• Title/Summary/Keyword: Essence of Place

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A Study on the Place Program of the Light in Jean Nouvel Architecture Space (장 누벨 건축공간에 나타난 빛의 장소적 프로그램에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Yun-Hee;Yoon, Sang-Young;Yoon, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2012
  • As most modern architectures had been constructed aiming at only both self-reliance and the purity without considering the place, the contemporary architectures have been also exposed to 'the loss of the place' similarly. From recognizing these problems, studying new spatial approach and various movements to create new modern place overcoming this have been progressed. It is meant that building shouldn't exist away from a land, without meanings. It is need to create new space aggressively against varying spaces. Thus, This thesis focus on architect Jean Nouvel among the architects having the insight of space and study his architectural design philosophy through his works creating new space. The aim of this study is to review how to define the 'placeness', and the light as a mediator of place. First of all, this thesis begins with a review what is the 'placeness' as spatial analysis and how to define 'light' as a mediator of place with his books, scholarly lectures, interviews, writing and papers and then analyse how light is represented through 'the place program of light' from his selected works. As a result of it, the thesis provides the possibilities of his constant challenges about 'existence-space-essence' by deriving the characteristics of 'the place program of light' focused on what his architectural approach constructs new space all the time through a regular program even if hard to define all his works as one model.

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Numerical Methods in Propulsion System Design

  • Buchars'kyy, Valeriy
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.238-238
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    • 2012
  • Report is devoted to place and role of numerical simulation in design of rocket propulsion systems. In introduction advanced solutions in liquid propellant rocket engines design are presented. Further essence of design process described briefly. The central place of method of solution of direct problem in design process was shown. Numerical simulation for solving direct problem of fluid dynamic was used as the alternative to theoretical and experimental approaches. Main features of numerical models of processes in propulsion systems were observed. Some results of simulation and (or) design of different types of chemical propulsion system were presented also. The combined rocket engine, rocket engine with injection of after-turbine gas into supersonic part of the nozzle, solid propellant engine and hybrid propulsion engine are under consideration.

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The Confucian background of 『Dongeuibogam』 formation (『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』 성립의 유학적(儒學的) 배경)

  • Sung, Ho Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.25-44
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    • 2001
  • Through the discussions on ascending, descending, in and out of functional activity of Ki, Nature and Life(性命) based on the correlations among essence of life, Ki and vitality, and the Heart which is the complex of heart and place of mental activity, orientation of 'Life(生命)' in "Dongeuibogam" is that heart and body are in a single construction not in two. Although "Dongeuibogam" has the characteristics of substantial discussions about prevalent inner Dan thought in those days in the medical field, it is quoted in the aspect of guiding and leading the Nature and Life(性命). As the nature of heart was developed psycological and physically, we could sense the influences of Confucian-medicine that accounted the Heart which is the place of mental activity and the Sung Confucianism trend of Chosun dynasty.

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The Sense of Place of Manghae-temple and Mt. Jinbong through Viewing Context (조망경관의 맥락으로 본 망해사와 진봉산의 장소성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2007
  • This study focused on the one and only temple of on the coastline of the West Sea, Kimje's Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong. The purpose of this study was to research the unique sense of place of the area by researching the location and view that clearly shapes the identity of the landscape. The following are the results. 1. The cultural landscape of Manghae Temple and the natural landscape of Mt. Jinbong have characteristics which take in the coastline and skyline, respectively. Specifically, from the existential vertical-horizontal images of "sky - land - Mt. Jinbong" and "moon - cloud - sea", an ascending reflection of the landscape surroundings can be found. 2. The "Sea - Manghae temple - Mt. Jinbong - sky" is the representation of the moderate 'inside-space' which belongs to the particular landscape area and which also shows the topophilia to Manghae Temple. Through this kind of interpretation, the sense of place of Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong reveals an intra-structure of an Imaging Landscape implying harmony and moderation, which is a unified organization of the surrounding phenomena(Temple and Mountain) and the essence (the doctrine of Buddhism) that matches Jin-muk's asceticism and lifestyle. 3. While the cultural landscape of Manghae Temple has a strong religious reference, the natural landscape Mt. Jinbong emphasizes the geography of the landscape. In other words, the motivating factor of Manghae Temple is a metaphorical sense of place such as through the "prospect of the sea" or "the Western Sea Paradise" and Mt. Jinbong, the landmark of the Kimje-Mankyung Plains and the focal point of the West Sea sunset, is highlighted as a simile for this sense of place. 4. Keeping this sense of place and territory respectively and showing the. bond with the sense of place which develops rhythmically and continuously, Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong are sublimated into a unified intra-structure, which reflects the Imaging landscape characteristics of "Mt. Jinbong, a focal point of the Mankyung Plains facing the West Sea" and "Manghae Temple, looking out to sea".

Unfamiliar Place and Space in Soviet-Korean Literature - Soviet-Korean Literature and Cultural Geography (고려인문학에 나타난 낯선 장소와 공간 연구 : 문화지리학으로 읽는 고려인문학)

  • 임형모
    • The Korean Literature and Arts
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    • v.25
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    • pp.189-220
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    • 2018
  • This study is designed to better understand the life and works of Soviet-Korean. Soviet-Korean had drifted from place to place, repeating Immigration and emigration. The journey extends from Korea to CIS(the Commonwealth of Independent States). They have adjusted to barren deserts. And, they wrote a series of historical facts and lifes. So, this study looked at unfamiliar place and space in Soviet-Korean Literature. The life of Koryo-saram was extended from Promorye Region of Russia to Central Asia(Commonwealth of Independent States). At first, studied unfamiliar place and space in Promorye Region of Russia. So, the text used to prepare this report is prose and verse in Soviet-Korean Literature, АВАНГАРД, ЛЕ НИН КИЧИ, КОРЕ ИЛЬБО from Soviet-Korean newspapers, and Hong-Beom-Do, Sip-O-Manwon-Sakeon from full-length novels. And, looked at the immigrant narrative of Sinsoseol(新小說), Sohakryoung. The methodology used to prepare this report is history, social history, cultural geography, anthropogeography. As a result, the essence of Soviet-Korean Literature was anxiety. Koryo-saram was tormented by feelings of insecurity.

A Study on the Phenomenological Characteristics of Alvaro Siza's Design (알바루 시자의 건축에 나타난 현상학적 건축특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Sung;Chung, Tae-Yong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to review phenomenological characteristics in Alvaro Siza's works through his design intention, methods and results. As a Portuguese architect, his personal and local background as well as pursuing the essence of architecture made phenomenological characteristics of his works. The emphasis of the placeness of site and the existence of architecture has close relationship with Heidegger's concept of dwelling and the role of architecture. Although Siza has maintained white plat plane of interior space which is one of features of modern architecture, he provides dramatic and dynamic experiences of space using curved and acute angle of plane in his latter part of works. Another his phenomenological nature of buildings is a striking display of space and light which is remarkable especially in his museum designs. He made this character in adopting various shapes of double ceilings, openings and their combination with natural light which he always emphasizes. As a result, Alvaro Siza's phenomenological characteristics comes not from clear architectural or philosophical theory but from continuous practice based on pursuing the essence of architecture.

Reference Research of Bao(胞) (포(胞)에 대(對)한 문헌연구(文獻硏究))

  • Cha, Eun-yea;Kang, Jung-soo
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2000
  • The following results were obtained through studies related to bao(胞). 1 Bao(胞) is also called as uterus, zizang(子臟), baogong(胞宮), xieshi(血室), dantian(丹田), mingmen(命門), baomen(胞門), and guanyuan(關元). It is one of the extraordinary organs. Both of man and woman have it. 2 Man controls qi(氣), so dantian(丹田) which is considered xieshi(血室) for man doesn't have it's own shape and woman controls blood so xieshi(血室) has it's own shape. 3 Bao(胞) is in front of rectum, back of bladder, between guanyuan(關元) and 氣海. shape of 女子胞 is up side down triangle, the lower one branch is neck of uterus and the upper two branches are oviduct. Inside of Bao(胞) is vacant. 4 Bao(胞) is the origin of making essence and blood, and the place of completing essence, energy, and spirit(精氣神). Bao(胞) controls menstruation and also conceives and brings up embryo in woman. 5 Bao(胞) is related with channels of Du, Ren, Chong, and Dai directly and also related with twelve main meridians. Especially channels of Ren, and Chong control Bao(胞) the most importantly. 6 Bao(胞) is related with kidney, liver, and spleen very intimately.

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A Study on the Characteristic of Furniture Design of John Pawson (존 파우슨(John Pawson)의 가구 디자인 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Na-Eun;Park, Chong-Ku;Lee, Jung-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2014
  • Furniture has been developed in pursuit of human convenience and comfort, but nowadays it does not consider human users and gradually loses the essence of furniture. Especially furniture design that disregards the relation with space loses both the meaning and purpose of furniture. In this regards, it is necessary to understand the essence of furniture design and establish a design direction for future progress. Based on the relation between furniture and space, this paper intended to study on John Pawson's works that pursued the essence of design focusing on users, and propose a direction in a sense of real meaning for modern furniture design after exploring the characteristic of the furniture design of John Pawson. The study method of this paper was to investigate the design language of John Pawson and analyze his furniture in the morphological structural, functional, and material aspects. Based on such analysis, this study investigated the characteristics of the furniture design and found out what the core of the design that he pursued was. The scope of the study included the Independent Furniture that was restricted furniture collections of Driade and Spatial Furniture designed and installed at the stage of space construction. The study result showed that the design of John Pawson considered 'the suitability to a specific place' as important factor and furniture was planned at the stage of planning space. Each independent furniture defines all spaces in the morphological, lay-out and functional aspects of furniture and emphasizes their own property. As Spatial Furniture shares the function of spatial composition element, Pawson's furniture can be all called Spatial Furniture.

A Study on The Phenomenal Space in The Contemporary Architecture - Focus on the analysis of The architecture of Swiss architects - (현대 건축에서 나타난 현상적 공간에 관한 연구 - 스위스건축가 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kil-Ho;Lee, Jung-Wook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study clarifies an expression characteristic of the phenomenal space. The architecture is an interface between human and nature. Nature presents herself as phenomena. Thus, the phenomenal space should be approached as the essence of architecture that is to accommodate nature. Phenomenon is related to everyday life and shares flow naturally within it. The phenomenon and everyday life form a relationship through the mediating elements that are time, place, and image. If these mediating elements are developed as spatialized elements, time becomes the converse, place becomes the overlap, and shape becomes the revealing. Also, spatial components that are substituted with these elements are void/solid, form, and materials. The relational characteristics of phenomenal space can be identified through these, and such characteristics are one-ness, continuity, and coincidence of opposites. Phenomenal space is expressed with spatial tones and accepted as spatial atmospheres. For the analysis, 15 works of swiss architects were selected to which spatial elements were applied. And It were composed that analysis by arranging these components as the relational network found that expression characteristics. Trough the analysis, It was found that expression characteristics of phenomenal space of the architecture of Swiss architects were prototypicality, primitiveness, and originality. As a results, It is considered that the role of the space that contains the value of everyday life, the value of the phenomenon is necessary.

Mobilities and Phenomenology of Place, A Perspective for the Popular Narrative Studies -David Seamon's Life Takes Place (모빌리티와 장소 현상학, 대중서사 연구의 한 관점 -데이비드 시먼의 『삶은 장소에서 일어난다』를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.469-506
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    • 2019
  • More than a few existing studies on popular narratives that pay attention to 'place' tend to adopt as their theoretical framework the celebrated distinction between space and place. According to this distinction, to put it simply, space is allegedly mobile, whereas place is static. Given this distinction, and in this age of high-mobility, where the spaces of mobilities seem to rapidly and extensively undermine the places of immobilities, would studies on popular narratives focusing on 'place' still remain convincing? Referring to David Seamon's recent book Life Takes Place: Phenomenology, Lifeworlds, and Place Making, this article aims to consider the possibility of studies on popular narratives in the era of high-mobility. To explore the concept of 'place' through phenomenological methodology, Seamon's book uses a theoretical framework called the 'progressive approximation,' which is attentive to synergistic relationality. According to this approach, the place should first be put under scrutiny as a whole, i.e. as the monad of place. Phenomenological studies on the monad of place as a whole identify places as the fundamental condition for human beings. Then, in accordance with the 'progressive' order of research, places are studied as dyads, i.e. as binary oppositions. Through these analyses, movement/rest, insideness/outsideness, the ordinary/the extra-ordinary, the within/the without, homeworld/alienworld are identified as the five dyads of place. To make a detour around these binary oppositions and confrontations, however, phenomenological studies on place now advance to the higher order of six place triads including place interaction, place identity, place release, place realization, place intensification, and place creation, whereby the study of place progressively approaches the 'approximate' essence of place. Reflectively asking himself about the idea of 'place' in the high-mobility era, the author of this informative and insightful book submits an answer that place is still the fundamental sine qua non of human beings. However, this answer is more likely to be bounded by the binary opposition of space/place, and movement/rest accordingly. In this article, I suggest as an alternative and hopefully more promising answer a perspective of transcending this kind of a dead-end dichotomy and of performing 'place-making' through the mobilities themselves, while presenting a noticeable example of the manner in which research on popular narratives could begin from this perspective.