• Title/Summary/Keyword: Education program

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A Sustainable Operation Plan for School Gardens - Based on a Survey of Elementary School Gardens in Seoul (학교 텃밭의 지속적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 초등학교의 학교 텃밭 실태조사를 바탕으로 -)

  • Choi, I-Jin;Lee, Jae Jung;Cho, Sang Tae;Jang, Yoon Ah;Heo, Joo Nyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2018
  • This study surveyed 599 elementary schools in Seoul to provide measures for the quantitative expansion and sustainable operation of environmentally-friendly school garden. Of all schools, 161 schools had formed and were operating school gardens. The total area of school gardens was $166,901m^2$ and the mean area was $131.2m^2$ in elementary, junior high and high schools in Seoul. Meanwhile, the total area of school gardens was $65,493m^2$ and the mean area was $363m^2$ in 161 schools that participated in the survey, indicating $1.15m^2$ per student. Of these schools, 11.8% were operating gardens themselves, while 50.3% were operating gardens that had been newly renovated or environmentally improved by institutional support projects after initially managing gardens themselves. According to the locations of school gardens, mixed-type gardening (a combination of school gardening and container vegetable gardening) accounted for 34.8%, followed by school gardening at 32.9%, container vegetable gardening at 29.2%, and suburb community gardening at 3.1%. Those in charge of garden operations were teachers at 51.6%, comprising the largest percentage. Facilities built when forming the garden included storage facilities for small-scale greenhouses and farming equipment at 26.1%, accounting for the largest percentage. No additional facilities constructed accounted for 21.7%. The greatest difficulty in operating gardens was garden management at 34.2%. The most needed elements for the sustainable operation of gardens were improvement in physical environment and the need for hiring a paid garden, each accounting for 32%. The most important purpose for school gardening was creating educational environments (81.6%). The major source for gaining information on garden management was consultation from acquaintances (67.8%). Schools that utilize plant waste from gardens as natural fertilizers accounted for 45.8% of all schools. Responses to the impact of operating school gardens for educational purpose were positive in all schools as 'very effective' in 63.2% and 'effective' in 36.8%. This study was meaningful in that it intended to identify the current status of the operation of school gardens in elementary schools in Seoul, support the formation of school gardens appropriate for each school with sustainable operation measures, implement a high-quality education program, develop teaching materials, expand job training opportunities for teachers in charge, devise measures to support specialized instructors, and propose the need for a garden management organization.

A qualitative Research on Establishment of Department of Private Investigation and Its Future Direction (민간조사학과 개설의 필요성과 성장방향에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Jo, Sung-Gu;Lee, Ju-Lak
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.28
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    • pp.181-205
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    • 2011
  • There are various discussions about introducing private investigation in South Korea these days, and training private investigators is one of the main topics. Training private investigators, unlike other training, is required to instill expertise and ethical quality into the trainees since the major task of the investigators includes protecting the lives of the citizens as well as their properties. Therefore, many agree to the idea that systematic educational programs need to be organized to produce private investigators with expertness and morality. In this study, we explored the opinions of those who are concerned with this issue of establishing private investigation in the university education and analyzed the data by using the NVivo 2 program. The result revealed that the reasons that people supported the idea of launching private investigator services were as follows. First, there is lack of manpower to maintain peace and public order in the country. Second, the police does not intervene actively and help harmed victims unless it is a consequential incident. Third, in position to wield public power, police officers cannot get involved in civil affairs. Also, absence of an academic institution to educate private investigators and lack of the police and clients' trust in private investigation were the two biggest reasons that people approved the proposal to introduce department of private investigation in universities. The interviewees of the study believed the outlook and future direction for private investigation would change depending on the status of the licensed private investigation business bill. Before the bill passes, they thought that the work of private investigators will be performed by insurance companies, foreign private investigation businesses, domestic consulting firms, and security providers which supply similar services. On the other hand, after the bill passes, they believed that numerous private investigator corporations resembling existing security corporations will be founded in addition to the current market, and that private investigation in the academic field will also be vitalized.

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The Effect of Work Environment on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Facility Security Worker (시설경비업 종사자의 근무환경이 직무스트레스와 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Sung-Bae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.255-283
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    • 2019
  • This study conducted a survey of 315 facility security workers in Daejeon, South Chungcheong Province and Gyeonggi Province for about a week from August 7 to August 13, 2019 to identify the impact of work environment and job stress on job satisfaction, and finally collected 293 of the total 315 parts of the data, excluding non-response and inappropriate responses. The STATA 14.2 Statistical Package Program was used for analysis of the collected data, frequency analysis was performed to determine the distribution ratio of the subjects, and reliability analysis and correlation analysis were performed with respect to the established key variables. Next, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to verify differences in work environment, task stress and task satisfaction factors according to demographic characteristics, and the results were as follows: There were differences in work environment, job stress and job satisfaction recognition depending on demographic characteristics. In detail, the factors for the work environment indicated significant differences in age, academic background, number of years of service, wages and types of service in the recognition of the work environment. Job stress factors indicated significant differences in age, education, wages and types of service in job stress recognition. In job satisfaction factors, age, academic background, number of years of service and wages (monthly benefits) showed significant differences in job satisfaction recognition. In addition, the results of multiple regression analyses to identify the working environment, job stress, and job satisfaction are as follows. The working environment has had a positive impact on job satisfaction, and the better the job environment, promotion and organizational characteristics, the higher the job satisfaction. It has been shown that job stress has had a negative impact on job satisfaction, conflict of relationship (promoting colleagues). job autonomy increases job satisfaction, and job satisfaction decreases when job requirements and job insecurity increase. In terms of the impact of work environment on job satisfaction, the higher the work promotion, job environment and organizational characteristics, the higher the job satisfaction level, the report showed. According to these studies, the better the working environment, the lower the job stress, and the lower the job stress, the higher the job satisfaction. In addition, the better the working environment, the more satisfied the job was found to be, and the empirical research result was verified that improvement of the working environment of security workers can reduce job stress and improve job satisfaction through improvement of the working environment.

A Study on the Perception Changes of Physicians toward Duty to Inform - Focusing on the Influence of the Revised Medical Law - (설명의무에 대한 의사의 인식 변화 조사 연구 -의료법 개정의 영향을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Rosa
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.235-261
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    • 2018
  • The Medical law stipulates regulations about the physician's duty to inform to contribute to patient's self-determination. This law was most recently revised on December 20, 2016, and came into effect on June 21, 2017. There has been much controversy about this, and it has been questioned whether or not it will be effective for physicians to comply with the duty to inform. Therefore, this study investigated perceptions of physicians of whether they observed the duty to inform and their legal judgment about that duty, and analyzed how the revision of the medical law may have affected the legal cognition of physician's duty to inform. This study was conducted through an online questionnaire survey involving 109 physicians over 2 weeks from March 29 to April 12, 2018, and 108 of the collected data were used for analysis. The questionnaire was developed by revising and supplementing the previous research (Lee, 2004). It consisted of 41 items, including 26 items related to the experience of and legal judgment about the duty to inform, 6 items related to awareness of revised medical law, and 9 items on general characteristics. The data were analyzed using SAS 9.4 program and descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and Binary logistic regression were performed. The results are as follows. • Out of eight situations, the median number of situations that did not fulfill the duty to inform was 5 (IQR, 4-6). In addition, 12 respondents (11%) answered that they did not fulfill the duty to inform in all eight cases, while only one (1%) responded that he/she performed explanation obligations in all cases. • The median number of the legal judgment score on the duty to inform was 8 out of 13 (IQR, 7-9), and the scores ranged from a minimum of 4 (4 respondents) to a maximum of 11 (3 respondents). • More than half of the respondents (n=26, 52%) were unaware of the revision of the medical law, 27 (25%) were aware of the fact that the medical law had been revised, 20(18%) had a rough knowledge of the contents of the law, and only 5(5%) said they knew the contents of the law in detail. The level of awareness of the revised medical law was statistically significant difference according to respondents' sex (p<.49), age (p<.0001), career (p<.0001), working type (p<.024), and department (p<.049). • There was no statistically significant relationship between the level of awareness of the revised medical law and the level of legal judgment on the duty to inform. These results suggest that efforts to improve the implementation and cognition of physician's duty to inform are needed, and it is difficult to expect a direct positive effect from the legal regulations per se. Considering the distinct characteristics of medical institutions and hierarchical organizational culture of physicians, it is necessary to develop a credible guideline on the duty to inform within the medical system, and to strengthen the education of physicians about their duty to inform and its purpose.

The Seosan County Family Planning/Maternal & Child Health Service Research Project, Korea -Project Design and Findings of the Baseline Survey- (가족계획(家族計劃) 및 모자보건사업(母子保健事業)의 효율적 통합방안(統合方案)에 관한 연구(硏究)(서산군(瑞山郡)) -기초조사보고(基礎調査報告)-)

  • Bang, S.;Cho, T.H.;Lee, S.J.;Han, S.H.;Lim, K.J.;Ahn, M.Y.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.163-192
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    • 1983
  • In order to facilitate the Korean government's efforts in integrating family planning and maternal & child health at the primary health care level (or township level), the Soon Chun Hyang College of Medicine, with the financial and technical assistance of WHO, has under-taken a service research project. The project has employed a quasi-experimental study design introducing interventions tat provide crucial factors lacking in the ongoing government programs such as midwives and qualified referral physicians. The study is being conducted in three locations, one control area and two study areas. Before introducing trained Nurse/Midewives into the study areas, a baseline prevalence survey was undertaken from 15 July 1981 to 10 August 1981 in selelcted townships of Seosan County. In this sample survey of bath the study and control areas, 2,484 eligible women (97% reponse rate) were interviewed to obtain benchmark data on basic evaluation indicators related to family planning and maternal and child health. The salients results were summarized as follows.: 1. CONTACT RATES WITH HEALTH WORKERS; During the year preceding the survey, 12% of women were visited by government health workers. The primary reason for such visits by health workers was family planning (45% of the visits). About 34% of the women visited the health centers during the year. The primary reason for visiting health centers was immunizations for their children (45% of the visits). 3. FAMILY PLANNING USE RATE; The baseline data showed little difference between women in the study area and the control area on contraceptive use. Approximately 59% were currently using some methods. However, among those current users, almost half were practicing less effective methods of birth control such as rhythm or withdrawal. Among other methods, the tubectomy was the most popular (16%), while use of the IUD, oral pill and condom together reached only 14%. 3. PRENATAL CARE RATE; About 75% of the women reported no prenatal care for their last births (the youngest child of each women), Additionally, among women received prenatal care, over half had only one visit. 4. ATTENDANCE AT DELIVERY; Most of the women surveyed (over 80%) were attended by a non-medical person during their last delivery. These figures are somewhat comparable to the national figure of 84% for remote areas. 5. POSTNATAL CARE; The proportion of women reporting postnatal care was only 4.5%, and postnatal care was not received by the majority of women surveyed. 6. CHILD HEALTH CARE: In contrast to the low rate of maternity care for women themselves, most women reported obtaining immunization care for their children. About 75% of the women obtained Polio and/or DPT, 58% BCG, and 44% Measles vaccine for their children. However, in terms of illness care, while 35% of the women stated that their youngest child had been sick during the month preceding the survey, only 28% of these women took their child to the clinic for treatment. 7. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY AND ABNORMALITIES IN THE NEWBORN; Among all last deliveries, 18% of the women had pregnancy complications and 9% of the women had complications during delivery About 5% of the women reported abnormality in their most recent newborn. 8. REPRODUCTION EFFICIENCY; PERINATAL MORTALITY AND INFANT MORTALITY Based on data from the pregnancy history in this survey, reproduction efficiency was estimated. Out of the 11,154 pregnancies reported by all women surveyed, foetal loss was 21% (almost 16% were induced abortions) and infant deaths before reaching one year old were 3.1%. The reproduction efficiency was, therefore, reduced to 76%. In terms of perinatal and infant mortality rates, the former was 40.2 per 1,000 total births and the latter was 39.3 per 1,000 live births. Both rates described J shaped relationships with age of mothers and parity, and they were also correlated with birth interval and mother's education. In summary, this baseline survey data indicated a need for (1) improving contraceptive practices with more effective methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies and (2) providing better services for maternal and child care to protect wanted pregancies. In the Korean rural setting. the author believes that the latter is more important as the value of each child has increased as a result of the family planning campaign for the past two decades. This calls for more effective integration of Family Planning and MCH programmes to meet the needs of the family in each stage of the child bearing and rearing period with deploying more qualified personnel than the current government program personnel.

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Follow-up Management State of Lead Battery Workers in Periodic Health Examination (연 축전지 사업장의 질환 요주의자 및 유소견자의 사후관리 실태 연구)

  • Lee, Gap-Soo;HwangBo, Young;Kim, Yong-Bae;Kim, Hwa-Sung;Ham, Jung-Oh;Lee, Sung-Soo;Ahn, Kyu-Dong;Lee, Byung-Kook;Hur, Jung
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.4 s.55
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    • pp.733-746
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    • 1996
  • To evaluate the follow-up management state and related factor of lead battery workers in periodic health examination as part of program of group occupational health service, author studied 293 workers with questionnaire on knowledge of results and follow-up management state and related factors, and compared the responses to their periodic health examination result charts. The results were as follows: 1. 252(86%) workers responsed that they had received the health examination result chart, but only 116(39.6%) workers responsed that they had been educated or explained about the results of health examination, and 11(57.9%) workers among 19 workers with non-occupational disease D, 101(44.3%) workers among 228 workers with non-occupational disease C, and 19(28.4%) workers among 67 workers with occupational disease C knew accurately their health examination results. 2. 78(24.8%) of the workers responsed that they had follow-up management, and contents of follow-up management were follow-up(36.6%), out-patient treatment (31%), change worksite(8.5%), temporary retirement(7.0%) and others(16.9%). 3. Most of the workers responsed that the health examination were necessary, but three-fourths of the workers responsed that the health examination had been superficial or that they didn't know. 4. In this study, follow-up management show significant association with only explanation or education about health examination result chart.

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A Survey on the Consumer Attitude Toward Health Food in Korea (II) -Consumer Perception on Health Foods- (건강식품에 대한 소비자 인식 연구 (II) -건강식품에 관한 소비자 의식구조-)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo;Ro, Seung-Ok;Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 1996
  • The consumer perception on health and food habit, the experience of health food use and the discrimination between health food and drug of Korean consumer were surveyed by using a questionnaire containing 20 items in order to obtain the basic data for the assessment of the benefit and risk of health foods in Korea. A total of 1,000 people over 20 years of age living in Seoul and the vicinities were interviewed and asked to fill out the questionnaire during the period from the October 1995 to the February 1996. Among the 882 answers collected 23 was incomplete data, and 859 answers were used for the statistical analysis by using SAS program. The survey revealed a strong interest of the consumer on health food by showing that more than a half of the subjects (58.8%) had the experience of actual use of health food, and 68.2% believed the effectiveness. What the consumer expect most from health food was to have beneficial effect to maintain overall health condition (59.8%), and the most negative aspect of health food was the overstatement on the effectiveness by the producers (52.1%). The most important source of information for the purchase of health food was the suggestion of friends and relatives (30.6%). Among the health foods registered and regulated by the food law, royal jelly (22.7%), squalene (16.0%), refined fish oil (15.1%), lactic acid bacteria (10.6%) and aloe (8.8%) were relatively well aware. Although 84% of the subjects perceived that health food is different from drug or traditional medicine, the largest percentage of the subject selected ginseng as the most well known type of health food (22.7%) as well as the most well known drug (or traditional medicine) (41.7%). Ginseng was also chosen as the most frequently used health food (17.0%), and vitamin tablets the third (13.0%). The vague definition of health food and unambiguous discrimination of it from medicine by the consumers were problematic for the correct use and reasonable purchasing behavior. The clear definition and proper regulation on the manufacture and distribution of health food, more strict control of labelling and advertisement, and a wide consumer education on health food were recommended.

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A Study on Fall Accident (1개 종합병원 환자의 낙상에 관한 조사)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Suk;Kim, Mae-Ja
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.45-62
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    • 1998
  • The study was conducted from November 1995 to May 1996 at the one general hospital in Seoul. The total subjects of this study were 412 patients who have the experience of fall accident, among them 31 was who have fallen during hospitalization and 381 was who visited emergency room and out patient clinic. The purposes of this study were to determine the characteristics, risk factors and results of fall accident and to suggest the nursing strategies for prevention of fall. Data were collected by reviewing the medical records and interviewing with the fallers and their family members. For data analysis, spss/pc+ program was utilized for descriptive statistics, adjusted standardized $X^2$-test. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Total subjects were 412 fallers, of which 245(59.5%) were men and 167(40.5%) were women. Age were 0-14 years 79(19.2%), 15-44 years 125(30.4%), 45-64 years 104(25.2%), over 65 years 104(25.2%). 2) There was significant association between age and the sexes ($X^2$=39.17, P=0.00). 3) There was significant association between age and history of falls ($X^2$=44.41. P= .00). And history of falls in the elderly was significantly associated with falls. 4) There was significant association with age and medical diagnosis ($X^2$=140.66, P= .00), chief medical diagnosis were hypertension(34), diabetis mellitus(22), arthritis(11), stroke(8), fracture(7), pulmonary tuberculosis(6), dementia(5) and cataract(5), 5) There was significant association between age and intrinsic factors: cognitive impairment, mobility impairment, insomnia, emotional problems, urinary difficulty, visual impairments, hearing impairments, use of drugs (sedatives , antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, antidepressants) (P < 0.05). But there was no significant association between age and dizziness ($X^2$=2.87, P=.41). 6) 15.3% of total fallers were drunken state when they were fallen. 7) Environmental factors of fall accident were unusual posture (50.9%), slips(35.2%), trips (9.5%) and collision(4.4%). 8) Most of falls occurred during the day time, peak frequencies of falls occurred from 1pm to 6pm and 7am to 12am. 9) The places of fall accident were roads(22.6%), house-stairs 06.7%), rooms, floors, kitchen (11.2%), the roof-top, veranda, windows(10.9%), hospital(7.5%), ice or snowy ways(5.8%), bathroom(4.9%), playground, park(4.9%), subway-stairs(4.4%) and public-bathrooms (2.2%). 10) Activities at the time of fall accident were walking(37.6%), turning around or reaching for something(20.9%), going up or down stairs09.2%), exereise, working07.4%), up or down from a bed(2.7%), using wheelchair or walking aids, standing up or down from a chair(2.2%) and standing still(2.2%). 11) Anatomical locations of injuries by falls were head, face, neck(31.3%), lower extremities (29.9%). upper extremities(20.6%), spine, thorax, abdomen or pelvic contents(l1.4%) and unspecified(2.9%). 12) Types of injures were fracture(47.6%), bruises03.8%), laceration (13.3%), sprains(9.0%), headache(6.6%), abrasions(2.9%), intracranial hemorrage(2.4%) and burns(0.5%). 13) 41.5% of the fallers were hospitalized and average of hospitalization was 22.3 days. 14) The six fallers(1.46%) died from fall injuries. The two fallers died from intracranial hemorrage and the four fallers died of secondary infection; pneumonia(2), sepsis(1) and cell lulitis(1). It is suggested that 1) Further study is needed with larger sample size to identify the fall risk factors. 2) After the fall accident, comprehensive nursing care and regular physical exercise should be emphasized for the elderly person. 3) Safety education and safety facilities of the public place and home is necessary for fall prevention.

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Domestic Disabled People's Use of Dental Service Institutes and Their Oral Health Related Quality of Life (재가 장애인의 구강진료기관 이용실태와 구강건강관련 삶의 질)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ok;Yang, Chun-Ho;Kim Jin;Kim, Young-Im
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.593-600
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    • 2009
  • In this study, disabled people's life quality according to their use of dental healthcare services were examined, and the factors that influence their life quality were examined. The subjects in this study were 198 domestic disabled people in Jeollabuk-do, on whom a survey was conducted from May 1 to June 1, 2008. After the collected data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 12.0 program, the following findings were acquired: 1. 68.2% of the subjects had an experience of using dental service institutes. Over 80.0% of the physically disabled, the mentally handicapped, and the sensory-disturbance sufferers each used dental service institutes in their locations. Regarding the reason for visiting dental service institutes, 43.4% of the physically disabled visited for regular examination (the largest group for that reason), followed by the mentally handicapped with 37.9%. 43.5% of the sensory-disturbance sufferers visited for pain and fracture. 2. The subjects' life quality level relating to oral health was found to be an average 3.39 point score. There was a statistically significant difference in their life quality levels in terms of demographic features, such as age, religion, marriage/non-marriage, education, and subjective health status variables. Those experienced in using dental service institutes enjoyed higher levels of life quality (p=.011). And, with regard to disability characteristics, the degree of disability and the period of disability influenced the quality of life with a statistical significance. 3. Regarding variables influencing the life quality of subjects, in terms of general characteristic variables, subjective health status were influential variables, and in terms of characteristic variables relating to the use of dental clinics and disability, the experience of using dental service institutes influenced the quality of life. In conclusion, nationwide efforts to nurture separate dental personnels responsible for the disabled, to expand relevant facilities and to improve the health care insurance are required to promote the oral health of domestic disabled people's.

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Meditating effect of Planned Happenstance Skills between the Belief in Good luck and Entrepreneurial Opportunity (행운에 대한 신념과 창업 기회 역량과의 관계에서 우연기술의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Hwangbo, Yun;Kim, YoungJun;Kim, Hong-Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2019
  • When asked about the success factors of successful entrepreneurs and celebrities, he says he was lucky. The remarkable fact is that the attitude about luck is different. However, despite the fact that the belief that we believe is lucky is actually a dominant concept, there has not been much scientific verification of luck. In this study, we saw good luck not being determined randomly by the external environment, but by being able to control luck through the internal attributes of individuals. This study is significant that we have empirically elucidated what kind of efforts have gained good luck, whereas previous research has largely ended in vague logic where luck ends up with an internal locus of control among internal entrepreneurial qualities and efforts can make a successful entrepreneur. We introduced the concept of good luck belief to avoid confirmation bias, which is, to interpret my experience in a direction that matches what I want to believe, and used a good luck belief questionnaire in previous studies and tried to verify that those who have a good belief can increase entrepreneurial opportunity capability through planned happenstance skills. The reason for choosing the entrepreneurial opportunity capacity as a dependent variable was based on the conventional research, that is, the process of recognizing and exploiting the entrepreneurial opportunity is an important part of the entrepreneurship research For empirical research, we conducted a questionnaire survey of a total of 332 people, and the results of the analysis turned out that the belief of good luck has all the positive impacts of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors: curiosity, patience, flexibility, optimism and risk tolerance. Second, we have shown that only the perseverance, optimism, and risk tolerance of planned happenstance skills' sub-factors have a positive impact on this opportunity capability. Thirdly, it was possible to judge that the sub-factors of planned happenstance skills, patience, optimism, and risk tolerance, had a meditating effect between belief in luck and entrepreneurial opportunity capability. This study is highly significant in logically elucidating that people in charge of business incubation and education can get the specific direction when planning a training program for successful entrepreneur to further enhance the entrepreneurial opportunity ability, which is an important ability for the entrepreneur's success.