but also whole chicken. Bigger processing house preferred no. $8\~12$ to be graded. Most of large-scale processing houses used more than 81 volts for stunning and cooling tanks by soaking. For shipping chicken, Large-scale processing houses used both individual and box packing while small ones only used box packing.

Survey of Manager's Perception of Slaughter and Further Processed House for the Determination of Grading of Poultry Meat Cuts (닭고기 부분육 품질 등급 설정을 위한 도계 및 추가가공장 관리자 의식 조사)

  • Chae H. S.;Yoo Y. M.;Ahn C. N.;Ham J. S.;Jeong S. G.;Lee J. M.;Choi Y. I.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to establish a comprehensive guideline for grading system of poultry meat cuts. Slaughter and further processed houses were divided into large(>70,000 heads/day), middle($50,000\~25,000$ heads/day), and small scale(<25,000 heads/day), and the production managers were asked by the Questionnaire. Most poultry meat cuts produced by larger- and middle-slaughter house were consumed by dealers, franchisee and department store in increasing order, whereas further processed poultry meat cuts(small scale) provided meals for the students in the high amount. The packaging step was best f3r the determination of grading in the large slaughter house. This survey indicated that two or more grades were proper to determine the grading in the middle slaughter house, however only two grades were proper for the others. Freshness, bruise, wound, trimming and the inclusion of foreign materials affected to the grading. Poultry meat cuts were accepted for the grading in large-slaughter house, but whole poultry carcass was accepted for the grading in the others. Most managers agreed with that the grading system was only applied for the amounts requested. They also suggested that the grading system of poultry meat cuts were necessary in near future, even though it was not urgent to apply.

Problems and Solutions of Matrix Organization Structure: Focusing on the Case of H-Corp. Research Institute (매트릭스 조직구조의 문제점과 해결 방안: H사 연구소 사례를 중심으로)

  • Bok, Cheol-Kyu;Lee, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2021
  • Even though there have been so much practical interests in industry, the relevant empirical researches are not sufficient. In this study, we try to identify the problems of matrix organization structure in the semiconductor industry and make suggestions for improvements. Also, we try to find out whether there are differences in the perceptions of the problems among ranks and teams. This study was conducted to the researchers in the matrix organization structure of the H-corp. research institute. The problems we found are as follows. The researchers agreed that the matrix organization structure is appropriate when highly professional members for the development of next-generation semiconductors are participated in the projects. They showed strong wills to participate and succeed in projects. However, the researchers felt that the equipments and manpowers were not enough and too much tasks and workloads were assigned to both the managers and members Also, in an open ended question, the researchers pointed out the problems of the matrix organization structure such as 'weak project manager's authority', 'communication and teamwork issues', 'non-obvious work priorities', 'compensation and benefit system', 'lack of research manpower and equipment'. From the strengths and weaknesses of the matrix organization structure of the semiconductor industry, we provide some suggestions for improvements.

The Impact of Human Resource Innovativeness, Learning Orientation, and Their Interaction on Innovation Effect and Business Performance : Comparison of Small and Medium-Sized vs. Large-Sized Companies (인적자원의 혁신성, 학습지향성, 이들의 상호작용이 혁신효과 및 사업성과에 미치는 영향 : 중소기업과 대기업의 비교연구)

  • Yoh, Eunah
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to explore differences between small and medium-sized companies and large-sized companies in the impact of human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. Although learning orientation has long been considered as a key factor influencing good performance of a business, little research was devoted to exploring the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. In this study, it is investigated whether there is a synergy effect between innovative human workforce and learning orientation corporate culture, in addition to each by itself, to generate good business performance as well as a success of new innovations in the market. Research hypotheses were as follows, including H1) human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and interactions of HRI and LO(HRI-LO interaction) positively affect innovation effect, H2) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect between large-sized and small-sized companies, H3) HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect positively affect business performance, and H4) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, and innovation effect on business performance between large-sized and small-sized companies. Data were obtained from 479 practitioners through a web survey since the web survey is an efficient method to collect a national data at a variety of fields. A single respondent from a company was allowed to participate in the study after checking whether they have more than 5-year work experiences in the company. To check whether a common source bias is existed in the sample, additional data from a convenient sample of 97 companies were gathered through the traditional survey method, and were used to confirm correlations between research variables of the original sample and the additional sample. Data were divided into two groups according to company size, such as 352 small and medium-sized companies with less than 300 employees and 127 large-sized companies with 300 or more employees. Data were analyzed through t-test and regression analyses. HRI which is the innovativeness of human resources in the company was measured with 9 items assessing the innovativenss of practitioners in staff, manager, and executive-level positions. LO is the company's effort to encourage employees' development, sharing, and utilizing of knowledge through consistent learning. LO was measured by 18 items assessing commitment to learning, vision sharing, and open-mindedness. Innovation effect which assesses a success of new products/services in the market, was measured with 3 items. Business performance was measured by respondents' evaluations on profitability, sales increase, market share, and general business performance, compared to other companies in the same field. All items were measured by using 6-point Likert scales. Means of multiple items measuring a construct were used as variables based on acceptable reliability and validity. To reduce multi-collinearity problems generated on the regression analysis of interaction terms, centered data were used for HRI, LO, and Innovation effect on regression analyses. In group comparison, large-sized companies were superior on annual sales, annual net profit, the number of new products/services in the last 3 years, the number of new processes advanced in the last 3 years, and the number of R&D personnel, compared to small and medium-sized companies. Also, large-sized companies indicated a higher level of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect and business performance than did small and medium-sized companies. The results indicate that large-sized companies tend to have more innovative human resources and invest more on learning orientation than did small-sized companies, therefore, large-sized companies tend to have more success of a new product/service in the market, generating better business performance. In order to test research hypotheses, a series of multiple-regression analysis was conducted. In the regression analysis examining the impact on innovation effect, important results were generated as : 1) HRI, LO, and HRI-LO affected innovation effect, and 2) company size indicated a moderating effect. Based on the result, the impact of HRI on innovation effect would be greater in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies whereas the impact of LO on innovation effect would be greater in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. In other words, innovative workforce would be more important in making new products/services that would be successful in the market for small and medium-sized companies than for large-sized companies. Otherwise, learning orientation culture would be more effective in making successful products/services for large-sized companies than for small and medium-sized companies. Based on these results, research hypotheses 1 and 2 were supported. In the analysis of a regression examining the impact on business performance, important results were generated as : 1) innovation effect, LO, and HRI-LO affected business performance, 2) HRI by itself did not have a direct effect on business performance regardless of company size, and 3) company size indicated a moderating effect. Specifically, an effect of the HRI-LO interaction on business performance was stronger in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. It means that the synergy effect of innovative human resources and learning orientation culture tends to be stronger as company is larger. Referring to these result, research hypothesis 3 was partially supported whereas hypothesis 4 was supported. Based on research results, implications for companies were generated. Regardless of company size, companies need to develop the learning orientation corporate culture as well as human resources' innovativeness together in order to achieve successful development of innovative products and services as well as to improve sales and profits. However, the effectiveness of the HRI-LO interaction would be varied by company size. Specifically, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was stronger to make a success of new products/services in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies. However, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was more effective to increase business performance of large-sized companies than that of small and medium-sized companies. In the case of small and medium-sized companies, business performance was achieved more through the success of new products/services than much directly affected by HRI-LO. The most meaningful result of this study is that the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance was confirmed. It was often ignored in the previous research. Also, it was found that the innovativeness of human workforce would not directly influence in generating good business performance, however, innovative human resources would indirectly affect making good business performance by contributing to achieving the development of new products/services that would be successful in the market. These findings would provide valuable managerial implications specifically in regard to the development of corporate culture and education program of small and medium-sized as well as large-sized companies in a variety of fields.