• Title/Summary/Keyword: Failure Length

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Bearing capacity and failure mechanism of skirted footings

  • Shukla, Rajesh P.;Jakka, Ravi S.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2022
  • The article presents the results of finite element analyses carried out on skirted footings. The bearing capacity increases with the provision of the flexible and rigid skirt, but the effectiveness varies with various other factors. The skirts are more efficient in the case of cohesionless soils than cohesive and c-ϕ soils. Efficiency reduces with an increase in the soil strength and footing depth. The rigid skirt is relatively more efficient compared to the flexible skirt. In contrast, to the flexible skirt, the efficiency of the rigid skirt increases continuously with skirt length. The difference in the effectiveness of both skirts becomes more noticeable with an increase in the strength parameters, skirt length, and footing depth. The failure mechanism also changes significantly with the inclusion of a rigid skirt. The rigid skirt behaves as a solid embedded footing, and the failure mechanism becomes confined with an increase in the skirt length. Few small-scale laboratory tests were carried out to study the flexible and rigid skirt and verify the numerical study results. The numerical analysis results are further used to develop nonlinear equations to predict the enhancement in bearing capacity with the provision of the rigid and flexible skirts.

Study of tensile behavior of Y shape non-persistent joint using experimental test and numerical simulation

  • Sarfarazi, V.;Hajiloo, M.;Ghalam, E. Zarrin;Ebneabbasi, P.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.565-576
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    • 2020
  • Experimental and discrete element methods were used to investigate the effects of angle of Y shape non-persistent joint on the tensile behaviour of joint's bridge area under brazilian test. concrete samples with diameter of 100 mm and thikness of 40 mm were prepared. Within the specimen, two Y shape non-persistent notches were provided. The large notch lengths were 6 cm, 4 cm and 2 cm. the small notch lengths were 3 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm. The angle of larger notch related to horizontal axis was 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°. Totally, 12 different configuration systems were prepared for Y shape non-persistent joints. Also, 18 models with different Y shape non-persistent notch angle and notch length were prepared in numerical model. The large notch lengths were 6 cm, 4 cm and 2 cm. the small notch lengths were 3 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm. The angle of larger notch related to horizontal axis was 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150. Tensile strength of model materil was 1 MPa. The axial load was applied to the model by rate of 0.02 mm/sec. This testing showed that the failure process was mostly governed by the Y shape non-persistent joint angle and joint length. The tensile strengths of the specimens were related to the fracture pattern and failure mechanism of the discontinuities. It was shown that the tensile behaviour of discontinuities is related to the number of the induced tensile cracks which are increased by increasing the joint length and joint angle. The minimum tensile strength occurs when the angle of larger joint related to horizontal axis was 60°. Also, the maximum compressive strength occurs when the angle of larger joint related to horizontal axis was 90°. The tensile strength was decreased by increasing the notch length. The failure pattern and failure strength are similar in both methods i.e. the experimental testing and the numerical simulation methods.

An Experimental Study to Prevent Debonding Failure of RC Beams Strengthened by GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers) (유리섬유쉬트로 휨보강된 RC보의 부착파괴 방지 상세에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 최기선;유영찬;이진용;김긍환
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.531-536
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    • 2003
  • It is generally known that RC flexural members strengthened by GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers) tend to be failed by premature bond failure near the flexural-shear cracks happened at the mid-span of beams. It is therefore strongly recommended that premature bond failure must be avoided to insure the intended strengthening effects sufficiently. The various methodologies such as increasing bonded length of GFRP and bonding details including U-shape wrappings and epoxy shear-keys are examined in this study. The bonded length of GFRP are calculated based on the assumed bond strengths of epoxy saturating resin. Total six half scale RC beam specimens were constructed and tested to investigate the effectiveness of each methodologies to prevent the bond failure of GFRP. Test results of each specimens are discussed in this paper.

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Orbit Ephemeris Failure Detection in a GNSS Regional Application

  • Ahn, Jongsun;Lee, Young Jae;Won, Dae Hee;Jun, Hyang-Sig;Yeom, Chanhong;Sung, Sangkyung;Lee, Jeong-Oog
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2015
  • To satisfy civil aviation requirements using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), it is important to guarantee system integrity. In this work, we propose a fault detection algorithm for GNSS ephemeris anomalies. The basic principle concerns baseline length estimation with GNSS measurements (pseudorange, broadcasted ephemerides). The estimated baseline length is subtracted from the true baseline length, computed using the exact surveyed ground antenna positions. If this subtracted value differs by more than a given threshold, this indicates that an ephemeris anomaly has been detected. This algorithm is suitable for detecting Type A ephemeris failure, and more advantageous for use with multiple stations with various long baseline vectors. The principles of the algorithm, sensitivity analysis, minimum detectable error (MDE), and protection level derivation are described and we verify the sensitivity analysis and algorithm availability based on real GPS data in Korea. Consequently, this algorithm is appropriate for GNSS regional implementation.

A Study on Strength of the Machined Composite Key Joint (기계 가공된 복합재료 키 조인트의 강도 연구)

  • Jeong, Kang-Woo;Park, Yong-Bin;Choi, Jin-Ho;Kweon, Jin-Hwe
    • Composites Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2012
  • The comparison of the numerical results with those measured by the experiment showed good agreement. The design of composite joint which is the weakest part in the composite structures has become a very important research area since the composite materials are widely used in the aircraft and machine structure. In this paper, the new composite key joints that minimize the fiber discontinuity and strength degradation of adherend were proposed and their failure loads were evaluated. The failure index and damage area method were used for the failure prediction of the composite key joint. From the tests, the failure load of the composite key joint was 93% larger than that of a mechanical joint and the key joint whose slot depth and edge length were 0.88mm and 20mm had the largest failure load. Also, the analytic failure modes by the failure index and damage area were compared with experimental failure modes.

Analysis of Influence Factors Related to Failure Characteristics of Excavated Slopes ; A Case of Southern Kyounggi Area along the Nat과l Road (절취 사면의 파괴 특성과 관련된 영향 요인 분석 ; 경기도 남부 국도 사례)

  • 김정환;윤운상;최재원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1999.03a
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 1999
  • This study describes the influence factors related to slope failure pattern and dimension in the southern Kyounggi area. Intrusive and metamorphic rocks are distributed in the study area. Geological condition, rainfall property and slope geometry are influence on slope failure characteristics in the study we& Geological factors related to slope failure are rock type, geological structure and weathering condition. Because of deep soil (RS-CW) depth of granite region, circular failure type is major failure pattern in granite region. Almost granite slopes with circular or surface failure pattern are failed during heavy rainfall season. But typical wedge failure type related to geological structure factor is a main failure pattern of metamorphic rock slope. Additionally failure dimension is influenced by geological factors and several factors, i.e. natural slope condition, failure type, rainfall intensity and etc. failure height/width ratio and thickness/length ratio of granite slope are 0.88 and 0.23. But the ratios of metamorphic rock slope are 1.36 and 0.19.

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Estimation of Failure Probability Using Boundary Conditions of Failure Pressure Model for Buried Pipelines (파손압력모델의 경계조건을 이용한 매설배관의 파손확률 평가)

  • Lee, Ouk-Sub;Kim, Eui-Sang;Kim, Dong-Hyeok
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.310-315
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the effect of boundary condition of failure pressure model for buried pipelines on failure prediction by using a failure probability model. The first order Taylor series expansion of the limit state function is used in order to estimate the probability of failure associated with various corrosion defects for long exposure periods in years. A failure pressure model based on a failure function composed of failure pressure and operation pressure is adopted for the assessment of pipeline failure. The effects of random variables such as defect depth, pipe diameter, defect length, fluid pressure, corrosion rate, material yield stress, material ultimate tensile strength and pipe thickness on the failure probability of the buried pipelines are systematically studied by using a failure probability model for the corrosion pipeline.

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Economic Design of $\bar{X}$-Control Charts with Warning Limits under Weibull Failure Model (와이블 고장모형 하에서 경고한계를 고려한 $\bar{X}$ 관리도의 경제적 설계)

  • Jeong, Dong-Wook;Lee, Joo-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.186-198
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    • 2012
  • Since Duncan(1956) first proposed an economic design of $\bar{X}$-control charts, most of the succeeding works on economic design of control charts assumed the exponential failure model like Duncan. Hu(1984), however, assumed a more versatile Weibull failure model to develop an economic design of $\bar{X}$-control charts and Banerjee and Rahim(1988) further improved Hu's design by changing the assumption of fixed-length sampling intervals to variable-length ones. In this article we follow the approach of Banerjee and Rahim(1988) but include a pair of warning limits inside the control limits in order to search for a failure without stopping the process when the sample mean falls between warning and control limits. The computational results indicate that the proposed model gives a lower cost than Banerjee and Rahim's model unless the early failure probability of a Weibull distribution is relatively large. The reduction in cost is shown to become larger as the cost of production loss outweighs the cost of searches for a failure.

Effect of Boundary Conditions of Failure Pressure Models on Reliability Estimation of Buried Pipelines

  • Lee, Ouk-Sub;Pyun, Jang-Sik;Kim, Dong-Hyeok
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the effect of boundary conditions in various failure pressure models published for the estimation of failure pressure. Furthermore, this approach is extended to the failure prediction with the aid of a failure probability model. The first order Taylor series expansion of the limit state function is used in order to estimate the probability of failure associated with each corrosion defect in buried pipelines for long exposure period with unit of years. A failure probability model based on the von-Mises failure criterion is adapted. The log-normal and standard normal probability functions for varying random variables are adapted. The effects of random variables such as defect depth, pipe diameter, defect length, fluid pressure, corrosion rate, material yield stress, material ultimate tensile strength and pipe thickness on the failure probability of the buried pipelines are systematically investigated for the corrosion pipeline by using an adapted failure probability model and varying failure pressure model.

An Experimental Study on the Fatigue Flexural Bonding Characteristic of Concrete Beam Reinforced with GFRP Rebar (GFRP Rebar로 보강된 콘크리트보의 피로 휨·부착성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Oh, Hong Seob;Sim, Jong Sung;Kang, Tae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2008
  • This study is to examine bond strength of beam reinforced with GFRP rebar under 4-point fatigue bending test by adopting BRITISH STANDARD. The variables were made to have bonding length of 5times(5db), and 15times(15db) of the nominal diameter of GFRP rebar and were done to analyze the relationship between the bonding strength and the slip. In the result of the test, pull-out failure was dominant in the 5db specimen, patterns of the pull-out failure and concrete shear failure appeared in the 15db specimen showed only concrete shear failure at the end of bonding length. Therefore, The strain development consist of three different stage : A rapid increases form 0 to about 10% of total fatigue life. A uniform increases form 10% to about 70%~90%. Then a rapid increases until failure, if failure takes place. It seems that stress level has not influence on the secant modules of elasticity. And also according to the outcome the existing strengthening method came out to be the most superiority in S-N graphs.