• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Knowledge

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Hybrid Learning Architectures for Advanced Data Mining:An Application to Binary Classification for Fraud Management (개선된 데이터마이닝을 위한 혼합 학습구조의 제시)

  • Kim, Steven H.;Shin, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.1
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    • pp.173-211
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    • 1999
  • The task of classification permeates all walks of life, from business and economics to science and public policy. In this context, nonlinear techniques from artificial intelligence have often proven to be more effective than the methods of classical statistics. The objective of knowledge discovery and data mining is to support decision making through the effective use of information. The automated approach to knowledge discovery is especially useful when dealing with large data sets or complex relationships. For many applications, automated software may find subtle patterns which escape the notice of manual analysis, or whose complexity exceeds the cognitive capabilities of humans. This paper explores the utility of a collaborative learning approach involving integrated models in the preprocessing and postprocessing stages. For instance, a genetic algorithm effects feature-weight optimization in a preprocessing module. Moreover, an inductive tree, artificial neural network (ANN), and k-nearest neighbor (kNN) techniques serve as postprocessing modules. More specifically, the postprocessors act as second0order classifiers which determine the best first-order classifier on a case-by-case basis. In addition to the second-order models, a voting scheme is investigated as a simple, but efficient, postprocessing model. The first-order models consist of statistical and machine learning models such as logistic regression (logit), multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA), ANN, and kNN. The genetic algorithm, inductive decision tree, and voting scheme act as kernel modules for collaborative learning. These ideas are explored against the background of a practical application relating to financial fraud management which exemplifies a binary classification problem.

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The Student Internship Experience (의과대학 학생인턴제의 운영 일례 연구)

  • Choi, Son-Hwan
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the student internship has been introduced in medical schools as a way of preparing students with training experience and medical knowledge by performing clinical practice. This study discusses student internship management and ways to operate the internship effectively. Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine has set up a 6-week internship program for fourth-year undergraduate students. In most of the sections, students have shown their satisfaction, particularly when they have received appropriate feedback and attention from their professors. The students found that performing the evaluation and treatment of patients and individual chart recording were informative and helpful. However, they felt a lack of basic knowledge and clinical skills and had difficulty in understanding their roles and in time management. The success of an internship depends on the passion and interest that professors show for their students along with active support from the other faculty and thoughtful consideration of patients and all their friends and family members. In addition, with growing awareness of the need for the student internship, it is necessary that the school executive provide financial and administrative support to the faculty and staff, clarify roles and the work needed to perform the tasks, ensure substantiality of the individual program with professors or departments, provide enough preliminary courses, and monitor outcomes and reflection.

Working Mechanisms of Organizational Ambidexterity for Creative Performance (창의적 성과를 제고하는 조직 양면성 구현양식에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Jung-Eon;Woo, Hyung-Rok
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.51-73
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    • 2016
  • The organizational ambidexterity has been emerging as the way to gain competitive advantage in turbulent environment. The concept of ambidexterity is simultaneously accomplishing the balance between the activities of exploration and exploitation, and overcoming their conflicting tension. The beneficial merits of ambidexterity has been investigated in innovation, financial performance, strategic management, and etc. Our study focused on the impact of ambidextrous activities on creative performance. Although three ambidextrous modes-structural ambidexterity, contextual ambidexterity, and sequential ambidexterity-have been already acknowledged, scant studies suggested the specific mechanisms to achieve ambidexterity in practice at the operating level. To address the issue we performed the semantic network analysis on the basis of the previous literatures prescribing ambidexterity theory. We took interview with 21 teams to explore behaviors of teams from the ambidextrous perspective, and then interpreted the relationship among words which appeared in the interview. This study found the appropriate mechanism which alleviate tension revealed by exploitation and exploration exist as practical reality. We demonstrated how these ambidextrous mechanisms can be used to generate the creative performance as well as examined various antecedents. These findings would contribute to the more fine-grained understanding of organizational ambidexterity, especially in conjunction with organizational creativity.

An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors, Practice Level, and Performanc of Green Supply Chain Management From the Innovation Diffusion Theory Perspective (혁신확산이론 관점에서의 Green SCM 도입 및 영향요인과 성과에 관한 실증연구)

  • Lee, Young-Chan;Oh, Hyung-Jin
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.59-78
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we arrange the concept of 'Green' in SCM after literature study of Green SCM and investigate causal relationships between influencing factors, practice level and environmental performance focused on Korean firms empirically and conduct path analysis for hypothesis test using partial least squares regression with bootstrap. Firstly, we divide influencing factors of Green SCM into environmental and organizational factors through the previous studies of innovation diffusion theory and environmental management theory, and then we selected 'uncertainty', 'competitiveness' as the environmental factors and 'top management support', 'perceived benefit', 'training' as the organizational factors. Secondly, we classify practice level of Green SCM into 'internal environmental management', 'green purchasing', 'eco-design'. Finally, we selected 'financial performance', 'environmental performance' as the organizational performance. We conducted a survey on the middle manager of manufacturing companies implementing SCM and an empirical analysis. The results of analysis show that there exist causal relationships between influencing factors, practice level, and environmental performance of Green SCM. We expect that the result of this study will suggest useful information to managers who are responsible for SCM to design and execute Green SCM in strategic perspectives.

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Married Female Migrants' Experiences of Health Care Services (여성결혼이민자의 의료서비스 이용경험)

  • Koh, Chin-Kang;Koh, Sun-Kang
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe married female migrants' experiences of health care services and to help nursing researchers, nursing educators, and clinical nurses understand married female migrants' experiences. Method: A conventional content analysis method was utilized. Individual in-depth interviews with 15 married female migrants were conducted. Subject recruitment was performed at a district in Seoul. Results: Ten categories were induced: language barrier, financial burden, insufficient time with a physician, complexity of utilization process, lack of support from peer group, health care providers' discrimination, anxiety regarding lack of information about children's health, health care providers' concerns and efforts to minimize the language barrier, family support, and advanced health care service environment. Conclusion: This study provides basic knowledge regarding married female migrants' experiences related to health care services. Future research should designate and utilize valid instruments to measure the positive and negative experiences and to explore strategies to strengthen the positive features while eliminating the negative ones. Finally, the Korean nursing education curriculum should include cultural competence and knowledge about an ethnic minority's right to health service utilization.

A Study about B2C investment consulting service using Robo-Advisor: Case of AndByeond Investment Management (로보 어드바이저를 활용한 B2C 투자자문 서비스 연구: 앤드비욘드 투자자문 사례)

  • Bae, Hanhee;Kim, Youngmin;Oh, Kyong Joo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this case study is to analyze the B2C security information service model using the robo-advisor, to develop various service models and to urge new companies to enter. Overseas robo-advisor service market is growing rapidly with the launch of various B2C service models beyond B2B. On the other hand, as the domestic market is dominated by B2B services and serviced just index portfolio which is nascent, it lacks products which are used for active asset management. Recently as the government announced the approval of online investment advisory service, the B2C market of domestic asset management has entered a growth phase, centered on generations familiar with IT. We propose to extend the concept of Robo-Advisor service in accordance with the financial market change. By that model, we will study the case of the algorithm of the investment masters' philosophy and contribute to the expansion of the B2C service market.

A Survey Study for the Operation of Site-Based Environmental Education Programs (체험환경교육 프로그램의 운영 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Tae Yoon;Choi, Don-Hyung;Park, Hyun-Ju;Noh, Kyung-Im;Ko, Hee-Ryung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the status of the operation of site-based environmental education(EE) programs. This study surveyed 165 schools and organizations that operated site-based EE program in 2000 using a mail questionnaire and interviews. The response rate was 43%. The result indicated that awareness, participation, and attitude were considerably addressed, while knowledge and skills were addressed to a lesser degree. There were some difficulties in motivating students and in considering the developmental stage of participants. For programing the site-based EE, financial support and expert knowledge of EE were needed most of all. Learning materials for various and hand-on activities were also needed. The affective domain, such as awareness and attitude, showed marked improvement in the outcomes of the programs. Direct experience and sensitivity, connection with school education, regional characteristics were sufficiently addressed in the programs, while cultural aspects, fairness, originality, and accuracy were not. Flexibility in performing the programs and less rigidity of report on operations were needed. Through the discussion of the results, some improvements for the operation of site-based EE program were suggested.

A Study of Implementing Knowledge Management (KM) in Construction Domain (건설업 지식경영체제 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Park Min-Kyoo;Baek Jong-kun;Kim Dae-Ho;Kim Jae-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2001
  • Since its introduction in mid 1990s, Financial Crisis in Korea, knowledge management (KM) has been considered as a new, optimal way of corporate management style. And a large number of researches, either theoretically or empirically, were carried out in order to find out what the key success factors will be in common. However, though key success factors are extracted, it can hardly be a successful project if those are not well matched for the unique industry characteristics, still more in construction industry. Even we can find some KM precedents in construction industry, it can hardly be revealed how far they exerted themselves in order to match key factors with industry characteristics. Hence, at the dawn of implementing KM, this research work will scrutinize key success factors (KSFs) derived from previous studies and funnel those KSFs into construction domain. Then rearranged KSFs will be proposed with each key issues. Therefore, this article can contribute to setting strategies for KM in construction sector.

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A Comparison of Sociodemographic Characteristics and Dietary Attitudes by Lunch-provided Types in Elementary Schools (학교급식 보조 유무에 따른 아동의 사회인구학적 특성과 식생활태도 비교)

  • 남혜원;우인애;변진원
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to compare dietary attitudes between the children with school lunch fee provided by parents and by the government. The subjects of this study was consisted of 460 elementary school students in the 6th grade (407 lunch-affordable children. 53 lunch-unaffordable children) . General characteristics was significantly different in two groups. In the free group family size(P<0.001),percentage of living with parents (P<0.001) and education level of parents(father : P<0.05, mother P<0.01) was lower than in the charged group, but the dependence on mother's income(P<0.001) and financial support of government (P<0.001) was higher. There was no significant difference in anthropometric measurements by lunch fee. The preference to cooling method was significantly different(P<0.01), the charged group liked grill except frying and roasting but the free group liked seasoning and salting. When comparing eating habits, general eating behavior(P<0.05) was significantly lower in the free children and especially regularity of breakfast(P<0.05) and daily intake of raw vegetables (P<0.05), fruits(P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the total score of nutrition knowledge between the children of the two groups.

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The Effects of Home Country Government Support on International Business Performance: Evidence from Chinese Firms (본국 정부지원이 기업의 국제화 성과에 대한 효과: 중국기업을 대상으로 한 실증적 연구)

  • Zhang, Ruo-Nan;Oh, Han-Mo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2018
  • An appreciable number of Chinese firms have successfully expanded their businesses into foreign economics although they have limited resources. Advocating that home country government supports can mitigate firms' resource-disadvantages in international expansions, we attempted to investigate whether and how the Chinese government's support enables Chinese firms to compete in foreign markets. Based heavily on the knowledge-based theory of the firm and the resource-based theory of the firm, we developed a model that explain and predicts the effects of home-country government-supports on superior financial performance. The model was empirically tested using a accounting dataset regarding Chinese firms' 323 international expansion events from 2008 to 2015. Empirical evidence presents that the Chinese government's support has a positive effect on Chinese firms' international success and that these firms' marketing, technological, and managerial resources positively moderate the effect of the government support on the firms' international success. Nonetheless, because we employed an event-study method, the limitations of the method can be applied to the current research. In addition, because of the empirical context, the results of the research might lack generalizability. We, however, provided an understanding how firms from emerging countries can succeed in international expansions specifically when they have lack of resources for international competition.

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