• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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Measurements of Presbyopic Addition Using a Combination Chart of Cross-Grid and Red Green (십자와 적록 조합시표를 이용한 노안 가입도 측정)

  • Wee, Sung-Hyun;Moon, Byeong-Yeon;Yu, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.115-119
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To compare the tentative and final addition, a combination chart of cross-grid and red green with the final addition prescribed in presbyopia were used in this study. Methods: The study subjects were 60 persons with presbyopia who were 41 to 60 years (mean: 51.7 years). Tentative addition were determined using red green chart (RG), cross-grid chart (CG) and the combination chart (red green cross-grid chart, RGCG) of the above two. And the final addition for a 40 cm working distance was determined for each subject by adjusting the tentative addition. Results: It was found that there were statistically significant differences of the final addition and the tentative addition between the each different test method. This result indicated that using the red-green cross-grid chart is the higher repeatability. Conclusions: This study shows that red green cross-grid chart (RGCG) seems to be get proper data for determining addition in presbyopes, and this method would be helpful in the diagnostic evaluation of addition in binocular vision testing.

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A Development of the Evaluation Criteria for Bicycle's Facilities of Attending Work and School Trip (통근·통학형 자전거 이용시설 평가지표 개발)

  • Won, Jaimu;Jin, Wonyoung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5D
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2012
  • A Development of the Evaluation Criteria on the User's Bicycle Environment for Work and School Trip Purpose: This study suggests future improvements and some current questions about the development of the evaluation criteria on the user's bicycle environment for Work and School Trip Purpose. The direction of development on Evaluation Criteria is all about on the side of necessity of bicycle users, the reflection of new policy, the construction of total evaluation criteria, and the examination of connecting study with current study. This study establishes a Development of the Evaluation Criteria on the User's Bicycle Environment for Work and School Trip Purpose. After that, this study examines previous evaluation criterias and researchers will select the primary provision of evaluation through FGI, and they derive the final evaluation criteria throughout the verification of suitability on Evaluation Criteria. The summery of this study is like this. First, suggestions of improvements of zones in bicycles users' evaluations, Second Suggestions of the current conditions by GIS and the result of model analysis, Third Clarify of major provisions in terms of zones by using Spider Map.

Development of Health Promotion Program for Individuals With Arthritis -Application of Holistic Model- (관절염 환자를 위한 건강증진 프로그램의 개발 -총체적 모델의 적용-)

  • 오현수;김영란
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.314-327
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    • 1999
  • In this study, domains, contents, and effects of pre-existed intervention programs for individuals with arthritis were meta-analyzed to develop arthritis health promotion program based on Holistic Model. The developed program includes strategies of cognition, environment, and behavior. and also generates positive changes in the physical, psychological, and social demensions. Then needs assessment on conveniently selected 153 women who visited a university hospital in Seoul or in Inchon are conducted to identify the objective domains of arthritis health promotion program According to the study results. target health problems of the arthritis health promotion program were shown as pain, disability, depression, and role impediment in social domain. These objectives could be achieved by including the strategies of changing cognition, the strategies of changing behavior through learning the skill related to the health promoting behavior. and the strategies of changing environment in the health promotion program. That is, it is analyzed that the contents of program are not exclusive one another in physical. psychological. and social demensions, and also are not exclusive one another in aspect of cognition, behavior, and environment. The necessary methods to achieve the desired objectives for the developed arthritis health promotion program and evaluation subjects are as follows : (1) In the arthritis health promotion program, knowledge on management of arthritis, efficacy related to arthritis management, skill for pain management, skill for exercise, establishment of positive self-concept, enhancement of positive thinking, stress management. skill for problem solving, skill for setting goals. skill for requesting help, and skill for communication are all included. Through the improvement of all those strategies, intermediate objectives, such as “joint protection, and maintenance of pain management behavior”, “maintenance of regular exercise”, and “promotion of coping skill in psychosocial dimension” are achieved. (2) These intermediate objectives are also the methods for achieving objectives in next stage. It implies that through the intermediate objectives. the final objectives such as “minimization of physical symptoms and signs”, “maximization of psychological function”, and “maximazation of role performance in social domain” could be achieved. Each of these final objectives reflects the different dimension of quality of life, respectively. When these objectives are achieved, the quality of life that client perceives is improved. Therefore, through evaluation of these final objectives, the level of achieving final outcome of arthritis health promotion such as quality of life is determined.

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Study on Validity of SDLRS Instrument for Evaluation of Life-Long Outcome (평생학습 학습성과 평가를 위한 자기주도학습 준비도 검사도구(SDLRS)의 타당성 연구)

  • Han, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of the study was to verify reliability and validity of SDLRS instrument and to prove up possibility of usage as an evaluation method for evaluating life-long learning. Literature review and survey were used to accomplish objectives of the study. 218 students in department of mechanical engineering of A university at Gyunggi province were responded for SDLRS(Guglielmino, 1977) instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, and ANOVA test. 58 items in original version instrument were converted to 23 items. There were 7 factors for assessing the self-directed learning readiness according to this measurement scale with a total variance of about 58%. The total reliability of the final 23 items was α. The final 7 factors consisted of love for learning, openness for learning, self-perception, basic learning function and independence, acceptance of responsibility for learning, leadership and future directivity, and creativity and exploration. The result of SDLRS analysis according to individual background, there were significant statistically in the grade, period of employment in industry, entering graduate school or not, and GPA, but no significant statistically in sexual difference, employment in industry or not, final academic level of parent, and income level of the family. In the future, final instrument will be needed to check in the respect of correlation with another ability and skill influencing on life-long learning, and more study will be done for developing life-long learning.

The Study of Usability Evaluation Method for the Mobile Internet GUI -Based on design evaluation method development for improvement of Emotional satisfaction- (모바일 인터넷 표준 GUI 개발을 위한 사용성 평가 기술 연구 -감성만족도 향상을 위한 디자인 평가 기술 개발을 중심으로-)

  • 김종덕;정봉금
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.253-264
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    • 2004
  • The final goal of this research is development of graphic design evaluation methodology in elevation of a usability at the mobile internet services and of measurement model which can forecast user needs in interface design, and systemize evaluation basis. For this, we systemize core contents of GUI design evaluation methodology and embodied UI design support system that supports prototype layout and evaluation process directly. The sight language that can inform flow of controled information by the quick and implicated method so that user may complete task in a short time without overload of recognition in limited display environment of Small Screen device it must improve objectivity in the reflection of UI design with image. Thus evaluation methodology that can evaluate usability of mobile internet systematically is important and specially, graphic design evaluation model which can forecast user's design need and trend is meaningful because of special quality that can reflect sensitive aspect of user in interface design. Mobile internet GUI was done by the result of this design evaluation, and I hope this result can be utilized for the GUI development of Ubiquitous environment for the future research.

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Development of evaluation criteria for dental hygiene intra-school clinical practice operation using CIPP evaluation model (CIPP 평가모형을 활용한 치위생과 교내임상실습 운영 평가기준 개발)

  • Jang, Mi-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop operation management evaluation standards for efficient operation of practical courses conducted on campus and to verify validity and reliability. Methods: The draft evaluation criteria of this study were derived based on the CIPP program evaluation model, in order to verify the validity of the content, the Delphi survey was conducted targeting 30 dental hygiene professors and clinical field dental hygienists who had been in charge of practical education for more than 5 years. Main survey was conducted with 252 professors and clinical field dental hygienists in charge of practical education. Results: Through exploratory factor analysis, a total of 36 questions were confirmed with 7 factors. As a result of verifying the internal consistency of the final evaluation criteria, the degree of internal fit of the items in the entire domain was 0.914. Conclusions: According to the above results, the validity and reliability of the evaluation criteria for evaluating the operation and management of in-school clinical practice were verified to be appropriate, and it is thought that it can be used in follow-up studies related to the operation and management of the practice course in the future.

A Development of Evaluation Criteria for the Expressway Service Areas From Users Point of View (고속도로 휴게시설 이용자측면의 서비스 평가지표 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung-Kyu;Chio, Hyoung-Sun;Park, Wan-Yong;Won, Jai-Mu
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2012
  • This study develops the evaluation model which is for assessing on the side of users in expressway service areas. The direction of development on Evaluation Criteria is all about on the side of necessity of service area users, the reflection of current conditions, the construction of total evaluation criteria, and the examination of connecting study with current study. After that, this study examines previous evaluation criterias and researchers will select the primary provision of evaluation through FGI, and they derive the final evaluation criteria throughout the verification of suitability on Evaluation Criteria. Throughout AHP analysis which is a professional survey system of users, researchers derive on the side of facilities, on the side of operations, on the side of environments, and on the side of services in order by the weightings.

A Study on the Simulation and Development of Evaluation Technique of Interior illumination Environment (실내조명환경 제시 및 평가기술 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 진은미;이진숙;김창순
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.172-177
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    • 1998
  • For making high-functional illumination environment and pleasantness to human beings, it is needed to analyze optical characteristics from lightsource as well as to analyze and examine emotional characteristics which respond to optical characteristics systematically. Also, it is Possible to classify lightsource according to function and use based on optical and emotional characteristics systematically and these results can be applied to practical data for professional illumination design field. The aim of this study is to develop technique for evaluating sensibility as well as to accumulate sensibility database through measuring and evaluating emotional reaction to optical characteristics from lightsource. Final aim of this study is to develop simulation and evaluation technique for interior illumination environment, the outline of this paper : 1) operating simulator for various illumination environment 2) developing evaluation methodology for evaluating illumination environment 3) preparing sensibility index through evaluation and analysis The process of this study is as follows. 1) Developing optical evaluation item of lightsource 2) Developing emotional evaluation item of lightsource 3). Analyzing, correlation between optical evaluation item and emotional eveluation item 4) Classifying and selecting object for evaluation 5) Optical measuring and evaluating for lightsource 6) Operating Simulator for illumination environment 7) Emontional measuring and evaluating lightsource and color 8) Developing estimative formula and sensibility index of emotional reaction The results of this study are as follows. 1. Simulator is operated for various illumination environment, and it is proved to be applicable to actual environment. 2. Evaluation and Analysis Techniques is developed for emotional measurement about illumination environment. 3. Estimative formula and sensibility index are prepared, which can estimate the characteristic of lightsource and emotional reaction to interior color

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A Development of the Service Evaluation Criteria for the Expressway Service Areas on the Side of Users (이용자측면의 고속도로 휴게소 서비스 평가지표 개발)

  • Won, Jaimu;Jin, Wonyoung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5D
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    • pp.421-427
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    • 2012
  • This study develops the evaluation model which is for assessing on the side of users in expressway service areas, and researchers apply this study for monitoring expressway service areas by routes. The direction of development on Evaluation Criteria is all about on the side of necessity of rest area users, the reflection of current conditions, the construction of total evaluation criteria, and the examination of connecting study with current study. After that, this study examines previous evaluation criterias and researchers will select the primary provision of evaluation through FGI, and they derive the final evaluation criteria throughout the verification of suitability on Evaluation Criteria. Throughout AHP analysis which is a professional survey system of users, researchers dereive on the side of facilities, on the side of environments facilities, on the side of position, and on the side of services in order by the weightings. As you can see in this study, this study also considers quantitative and qualitative factors together, and it allows to evaluate conditions of rest areas. In addition, this study can be a primary study for suggesting the ways of improvements of rest areas by using Spider Map and for monitoring future study.

Teaching-Learning Model of Convergence Project Based on Team Teaching in Engineering Education (공학교육에서의 팀티칭기반 융합프로젝트중심 교수학습모형의 개발)

  • Park, Kyungsun
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching-learning model of convergence project based on team teaching. Based on development research methodology which explored a university case, the teaching-learning model was developed including three phases such as preparation, planning, and implementation & evaluation. The preparation phase has three steps as follows: to organize team teaching faculty; to develop convergence projects cooperated by industry and university; and to design instructions based on supporting convergence projects. The last step of preparation phase consists of five design activities of: (1) instructions and teaching contents; (2) communication channel among faculty members; (3) feedback system on students' performance; (4) tools to support learners' activity; and (5) evaluation system. The planning phase has two steps to analyze learners and to introduce and modify instruction and themes of convergence projects. The implementation & evaluation phase includes five steps as bellow: (1) to organize project teams and match teams with faculty members; (2) to do team building and assign duties to students of a team; (3) to provide instruction and consulting to teams; (4) to help teams to conduct projects through creative problem solving; and (5) to design mid-term/final presentation and evaluation. Lastly, the research implications and limitations were discussed for future studies.