• Title/Summary/Keyword: Forms

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On the base inflectional forms of Korean old vernacular letters (언간에 나타나는 어기활용형에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.56
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    • pp.297-329
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims to examine the base inflectional forms of Korean old vernacular letters, and explain why it appears with frequency. In the korean old vernacular letters, the suffix 'ha-' and ending of the 'Base+ha-' adjective derivation are not appear with extraordinary frequency. I called it the base inflectional forms. I consider it in function and morphological constructions and also the syntactic constructions. Whenever Joseon-era people wrote a letter with a time limit, they have need to diminish their exertion to use of the brush. Therefore the base inflectional forms appear with extraordinary frequency in comparison with other papers. In the 'X ha-' word formation of Korean old vernacular letters, 'ha-' is formal morpheme without substantial meaning. So 'X' is left and 'ha-' and ending can be omitted resolutely. The base inflectional forms are occurred to voluntary language performance for a particular intention. but it is not appear in all conditions. In some circumstances, it appear. I checked out the constructions on base inflectional forms. In the 'X ha-' word formation, 'X' is predicative base without fail. and the ending which take part in base inflectional forms has a grammatical function unadulteratedly.

A Case Study on Battle of Forms in International Commercial Contracts (국제상사계약에서 서식분쟁 사례에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Na-Hee;Ha, Choong-Lyoung
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2017
  • Nowaday typically international commercial transaction, buyer and seller communicate with each other using standard forms. So called "the battle of forms" results from the exchanges of these forms. There are several problems that have to be solved in the battle of the forms. For example, Do the exchanges of the different terms form a contract? What are the contract terms? Which party's terms could apply? etc. Around the world, two basic types of rules are applied to solve the problem as to the battle of forms : last-shot rule and knock-out rule. In 2015, Hague Conference in Private International Law finally approved Hague Principles. The principles deal with the battle of the forms. Also in 2013, CISG Advisory Council adopted the "Black letter rules" to provide an effective way of resolving regarding the inclusion of standard terms under the CISG. This study would try to comprehensively review the battle of forms concerning Hague Principles and CISG. The aim of this study is to propose the most appropriate way to resolve the problem of the battle of forms both parties.

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Comparison of Hydrodynamic Performance between the Existing and Esthetic Form for the Fishing Boat

  • Lee, Kwi-Joo;Joa, Soon-Won;Park, Na-Ra;Sarath, E.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 2003
  • Despite various forms have been developed and applied to ship hull forms, the superiority of hard chine type over other forms of fishing boat has been recognized so far. As one of the ways of forms for new concept fishing boat, this paper presents the result of a performance evaluation for newly developed forms of hull, appendage and deck house, which features that have esthetic forms.

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On the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms (형식불역의 원리에 관한 소출)

  • 이승우
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.463-481
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, I review the historical background of "the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" and sum- marize properties of "the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" as a kind of heuristic. 1 think that "the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" can be used effectively for student's discovery of the algebraic structure. There are three ways of using "the principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" in extending number system - an extension on the base of set theory(SMSC), the formal or axiomatic extrapolation and the inductive-extrapolatory method. All those three methods are mixed up and being used potentially at various levels in current Korean text books. "The principle of the permanence of equivalent forms" is used most effectively in the subject of the exponent. 1 try to present a situation that makes the students find more general definition and cultivate their desirable attitudes for the mathematics in the process of extending the exponent through summarizing the debate between Goel & Robillard(1997) and Tirosh S, Even(1997).

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  • Yun, Gabjin
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.1189-1208
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we study vanishing properties for $L^2$ harmonic 1-forms on a gradient shrinking Ricci soliton. We prove that if (M, g, f) is a complete oriented noncompact gradient shrinking Ricci soliton with potential function f, then there are no non-trivial $L^2$ harmonic 1-forms which are orthogonal to df. Second, we show that if the scalar curvature of the metric g is greater than or equal to (n - 2)/2, then there are no non-trivial $L^2$ harmonic 1-forms on (M, g). We also show that any multiplication of the total differential df by a function cannot be an $L^2$ harmonic 1-form unless it is trivial. Finally, we derive various integral properties involving the potential function f and $L^2$ harmonic 1-forms, and handle their applications.


  • Presura, Ileana
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.1095-1103
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    • 2016
  • B. Y. Chen introduced a series of curvature invariants, known as Chen invariants, and proved sharp estimates for these intrinsic invariants in terms of the main extrinsic invariant, the squared mean curvature, for submanifolds in Riemannian space forms. Special classes of submanifolds in Sasakian manifolds play an important role in contact geometry. F. Defever, I. Mihai and L. Verstraelen [8] established Chen first inequality for C-totally real submanifolds in Sasakian space forms. Also, the differential geometry of slant submanifolds has shown an increasing development since B. Y. Chen defined slant submanifolds in complex manifolds as a generalization of both holomorphic and totally real submanifolds. The slant submanifolds of an almost contact metric manifolds were defined and studied by A. Lotta, J. L. Cabrerizo et al. A Chen first inequality for slant submanifolds in Sasakian space forms was established by A. Carriazo [4]. In this article, we improve this Chen first inequality for special contact slant submanifolds in Sasakian space forms.

Polymorphic Forms of Furosemide Characterized by THz Time Domain Spectroscopy

  • Ge, Min;Liu, Guifeng;Ma, Shihua;Wang, Wenfeng
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.2265-2268
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    • 2009
  • Terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is applied in transmission to identify the five forms of modifications of furosemide and one commercial product from 0.3 THz to 1.6 THz at room temperature. The different absorption spectra of the different forms are sensitive to crystal structures. Density function theory (DFT) calculation was used to understand the vibrational modes of furosemide in the THz region. X-ray powder diffractometry (XRPD) was applied to confirm the different forms of modifications. The results demonstrate that THz-TDS is a potential analytical technique in investigating polymorphic forms in the pharmaceutical fields.

Weak forms of generalized governing equations in theory of elasticity

  • Shi, G.;Tang, L.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents the derivation of the generalized governing equations in theory of elasticity, their weak forms and the some applications in the numerical analysis of structural mechanics. Unlike the differential equations in classical elasticity theory, the generalized equations of the equilibrium and compatibility equations presented here take the form of integral equations, and the generalized equilibrium equations contain the classical differential equations and the boundary conditions in a single equation. By using appropriate test functions, the weak forms of these generalized governing equations can be established. It can be shown that various variational principles in structural analysis are merely the special cases of these weak forms of generalized governing equations in elasticity. The present weak forms of elasticity equations extend greatly the choices of the trial functions for approximate solutions in the numerical analysis of various engineering problems. Therefore, the weak forms of generalized governing equations in elasticity provide a powerful modeling tool in the computational structural mechanics.

The Characteristics of Headwear Design by John Galliano's Collections (존 갈리아노의 콜렉션에 나타난 헤드웨어의 디자인 특성)

  • Sung, Kwang-Sook
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the characteristics of headwear design by John Galliano's collections had been placed under the interpreting the immanent characteristics of presented in external things. His headwear design was found to have following characteristics; ethnic forms, historical forms, natural modeling forms, artifical forms, false hair forms and abstract forms. And his headwear design was found to have folling immanent characteristics; expaned exaggeration, introduced into existing form and reconstruction, mixed with different motives, change of texture, introducing and parody by natural and artifical form, pure abstacted construction. Furthermore, it can be identified that immanent characteristics and external things are mutually linked.


  • Kim, Young-Rock;Shin, Yong-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.645-667
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    • 2019
  • It has been little known when an Artinian point quotient has the strong Lefschetz property. In this paper, we find the Artinian point star configuration quotient having the strong Lefschetz property. We prove that if ${\mathbb{X}}$ is a star configuration in ${\mathbb{P}}^2$ of type s defined by forms (a-quadratic forms and (s - a)-linear forms) and ${\mathbb{Y}}$ is a star configuration in ${\mathbb{P}}^2$ of type t defined by forms (b-quadratic forms and (t - b)-linear forms) for $b=deg({\mathbb{X}})$ or $deg({\mathbb{X}})-1$, then the Artinian ring $R/(I{\mathbb_{X}}+I{\mathbb_{Y}})$ has the strong Lefschetz property. We also show that if ${\mathbb{X}}$ is a set of (n+ 1)-general points in ${\mathbb{P}}^n$, then the Artinian quotient A of a coordinate ring of ${\mathbb{X}}$ has the strong Lefschetz property.