• 제목/요약/키워드: Education Factor

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Genotype Distribution of the Mutations in the Coagulation Factor V Gene in the Korean Population: Absence of Its Association with Coronary Artery Disease

  • Hong, Seung-Ho
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.255-259
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    • 2003
  • Mutations in the factor Ⅴ gene are major risk markers for venous thrombosis. Several factors for blood coagulation have been related with cardiovascular disease. Ⅰ investigated genotype distribution for three mutations (G1691 A, A2379G and G2391 A) of the factor Ⅴ gene in the Korean population. Genotype frequencies were examined by polymerase chain reaction in 135 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and 116 healthy subjects. For the G1691A mutation (factor Ⅴ

Identifying and Sequencing of the Elementary Minor Concepts of the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) and the Lowest Common Multiple (L.C.M.) of Numbers

  • Alam, S. K. Samsul
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2009
  • In this paper some attempts have been made: (a) To identify all the elementary minor concepts of the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) and the Lowest Common Multiple (L.C.M.), and (b) To find the sequential order of these elementary concepts. Total 385 elementary minor concepts have been identified and sequenced.

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Need for Sex Education in Middle School Students (중학생의 성교육 요구)

  • Park, Choon-Hwa;Park, Geum-Ja
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.124-137
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the need for sex education in middle school students Research subjects were 194 students who attended at I seminary in B city. The period of data collection was from July to August, 2001. Research instrument was composed of 61 structured items 17 items related to demographics and sex, 44 items related to the need of sex education. Data were collected through the self-report method by the researcher and one trained assistant. The instrument developed by the researchers was employed to measure the need of sex education and it's Cronbach's $\alpha$ = 0.9349 in this research. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage factor analysis and t-test using SPSS WIN Program. The findings of this study are summarized as follows : 1. The highest score among characteristics of sex was 'less interest about sex(42.6%)', 39.0% of subjects got information about sex from friends or elders. 52.3% of subjects consulted friends or elders about sex problems. The number of sex education lessons was 1-2 times in school during last semester (61.0%). Education by the school nurse was 35.9% to students. 43.1% of subjects announced moderate satisfaction on sex education. 2. The mean score of the need for sex education was $2.88{\pm}0.47$ (lowest value 1, highest 4). The most wanted sex education factor was 'chastity and sexual responsibility($3.33{\pm}0.67$)' and followed by 'family and marriage ($3.26{\pm}0.62$)' and 'considerations of sex($3.07{\pm}0.69$)'. Meanwhile, the lowest wanted sex education factor is 'physiological characteristics of male ($2.47{\pm}0.72$)', followed by 'sexual behavior ($2.49{\pm}0.75$)'. The most wanted sex education item was 'the meaning of family ($3.54{\pm}0.75$)' and followed by 'the cautions to prevention from sexual abuse ($3.49{\pm}0.78$)' and sexual activity and responsibility($3.43{\pm}0.77$)'. Meanwhile, the lowest wanted sex education item is 'masturbation ($2.16{\pm}0.97$)', followed by 'circumcision($2.32{\pm}0.97$)'. 3. There is no significant difference between boys and girls in mean score about the need for sex education(t=-.715, p=.476). Sex education factor that girl-students wanted was 'physiological characteristics of female'. Sex education factor that boy-students wanted was 'family and marriage'. Sex education items that girl-students wanted were 'cautions during menstruation', the relation of ovulation and pregnancy', caution to prevention from sexual abuse' and sexual behavior and responsibility'. Sex education items that boy-students wanted were 'the meaning of family', 'the importance of marriage', 'male's sex organs', 'a wet dream', 'the method to resolve sexual curiosity', 'sexual intercourse' and 'the connection with the other sex'. In conclusion, the mean score of the need for sex education is medium. The route to attain knowledge about sex and sexual problem is through consulting friends and elders. Therefore, it is necessary to give sex education that is suitable to the subject's needs and methods. Also, it is necessary to give differently strong point about sex education between female and male students.

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The Effects of Web-based Education and Individuals Characteristics to Participants Commitment and Educational Performance (웹기반 교육 특성과 개인적 특성이 학습자 몰입과 교육성과에 미치는 영향 - 급식관리자 웹기반 교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Jae-Yong;An, Un-Seok;Jang, Hyung-Sub
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2009
  • Among food-service managers, a survey was conducted to grasp the their work-related education conditions and the demand for education program development. This study focuses on food-service managers in web-based training and analyzes the critical factors involved in their learning process in order to clarify the factors that lead to the maximization of training programs. The results of all this study process are as follows. First, the characteristics of web-based education including component of education factor, system factor, deepening learning factor have meaningful effect on commitment of the participants and education performance(except deepening learning factor to education performance). Second, the analysis that the characteristics of individuals including self-efficacy in learning, purpose-directivity factor have meaningful effects on commitment of the participants and education performance(except purpose-directivity factor to education performance). Third, commitment of the participants has meaningful effects on the education performance. Thus, it is advisable for education managers or operators to emphasize in foodservice organizations.

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Design and Implementation of ELAS in AI education (Experiential K-12 AI education Learning Assessment System)

  • Moon, Seok-Jae;Lee, Kibbm
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2022
  • Evaluation as learning is important for the learner competency test, and the applicable method is studied. Assessment is the role of diagnosing the current learner's status and facilitating learning through appropriate feedback. The system is insufficient to enable process-oriented evaluation in small educational institute. Focusing on becoming familiar with the AI through experience can end up simply learning how to use the tools or just playing with them rather than achieving ultimate goals of AI education. In a previous study, the experience way of AI education with PLAY model was proposed, but the assessment stage is insufficient. In this paper, we propose ELAS (Experiential K-12 AI education Learning Assessment System) for small educational institute. In order to apply the Assessment factor in in this system, the AI-factor is selected by researching the goals of the current SW education and AI education. The proposed system consists of 4 modules as Assessment-factor agent, Self-assessment agent, Question-bank agent and Assessment -analysis agent. Self-assessment learning is a powerful mechanism for improving learning for students. ELAS is extended with the experiential way of AI education model of previous study, and the teacher designs the assessment through the ELAS system. ELAS enables teachers of small institutes to automate analysis and manage data accumulation following their learning purpose. With this, it is possible to adjust the learning difficulty in curriculum design to make better for your purpose.

Comparison of Awareness about Educational Environment in Open Education of Elementary Schools - Concentrated on the Analysis of Teacher's Awareness - (열린교육 지향의 초등학교 교육환경 의식비교 - 교사들의 의식분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Joo-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 1998
  • This study aims to estimate the educational environment associated with various learning activities and to compare the differences of each characteristics appeared on the interviews and questions of teachers performing open education. The results were shown to the 5 groups differed from each other by the awareness analysis on their educational environment. According to the analyzed results, firstly, team teaching. applied living factor, unit learning factor, managemental factor, general public factor and assisting managemental factor were influential successively on the degree of satisfaction of teachers to the educational environment in open education of elementary schools. Secondly, to compare the relative differences between the groups, GLM was done. Most factors were significant only in the group of attached school and showed a partial significance in the grade in charge, gender and age.

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A Forecast Model on Vocational High School for Runaway Students Using Data Mining (데이터 마이닝을 적용한 실업계 고등학생의 가출 예측모형)

  • Lee, Ju-Rhee
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to evaluate a forecast model designed to describe a vocational high school for runaway students. The study included 2000 adolescents from the KEEP(Korean Education and Employment Panel). A Data mining decision tree model revealed that: (1) Suicide ideation was a risk factor for running away among smokers. (2) High self-evaluation was a risk factor for running away among individuals that smoked and had no suicide ideation. (3) Drinking was predicted as a risk factor for no smokers, while family life dissatisfaction was predicted as a risk factor among non-smokers that drank. (4) Negative relationship with mother was predicted as a risk factor among non-drinking non-smoking.

A Study on the Propensity for Conspicuous Consumption of Adolescents of Cheju (제주도 청소년소비자의 과시소비성향에 관한 연구)

  • 이지혜;김정숙
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of self-concept, reference group, consumer education, and materialism on the propensity for conspicuous consumption of adolescents. The data used in this study were collected through questionnaires on 604 adolescents living in Cheju City. The data were analyzed by using SPSS PC(sup)+ program. The propensity for conspicuous consumption of adolescents differed significantly according to their age and allowance, and sex. The propensity for conspicuous consumption of the middle school students was higher than that of the high school students. The propensity for conspicuous consumption of boys was higher than of girl’s. The propensity for conspicuous consumption of the adolscents was influenced by materialism and the reference group. According to the results of the multiple regression analysis, the most influential factor was materialism and reference group. In clothing materialism was the most influential factor and the reference group was the second influential factor. But In shoes, bag, and school supplies the reference group was the most influential factor and materialism was the second influential factor.

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The Quality Improvement of Medical Tourism Education Service Applying Kano Model (Kano 모델을 적용한 의료관광교육서비스 품질개선에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Ha Rim;Park, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.309-328
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find a way to improve the quality of medical tourism education services in Korea. Methods: This study used a method of conducting a survey of students who have completed medical tourism education and customer satisfaction coefficient and potential customer satisfaction index were calculated by applying the Kano model. Results: The results of this study are as follows; First, Eight medical tourism education service quality factors were classified as an attractive quality attribute. Second, Thirteen medical tourism education service quality factors were classified as an one-dimensional quality attribute. Third, Online education operation factor was classified as an indifferent quality attribute. Fourth, Instructor quality factor and physical environment quality factor showed relatively high better and high worse coefficients. Finally, According to the PCSI index, it was found that the scope of improvement was the largest when focusing intensively on the quality factors of instructors. Conclusion: This study suggests strategic implications for nurturing excellent professional manpower through quality improvement of education services by identifying the quality factors of major medical tourism education services perceived by students.

An Analysis of Elementary School Students' Interest about Learning Science in Informal Science Education Environment (비형식 과학교육환경에서 초등학생들의 과학 학습에 대한 흥미 분석)

  • Kim, Hong-Jeong;Im, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2012
  • Interest has been studied as one of the construct to understand and improve learning in science. While informal science education is getting increasing attention as science education has been extended from formal school science to informal science learning including after-school program or science museum activity, however, little has been studied in comparing to the needs. In this study the authors investigated students' interest about learning science in the context of informal science education. For this the survey tool in the article of Im and Pak (2000) was utilized through modification, and 155 elementary students' responses were analyzed with factor analysis and basic statistics. The factor analysis showed that the students' interest about learning science in the context of informal science education has multi dimensions like subject, motivation, and activity dimension. The result showed that students' interest decreased as their grade is higher, and that the interest of intrinsic motivation, empirical activity, and descriptive subject were relatively high while the interest of extrinsic motivation, cognitive activity, and specific subjects were low. From this study the authors could infer the necessity of instructional strategy in consideration of students' interest for more effective science learning in informal science education environment.