Fault Diagnosis of Screw type Air Compressor

스크루형 공기압축기의 고장진단

  • 배용완 (안동대학교 기계교육과)
  • Published : 2004.11.01


This paper describes the application of fault tree technique to analyze of compressor failure. Fault tree analysis technique involves the decomposition of a system into the specific form of fault tree where certain basic events lead to a specified top event which signifies the total failure of the system. In this research. fault trees for failure analysis of screw type air compressor are made. This fault trees are used to obtain minimal cut sets from system failure and system failure rate for the top event occurrence can be calculated. It is Possible to estimate air compressor reliability by using constructed fault trees through compressor failure example. It is Proved that FTA is efficient to investigate the compressor failure modes and diagnose system.



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