• Title/Summary/Keyword: Food and Nutrition Classification

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A Study on the Current Situation and Needs for the Internet Program of the Nutrition Computing (인터넷 영양전산 프로그램의 현황과 요구도에 대한 조사연구)

  • Hong, Sun-Myeong;Hwang, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2002
  • This study was reviewed databases and outcomes of national/international off-line and on-line(Internet) nutrition softwares to identify the present conditions of nutrition softwares, and investigated user's needs and determine which component should be included in nutrition software. The most frequently used databases for the national programs were the food composition table provided from the National Rural Living Science Institution in Rural Development Administration and the food composition table and the nutrient contents of foods provided from the Korean Nutrition Society. For international programs, the food composition table from the USDA was commonly used. The analysed outcomes included the degree of obesity, nutrient analysis and nutrient intake compared with RDA, food intake from each by food group, food habits and the frequency of food consumption. As to the result of needs assessment for the Internet nutrition softwares, it was suggested that the needs of the Internet nutrition softwares were high because most of the respondents replied that 3-point('it is needed') or 4-point('it is necessary') on 4-points likert scale. As to the databases, the needs of 'food composition analysis' and 'the suggestion of the Korean RDA' were high. For the basic information for foods, the respondents replied that 'the classification of foods', 'foods codes', 'the amount of ingredients' and 'nutrient analysis' should be included. The needs of 'nutrient analysis of meal', 'diet therapy' and 'meal plan by caloric requirements' were high. As for utilizing the Internet meal planning programs, the respondents replied that 'it should be easy to use' most and demand for 'data saving and the saved data should be usable later' and 'meal planning education tools' were high. In conclusion, the Internet nutrition software that satisfies various needs of users should be developed for policy making that promote public health, nutritional care and self-supporting of foods.

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Analysis of Different Dietary Habits by Classification of Body Mass Index of Middle School Male Students in Ulsan City (울산지역 남자 중학생의 체질량 분류군별 식습관 차이 분석)

  • Jung, Soon-Im;Hong, Soon-Myung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.342-350
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates differences in middle school male students' anthropometric variables and dietary habits using BMI (Body Mass Index) classifications. $\chi^2$ -test for frequency and ANOVA test for mean value and duncan value were used to analyze results. Averaged results of three groups of middle school male students' anthropometry including height (normal group 164.4 cm, overweight group 165.0 cm, obese group 167.0 cm), weight (normal group 56.0 kg, overweight group 70.0 kg, obese group 83.2 kg) and waist circumference (normal group 20.7 cm, overweight group 79.8 cm, overweight group 89.6 cm) were resulted. Classification of obese group was based upon 2007 growth charts using BMI criteria. This study indicates the normal weight group boys have over-eating related dietary habits and the obese groups have less calorie dietary habits. They answered oppositely to normal recognition. The obese group reflected dietary problems, such as preferences for sweet fruit rather than normal group males. Dinnertime of the groups were significantly different and obese group's earlier dinnertime can influence on their late night snack eating. Forty precent of obese male group like fruits as late night eating food. Three meal amount of three groups were significantly different, as obese group answered they ate same amount at every meal. It can mean obese group ate more amount of food in every meal. Overweight and obese male students have dietary problem of fast eating and answers of unbalanced eating were higher in normal group. These could mean obese group eats well in every food and fast eating habit could lead a lot of food eating habit. Obese group chooses out-going food of less calorie and frequency of fast food eating was lower than normal group. In result, obese group answered that they have less calorie related dietary habits, it could mean their answers were false or fixed dietary habit. Therefore, more researches should be followed.

Respection of Pectic Enzymes Among the Hydrolysis Enzymes of Plant Cell Wall (식물세포벽 가수분해효소 중 펙틴계효소에 대한 고찰)

  • 최동원;김인규
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 1996
  • Pectic materials, which are widely spread in the plant cell wall as plant carbohydrates, plays a great role in food Industry that acts as a softening agent of fruits and vegetables, and gel forming agents. To study physiochemical properties and industrial applications of pectic enzymes that hydrolyzes pectin, classification, assay method and Industrial application are reviewed based on previous results.

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Development of Food Questionnaire for Korean Americans (재미 한인을 위한 식이섭취빈도 조사 설문지에 관한 연구)

  • 김정선
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.520-528
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to develop a food frequency questionnaire for an epidemiological study of dietary patterns and nutrient intake among Koeran American. A random sample of 101 Korean Americans between the ages of 17 and 71 residing in New York and New Jersey was interviewed by the method of 24-hour dietary recall. The foods Korean Americans consumed most frequently were rice (91% of the population), kimchee (81%), coffee(59%), bread(49%), apple(45%), bean sprouts (33%), milk (30%), dried anchovies (27%), eggs(27%), juice (26%), bulgogi, and soybean paste soup (24%, equally. The classification of food items standardized portion sizes were according to both Block's questionnaire and the standardized portion sizes by the Korean Nutrition Association. The value of this food frequency questionnaire is that it can accurately estimate dietary food patterns and nutrient intake among Korean Americans for epidemiological studies. It could also potentially be modified to study the relationship between specific diseases and food intake in the future.

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Defining one Serving Size of Korean Processed Food for Nutrition Labeling (영양성분표시를 위한 우리나라 가공식품의 1인 1회분량 산정 연구)

  • Yang, Il-Sun;Bai, Young-Hee;Hu, Wu-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.573-582
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the one serving size of Korean Processed Food. Defining the one serving size is very important for nutrition labeling and foodservice operation, because the one serving size is used to set up a proper portion by each foodservice operation. The basic data of 200 items were collected through three methods. Searching many cookbooks, exploring the commercial and noncommercial foodservices -6 industrial foodservices, 100 nationwide elementary school foodservice recipes analysis, and 3 hospital foodservice systems as the samples - moreover, experimental cooking and sensory evaluation by trained panels were conducted to assess quantity preference of selected food items. All data were rearranged through food type, that is, main dish, side dish, dessert and health food. One serving sizes of processed foods showed wide variety according to the different menus that include selected food items. Therefore, means and ranges of serving size by three research methods were presented item by item. The results obtained were: 1. The Korean Processed Foods were dried and sugar adding and soused foods, and many of them used the natual processing methods. 2. There were wide varieties in the classification of main dishes, but many of them were cereals, noodles, and sugar products. One serving size of noodles were around $50{\sim}100\;g$, cereals were $20{\sim}40\;g$, which means the one serving size can be differenciated by the food usage. 3. According to the Food classification of side dishes, many of them were as following; natural dried foods, processed fish products, salted or sugar added foods, seasoned foods and sugar products. Moreover the Types of cooking in side dishes were almost culinary vegetables, teas, health foods and condiments, and soused fish products. 4. About desserts, they were almost teas and sugars, and the Types of cooking were teas, health foods and seasonings. 5. We can conclude that almost Korean Processed foods used the drying and soused processing methods for long-time preservation, but it can make the higher content of any special elements, such as sodium or carbohydrates.

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Application and Evaluation of Web-based Food Frequency Questionnaire for Korean Adolescents (웹 기반 시스템을 이용한 반정량적 식품섭취빈도 조사지의 적용 및 평가)

  • Yum, Jinhee;Lee, Seungmin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.440-450
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: We previously developed a dish-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for Korean adolescents and reported that it had reasonable reliability and validity. The objective of the current study was to construct a web-based dietary evaluation system applying the FFQ for Korean adolescents and examine its applicability in the context of reliability and validity. Methods: A web-based food frequency questionnaire system was designed using a comprehensive approach, incorporating not only dietary data survey but also up-to-date nutrition information and individualized eating behavior guidelines. A convenience sample of 50 boys and girls aged 12~18 years agreed to participate in the study and completed the FFQ twice and 3 days of dietary recall on the developed website during a two-month period. The FFQ's reliability and validity was examined using correlation and cross classification analysis. We also measured participants' subjective levels of the web site's usability, visual effect, understanding, and familiarity. Results: Spearman correlation coefficients for reliability ranged from 0.74 (for vitamin A) to 0.94 (for energy). From cross-classification analyses, the proportion of subjects in the same intake quartile was highest for energy (82.0%) and lowest for vitamin A (56.0%). With regard to validity analysis, Spearman correlation coefficients ranged from 0.34 (for fiber) to 0.79 (for energy). The proportions of subjects in the opposite categories between the first FFQ and 3-day diet recall data were generally low from 0.00% (for fat) to 36.2% (for sodium). Average subjective levels of the website's usability, visual effect, understanding, and familiarity were all found to be over 4 points out of 5 points. Conclusions: The web-based dietary evaluation system developed can serve as a valid and attractive tool for administering FFQ to Korean adolescents.

A Study on Reinforcement and Development of Course Programs in Department of Food Science and Nutrition Related Studies 2nd Report - A Study on Course Programs Analysis at Universities and Junior Colleges - (영양사 배출 관련학과의 전공과목 강화 및 개발에 관한 연구 제2보 -교과과정 분석에 대한 연구-)

  • 박명희;최봉순
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 1996
  • In order to reinforce and develop major courses in dietitian producing department, this study analysed and compared the courses of Food Science and Nutrition-related studies at 4-year and 2-year college. Results of the study are as follows: 1. There is no difference In the number of major courses provided by universities(33.2 courses) and junior colleges(32.6 courses), and universities(103) showed higher than junior colleges(79.9) with respect to total credit of courses. 2. Food Chemistry had highest credit(universities=1,532, junior colleges=1,037), while Nutrition Education had lowest credit (universities= 143, junior colleges=99) in the distribution of courses by way of major or classification. 3. The number of courses provided by universities and junior colleges was similar by way of minor classification. Especially, courses related to Food Chemistry showed highest frequency (universities=15, junior college=11) and percentage of credit (universities=32.6 junior college=34.3%), while courses related to Nutrition Education were one subject and percentage of credit was 3.0%. 4. Compared to percentage of the number of questions occupied in national qualifying examination for dietitians, the percentage of the number of credit provided by courses programs is higher in Biochemistry(universites 10.6%, junior colleges 7.5%) and Food Chemistry and Principles of Cooking(universites 27.0%, junior colleges 25.2%), but is lower in Diet Therapy(universites 7.6%, junior colleges 6.7%) and Nutrition Education(universites 4.9%, junior colleges 4.8%)

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Relative validities of 3-day food records and the food frequency questionnaire

  • Yang, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Hwang, Se-Hee;Ahn, Youn-Jhin;Shim, Jae-Eun;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.142-148
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    • 2010
  • The food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) has been used as an important dietary assessment tool in epidemiologic studies, but the usefulness of the FFQ has been debated in recent years. This study was performed to evaluate the relative validities of 3-day food records and the semi-quantitative FFQ. A total of 124 subjects finished 3-day food records (FRs) during each of the four seasons, as well as the FFQ from December 2002 to May 2004. The FFQ was a food based semi-quantitative FFQ including 103 items. Three-day FRs from each season and a randomly selected season were compared with the remaining 9-day FRs. The remaining 9-day FRs, as a reference measurement, were also compared with the FFQ. Pearson's correlation coefficients between the 3-day FRs and the 9-day FRs were between 0.14 and 0.56. Pearson's correlation coefficients between the FFQ and the 9-day FRs ranged between 0.07 and 0.41. Average proportions of classification into the same quartiles, adjacent quartiles, and distant quartiles between the 3-day FRs and the 9-day FRs were 35.8%, 40.5%, and 5.2%, respectively. On average, the proportions of classification into the same quartiles, adjacent quartiles, and distant quartiles between the FFQ and the 9-day FRs were 31.1%, 39.4%, and 6.9%, respectively. Three-day FRs showed higher correlations and higher agreement proportions of quartile classification with the 9-day FRs than did the FFQ, but both relative validities of 3-day FRs and the FFQ appear to be acceptable as dietary assessment tools. Further studies for validating food intake by reliable biomarkers are necessary.

The Food Classification in Sasang Constitution and Effects of Tae-eum Constitutional Diet on the Blood Biochemical Parameters and Health Status (사상의학의 체질에 따른 식품분류와 태음식 섭취가 각각 체질의 혈액 생화학적 지표 및 건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • 김은진
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.827-837
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    • 1999
  • Presently Sasang constitutional medicine draws public attention and a diet based on this theory in gaining popularity. However, scientific data are not available to probe the effects of constitutional diet and the correlations between constitution and food consumptions. Thiry-four healthy subjects[26 females and 8 males] with Tae-eum(females: 5, males: 7), So-yang(females: 9)and So-eum(females: 12, males: 1), were studied. Subjects were not told the kind of constitutional diets they were consuming. Tae-eum constitutional diet was given to all subjects more than 2 meals a day for 8 weeks. The Sasang constitutional classification, food frequency questionnaire and food habits were assessed. The anthropometric assessment, dietary assessment, health status assessment and blood analysis were carried out before and after taking the Tae-eum constitution diet. In case of females, the body weights and BMI were different among the constitutional groups in the following order : Tae-eum constitutional diet. In case of females, the body weights the body weights and BMI were different among the constitutional groups in the following order: Tae-eum>So-yang>So-eum. In case of males, the body weights and BMI of Tae-eum were significantly higher than those of So-eum. In general, habitual food consumption of all of these four groups were very close to those for each of Sasang constitutional types described by Sasang medicine. After 8-weeks of Tae-eum diet, the health status and blood biochemical parameters were not significantly changed.

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A study on the Trend of Researches in Food and Culture - Focusing on published papers from 1986 to 2020 in the Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture - (식문화 연구동향 분석 - 1986년부터 2020년까지 한국식생활문화학회지에 발표된 논문을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyou-Jin;Jang, Se-Eun;Oh, Yoon Sin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.196-212
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the trend of research on food and culture in papers published in the Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture from 1986 to 2020. The journals published a total of 329 papers, which we classified into 5 main categories and 13 middle categories. Of these, 204 articles were on "Korean traditional food culture." The most studied topic in the entire period was "Perception of Koreans towards traditional food, preference, satisfaction, and usage." A total of 76 studies related to "Korean contemporary food culture." The most advanced topic researched concerned "Recognition and attitude"; these studies were consistently carried out throughout the research period. The main classification of "World food culture" encompassed 32 studies, with major research focused on "World's Modern Food Culture" and the most advanced being "Comparison of Food Cultures of Foreign and Korean Food Cultures." All studies were consistently spaced out during the study period. These studies provide an integrated knowledge in the field of food and culture and can be used as a basic material for related research in the future.