• Title/Summary/Keyword: Education program

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An Analysis on Elementary School Students' Oral Health Knowledge and Education Effect in School-Based Oral Health Clinic (학교구강보건실 운영 초등학교 학생의 구강보건지식과 교육효과분석)

  • Yang, Jin-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.248-255
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    • 2014
  • The objective of the paper is to analyze the extent to which elementary school students acquired, perceived, and practiced oral health knowledge provided by an elementary school-based oral health clinic (SBOHC). It is respectively investigated by gender and year of school. The paper will be relevant for developing specified oral health programs in elementary SBOHCs. By choosing three elementary schools that operate SBOHC in the school district of Daejeon Metropolitan City from April 11 to April 30, 2013, a self-administered questionnaire was given out to be answered directly by 350 students in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades and their responses were collected. Of the collected responses, 326 responses were explored by using the SPSS 12.0. Those students' scores of oral health knowledge are found to be statistically meaningful for school year, not for gender. In them are included correct tooth brushing time, dental caries symptoms, gum disease symptoms, and correct tooth brushing method. Change in tooth brushing method after oral health education showed the statistically meaningful difference for gender and school year. In conclusion, every SBOHC should develop a variety of specified educational programs that depend on gender and grade in each elementary school.

Middle School Students' Construction of Physics Inquiry Problems and Variables Isolation and Clarification during Small Group Open-inquiry Activities (중학생의 소집단 자유탐구활동 중 물리 영역 탐구문제의 구성과 변인 추출 및 명료화 과정)

  • Yoo, Junehee;Kim, Jongsook
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.903-927
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    • 2012
  • The study aimed to analyze middle school students construction of physics inquiry problems for open inquiry from the viewpoint of variable isolation and clarification, and investigate students' difficulties during the processes of variable isolation and clarification to get implications for teaching and learning strategies for small group open inquiry activities which have been included in the 2007 national curriculum. The participants were 4 students who had attended an outreach program for the science gifted run by a university institution located in Seoul area. They performed an open inquiry on egg drop for 13 lessons for 30 hours. Level descriptions for variable isolation and clarification have been developed and applied to analyze students' inquiry problems and variables included by the problems. Students iterated inquiry processed 5 times and the inquiry problem showed progress gradually. Dependent variables have been isolated ahead and the levels of variable isolation and clarification showed higher than the independent variables. Many kinds of independent variables isolated extensively and the independent variables and control variables have been mingled. One of the reasons why students had some difficulties in isolation of independent variables could be the absence of theoretical models. The realities of school lab could restrict the variable isolation and clarification as well as topic selections. Some sensory or extensive variables such as broken eggs and drop height seem to be salient to be focused on as core variables. Lack of background knowledges could be one of the reasons for students' difficulties in variable clarification, such as theoretical definitions and operational definitions. As a result of lacking background knowledges, students could not construct theoretical models even though they could isolate and clarify variables as scientific lexical definitions. Some perceptions of inquiry as trial and error or reckless establishment of causal relations between variables could be accounted as one reason.

Investigation of a Mentor-Teacher Qualification Standard through the Analysis of Interaction in Mentoring Conversations (멘토링 대화에서 나타나는 상호작용 분석을 통한 멘토 전문성에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Sunduk;Go, Munsuk;Nam, Jeonghee;Lee, Sunwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.877-893
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate a mentor-teacher qualification standard to support professional development for beginning secondary science teachers. The participants were four mentee teachers and four mentor-teachers. The relationship between the development of beginning science teachers teaching practice and characteristics of the mentoring and interactions was investigated by analyzing conversations between mentor and mentee teachers during the collaborative mentoring. Three mentoring conversation records and transcripts during mentoring program were collected. An analytical framework of mentoring conversations was used in the analysis of mentoring conversations and RTOP was used for lesson analysis to determine the development of teaching practice. The results show that the types of interactions during mentoring varied according to the mentoring teams. Mentors who encouraged reflective thinking induced a higher level of teaching in their mentees. The mentor qualification standard was determined from the relationship between the characteristics of the interaction and the improvement in beginning teacher's teaching practice. To be an effective mentor, the mentor should be able to 1) lead the interaction in a manner that encourages the exchange of opinions, 2) induce reflective thinking and ability to achieve reflective practice following reflective thinking, 3) provide clear explanations and suggest detailed methods, 4) lead conversations that encourage reflective thinking with questions about teaching supported techniques.

A Study of the Construction of Nursing Theory in Korean Culture - View of Medicine- (한국문화에 따른 간호정립을 위한 기초조사연구 III -의료관을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jeong-Sook;Ok, Yun-Jung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.143-162
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    • 1998
  • This is a study for the construction of nursing care based upon the Korean attitude toward medicine. Factors which were investigated include the source of nursing care, the reason for choosing care, the type of heath care chosen, the accessability of caregivers, and the desired location of death. The population examined in this study consisted of 517 adults distributed in six large cities and 191 adults from five rural communities. Data was analyzed using frequency, percent, Cronbach alpha, $X^2$ - test, t - test, F - test and scheffe post hoc contrast with an SAS program. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Among sources of nursing care used, first rank rated-pharmacy(54.4), private hospital(18.2), general hospital(8.4), folk remedies in house (5.0), chinese hospital(2.8), prayer(2.8) and others(8.4), and the reasons for choosing nursing care rated 'the easiest method' (63.6), 'the best method'(15.7), 'reliable'(10.8) and 'lower cost burden'(4.6) in order of preference. 2. The type of nursing care chosen rated western medicine(6.80), chinese medicine(6.15), folk remedies(5.46), faith remedies(3.51) and divination remedies (1.41). There were significant differences in the effect recognition degree to various kinds of medicine. 3. The difference of the type of nursing care chosen according to general characteristics showed that urban residents were higher than rural community residents(t=2.15, p=0.0320) in western medicine, and urban residents, women, and singles were higher than rural community residents(t=2.04, p=0.0414), men (t= -2.89, p=0.0039), and married(t=2.50, p= 0.0126) on folk remedies. With repect to age and education those 21-30, under 20 and 31-40, graduated from college and graduate school were higher than above 51, above 61 (F = 7.76, p = 0.0001), graduated from elementary school(F=4.39, p=0.0006) on folk remedies. In other categories, rural community residents, women, younger people. Christians were higher than urban residents ( t = -2.73, p=0.0305), men(t= -4.15, p=0.0001), older people (F=2.48, p=0.0307), Catholic, Buddhist, or atheist (F= 70.18, p=0.0001) on faith remedies. Those graduated from high school and Buddhist were higher than unschooled, graduated from middle school(F=3.18, p= 0.0075), atheist, Catholic or Christian(F=18.32, p=0.0001) on divination redemies. There were significant differences concerning age and education level. 4. The accessibility of caregivers rated 'caregivers should be nearby if the patients need them' (50.0), 'caregivers must be there all day (24 hours)' (39.6), 'caregivers must be there at night only'(5.0), 'caregivers must be there during the day only'(2.6), 'caregivers always should visit during visiting hours' 0.4), 'caregivers don't need to be there at all' (1.2). The frist rank of suitable caregivers were rated as spouse(66.6), mother(24.2), daughter (3.6), daughter-in-law(1.9), and the reasons of thinking thus were rated as 'the most comfortable' (81.5), 'people should correctly with regards to family they'(7.1), 'the easiest' (5.4), 'take good care of the patient' (5.1) and 'lower cost burden' (0.4). 5. The desired location of death rated as the following: his/her house (91. 6) to the hospital(8. 4). A person going to encounter death in the hospital wanted his house(78.5) over the hospital(21.5), and a person dieing in the hospital prefered his house(52.9) over the hospital(47.1) as a funeral ceremony place. The following suggestions are made based on the above results. 1. A sampling method that enhances the re presentativeness should be used in regional and/or national related research and replicated to confirm the result of this study. 2. This study should be used to understand the Korean view of medical centers and to meet the expectations of patients in Korean nursing. 3. Research on the Korean traditional view of humans and expectations of the sick, health and illness, and health behavior, the perception of dying, the decision to heal, and the view of general medicine should continue to be conducted continuosly so that Korean nursing theory can be advanced on these concepts.

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A study on the adjustment problems of the aged (노후적응에 관한 연구 - 생활만족도 및 가족의 교류도를 중심으로-)

  • 서병숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 1989
  • This study attempts of analyze empirically the living status of the elderly in Korea by finding out the problems of it in the family and by clarifying the influences of the family environmental variables and the values on the adjustment of the aged. To carryout the aim of this study, the causes and the patterns of the problems for the aged had been found out through the review of literature. Based on them the questionnaire was prepared including the questions of the values, family environmental vriables as well as the degree of satisfaction of thier liver and the extent of life interchange. The former variables were taken as independent and the latter were taken as dependent variables, so that the relationship between the two variables could be exemplified. The 400 aged over 60 living in Seoul and the other cities were selected through the purposive sampling and interviewed. The answers of the 376 respondents, 94% of the sample, were analyzed for this study. The following results have been found out through the various statistical analysis such as frequency distribution, chi-square test, pearson's correlation, analysis of variance and cluster analysis. At first, the results from the examination of the frequency distribution regarding the living status of the aged are; I) sixteen percent of the respondents living with their married offspring were receiving economical support, though they pointed out the problems of the extended family are the inconveniences with their children (60%) and simpleness (20%) of their livers. It seems that the aged in Korea are poor and have negative opinion on the relationship with their offspring even if they live in the same house. Secondly, it has been found out that the family environmental variables, especially such as sex, occupation, residence, education, level, living ability and the family type, play and important role not only on the degree of satisfaction of their liver but also on the extent of interchange of their lives. However, the variables such as religion and whether the spouse is alive or not do not play and important role. Thirdly, the reported main reasons of their delightness were healthy life (1.87%), the well-being of their offspring (2.08%), the spouse's long life (3.38%), religious activity (5.05%), the hobby activity (4.31%) and the participation in the social activity (5.05%). While, they mainly concern about the illness (1.98%), offspring (2.00%), econmic difficulties (3.39%), inharmonious home (3.81%) and the despicable treatment (3.81%). The respondents wer classified into two groups, they are dependent and independent, using cluster analysis. Health, social activity, offspiring, religion, couple's long life among the factors which lead them to be delighted were turned out to be statistically signhificant at 0.01 significance level between the two groups. As far as their worrisome matters are concerned, health and economic difficulties were significantly different between the two groups. Fourthly, regarding the life interchange, it has been proved that there is a statistically significant differences betwwen the two groups in the economic and the emotional satisfaction, help for ordinary life, status in the family, subjective and objective relationship with offspring, but not in economic dependency and the activity status. Fifthly, it has been noted that there is a high correlation between the degree of life's satisfaction and the extent of life interchange. On the basis of the results mentioned above, it could be concluded taht; i) The majority of the aged in Korea are not economically active, and thus they live with their married offspring even of they have a negative opinion on the subjective relationship with them. This can be pointed out as the main problem of the aged and thus it needs to be studied further. ii) the environmental variables such as age, sex education level, family type and occuption (which can not be changed by their effrot) turned out to give an important effect on the extent of the life interchange among the aged. iii) The respondents who are identified as independent group have a higher degree of life satisfaction and family status than the group identified as defendent. Thus, it can be inferred that it is possible for them to adjust their life by making an effort to modify themselves. iv) The high correlation between the extent of life interchange and the degree of life satisfaction indicates that the elderly themselves can adjust in order to obtain the higher degree of life satisfaction. Therefore, the following suggestions are derived from this study. First of all, the aged should try to be psychologically independent. Second, they need to control themselves in order to achieve self-assurance. Third, the community have to prepare a program of self-development for the aged. Fourth, the social welfare policy that can solve the problem of illness and poverty of the elderly should be introduced, so that their minimum requirements can be satisfied.

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Counseling Case Study of a Child with Peer Confliction due to Lack of Social Skills and Impulsiveness (사회적 기술 부족과 충동성으로 인해 또래갈등이 심한 분교아동의 상담사례)

  • Lee, In-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.227-253
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    • 2006
  • It seems common for students living at a small county and islands to experience psychological conflicts and be unaccustomed in the peer society because they are not familiar with peer interaction and social skills. This is a case study of L (hereinafter called L) who was grown up in the sheltered school at a small county. L was psychologically disturbed because he couldn't get along well in the transferred school. It is the reason why he had lived in the sheltered school at a small county, so he had not enough exposure to interact with peer and social skills. Sometimes he was obstinate irrationally and when he had trouble with friends, he threw something out or went out of school and tricked juniors dangerously. The fact of disperse with families, parent's indifference, and hate of older brother made L to have ill feeling against family. He had low motivation and low self confident in learning because of short attention time and accumulated poor learning progress. In this study, he was evaluated at various area, such as, intelligent, affective, personal and inter-personal, before counselling. To evaluated the effect of the counselling, K-WISC-III, KPRC, sentence filling test, social adaptation ability test, etc, were administered right after the counselling was over and 8 weeks later. For specific information gathering and analysing, observation diary and deepen counselling were accomplished by homeroom teacher, his mother, and his peers. To correct his problematic behaviors, 13 counseling sessions were accomplished for 6 months and those counselling sessions were recorded and analysed definitely. Followings are the result of this case study. First, he was recovered from the anxiety of inter-personal interaction and he started to interact with peers. The result of sac scale score of KPRC profile was lower than before as much as average student after counseling and 8 weeks later. This reveals that the distress against interpersonal relation have settled. Especially, through the result of sentence filing test, he seemed to feel attachment to peers and be positive, active in the relation of peer. For instance, he was active in the open class lesson and interacted well with peers. It could be said that he overcame the psychological distress comparing with previous time. Second, he could apologize to his peer and juniors for his fault. His attitude were well shown in the letter from an old friend at the sheltered school, average KPRC profiling score comparing with previous counseling time, and remarkable decrease of attack scale score of teacher and peer. Third, his view toward family turn out positive. He recognized his situation that he lived apart from family and even worried about his parent's financial difficulty. Through solving the confliction with his older brother, he could acquire the feeling of family reunion. Fourth, his learning motivation and self-confidence were increased. He confirmed his future positively and he might be judged more attentive because his intelligence index was higher than before as much as average student. With the main goal of this study, verification for effectiveness of counseling. understanding and helping problematic students such as L who lives at a small county and island through investigation of their real situation and problems with the method of counseling and socio-cultural analysis is worthwhile. Identification of ideal relationship with peer is related with positive self-conception, harmonic social adaptation and development of child. It is time to investigate easy adaptive in classroom and well-organised program to acquire general social skills for sheltered school students at a small county and islands.

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The Relationship of the Social Support and Health Promotion Behavior in Rural Communities (일부농촌지역에서의 사회적 지지와 건강증진 행동간 관계)

  • Lee, Hee-Young;Hwang, Seung-Sik;Baek, Ji-Eon;Kim, Yang-Sook;Ka, Mun-Hee;Sin, Jee-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Ok;Kim, Si-Wan;Ahn, Hye-Yun;Park, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hyo-Chung;Lee, Seung-Eun;Cho, Byung-Hee;Chung, Moon-Ho
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2002
  • This study aims to clarify the socio-economic factors which have an effectiveness on the social support in rural areas and analyze how it relates to the Individual Health promotion behavior. It is advised to improve social support in the community. The target population was all residents with no chronic and no serious disease who live in five villages of Chuncheon in Kangwon province during July of 2002. This study was done by the interview survey using questionnaire which was composed with questions about Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey(MOS-SSS) and the health promotion behavior. MOS-SSS was translated to Korean and modified to be suitable for the study. The functional and social support variables were also added. The health promotion behavior was formed through the questions about whether or not stop smoking, stop drinking, the excise, the health examinations, attending health education, and hormone replacement therapies. The results are as follows; 1) the case of low-educated, divorce or separation to death, or the subject of social assistance, the social support was low. 2) the case of high social class, the social support was high. 3) there were no significant findings in the health status. 4) according to the analysis of correlation of health promotion behavior, the group with the most social support showed a high percentage of getting health examinations, attending health education, Hormone replacement therapies. However, the adjusted rate of smoking and drinking of trying to stop smoking and stop drinking resulted in low figures. The well-structured social support which the community can provide should be firstly given a priority for the group with low-income, low-educated, divorce or separation to death, and social assistance who are provided poor social support. Moreover, the social support service should be actively reflected to the health promotion program in the community.

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Awareness on Zoonoses among Pig Farmers in Korea (양돈 종사자의 인수공통감염병 인지도)

  • Yoo, Seok-Ju;Lim, Hyun-Sul;Lee, Kwan
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.222-229
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Pig farmers are known as the high risk group for the zoonoses, but the study for pig farmers to zoonoses has been rare in Korea. So we surveyed the awareness on zoonoses among pig farmers to suggest directions for education. Methods: We visited four regional spots (Gyeongsangnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Jeollanam-do, and Chungcheongnam-do) where the self education programs of Korea pork producers were convened. We conducted a questionnaire survey of the general, work-related characteristics and the awareness on zoonoses among 278 pig farmers. Results: The awareness rate of zoonoses itself, brucellosis, tuberculosis and salmonellosis were 52.9%, 85.6%, 87.8%, 89.6%, respectively. The awareness rate of the content related to zoonoses, "Human can be infected by the disease of pig", was 46.9%. Awareness rate of zoonoses tended to increase as the school career, and awareness rate of salmonellosis tended to increase as working duration of pig raising. Conclusions: The pig is the principal reservoir of zoonoses. Therefore, effective working guidelines to prevent zoonoses for pig farmers must be developed and an educational program on zoonoses is needed for pig farmers. Furthermore, publicity activities about the prevention of zoonoses are needed for high-risk groups.

A Study on the Care Needs of Family-Caregivers to the Patients with Stroke (뇌졸중환자 가족의 간호요구)

  • Kim Mi-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.175-192
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the care needs of family-caregivers to the patients with stroke. Subjects were 115 family-caregivers caring for the patients while they were in-patients or out-patients with stroke in two general hospitals and one oriental medicine hospital located in Seoul and Kwang-Ju. The instrument used for this study was made by the researcher on the basis of results of literature review and interviews with family-caregivers, composed of 35 items. Internal validity by calculation of cronbach's alpha with data of respondents was 0.91, which was regarded as high. The Data were analyzed by SAS program, with percentage, mean, t-test, and ANOVA. Factor structures of care needs of family-caregivers were elicited by factor analysis(PCA, Varimax rotation). Datum collection had been from July 1 to August 14, 1997. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The mean score of the sum of the care needs of family-caregivers was 3.96 and the highest-mean item was 'need for immediate care(M=4.77)', and the lowest-mean item was 'need for chaplian's visit (M=2.82)'. 2. Care needs of the family-caregivers were : Need to be informed of the disease, treatment and care ; need of education and assistance related to physical functional level ; need of social support and consultation ; need of management of nursing problem related to immobility ; need of appreciation ; need of the way to communicate with patients ; need of immediate care and help. The highest mean factor was the 'need for immediate care and help(M=4.74)', and the lowest mean factor was the 'need of appreciation(M=3.58)'. 3. The variables influencing the degree of care needs perceived by family-caregivers to the patients with stroke were as follows : There were significant differences between need to be informed of the disease, treatment and care and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's sex (p=.0178), caring period(p=.0223) and patient's suffering period(p=.0244). There were significant differences between need of education and assistance related to physical functional level and general characteristic factors, which were patient's paralysis(p=.0177), patient's ADL dependency(p=.0032). There were significant differences between need of social support and consultation and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's sex(p=.0055), occupation(p=.0159), religion(p=.0093) and patient's sex(p=.0134). There was significant difference in the degree of need of management of nursing problem related to immobility, according to the patient's ADL dependency(p=.0493). There were significant differences between need of appreciation and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's age(p=.0107), sex(p=.0133), and patient's age(p=.0338). There were significant differences between need of the way to communicate with patient and general characteristic factors, which were patient's paralysis(p=.0002) and aphasia(p=.0001). There were significant differences between need of immediate care and help and general characteristic factors, which were family caregiver's caring period(p=.0162) and patient's suffering period(p=.0116). 4. The mean score of patient's ADL dependency was 3. 38 and the highest-mean item was 'ascending and descending stairs(M=4.12)', and the lowest-mean item was 'drinking(M=2.60)'. There was no significant difference in the degrees of care needs related to the patient's ADL dependency. 5. The highest information source of family-caregivers was from the doctors about the disease, treatment and care(26.1%). The second highest one was from mass media(20.8%), and the third one was from the nurses. The above findings may be used as the basic data to seek more efficient way of elevating nursing practice and quality for family-caregivers to the patients with stroke.

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Flipped Learning in Socioscientific Issues Instruction: Its Impact on Middle School Students' Key Competencies and Character Development as Citizens (플립러닝 기반 SSI 수업이 중학생의 과학기술 사회 시민으로서의 역량 및 인성 함양에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Donghwa;Ko, Yeonjoo;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.467-480
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to investigate how flipped learning-based socioscientific issue instruction (FL-SSI instruction) affected middle school students' key competencies and character development. Traditional classrooms are constrained in terms of time and resources for exploring the issues and making decision on SSI. To address these concerns, we designed and implemented an SSI instruction adopting flipped learning. Seventy-three 8th graders participated in an SSI program on four topics for over 12 class periods. Two questionnaires were used as a main data source to measure students' key competencies and character development before and after the SSI instruction. In addition, student responses and shared experience from focus group interviews after the instruction were collected and analyzed. The results indicate that the students significantly improved their key competencies and experienced character development after the SSI instruction. The students presented statistically significant improvement in the key competencies (i.e., collaboration, information and technology, critical thinking and problem-solving, and communication skills) and in two out of three factors in character and values as global citizens (social and moral compassion, and socio-scientific accountability). Interview data supports the quantitative results indicating that SSI instruction with a flipped learning strategy provided students in-depth and rich learning opportunities. The students responded that watching web-based videos prior to class enabled them to deeply understand the issue and actively engage in discussion and debate once class began. Furthermore, the resulting gains in available class time deriving from a flipped learning approach allowed the students to examine the issue from diverse perspectives.