• Title/Summary/Keyword: Growth habit

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Morphometric relations and diet compositions of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linn. 1758) in Lake Tana Gorgora gulf, Ethiopia

  • Flipos Engdaw
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2023
  • Oreochromis niloticus is the most ecologically and economically important fish in tropical and sub-tropical aquatic systems. Recently, due to sever anthropogenic stressors, hydrological variations and infestations of invasive alien species in Ethiopian water bodies, fish community structure and ecosystem of Lake Tana is changing alarmingly. So far, there is paucity of information on the morphometric relations and diet composition of O. niloticus in Lake Tana, gulf of Gorgora. A total of 309 fish samples were collected and their total length (TL), standard length (SL) and total weight (TW) were measured to determine morphometric relations; and gut contents were examined to identify most important food item in the diet of the fish. Results indicated that, the relation between TL and SL was significant (p < 0.001) and linear (SL = 0.942TL-2.41) while the relation between TL and TW was curvilinear (TW = 0.014 TL2.8) indicating allometric growth. Among the total guts scrutinized, 53 (17.3%) of them were empty and the remaining 256 (82.7%) were non-empty. Phytoplankton constituted the largest bulk and occurred in 77% of the guts examined and volumetrically accounted 44.3%. Detritus and zooplankton had an intermediate importance by occurring 60.2% and 63.3% of all guts scrutinized and constituted about 25.6% and 15.5% of the total volume respectively. Contributions of macrophytes, insects, nematodes and unidentified food items were relatively low in their importance. Ontogenetic dietary shift was observed in the diet indicating an omnivorous feeding habit of the adult fish.

Yield and Seed Quality as Affected by Water Deficit at Different Reproductive Growth Stages in Soybean

  • Kim, Wook-Han;Hong, Byung-Hee;Kim, Seok-Dong
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 1999
  • The effect of water deficits on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] could appear on seed quality through changes of morphological plant characteristics. Two Korean genotypes, Hwangkeum (determinate growth habit) and Muhan (indeterminate growth habit), were used to examine the influences of treatment stage and method of water deficit during reproductive growth period on yield and seed quality of soybean. Water deficit at R5 or R6 stages was as damaging to seed quality as double water-deficit treatments at R2+R5 or R2+R6. However, seed from double water-deficit treatment tended to have lower oxidation-reduction potential compare to the corresponding single water-deficit treatment. In comparison with Muhan, Hwangkeum had significantly greater oxidation-reduction potential value. Seed yield per plant in both genotypes depended greatly on seed yield of branches. However, the proportion of number of branch seed to total seed umber in Hwangkeum was increased as the water deficit was applied during later reproductive stage, whereas, in Muhan the proportion was lower. Water-deficit treatments including the single and double water-deficit treatments and non-stressed treatment were able to be classified into five groups for Hwangkeum and four groups for Muhan based on the influences on yield components, number of pod, number of seed, and single seed weight, using principal component analysis. In both genotypes, R2+R5 water-deficit treatment decreased number of pod and seed, but increased single seed weight. On the contrary, R6 or R2+R6 stress increased the pod and seed number, but decreased single seed weight.

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A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Initial Stage of $NiSi_2$ Nucleation on the (001) Si ((001) Si에서 $NiSi_2$의 핵생성 초기 상태에 관한 투과전자현미경 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Yong
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 1994
  • In this study the initial stage nucleation and growth of Ni silicide on (001) Si by evaporation and furnace annealing have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The pressure was $10^{-6}$ Torr during evaporation and annealing. And the annealing temperature to produce $NiSi_2\;was\;800^{\circ}C$. From the evaporated film, $NiSi_2$ nucleus has grown into Si substrate with an epitaxial orientation relationship. Interfaces between $NiSi_2$ and Si were A-type {111} interfaces and {100} $NiSi_2$ interfaces were also observed at the initial stage of nucleation. Ni silicide grew into Si substrate, but the nucleus partly grew into the evaporated film, with no facets, from the nuclei in the Si substrate. $NiSi_2$ nucleus with (111) habit planes was also observed.

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Detecting smartphone user habits using sequential pattern analysis

  • Lu, Dang Nhac;Nguyen, Thu Trang;Nguyen, Thi Hau;Nguyen, Ha Nam;Choi, Gyoo Seok
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.20-22
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the study of smart phone user habits has become a highly focused topic due to the rapid growth of the smart phone market. Indeed, sequential pattern analysis methods were efficiently used for web-based user habit mining long time ago. However, by means of simulations, it has been observed that these methods might fail for smart phone-based user habit mining. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that leads to a considerably increased performance of the traditional sequential pattern analysis methods by reasonably cutting off each chronological sequence of user logs on a device into shorter ones, which represent the sequential user activities in various periods of a day.

Analysis of Different Dietary Habits by Classification of Body Mass Index of Middle School Male Students in Ulsan City (울산지역 남자 중학생의 체질량 분류군별 식습관 차이 분석)

  • Jung, Soon-Im;Hong, Soon-Myung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.342-350
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates differences in middle school male students' anthropometric variables and dietary habits using BMI (Body Mass Index) classifications. $\chi^2$ -test for frequency and ANOVA test for mean value and duncan value were used to analyze results. Averaged results of three groups of middle school male students' anthropometry including height (normal group 164.4 cm, overweight group 165.0 cm, obese group 167.0 cm), weight (normal group 56.0 kg, overweight group 70.0 kg, obese group 83.2 kg) and waist circumference (normal group 20.7 cm, overweight group 79.8 cm, overweight group 89.6 cm) were resulted. Classification of obese group was based upon 2007 growth charts using BMI criteria. This study indicates the normal weight group boys have over-eating related dietary habits and the obese groups have less calorie dietary habits. They answered oppositely to normal recognition. The obese group reflected dietary problems, such as preferences for sweet fruit rather than normal group males. Dinnertime of the groups were significantly different and obese group's earlier dinnertime can influence on their late night snack eating. Forty precent of obese male group like fruits as late night eating food. Three meal amount of three groups were significantly different, as obese group answered they ate same amount at every meal. It can mean obese group ate more amount of food in every meal. Overweight and obese male students have dietary problem of fast eating and answers of unbalanced eating were higher in normal group. These could mean obese group eats well in every food and fast eating habit could lead a lot of food eating habit. Obese group chooses out-going food of less calorie and frequency of fast food eating was lower than normal group. In result, obese group answered that they have less calorie related dietary habits, it could mean their answers were false or fixed dietary habit. Therefore, more researches should be followed.

A Study on the Trend of Researches in Food and Culture from 1990 to 2003 (1990년부터 2003년까지의 식문화 연구동향 분석)

  • Kim, Hee-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.295-312
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    • 2004
  • This study is to investigate the trend of researches on food and culture from 1990 to 2003. With a literary approach, this paper analyzes how many papers were published and what was the major research subject. We classified the journals published during this time into 10 different categories and we are to grasp a research trend. 1) Historical approach on the traditional food and food habit; 2) Globalization of Koran food; 3) Use and preparation for traditional food; 4) Table setting and table manner; 5) Provincial cuisine; 6) Traditional festive food or celebratory meal; 7) Religious food; 8) Fusion food; 9) Food and culture in foreign countries and food habit of Korean people living abroad; 10) Studies related with satins out. It was revealed that 268 papers(=ps) were published. Eating out was the most frequently reported subject(100 ps), followed by provincial cuisine(54 ps), use and preparation for traditional food(49 ps), food habit for foreign people and Korean people living abroad(22 ps). Researches on these 4 topics have been accelerated since the late half of 1990s. This reflects the social factors such as rapid growth of food service industry, settlement of local autonomy, popularization of leisure activities and accelerated introduction of foreign food and culture. Half of the studies on the eating out dealt with eating out behavior. And 30 papers were reports on the food service industry situations. More than half of the studies on the provincial cuisine(26 ps) were concentrated on digging out recipes. Studies on the use and preparation for traditional food were mainly about what kind of food and how often the food is used(17 ps). Kimchi was the most frequently studied food. There were 11 papers regarding food and culture in foreign countries. Most of the authors were historians or linguists. Food habit of Korean people living abroad were investigated in 7 papers. There was few studies on fusion food, table setting and table manner. This doesn't meet with increasing demand for specialized information in then fields. Researches on the traditional festive food or celebratory meal(5 ps) and religious food(9 ps) were negligible. Papers on the historical approach to the traditional food and food habit were limited(12 ps). Moreover, most of them were patchwork of existing literatures. Continuous researches to exploit the historical facts based on literary proof should be tried with patience. Otherwise, the papers will copy the hackneyed knowledge repeatedly. Globalization of Korean food means the development of Korean food for foreign people and export of them worldwide. Only 16 papers were reported on this subject, 14 of them were published after 2000, 8 of them were surveys on the foreigners' food preference. In order to get practical informations on what we develope and how we sell for the foreign customers, profound research on their food habit should be done.

Morphological study on non-seeded grown AlN single crystals (무종자결정 상에 성장된 AlN 결정의 형태학적 연구)

  • Kang, Seung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.265-268
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    • 2012
  • The growth of AlN single crystals of large size and good quality is of prime importance for UV LEDs and power devices applications. However, the crystals having the size of more than 1 inch and high quality have not been reported in the world. In the PVT growth of AlN, the crystal morphology of as grown were important because the preferred orientation of growth of it was evaluated for growth rate increase. In the present study, the AlN single crystals grown by PVT process were evaluated by the side of the growth morphology. Optical microscopic characterization was carried out to observe the shape of the crystals and the growth facets. Furthermore the growth habit of it were discussed by observation of the surface of AlN crystals.

A Study for Satisfaction and Expectation of Effect on the Growth of Children Treated with Herbal Medicine (소아 성장을 위한 한약투여에 대한 만족도와 기대치 조사)

  • Park, Eun-Seong;Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Deog-Gon
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2010
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of herbal medicine in children's growth and to report the children's expectation. Methods 171 children visited the department of Pediatrics, Kyung-Hee Oriental Medical Hospital from June 2009 to December 2009 were studied. They were treated more than 6 months and they visited our clinic more than 3 times. Every time when patients visited our hospital, their height, body weight and obesity degree was examined using DS-102(dszenix, Seoul). Also, height percentile of first and the last visit was measured, and those were compared by the Growth Statistics Curve made by the Korean Association of Pediatrics, 2007. Results and Conclusions The mean growth of total children increased by 4.42 percent; the increased percent for boys was 4.17 and that of girls was 5.00. Herbal medical treatment helped growth in children who took medicine for growth retardation problem. Plus, majority of parents who visited the department of Pediatrics, Oriental Medical Hospital satisfied with the service and their children's height. Although thinking genetic factor is important for their height, but they think that herbal medical treatment help the growth with changing eating habit.

Growth Habit and Morphological Characteristics of Fasciated Soybean, var. Buchai-kong (Glycine max L. Merrill) (대화형대두 부채콩의 생육 및 형태적 특성)

  • ;Jong-Kyu Hwang
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 1986
  • This experiment was carried out to obtain some information about the growth habit and morphological and anatomical characteristics of fasciated soybean, var. Buchai-kong. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Main stern of fasciated soybean, var. Buchai-kong was gradually broadened and became flat, on which leaves emerged irregularly compared with normal soybean, var. Danyeop-kong. The number of leaves on main stern was more in Buchai-kong, but the total number of leaves per plant was not considerably different each other. 2. The degree of fasciation (max./min. in diameter at the broadened part) in main stern of Buchai-kong was about 3.1, and was related to the amount of growth of main stern and branches of Danyeop-kong. Stern fasciation types found in Buchai-kong were linear (the most common) and bifurcated with regard to branching of main stern tip. 3. The number of branches per plant was much less in Buchai-kong than in Danyeop-kong. There were fas-ciated branches and fasciated petiole in Buchai-kong. 4. About 75 percent of pods of Buchai-kong were concentrated on the top of stern, which showed strong pod clustering. 5. Seed yield per plant of Buchai-kong was about 60 percent of that of Danyeop-kong, and the decrease in seed yield was mostly affected by the decrease in seed weight and seeds per pod. 6. The number of vascular bundles of transection of mature stern was more in Buchai-kong, but Danyeop-kong developed the better vascular bundle.

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Growth Characteristics and Productivity of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) New Variety, 'Green Call 2ho'

  • Ji, Hee Chung;Whang, Tae Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Kim, Won Ho;Woo, Jae Hoon;Hong, Ki Hung;Choe, Kuh Wann
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2019
  • This experiment was conducted to breed a very early maturing variety of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in Grassland and Forage Crops Division, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA, Cheonan 2015-2017. The new variety of Italian ryegrass, 'Green call 2ho' is a diploid variety with green in leaf color and has semi-erect growth habit in late autumn and erect growth habit in early spring, 'Green call 2ho' was in heading date as a early-maturing variety April 24. Also 'Green call 2ho' was narrower by 2 mm in flag leaf width, longer by 2.5 cm in flag leaf length and shorter by 3 cm in plant height than those of the control variety, 'Florida 80', respectively. 'Green call 2ho' was also thicker by 0.33 mm in stem thickness and strong in winter hardness. Dry matter (DM) yield (11,688 kg/ha) of 'Green call 2ho' was 7% higher than that of 'Florida 80'. Total digestible nutrient (TDN), crude protein (CP) and relative feed value (RFV) of 'Green call 2ho' were 61.3 %, 9.8 % and 98.2, respectively which are 2.6, 0.6, and 8.4 % higher, respectively than those of 'Florida 80', respectively. Acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of 'Green call 2ho' were 34.9 and 58.5 % which are 3.3 and 2.7 % lower than those of 'Florida 80', respectively.