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  • Lee, Mun-Bae;Park, Sung-Ho;Rhee, Hyang-Joo
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.589-597
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    • 1999
  • Let G be a closed subspace of a Banach space X and let (S,$\Omega$,$\mu$) be a $\sigma$-finite measure space. It was known that $L_1$(S,G) is proximinal in $L_1$(S,X) if and only if $L_p$(S,G) is proximinal in $L_p$(S,X) for 1$\infty$. In this article we show that this result remains true when "proximinal" is replaced by "Chebyshev". In addition, it is shown that if G is a proximinal subspace of X such that either G or the kernel of the metric projection $P_G$ is separable then, for 0 < p $\leq$ $\infty$. $L_p$(S,G) is proximinal in $L_p$(S,X)

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Quality Changes of Cucumber Kimchi Prepared with Different Minor Ingredients during Fermentation (부재료 첨가량을 달리한 오이 김치의 저장 기간에 따른 품질 변화)

  • Paik, Jae-Eun;Jung, Hyeon-A;Bae, Hyun-Joo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.473-481
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate the properties of cucumber kimchi prepared with different minor ingredients(potato, puchu). Acidity, pH, color value, hardness, and lactic acid bacteria were measured under the condition of $10^{\circ}C$ for 25 days. Five conditions of making cucumber kimchi included: cucumber kimchi with puchu 300g(treatment 1, control), cucumber kimchi with potato 90g, puchu 210 g(treatment 2, 5-1), cucumber kimchi with potato 150g, puchu 150 g(treatment 3, S-2), cucumber kimchi with potato 210g, puchu 90 g(treatment 4, S-3), cucumber kimchi with potato 270g, puchu 30g(treatment 5, S-4). Hardness of cucumber kimchi appeared higher values as the potatoe's volume increased(S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4), during all fermentation days. The results showed very significant values in pH(p<0.001), acidity(p<0.001), 'L' of lightness(p<0.05), hardness(p<0.001), lactic acid bacteria(p<0.001) according to fermentation. And the results showed very significant values in 'a' of redness(p<0.01), hardness(p<0.001) according to cucumber kimchi samples. These results showed that fermentation patterns of cucumber kimchi were influenced by the different minor ingredients used.


  • Shiny, Hwan-Yong;Kim, Gwang Hui
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.297-305
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, by using fixed point theorem, we obtain the stability of the following functional equations $$f(pr,qs)+g(ps,qr)={\theta}(p,q,r,s)f(p,q)h(r,s)\\f(pr,qs)+g(ps,qr)={\theta}(p,q,r,s)g(p,q)h(r,s)$$, where G is a commutative semigroup, ${\theta}:G^4{\rightarrow}{\mathbb{R}}_k$ a function and f, g, h are functionals on $G^2$.

Multi-analysis of the Organochlorine Pesticides in Ginseng at Gyeongbuk, Korea (경북지역 인삼 중 유기염소계 농약의 다성분 분석)

  • Park Moon-Ki;Kim Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2005
  • To obtain the residual organochlorine pesticides in the ginseng, the methods of multi-analysis for BHC's isomer, DDT's isomer and other organochlorine pesticides by GC-ECD are surveyed. The relative retention time for $\alpha-BHC,\;\beta-BHC,\;\delta-BHC\;and\;\gamma-BHC$ is 1.000, 1.025, 1.034 and 1.056, respectively. The relative retention time for o,p-DDE, p,p-DDE, o,o-DDD, o,p-DDT, o,p-DDD, and p,p-DDT is 1.199, 1.230, 1.242, 1.286, 1.329 and 1.333, respectively. The BHC isomers, DDT's isomer and other organochlorine pesticides are separated with multianalysis condition. The qualified defection concentration for $\alpha-BHC$, Quintozene, Aldrin, Captan, $\alpha-Endosulfan$, and Dieldrin is 0.95ng/g, 0.27ng/g, 1.04ng/g, 0.63ng/g, 0.55ng/g and 0.62ng/g, respectively. The qualified defection concentration for Fenhexamid, Endrin, $\beta-Endosulfan$, o,p-DDT, Endosulfan-sulfate is 5.71ng/g, 0.61ng/g, 0.48ng/g, 0.44ng/g and 0.51ng/g, respectively. BHC, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin and DDT, which were Korea Food & Drug Administration advisory pesticides, are not detected in soil environment. Also it's residual organochlorine pesticides are not polluted in the ginseng on Sangju Korea.

Comparison of Carcass Composition of Iranian Fat-tailed Sheep

  • Kiyanzad, M.R.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.1348-1352
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    • 2005
  • Most breeds of sheep in Iran are adapted to their agro ecological niches where it is likely that they were also artificially selected by their owners. In general, most of sheep breeds are multipurpose producing lambs, wool and milk. To compare the physical and chemical composition of the carcasses of ten Iranian native fat-tailed sheep breeds, 243 male lambs (6-7 months of age) of ten fattailed, Iranian breeds of sheep, Sanjabi (S), Ghezel (G), Afshari (A), Mehrabani (M), Lori (L), Lori Bakhtiari (LB), Kordi Khorasan (K), Sangesari (Sa), Baluchi (B) and Chal (C) were studied. Lamb breed group had a significant (p<0.05) effect on all the carcass traits measured. The LB and C lambs showed the same live weight which was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the other breeds. Carcass dressing- out percentage in S lambs was lowest (p<0.05), but not different from G lambs. K and Sa breeds showed the highest (p<0.05) carcass dressing-out percentage. The S lambs had the highest (p<0.05) lean meat percent. Lean meat percentage was not significantly (p>0.05) different in the G, A, M and C breeds. The Sa and K breeds showed the lowest lean meat percent. The S lambs showed the lowest (p<0.05) fat percent in their carcass, while K and Sa showed the highest (p<0.05). Subcutaneous fat in K, Sa and B was higher (p<0.05) than the other breeds. Lambs of S, G, A and M breeds had the lowest subcutaneous fat in their carcasses (p>0.05). Intramascular fat was significantly (p<0.05) lower in M, S and C despite the fact that this values were highest in B and K lambs. The K and Sa breeds had highest fat-tail percentage (p<0.05) in their carcass, whereas S and G showed lowest. Lambs of G, S and A breeds had higher bone percent than other breeds (p<0.05). Lowest bone percent (p<0.05) was seen in K and Sa lambs. The carcass moisture percent was not significantly (p>0.05) different in S, G, A, M, L and C breeds. M lambs showed the lowest crude protein percentage and S breed the highest (p<0.05). There were no significant (p>0.05) differences among other lamb breeds for this trait. Chemical fat percentage was the same in S, G, A, C and M breeds, but significantly (p<0.05) lower from LB, K, Sa and B. Ash percent in S, G and A had no significant (p>0.05) difference. According to higher lean meat and lower fat percentages in the carcass, the ranking of breeds would be S, G, A, M and C.


  • Kamal, Alaa;Yassen, Taha Ibrahim
    • Korean Journal of Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to define a new class of hyperholomorphic functions spaces, which will be called $F^{\alpha}_{{\omega},G}$(p, q, s) type spaces. For this class, we characterize hyperholomorphic weighted ${\alpha}$-Bloch functions by functions belonging to $F^{\alpha}_{{\omega},G}$(p, q, s) spaces under some mild conditions. Moreover, we give some essential properties for the extended weighted little ${\alpha}$-Bloch spaces. Also, we give the characterization for the hyperholomorphic weighted Bloch space by the integral norms of $F^{\alpha}_{{\omega},G}$(p, q, s) spaces of hyperholomorphic functions. Finally, we will give the relation between the hyperholomorphic ${\mathcal{B}}^{\alpha}_{{\omega},0}$ type spaces and the hyperholomorphic valued-functions space $F^{\alpha}_{{\omega},G}$(p, q, s).


  • Park, Young-Gi
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.933-944
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    • 1994
  • Let $\pi : P \to S^4$ be a principal G-bundle over $S^4$ whose the structure group G is a compact, connected, simple Lie group. Since $\pi_3(G) = \pi_4 (BG) = Z$, we can classify the principal bundle $P_k$ over $S^4$ by the map $S^4 \to BG$ of degree k. Atiyah and Jones [2] showed that $C_k = A_k/g^b_k$ is homotopy equivalent to $\Omega^3_k G \simeq \Omega^4_k BG$ where $A_k$ is the space of the all connections in $P_k$ and $g^b_k$ is the based gauge group which consists of all base point preserving automorphisms on $P_k$. Here $\Omega^nX$ is the space of all base-point preserving continuous map from $S^n$ to X. Let $M_k$ be the space of based gauge equivalence classes of all connections in $P_k$ satisfying the Yang-Mills self-duality equations, which we call the moduli space of G instantons.

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  • Yamin, Mohammad;Sharma, Poonam Kumar
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1205-1210
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    • 2014
  • Let E be a free product of a finite number of cyclic groups, and S a normal subgroup of E such that $$E/S{\sim_=}G$$ is finite. For a prime p, $\hat{S}=S/S^{\prime}S^p$ may be regarded as an $F_pG$-module via conjugation in E. The aim of this article is to prove that $\hat{S}$ is decomposable into two indecomposable modules for finite elementary abelian p-groups G.

Sphingosine 1-Phosphate-induced Signal Transduction in Cat Esophagus Smooth Muscle Cells

  • Song, Hyun Ju;Choi, Tai Sik;Chung, Fa Yong;Park, Sun Young;Ryu, Jung Soo;Woo, Jae Gwang;Min, Young Sil;Shin, Chang Yell;Sohn, Uy Dong
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2006
  • We investigated the mechanism of contraction induced by S1P in esophageal smooth muscle cells. Western blot analysis demonstrated that $S1P_1$, $S1P_2$, $S1P_3$, and $S1P_5$ receptors existed in the cat esophagus. Only penetration of EDG-5 ($S1P_2$) antibody into permeabilized cells inhibited S1P-induced contraction. Pertussis toxin (PTX) also inhibited contraction, suggesting that it was mediated by $S1P_2$ receptors coupled to a PTXsensitive $G_i$ protein. Specific antibodies to $G_{i2}$, $G_q$ and $G_{\beta}$ inhibited contraction, implying that the S1P-induced contraction depends on PTX-insensitive $G_q$ and $G_{\beta}$ dimers as well as the PTX-sensitive $G_{i2}$. Contraction was not affected by the phospholipase $A_2$ inhibitor DEDA, or the PLD inhibitor ${\rho}$-chloromercuribenzoate, but it was abolished by the PLC inhibitor U73122. Incubation of permeabilized cells with $PLC{\beta}3$ antibody also inhibited contraction. Contraction involved the activation of a PKC pathway since it was affected by GF109203X and chelerythrine. Since $PKC{\varepsilon}$ antibody inhibited contraction, $PKC{\varepsilon}$ may be required. Preincubation of the muscle cells with the MEK inhibitor PD98059 blocked S1P-induced contraction, but the p38 MAP kinase inhibitor SB202190 did not. In addition, co-treatment of cells with GF 109203X and PD98059 did not have a synergistic effect, suggesting that these two kinases are involved in the same signaling pathway. Our data suggest that S1P-induced contraction in esophageal smooth muscle cells is mediated by $S1P_2$ receptors coupled to PTX-sensitive $G_{i2}$ proteins, and PTX-insensitive $G_q$ and $G_{\beta}$ proteins, and that the resulting activation of the $PLC{\beta}3$ and $PKC{\varepsilon}$ pathway leads to activation of a p44/p42 MAPK pathway.

Sensory and Textural characteristics of Solsulgi using varied levels of pine leave powders and different types of sweetners (솔잎가루를 첨가한 솔설기의 재료배합비에 따른 관능적.텍스쳐 특성)

  • 이효지;한지연
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the sensory and quality characteristics of Solsulgi containing different ratios of ingredients such as pine leaves power(1, 2, and 3%), sugar, and water. The results of sensory evaluation showed that Solsulgi containing 1% pine leaves powder had the higher scores in overall acceptability, color and flavor preference. In the textural analysis of Solsulgi, the springiness, chewiness, gumminess, and hardness were decreased by adding pine leaves powder. The hunter's color L value of Solsulgi was decreased by the increase of pine leaves powder. The more pine leaves powder was added, the redness and yellowness of Solsulgi were increased. The moisture content of Solsulgi was higher in the samples with 3% pine leaves powder than those with 1 %.