• Title/Summary/Keyword: Forest Species

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모감주나무군락의 구조 및 유지기작

  • 이창석;김홍은;박현숙;강상준;조현제
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.377-395
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    • 1993
  • Habitat types, community structure and population characteristics of Koelreuteria paniculata were investigated in Mt. Wolak, Chungbuk and Naesokdong, Daegu, which are natural habitats of the species in inland region of Korea, and its origin was discussed. Habitats of Koelreuteria paniculata were classified to 3 types: sand bar formed by the sands flooded in the course of flow of the mountain stream (Type 1). crevice on the rock bed within the mountain stream (Type 2) and crevice of the rock around the edge of mountain stream (Type 3). Most Koelreuteria paniculata communities in Mt. Wolak site were composed of 3 layers of subtree layer, shrub layer and herb layer and that of Daegu site was 4 layers including tree layer. In the floristic composition of the Koelreuteria paniculata community, plants occurring frequently in the wet and open site, such as Zelkova serrata and Fraxinus rhynchoph-vlla showed high frequency. Frequency distribution of diameter at ground surface of Koelreutrria paniculata showed reversed J-shaped type. It was supposed that expansion of Koelreuteria paniculata community in Mt. Wolak site might be accomplished by the flow of the stream. Many saplings capable of becoming a successor of mature trees in Daegu site in near degenerating phase were established on the forest floor of the Koelreuteria paniculata community. From this result, it was supposed that these saplings originated from the seeds dispersed from a seed tree might form the Koelreuteria paniculata community of the next generation. On the other hand, the origin of Koelreutevia paniculata in inland sites was explained by two hypotheses: the one was that Koelreuteria paniculata might be transplanted by human and the other was that the present site might be native habitat of the community.

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Effect of Scindapsus aureus and Syngonium podophyllum on the Improvement in Indoor Humidity by a Difference of Hydoroculture Volume Ratio and Pot Media (하이드로컬쳐 부피비와 화분용토에 따른 스킨답서스, 싱고늄의 실내습도 개선효과)

  • Ju, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.94-99
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to utilize hydroculture by the vital means of the improvement of indoor relative humidity. This experiment employed a search of the effect of Scindapsus aureus and Syngonium podophyllum that are generalized for hydroculture foliage plant by a difference of volume ratio, pot media and plants species. In the case of Scindapsus aureus, relative humidity was high for growth chamber in which plants presented as opposed to control growth chambers in which there were no plants. Although relative humidity was 25% in control chamber, there was an increase of 40% at a 2% volume ratio, 45% at a 3% volume ratio and 50% at a 5% volume ratio. The relative humidity of Syngonium podophyllum was 40% at a 2% volume ratio, 44% at a 3% volume ratio and 46% at a 5% volume ratio, while the control treatment was 25% relative humidity in hydroculture. Both the control treatment and hydroball pot in a hydroball container were high at first. As time progressed, artificial soil pots in water containers was similar when housed within the control chamber by about 45% relative humidity. Hydroball pots in water container had about 30% relative humidity. Ardisia pusilla of hydroball poIt in hydroball container had about 38% relative humidity.

Antioxidant Activity of Chestnut (Castanea crenata S.et Z.) bur Fermented by Lactobacillus casei (유산균 발효에 의한 밤송이추출물의 항산화 효과)

  • Jun, Dong Ha;Cho, Woo-A;Lee, Jae Bong;Jang, Min Jung;You, Mi Suk;Park, Jung Youl;Kim, Sea Hyun;Lee, Jin Tae
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1193-1199
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to show the antioxidant properties of chestnut (Castanea crenata) bur extracts fermented by Lactobacillus casei. The chestnut has been used as a cosmetic material in Korea for many years. This study showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) were inhibited by the fermentation materials of chestnut bur extracts. The antioxidant activities were analyzed and expressed as EDA, ABTS, reducing power, SOD-like activity, hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity, superoxide anion radical scavenging activity, and nitric oxide scavenging ability. The antioxidant activities of fermentation materials from L. casei of chestnut bur extracts were higher than those of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and ascorbic acid (AA). Therefore, we expect that fermentation materials from L. casei of chestnut bur extracts are valuable resources as natural antioxidants and functional cosmetics ingredients.

Annual Equilibrium Moisture Content of Wood in Korea (한국(韓國)의 목재평형함수율(木材平衡含水率))

  • Jo, Jae-Myeong;Kang, Sun-Goo;Shim, Chong-Supp;Jung, Hee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 1982
  • In order to investigate the annual mean equilibrium moisture content (EMC), the equilibrium moisture content investigated were the desorbed - and adsorbed equilibrium moisture content with two end-matched samples for red pine (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.), Douglas fir (Pseadotsuga menziesii Franco), oak (Quercus mongolica Fischer) and red lauan (Shorea spp.) in instrument screen at forest experiment station located in Seoul, Chuncheon, Daejeon, Kyungju, Jinju and Gwangju area for four years (1970. 1 - 1973. 12). The results summarized were as follows. 1. The annual mean desorbed equilibrium moisture content of red pine, Douglar fir, oak and red lauan were 14.8, 13.7, 14.0 and 14.2 percent respectively and higher than the annual mean adsorbed equilibrium moisture content of those species. 2. The annual mean desorbed - and adsorbed equilibrium moisture content in central areas (Seoul, Chuncheon, Daejeon) were higher than those in southern areas (Kyungju, Jinju, Gwangju). 3. On the whole, the monthly mean desorbed - and adsorbed equilibrium moisture content were lowest in April and highest in August though difference of month in areas. 4. Average and range of annual national equilibrium moisture content was 12.3 ~ 14.2 ~ 15.7 percent for desorbed equilibrium moisture content and 11.3 ~ 13.2 ~ 14.7 percent for adsorbed equilibrium moisture content and 12.0 ~ 14.1 ~ 16.4 percent for calculated equilibrium moisture content based on tempera.

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Analyses of Landscape and Vegetation and Ecological Suggestion for The Conservation of Mt. Songnisan National Park, Central Korea (속리산 국립공원의 경관 및 식생 분석과 그 보존을 위한 생태학적 제안)

  • 엄안흠;조용찬;신현철;이창석
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2004
  • Vegetation established through the natural process, such as Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora, Q. variabilis, Q. acutissima, Carpinus laxiflora, Q. aliena and Q. serrata communities and artificially introduced vegetation, which are composed of Larix leptolepis and P. rigida plantations, are established in the mountainous land of the Mt. Songnisan National Park. On the other hand, the developed lands, which are consisted of agricultural folds, residential areas, commercial areas related to tourism, etc. appear in the lowland around streams. Based on the spatial distribution of vegetation, the southern district, which is attributed to Naesongni-myun by administrative system, showed higher natural degree and vegetation diversity. However, most of the other districts, which are attributed to Cheongcheon- and Chilseong-myuns, are covered with the Korean red pine forest, a product of artificial influence, and plantation also occupied higher percentage. Thereby both vegetation diversity and natural degree are lowering. A result of ordination by DCA showed that sands tended to be arranged by depending on the topographic condition. Species diversity of plant communities was higher in broad-leaved stands rather than in coniferous ones and in stands of the early stage than in ones of the late stage. The result of analysis on vegetation dynamics implied that vegetation of this region would be dominated by Carpinus laxiflora, Quercus mongolica and Pinus densiflora communities in the future. However, considered occurrence the of disturbance and response of vegetation on that, this estimation may different somewhat from an actual situation. Conservation strategies of the Mt. Songnisan National Park were discussed in viewpoints of landscape ecology, and conservation of major plant communities and biodiversity.

Atmospheric Distribution Characteristics of Airborne Bacteria in Part of Seoul Area (일부 서울 지역 대기 부유세균 분포 현황 조사)

  • Kim, Ki-Youn;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Lee, Cheol-Min;Cho, Man-Su;Byeon, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2009
  • The concentrations of outdoor airborne bacteria measured in Seoul, Korea for one year (Jan. 2008~Dec. 2008) ranged from $500CFU/m^3$ to $7,500CFU/m^3$. In monthly concentration distribution, the level of outdoor airborne bacteria was highest in September and October and lowest in March. In seasonal concentration distribution, the order of level of outdoor airborne bacteria was autumn>winter>spring>summer. In regional concentration distribution, the highest level of outdoor airborne bacteria was generally found in the forest, followed by general area and traffic site. In distribution characteristics according to particle size, outdoor airborne bacteria showed 31% for >$7.0{\mu}m$ (stage 1), 21% for $4.7{\sim}7.0{\mu}m$(stage 2), 15% for $3.3{\sim}4.7{\mu}m$(stage 3), 19% for $2.1{\sim}3.3{\mu}m$(stage 4), 10% for $1.1{\sim}2.1{\mu}m$(stage 5), and 4% for $0.65{\sim}1.1{\mu}m$(stage 6) and its mean respirable fraction was 48%. In concentration distribution by yellow dust, the mean levels of outdoor airborne bacteria were 803 $(\pm479)CFU/m^3$ for period of yellow dust and 691 $(\pm1,134)CFU/m^3$ for period of non-yellow dust. Although the level of outdoor airborne bacteria was higher in period of yellow dust than period of non-yellow dust, there was no significant difference between period of yellow dust and non-yellow dust (p>0.05). In correlation analysis between outdoor airborne bacteria and atmospheric factors (temperature and relative humidity), there was no significant correlation between outdoor airborne bacteria and atmospheric factors. The predominant airborne bacteria were identified to the Bacillus-derived species.

In Vitro Selection for Salty Tolerance of Populus nigra ${\times}$ P. maximowiczii (포푸라 내염성(耐塩性) 개체(個體)의 기내선발(器內選拔))

  • Park, Young Goo;Son, Sung Ho;Park, Su Jeong
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.6
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 1988
  • The concentration of 50 mM Nacl inhibited the shoot growth of P. nigra ${\times}$ maximowiczii in viro culture. The punctured leaves have produced so many individuals on MS basal medium with cytokinin. Especially MS basal medium with BAP 0.8mg/l showed the best shoot performance in which the average number of shoots were 127.6. For selection of NaCl tolerance shoot of poplar, punctured leaves were inoculated on MS basal medium with BAP 0.8mg/l and various concentrations of NaCl(from 10 mM to 100 mM graded by 10 mM). On the medium with over 50mM of NaCl, 13.7 to 15.7 shoots were obtained. Especially on the medium with go mM and 100mM. 10.7 and 8.3 shoots, respectively. The shoots derived from control medium (non-NaCl) were depressed growth, while the selected shoots from MS with NaCl showed good growth performance on MS basal medium with 50 mM of NaCl. From this results, we suggested that the possibility of in vitro selection to tolerance for inorganic salts in forest tree species.

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The Inhibitory Effect of Cornus walteri Extract Against ${\alpha}-amylase$ (말채나무 추출물의 ${\alpha}-amylase$ 저해 활성)

  • Lim, Chae-Sung;Li, Chun-Ying;Kim, Yong-Mu;Lee, Wi-Young;Rhee, Hae-Ik
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2005
  • ${\alpha}-Amylase$ inhibitor is used to control blood glucose level by inhibiting starch digestion in the small intestine and delaying the absorption of glucose. In this study, we investigated the effect of the ethanol extracts from more than 1400 species of plants against ${\alpha}-amylase$ with the aim of developing a new ${\alpha}-amylase$ inhibitor. In the results, Cornus walteri extracts showed the highest inhibition activity. The inhibitory effect of Cornus walteri extract on the carbohydrate hydrolysis enzymes has different sensitivities against ${\alpha}-amylase$ from salivary and pancreatin and against ${\alpha}-glucosidase$ from yeast and porcine small intestine. In the study of inhibition kinetics of ${\alpha}-amylase$ and ${\alpha}-glucosidase$, Cornus walteri extract showed competitive inhibition against salivary and pancreatin while showing the combination of uncompetitive and noncompetitive inhibition against ${\alpha}-glucosidase$. The Cornus walteri extract was stable at acidic and thermal conditions. As for the blood glucose and body weight levels of Cornus walteri extract, we confirmed anti-hyperglycemic and anti-obesity effects. Also, in the investigation of the mRNA lever, Cornus walteri extract upregulated the level of GLUT4 mRNA in the quadriceps muscle.

Herbicidal activity of Korean native plants (I) (살초활성물질 함유 국내 자생식물의 탐색 (I))

  • Kim, Hee-Yeon;Choi, Hae-Jin;Lim, Sang-Hyun;Heo, Su-Jeong;Han, Sang-Sub;Kim, Do-Soon;Hwang, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Song-Mun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.248-257
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this experiment was to search plant species with herbicidal activity in Korea. Two hundred native plants were collected and their methanol extracts were obtained. Herbicidal activity of methanol extracts were determined by seed bioassay using canola (Brassica napus L.) seedlings. Six plants such as Staphylea bumalda, Wistaria floribunda, Allium victorialis, Rumex crispus, Chionanthus retusa, and Ulmus parvifolia were highly herbicidal: their $GR_{50}$ values were < $1,000{\mu}g\;g^{-1}$. In addition, seventeen plants such as Galium spurium, Zelkova serrata, Campsis grandiflora, Eucommia ulmoides, Sorbus commixta, Deutzia glabrata, Cercis chinensis, Alnus hirsuta, Zanthoxylum schinifolium, Quercus acutissima, Robinia pseudoacacia, Gleditsia japonica, Kerria japonica, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Thuja orientalis, Chamaecyparis obtusa, and Pulsatilla koreana showed herbicidal activity: their $GR_{50}$ values were between 1,000 and $2,000{\mu}g\;g^{-1}$. However, 177 plants showed no herbicidal activity. Plants with herbicidal activity found in this study could be used for weed management and herbicidal compounds in such herbicidal plants could be used as lead compounds in the development of new herbicides.

Summer Algal Communities in the Rocky Shore of South Sea of Korea -II. Subtidal communities- (남해의 하계 해조군집 -II. 조하대의 군집-)

  • KANG Rae-Seon;JE Jong-Geel;SOHN Chul-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.182-197
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    • 1993
  • Algal community on the subtidal rocky zone of the South Sea of Korea was divided into two or three sequencing zones. The upper subtidal zone was characterized by the wave exposure-tolerant surf wrack(Pachymeniopsis, Gigartina), which formed dense swirling carpet. Its vertical range was from the surface to $3{\sim}5$ meters in depth, and more deeply extended in turbid waters including Sorido, Yokchido, Pijindo, Manjedo. The mid subtidal zone ranging from 5 to 25 meters in depth was characterized by a large brown algal forest (Ecklenia, Sargassum). But it was generally unrecognizable in that turbid waters, in which the vertical limit of vegetation was at most $10{\sim}15$ meters in depth. The low subtidal zone was characterized by a general lack of algal species and was not easily distinguished from the mid or sometimes from the upper zone. There was a distinct difference in abundance of vegetation between turbid waters and clear waters including Munsom, Kwantaldo, Yosodo, Hongdo, Ch'ujado. In turbid waters the vegetation was much poorer because the tubidity caused from the muddy sediment inhibited an algae to settle down and to grow up. On the basis of the phytogeographical methods using UPGMA, the 10 studied islands were classified into two groups, Munsom and the others. This floristic discontinuity between the two groups might be caused from the difference of water temperature.

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