• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fault Event

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Development of Integrated Method and Tool for Railway Risk Assessment (철도 위험도 통합 평가 방법 및 도구 개발)

  • Han, Sang-Hoon;Ahn, Kwang-Il;Wang, Jong-Bae;Lee, Ho-Joong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.1132-1139
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    • 2006
  • Railway risk is evaluated by a method of linking event trees and fault trees as the general PSA(Probabilistic Safety Assessment) model for the risk assessment of complex systems. Accident scenarios causing undesirable events are modeled by event trees comprised of several accident sequences. Each branch located in the accident progression of the event tree is modeled by an fault tree or can be represented by some value too simply. We usually evaluate the frequency of the whole sequence by adding them after calculating the frequency of each sequence at a time. However, since there are quite a number of event trees and fault trees in the railway risk assessment model, the number of sequence to evaluate increases and preparation for the risk assessment costs much time all the more. Also, it may induce errors when analysts perform the work of quantification. Therefore, the systematic maintenance and control of event trees and fault trees will be essential for the railway risk assessment. In this paper we introduce an integrated assessment method using one-top model and develop a risk assessment tool for the maintenance and control of the railway risk model.

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Fault Diagnosis of Screw type Air Compressor (스크루형 공기압축기의 고장진단)

  • Bae Yong-hwan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.1092-1100
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes the application of fault tree technique to analyze of compressor failure. Fault tree analysis technique involves the decomposition of a system into the specific form of fault tree where certain basic events lead to a specified top event which signifies the total failure of the system. In this research. fault trees for failure analysis of screw type air compressor are made. This fault trees are used to obtain minimal cut sets from system failure and system failure rate for the top event occurrence can be calculated. It is Possible to estimate air compressor reliability by using constructed fault trees through compressor failure example. It is Proved that FTA is efficient to investigate the compressor failure modes and diagnose system.

Calculation of Top Event Probability of Fault Tree using BDD (BDD를 이용한 사고수목 정상사상확률 계산)

  • Cho, Byeong Ho;Yum, Byeoungsoo;Kim, Sangahm
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.654-662
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    • 2016
  • As the number of gates and basic events in fault trees increases, it becomes difficult to calculate the exact probability of the top event. In order to overcome this difficulty the BDD methodology can be used to calculate the exact top event probability for small and medium size fault trees in short time. Fault trees are converted to BDD by using CUDD library functions and a failure path search algorithm is proposed to calculate the exact top event probability. The backward search algorithm is more efficient than the forward one in finding failure paths and in the calculation of the top event probability. This backward search algorithm can reduce searching time in the identification of disjoint failure paths from BDD and can be considered as an effective tool to find the cut sets and the minimal cut sets for the given fault trees.

A Research on Designing an Autonomic Control System Towards High-Reliable Cyber-Physical Systems (고신뢰 CPS를 위한 자율제어 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeongmin;Kang, Sungjoo;Chun, Ingeol;Kim, Wontae
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2013
  • Cyber-Physical system(CPS) is characterized by collaborating computational elements controlling physical entities. In CPS, human desire to acquire useful information and control devices anytime and anywhere automatically has increased the necessity of a high reliable system. However, the physical world where CPS is deployed has management complexity and maintenance cost of 'CPS', so that it is impossible to make reliable systems. Thus, this paper presents an 'Autonomic Control System towards High-reliable Cyber-Physical Systems' that comprise 8-steps including 'fault analysis', 'fault event analysis', 'fault modeling', 'fault state interpretation', 'fault strategy decision', 'fault detection', 'diagnosis&reasoning' and 'maneuver execution'. Through these activities, we fascinate to design and implement 'Autonomic control system' than before. As a proof of the approach, we used a ISR(Intelligent Service Robot) for case study. The experimental results show that it achieves to detect a fault event for autonomic control of 'CPS'.

Diagnosis of Compressor Failure by Fault Tree Analysis (FTA기법을 이용한 콤프레서 고장진단)

  • 배용환;이석희;최진원
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.127-138
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    • 1994
  • The application of fault tree technique to the analysis of compressor failure is considered. The techniques involve the decomposition of the system into a form of fault tree where certain basic events lead to a specified top event which signifies the total failure of the system. In this paper, fault trees are made by using fault train of screw type air compressor failure. The fault trees are used to obtain minimal cut sets from the modes of system failure and, hence the system failure rate for the top event can be calculated. The method of constructing fault trees and the subsequent estimation of reliability of the system is illustrated through compressor failure. It is proved that FTA is efficient to investigate the compressor failure modes and diagnose system.

Topological Locating of Power Quality Event Source

  • Won Dong-Jun;Moon Seung-Il
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a topological locating algorithm to determine the location of the power quality event source. This algorithm makes use of the information on the topology of the monitored network and on the direction of PQ events. As a result, the bus incidence matrix is modified using monitor location and the direction matrix is constructed. With this information, the algorithm determines the suspected locations of the PQ events. To reduce suspicious areas, it utilizes event cause and related equipment. In case of line fault event, it calculates the distance from the monitor to the location of event source. The overall algorithm is applied to the IEEE test feeder and accurately identifies the event source location.

The movement history of the southern part of the Yangsan Fault Zone interpreted from the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the Sinheung Fault, Eonyang, Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (언양 신흥단층의 기하학적.운동학적 특성으로부터 해석된 경상분지 양산단층대 남부의 단층운동사)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2009
  • The main fault of Yangsan Fault Zone (YFZ) and Quaternary fault were found in a trench section with NW-SE direction at an entrance of the Sinheung village in the northern Eonyang, Ulsan, Korea. We interpreted the movement history of the southern part of the YFZ from the geometric and kinematic characteristics of basement rock's fault of the YFZ (Sinheung Fault) and Quaternary fault (Quaternary Sinheung Fault) investigated at the trench section. The trench outcrop consists mainly of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Hayang Group and volcanic rocks of Yucheon Group which lie in fault contact and Quaternary deposits which unconformably overlie these basement rocks. This study suggests that the movement history of the southern part of the YFZ can be explained at least by two different strike-slip movements, named as D1 and D2 events, and then two different dip-slip movements, named as D3 and D4 events. (1) D1 event: a sinistral strike-slip movement which caused the bedding of sedimentary rocks to be high-angled toward the main fault of the YFZ. (2) D2 event: a dextral strike-slip movement slipped along the high-angled beddings as fault surfaces. The main characteristic structural elements are predominant sub-horizontal slickenlines and sub-vertical fault foliations which show a NNE trend. The event formed the main fault rocks of the YFZ. (3) D3 event: a conjugate reverse-slip movement slipped along fault surfaces which trend (E)NE and moderately dip (S)SE or (N)NW. The slickenlines, which plunge in the dip direction of fault surfaces, overprint the previous sub-horizontal slickenlines. The fault is characterized by S-C fabrics superimposed on the D2 fault gouges, fault surfaces showing ramp and flat geometry, asymmetric and drag folds and collapse structures accompanied with it. The event dispersed the orientation of the main fault surface of the YFZ. (4) D4 event: a Quaternary reverse-slip movement showing a displacement of several centimeters with S-C fabrics on the Quternary deposits. The D4 fault surfaces are developed along the extensions of the D3 fault surfaces of basement rocks, like the other Quaternary faults within the YFZ. This indicates that these faults were formed under the same compression of (N)NW-(S)SE direction.

Evaluation of Uncertainty Importance Measure by Experimental Method in Fault Tree Analysis (결점나무 분석에서 실험적 방법을 이용한 불확실성 중요도 측도의 평가)

  • Cho, Jae-Gyeun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2009
  • In a fault tree analysis, an uncertainty importance measure is often used to assess how much uncertainty of the top event probability (Q) is attributable to the uncertainty of a basic event probability ($q_i$), and thus, to identify those basic events whose uncertainties need to be reduced to effectively reduce the uncertainty of Q. For evaluating the measures suggested by many authors which assess a percentage change in the variance V of Q with respect to unit percentage change in the variance $\upsilon_i$ of $q_i$, V and ${\partial}V/{\partial}{\upsilon}_i$ need to be estimated analytically or by Monte Carlo simulation. However, it is very complicated to analytically compute V and ${\partial}V/{\partial}{\upsilon}_i$ for large-sized fault trees, and difficult to estimate them in a robust manner by Monte Carlo simulation. In this paper, we propose a method for experimentally evaluating the measure using a Taguchi orthogonal array. The proposed method is very computationally efficient compared to the method based on Monte Carlo simulation, and provides a stable uncertainty importance of each basic event.

Fault-Tolerant Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Evidence Theory

  • Liu, Kezhong;Yang, Tian;Ma, Jie;Cheng, Zhiming
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.3965-3982
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    • 2015
  • Event detection is one of the key issues in many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. The uncertainties that are derived from the instability of sensor node, measurement noise and incomplete sampling would influence the performance of event detection to a large degree. Many of the present researches described the sensor readings with crisp values, which cannot adequately handle the uncertainties inhered in the imprecise sensor readings. In this paper, a fault-tolerant event detection algorithm is proposed based on Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory (also called evidence theory). Instead of crisp values, all possible states of the event are represented by the Basic Probability Assignment (BPA) functions, with which the output of each sensor node are characterized as weighted evidences. The combination rule was subsequently applied on each sensor node to fuse the evidences gathered from the neighboring nodes to make the final decision on whether the event occurs. Simulation results show that even 20% nodes are faulty, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is around 80% for event region detection. Moreover, 97% of the error readings have been corrected, and an improved detection capability at the boundary of the event region is gained by 75%. The proposed algorithm can enhance the detection accuracy of the event region even in high error-rate environment, which reflects good reliability and robustness. The proposed algorithm is also applicable to boundary detection as it performs well at the boundary of the event.

Construction of Event Tree & Fault Tree for Train Fire Risk Assessment (철도화재사고 위험도평가를 위한 Event Tree 및 Fault Tree 구성)

  • Kwak, Sang-Log;Wang, Jong-Bae;Lee, Bong-Seob;Park, Chan-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.530-535
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    • 2008
  • After train fire accident in Daegue, many research on train fire safety improvement have been carrying out. Since many alternative fire safety measures can be applied in our railway system, the effect of the each safety measure must be quantified prior to the safety investment. In order to estimate the effects of each safety measure quantitatively, fault trees and event trees are constructed in this study. Results can be applied for cost-benefit analysis or sensitivity analysis for safety measures in risk assessment process.