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The Effect of Bias in Data Set for Conceptual Clustering Algorithms

  • Lee, Gye Sung
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2019
  • When a partitioned structure is derived from a data set using a clustering algorithm, it is not unusual to have a different set of outcomes when it runs with a different order of data. This problem is known as the order bias problem. Many algorithms in machine learning fields try to achieve optimized result from available training and test data. Optimization is determined by an evaluation function which has also a tendency toward a certain goal. It is inevitable to have a tendency in the evaluation function both for efficiency and for consistency in the result. But its preference for a specific goal in the evaluation function may sometimes lead to unfavorable consequences in the final result of the clustering. To overcome this bias problems, the first clustering process proceeds to construct an initial partition. The initial partition is expected to imply the possible range in the number of final clusters. We apply the data centric sorting to the data objects in the clusters of the partition to rearrange them in a new order. The same clustering procedure is reapplied to the newly arranged data set to build a new partition. We have developed an algorithm that reduces bias effect resulting from how data is fed into the algorithm. Experiment results have been presented to show that the algorithm helps minimize the order bias effects. We have also shown that the current evaluation measure used for the clustering algorithm is biased toward favoring a smaller number of clusters and a larger size of clusters as a result.

Development of Clinical evaluation tool for Nursing Students (임상간호교육 평가도구 개발)

  • Sung Myung-Sook;Jeong Geum-Hee;Jang Hee-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.172-186
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    • 1998
  • This study is intended to develop a reliable and approproate instrument of the clinical nursing education. This research consisted of 4 step. First step is contruction of the content for evaluation. Second step have the research of the content validity by 10 professors in Department of Nursing, H University, the pilot study for the content validity by 20 professors and clinical preceptors, and the survey with four point Likert Scale, which includes from the point of 'strongly valid' to the point of 'strongly non-valid' by 250 professor and clinical preceptor. The data were collected form March 1998 to July 1998. This study was analyzed by Cronbach's for the reliability and the factor analyisis for the validity of the collected data. The third step showed the final evaluation instrument of clinical nursing education which consists a couple of tool. One is the evaluation instrument of clinical nursing which includes the 20 items, the other is the evaluation instrument for case study which includes the 15 items. The fourth step is the test of reliability and validity of the final evaluation too. The results from these step's study showed the higher reliability and validity. Respectly, Cronbach's revealed the evaluation instrument of clinical nursing and case study is Cronbach's α=.92413, Cronbach's α=.95602. For further research, it needs to develop a reliable and variable instrument of the students self-evaluation and community based instrument.

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A Study on the Deterministic Evaluation Method of R&D Project in Food Industry (식품산업 연구개발의 결정론적 평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • 이종만;이근희
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.14 no.23
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1991
  • The preliminary, advanced and final evaluation of R&D project is essential in order to reduce loss of resource and opportunity and to minimize uncertainty resulting from optimal selection and efficient progress of R&D project. This thesis examined characteristics of deterministic evaluation, economical evaluation, and OR-approach evaluation as theoretical methodology of evaluation of R&D project applicable to food industry in Korea by using scoring method, one of deterministic evaluations. In addition, this thesis divided the evaluation factors for preliminary evaluation of R&D project into 5 groups and 30 factors on basis of the environment of domestic companies and set up the standard of each evaluation factors and contains marking-selecting way. But, generally, the evaluation model by this thesis, as the conditions of the business company environment are different to each other, contents to be set up evaluation factors, evaluation standard and decision method conforming to each the environment of the business companies with referring to as one standard of evaluation project for selecting R&D project.

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A Study on the Sensibility Evaluation Criteria of a Spatial Environment - Focusing on an interior spatial environment - (공간환경의 감성평가척도에 관한 연구 - 인테리어 공간 환경을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Myoung-Heum;Oh, In-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to select and analyze words that represent various emotional states towards a spatial environment. Selecting appropriate words for the sensibility evaluation of a spatial environment is a process of constructing sensibility indicators, so that an accurate selection of sensibility words is very important. To collect basic words for this study, words for expressing sensation, emotional states, and sensibility regarding a spatial environment have been collected first via free association and a literature review of previous studies. In the second stage, the selected words are refined. Fifteen evaluators have participated in the first process of refining words, 140 college students participated in the second process, and than the final list of 277 refined words has been selected. During the third stage, 15 specialists were asked to evaluate the appropriateness of sensibility evaluation words, for that 7 point-scale has been applied. Then, 99 words with an average point of 4.55 or more and a standard deviation of 1.55 or lower were selected. After investigating the similarity in the meanings of the selected words, 55 pairs of contrasting words have been selected as a final list of sensibility evaluation words. During this last stage, 307 college students majoring in related fields were asked to evaluate the appropriateness of sensibility evaluation words for a spatial environment, and 7 point-scale was obtained. A factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional analysis have been conducted on the data obtained from these survey. According to the results of the factor analysis, the eight important factors are obtained from the sensibility evaluation criteria of a spatial environment(form, texture, function, value, comfort, aesthetics, atmosphere, and affinity). The factors obtained from this study can be used in the beginning stage of evaluating the sensibility factors of a spatial environment. In addition, the results of this study can be used as basic data when constructing a list of evaluation indicators to select various complex sensibility words for a space; or as general indicators when evaluating various spatial design factors.

Study on Performance-based Evaluation Method for Rock Slopes : Deduction of Weight and Validation - Based on the AHP method and Correlation Analysis - (암반비탈면의 성능기반 평가기법 연구 : 가중치 도출 및 검증 - AHP 기법과 상관분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong Gun;Heo, In Young;Kang, Chang Kyu;Ryu, Ho Sang;Chang, Buhm Soo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to suggest the detailed evaluation criteria based on performances for rock slopes. Using the previous research result, final evaluation items are proposed considering characteristics and similarities of each evaluation item. Weight for each evaluation item is deducted using AHP method, verification for suggested evaluation criteria is conducted based on correlation analysis. The research results as follows. All evaluation items have a high statistical correlation with final evaluation result(safety rating). Especially, items of the "rockfall", "ground deformation", "discontinuity characteristic", "instable lithology" were shown the highest in relative correlation coefficient(R), It is judged that items and weight presented in this study well reflect characteristics of rock slopes.

A Study on Site Evaluation Process for Thalassotherapy Complex (해양치유단지 조성을 위한 입지평가프로세스에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Han-Seok;Doe, Guen-Young;Kang, Young-Hun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study is to suggest the evaluation method, the evaluation index and items, and evaluation criteria for rational and systematic evaluation of the thalassotherapy complex site. Evaluation items and indicators are determined based on overseas cases of thalassotherapy complex, the central governments' thalassotherapy business policy, and the local governments business plan. 3 major evaluation items, 8 middle evaluation items, 5 small evaluation items and 26 evaluation indexes are selected as evaluation items. The evaluation criterion for each evaluation index is then determined. As per the evaluation process, first, weights are assigned to the evaluation items by an evaluation committee composed of experts. Secondly, each committee member assigns a weight and a score to each evaluation indicator for evaluation score calculation. This score is then multiplied by the weight of the evaluation item to determine the final score for each evaluation index. The ultimate scores of all the evaluation indexes are then added to the evaluation score of each committee member. Lastly, the arithmetic mean of the evaluation scores of all committee members becomes the final evaluation result of a site.

Case Study of Developing Evaluation Criteria for Students' Portfolios (학생 포트폴리오 경진대회 심사를 위한 평가준거 개발 사례연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Sun
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation criteria for students' portfolios in an annual intramural contest. To accomplish the purpose, evaluation categories and their questions were developed after previous literature, ABEEK's evaluation guidelines, and eight Universities' evaluation forms were analyzed. Furthermore, experts' validity tests were completed by showing that the evaluation criteria form was validated with a mean score of 4.24. Also, the inter-rater reliability was turned out with a high score of .86. The interview results by evaluators of students' portfolios made the final version of evaluation criteria form include five evaluation criteria categories and their allotted score portions: overall organization(40), personal information(15), certificates and awards(5), curriculum(15), and extra-curriculum(15). The importance of overall organization was discussed from the perspectives of teachers as well as students.

Development of Korean Consonant Perception Test (자음지각검사 (KCPT)의 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Sook;Shin, Eun-Yeong;Shin, Hyun-Wook;Lee, Ki-Do
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop Korean Consonant Perception Test (KCPT), that is a phonemic level including elementary data to evaluate speech and consonant perception ability of the normal and the hearing impaired qualitatively and quantitatively. KCPT was completed with meaningful monosyllabic words out of possible all Korean monosyllabic words, considering articulation characteristics, the degree of difficulty, and the frequency of the phonemic appearance, after assembling a tentative initial and final consonants testing items using four multiple-choice method which were applied to the seven final consonant regulation and controlled with the familiarity of the target words. Conclusively, the final three hundred items were developed including two- and one-hundred items for initial and final testing items, respectively, with the evaluation of the 20 normal hearing adults. Through this process, the final KCPT was composed upon the colloquial frequency following identification of no speakers' variances statistically and elimination of the highly difficult items. The 30 hearing impaired were tested with KCPT and found that the half lists, A and B, were not different statistically and the initial and final testing items were appropriate for evaluating initial and final consonants, respectively.