• Title/Summary/Keyword: Energy industry

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Development of analytical method for the isotope purity of pure D2 gas using high-precision magnetic sector mass spectrometer

  • Chang, Jinwoo;Lee, Jin Bok;Kim, Jin Seog;Lee, Jin-Hong;Hong, Kiryong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2022
  • Deuterium (D) is an isotope with one more neutron number than hydrogen (H). Heavy elements rarely change their chemical properties with little effect even if the number of neutrons increases, but low-mass elements change their vibration energy, diffusion rate, and reaction rate because the effect cannot be ignored, which is called an isotope effect. Recently, in the semiconductor and display industries, there is a trend to replace hydrogen gas (H2) with deuterium gas (D2) in order to improve process stability and product quality by using the isotope effect. In addition, as the demand for D2 in industries increases, domestic gas producers are making efforts to produce and supply D2 on their own. In the case of high purity D2, most of them are produced by electrolysis of heavy water (D2O), and among D2, hydrogen deuteride (HD) molecules are present as isotope impurities. Therefore, in order to maximize the isotope effect of hydrogen in the electronic industry, HD, which is an isotope impurity of D2 used in the process, should be small amount. To this end, purity analysis of D2 for industrial processing is essential. In this study, HD quantitative analysis of D2 for high purity D2 purity analysis was established and hydrogen isotope RM (Reference material) was developed. Since hydrogen isotopes are difficult to analyze with general gas analysis instrument, they were analyzed using a high-precision mass spectrometer (Gas/MS, Finnigan MAT271). High purity HD gas was injected into Gas/MS, sensitivity was determined by a signal according to pressure, and HD concentrations in two bottles of D2 were quantified using the corresponding sensitivity. The amount fraction of HD in each D2 was (4518 ± 275) μmol/mol, (2282 ± 144) μmol/mol. D2, which quantifies HD amount using the developed quantitative analysis method, will be manufactured with hydrogen isotope RM and distributed for quality management and maintenance of electronic industries and gas producers in the future.

Environmental Impact Assessment of EPS Box for Fresh Food in Korea and Europe (한국과 유럽의 신선식품용 EPS박스에 대한 전과정 환경영향평가)

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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2022
  • Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is the most commonly used fresh food refrigeration insulation in Korea and Europe. Moreover, as the use of disposable packaging materials has increased significantly along with non-face-to-face delivery services since the COVID-19 crisis, social issues related to waste disposal are also being raised. Therefore, in this study, the life cycle of EPS boxes for fresh food is focused on the factors that have a large difference between incineration and landfill including recycling in Europe and Korea in the disposal process after use, and raw materials and energy in the manufacturing process, which account for a large portion of the environmental impact value. We tried to compare the environmental impact of evaluation. Overall, the raw material production stage, box manufacturing stage, and packaging stage have similar processes in Europe and Korea, but unlike Europe, Korea, which lacks landfills and incineration facilities, has focused on expanding the recycling rate. It was necessary to do an environmental impact assessment. Data affecting the environment were derived based on 2019 and 2020 data for Korea and 2017 and 2020 data for Europe. In order to predict the future environmental impact assessment, assumptions about the disposal rate in 2025 and 2030 were introduced and evaluated. As a result of this study, it was found that the raw material production stage of EPS boxes, which have similar processes in both Korea and Europe, has the greatest effect on the global warming effect of Korean EPS boxes. However, Korea, which has a relatively high recycling rate in the disposal process compared to incineration and landfill, showed better environmental performance than Europe in most impact indicators except freshwater eutrophication. In particular, Korea has increased the overall recycling rate compared to Europe by replacing various recyclable materials such as building materials and sundries with XPS (extruded polystyrene) recycled materials. In conclusion, it was found that increasing the recycling rate rather than incinerating and landfilling EPS boxes for fresh food in the domestic EPS industry has relatively less environmental load compared to Europe.

Technology Trends of Smart Abnormal Detection and Diagnosis System for Gas and Hydrogen Facilities (가스·수소 시설의 스마트 이상감지 및 진단 시스템 기술동향)

  • Park, Myeongnam;Kim, Byungkwon;Hong, Gi Hoon;Shin, Dongil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 2022
  • The global demand for carbon neutrality in response to climate change is in a situation where it is necessary to prepare countermeasures for carbon trade barriers for some countries, including Korea, which is classified as an export-led economic structure and greenhouse gas exporter. Therefore, digital transformation, which is one of the predictable ways for the carbon-neutral transition model to be applied, should be introduced early. By applying digital technology to industrial gas manufacturing facilities used in one of the major industries, high-tech manufacturing industry, and hydrogen gas facilities, which are emerging as eco-friendly energy, abnormal detection, and diagnosis services are provided with cloud-based predictive diagnosis monitoring technology including operating knowledge. Here are the trends. Small and medium-sized companies that are in the blind spot of carbon-neutral implementation by confirming the direction of abnormal diagnosis predictive monitoring through optimization, augmented reality technology, IoT and AI knowledge inference, etc., rather than simply monitoring real-time facility status It can be seen that it is possible to disseminate technologies such as consensus knowledge in the engineering domain and predictive diagnostic monitoring that match the economic feasibility and efficiency of the technology. It is hoped that it will be used as a way to seek countermeasures against carbon emission trade barriers based on the highest level of ICT technology.

Civic Participation in Smart City : A Role and Direction (스마트도시 구현을 위한 시민참여의 역할과 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Woo-Min;Park, Keon Chul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the research trends on the civic participation in a smart city and to present implications to policy makers, industry professionals and researchers. As rapid urbanization is defining development trend of modern city, urban problems such as transportation, environment, and energy are spreading and intensifying around the city. Countries around the world are introducing smart cities to solve these urban problems and to achieve sustainable development. Recently, many countries are modifying urban planning from top-down to down-up by actively engaging citizens to participate in the urban construction process directly and indirectly. Although the construction of smart cities is being promoted in Korea to solve urban problems, awareness of smart cities and civic participation are low. In order to overcome this situation, discussions on ideas and methods that can increase civic participation in smart cities are continuously being conducted. Therefore, in this study, by collecting publication containing both 'Smart Cities' and 'Participation (Engagement)' in Scopus DB, the topics of related studies were categorized and research trends were analyzed using topic modeling. Through this study, it is expected that it can be used as evidence to understand the direction of civic participation research in smart cities and to present the direction of related research in the future.

The Causes of Guilt in Ready-meal Users: A Focus on Cooking Instructions and Consumers' Health Locus of Control

  • Shin, Hyunsook;Lee, Dongmin;Lim, Jeeyoung;Moon, Junghoon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.25-43
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    • 2020
  • Although ready meals have recently increased their market share in the Korean food industry, a literature review found that the use of ready meals triggers feelings of guilt in homemakers. Such guilt arises as a result of several factors apparently related to consumers' health. Consequently, levels of guilt might be expected to vary depending on consumers' perceived health locus. The present study aims to examine (a) how health locus affects guilty feelings about ready-meal consumption, (b) how the effect varies in relation to the consumption of different types of ready meal, and (c) the relationship between consumers' guilty feelings and willingness to buy ready meals. Three dimensions of health locus of control (HLC) -internal HLC (IHLC), powerful-others HLC (PHLC), and chance HLC (CHLC)- were presumed to influence consumers' feelings of guilt in association with ready meals. Data were collected via an online survey, and participants were randomly assigned to either of two groups: one group was instructed to heat meals in a microwave (ready-to-heat [RTH] group, n=104) and the other cooked using a pan with additional ingredients (ready-to-cook [RTC] group, n=101). The study found that guilty feelings about consuming RTH meals increased in line with increased external HLCs, namely, PHLC and CHLC. For the RTC group, guilt increased in line with increased PHLC. IHLC had no significant effect on guilty feelings in either group. Willingness to buy ready meals decreased for both groups as consumers' feelings of guilt increased. Even RTC meals, which require more time and energy in food preparation, did not reduce guilty feelings among consumers with higher PHLC. RTC meals are preferable for consumers with higher CHLC, since their sense of greater involvement in the cooking process alleviates their feelings of guilt. Cooking with already prepared and uncooked ingredients brought fun and joy, both for the participants and their significant others. This interpretation may be developed into a strategic plan by ready-meal producers to strengthen their marketing strategy.

Current Status and Necessity of Separation Technology to Secure Vanadium Mineral Resources (바나듐 광물자원 확보를 위한 선별 기술 현황 및 필요성)

  • Jeon, Hoseok;Han, Yosep;Baek, Sangho;Davaadorj, Tsogchuluun;Go, Byunghun;Jeong, Dohyun;Chu, Yeoni;Kim, Seongmin
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2022
  • Owing to the global development of high-strength alloys and renewable energy industries, the demand for vanadium, a key raw material in these industries, is expected to increase. Until now, vanadium has been recovered as a by-product of the industry, but interest in its direct recovery from minerals has increasing with its significantly increasing demand. In particular, the recovery of vanadium from stone coal ore and vanadium titano-magnetite (VTM) containing vanadium has been actively researched in China, which has the largest reserves and production of vanadium in the world. In Korea, a large amount of VTM also occurs in the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, and fundamental research and technical development is being conducted to recover vanadium. It is necessary to understand the current status of the separation technology used worldwide to satisfy the demand for metals such as vanadium, which currently depends on imports.

A Study on the Method of Manufacturing Lactic Acid from Seaweed Biomass (해조류 바이오매스로부터 Lactic acid를 제조하는 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hakrae;Ko, Euisuk;Shim, Woncheol;Kim, Jongseo;Kim, Jaineung
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • With the spread of COVID-19 worldwide, non-face-to-face services have grown rapidly, but at the same time, the problem of plastic waste is getting worse. Accordingly, eco-friendly policies such as carbon neutrality and sustainable circular economy are being promoted worldwide. Due to the high demand for eco-friendly products, the packaging industry is trying to develop eco-friendly packaging materials using PLA and PBAT and create new business models. On the other hand, Ulva australis occurs in large quantities in the southern seas of Korea and off the coast of Jeju Island, causing marine environmental problems. In this study, lactic acid was produced through dilute acid pretreatment, enzymatic saccharification, and fermentation processes to utilize Ulva australis as a new alternative energy raw material. In general, seaweeds vary in carbohydrate content and sugar composition depending on the species, harvest location, and time. Seaweed is mainly composed of polysaccharides such as cellulose, alginate, mannan, and xylan, but does not contain lignin. It is difficult to expect high extraction yield of the complex polysaccharide constituting Ulva australis with only one process. However, the fusion process of dilute acid and enzymatic saccharification presented in this study can extract most of the sugars contained in Ulva australis. Therefore, the fusion process is considered to be able to expect high lactic acid production yield when a commercial-scale production process is established.

Current Status of Legal Regulations Regarding Gas- and Moisture-removing Active Packaging for Food: A Review (식품용 가스 및 수분 제거 활성포장 사용 및 법정 규정에 대한 현황)

  • Kim, Dowan;Oh, Jae-Min;Lee, Soonho;Kim, Hyun-Ah;Hwang, Joungboon;Ko, Seonghyuk
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2022
  • Due to the increasing consumer demands for the safety, shelf life, and quality of food, the application and development of active packaging in the food and packaging industry have been improved. According to the standards and specifications of the Republic of Korea for utensils, containers, and packages, the function of active packaging is to remove or alleviate factors that degrade food quality. Although extensive reviews regarding the development and commercialization of active packaging have been conducted, the legal regulations and safety assessments concerning active packaging have rarely been examined. This review provides information regarding the definition, structure, components, operational mechanisms, and applications for active packaging that actively removes oxygen, moisture, carbon dioxide, and ethylene. Furthermore, the legal regulations and research results related to the development of test methods for safety assessments of active packaging are investigated.

personality Disease Prediction of Classic Astrology (고전점성학의 질병예측 및 활용방안)

  • Cho, Man-Seob
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2022
  • In this study, in the Nativity birth chart of Classic Astrology, the study was conducted under the premise that 'If the natives are born with different structures to govern their diseases, diseases may appear differently in the lives of natives.' did. In the birth chart, an individual's innate health was analyzed through the strengths and weaknesses of sign, planets, and aspects. In the case of managing congenital diseases, we studied the aspect relationship between the native's ASC constellation and the fixed star and planet in the Nativity Birth Chart. In the case of controlling acquired diseases, it was judged by examining the constellations, rulers, and planets of the 6th house that control diseases in the Nativity birth chart. In the case of acquired diseases, natives may be exposed to various accidents and diseases throughout their lives. So, we looked at the relationship between diseases through the energy and weakness of the planet coming through Pirdaria, the aspect relationship with the planet, and fixed star. As a result of the study, a native's health status is given differently depending on the strength and weakness of the innate sign and planet in the Nativity Birth Chart. And it has been proven that the health of the native is determined by the state of the 6th House, who rules over disease, and the disease and accidents that come from Direction are determined by the relationship between the planet and the aspect coming from Pirdaria.

Review on Free-Standing Polymer and Mixed-Matrix Membranes for H2/CO2 Separation (수소/이산화탄소 분리를 위한 프리스탠딩 고분자 및 혼합매질 분리막에 대한 총설)

  • Kang, Miso;Lee, So Youn;Kang, Du Ru;Kim, Jong Hak
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2022
  • Hydrogen, a carrier of large-capacity chemical and clean energy, is an important industrial gas widely used in the petrochemical industry and fuel cells. In particular, hydrogen is mainly produced from fossil fuels through steam reforming and gasification, and carbon dioxide is generated as a by-product. Therefore, in order to obtain high-purity hydrogen, carbon dioxide should be removed. This review focused on free-standing polymeric membranes and mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) that separate hydrogen from carbon dioxide reported in units of Barrer [1 Barrer = 10-10 cm3 (STP) × cm / (cm2 × s × cmHg)]. By analyzing various recently reported papers, the structure, morphology, interaction, and preparation method of the membranes are discussed, and the structure-property relationship is understood to help find better membrane materials in the future. Robeson's upper bound limits for hydrogen/carbon dioxide separation were presented through reviewing the performance and characteristics of various separation membranes, and various MMMs that improve separation properties using technologies such as crosslinking, blending and heat treatment were discussed.