• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ecological Corridor

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An Analysis of Cold Air Generation Area Considering Climate-Ecological Function -A Case Study of Changwon, South Korea- (기후생태적 기능을 고려한 찬공기 생성지역 분석 -창원시를 대상으로-)

  • Song, Bong-Geun;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.114-127
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to find out cold and fresh air producing areas using climate-ecological functions in Changwon city, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. The evaluation of climate-ecological functions were composed of the six factors: patch size with cold air generation and inflow functions, farmland and grassland ratio, mean slope degree, cross section types, mean slope length and roughness of bottom in valley. The analysis results of each evaluation factor in the study area were divided into 5 grades according to the capacity of cold air generation. The first-grade area with the highest factor values for cold air generation was take up 3.51% of the total study area, second grade was 13.48%, third grade was 31.65%, fourth grade was 27.28%, and fifth grade was 24.09%. According to the spatial distribution of cold air producing areas, the valleys around Mt. Bongnim, Changwon tunnel, and Anmin tunnel had higher evaluation grade. It will require the future research to establish the climate-ecological conservation areas and to construct the wind corridor based on the long-term microclimatic monitoring.

Development of the mapping method for Urban Ecological Map for Seoul ' using Natural Environment Management GIS (자연환경관리 GIS를 이용한 서울시 생태.자연도 작성연구)

  • 김윤종;조용현;김경민
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2000
  • This was preliminary research to develop the mapping method for the Urban Ecological Map. This research provided preliminary evaluation model for ecological conservation. The model was applied to Mt. Kwanak in Seoul, and the Urban Ecological Map was produced and tested. The results are as follows. First, some problems were found in the legal Ecological Map ; insufficient and only qualitative criteria for evaluation of the conservation value in an urban area, and exclusion of the areas designated by other was laws. Secondly, in order to improve the evaluation criteria for Ecological Map, some missed sites should be added to the legal list of valuable sites. Those are needed for ecological restoration, conservation of wildlife habitats managed by a city government , and establishment of eco-corridor. Third, the efficient mapping process for Urban Ecological Map must have two steps. On the first step an ecological evaluation should be done based on pure conservation value. On the second one the Ecological Map for legal action control should be made. And the Analytic Hierachy Process is considered as a Helpful technique for improving the objectivity of evaluation model. Fourth, the legal action control system for Urban Ecological Map should be reviewed.

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Complaint-based Data Demands for Advancement of Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가 고도화를 위한 평가항목별 민원기반 데이터 수요 도출 연구)

  • Choi, Yu-Young;Cho, Hyo-Jin;Hwang, Jin-Hoo;Kim, Yoon-Ji;Lim, No-Ol;Lee, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Jun-Hee;Sung, Min-Jun;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Sung, Hyun-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2021
  • Although the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is continuously being advanced, the number of environmental disputes regarding it is still on the rise. In order to supplement this, it is necessary to analyze the accumulated complaint cases. In this study, through the analysis of complaint cases, it is possible to identify matters that need to be improved in the existing EIA stages as well as various damages and conflicts that were not previously considered or predicted. In the process, we dervied 'complaint-based data demands' that should be additionally examined to improve the EIA. To this end, a total of 348 news articles were collected by searching with combinations of 'environmental impact assessment' and a keyword for each of the six assessment groups. As a result of analysis of collected data, a total of 54 complaint-based data demands were suggested. Among those were 15 items including 'impact of changes in seawater flow on water quality' in the category of water environment; 13 items including 'area of green buffer zone' in atmospheric environment; 10 items including 'impact of soundproof wall on wind corridor' in living environment; 8 items including 'expected number of users' in socioeconomic environment, 4 items including 'feasibility assessment of development site in terms of environmental and ecological aspects' in natural ecological environment; and 4 items including 'prediction of sediment runoff and damaged areas according to the increase in intensity and frequency of torrential rain' in land environment. In future research, more systematic complaint collection and analysis as well as specific provision methods regarding stages, subjects, and forms of use should be sought to apply the derived data demands in the actual EIA process. It is expected that this study can serve to advance the prediction and assessment of EIA in the future and to minimize environmental impact as well as social conflict in advance.

Analysis of Ecological Connectivity of Forest Habitats Using Spatial Morphological Characteristics and Roadkill Data (공간형태학적 특성 및 로드킬 자료를 활용한 산림서식지의 생태적 연결성 분석)

  • Hyunjin Seo;Chulhyun Choi;Seungwon Lee;Jinhyo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2024
  • This study examined the spatial morphological patterns of forest habitats and the characteristics of roadkill occurrences in the forests of Mungyeong, Yecheon, Yeongju, Andong, and Bonghwa in Gyeongsangbukdo. It involved building a resistance map between habitats and analyzing connectivity based on the least-cost distance. The analysis of the distance between the forest habitat Cores derived from MSPA and roadkill points showed that roadkill occurrences were concentrated approximately 74.11 m away from the Cores, with most roadkills happening within 360m from the habitats. The connectivity analysis between core habitats larger than 1 km2 revealed 141 core habitats and 242 least-cost paths between them. The corridor distance value was found to be highest in Mungyeong city, indicating an urgent need for strategies to enhance habitat connectivity there. This research is expected to serve as foundational data for developing strategies to enhance ecosystem connectivity and restore habitats, by analyzing ecosystem connectivity and roadkill issues due to habitat fragmentation.

Analysis of Ecological Characteristics and Selection of Target Species for Restoration of Wildlife Corridor at Galmachi of Sungnam City (성남시 갈마치 지역의 동물이동통로 복원을 위한 생태특성 분석 및 복원목표종의 선정)

  • Chun, Seung-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Don;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to analyze ecological characteristics and select target species for effective restoration plans of wildlife corridors at Galmachi of Sungnam City. The actual vegetation in study area was physiognomically mixed with deciduous broad leaved forests dominated by oaks and artificially planted species. And it is a secondary forest formatted by sprout originated stand and being on early succession stage as a young stand. So study site was regarded as not suitable for the habitats for wildlife. The number of mammal species at study site was total 22 species, but most of these species were found as not so many in individual numbers. The individual number of hare was approximately 4 to 8, while the raccoon dog and water deer with 2 to 3 and 1 to 2, respectively. As such, it was estimated as a low population density due to discontinuation of ecosystem and the man-made impacts. In this study, raccoon dog and water deer were selected as the target species because of their migration patterns and ecological value in local ecosystem. It was suggested to establish a wildlife corridors of an over-bridge type at the peak area of Galmachi, known to be the mostly-used migratory route for 2 target species.

Ecological Characteristics and Planting Plan by Location Enviornment of Vegetation for Construction of Environmentally Friendly Golf Course - Focused on Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do - (환경친화적 골프장 조성을 위한 식생입지환경별 생태적 특성과 식재방안 - 경상북도 청도군을 중심으로 -)

  • You, Ju-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2008
  • The golf course has many problems that are a pollution of river, a extinction of habitat by destructing a forest and a simplication of species composition. Therefore, this study was carried out to examine the ecological characteristics of vascular plants in construct-reserved site of golf course. The results were as follow. The vascular plants were summarized as 342 taxa; 86 families, 231 genera, 295 species, 42 varieties and 5 forma. In the results by the location environments of vegetation, Salix caprea community and wetland species like Persicaria thunbergii were appeared in the swamp. Especially, S. caprea will be made use of promoting a landscape. In the stream, Stephanandra incisa community has a functions like an ecological axis and a corridor of wild animals. The planting technique will be applied to using Atractylodes japonica and Ainsliaea acerifolia in the lower part of Pinus densiflora and Quercus mongolica. Because Rhododendron schlippenbachii and Convallaria keiskei grew by layer in Q. variabilis community, this will be made use of natural vegetation model. The rare plants were 2 taxa; Aristolochia contorta and Iris ensata var. spontanea. To preserve their community, we will prohibit a development and remove a threatening factor. The endemic plants were 4 taxa; Salix caprea, Clematis trichotma, Spiraea prunifolia for. simpliciflora and Weigela subsessilis. The naturalized plants were 19 taxa; Rumex crispus, Bildedykia dumetora and so on. To establish the quantitative management plan, we will obtain a ecological information about a naturalized plants in accumulating by season, community and land use pattern.

A Preliminary Study on the Adjustment of Forest-based Wildlife Protection Area (산림기반 야생동식물보호구역 조경을 위한 기초연구)

  • Jang, Gab-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted in order to recommend forest-based wildlife protection areas in Chung-nam Province using several basic habitat conditions. The conditions used in this study were the forest patch size with the potential to keep wildlife animals safe, the distance from water sources, and the availability of food for wildlife. The fractal dimension index was also used to find the edge line dynamics, which can influence on habitat conditions for edge species. The natural conservation management indices including a forest map (indicating the level of forest age), a slope map, and an elevation map were used to find the forest patches with enough space for wildlife to live on. Water resources and their buffer areas were considered as factors to protect the space as an ecological corridor. Deciduous trees and trees mixed with deciduous trees and conifers were chosen to provide wildlife animals their food. In total, 525 forest patches were chosen and recommended for the wildlife protection area. Five of these forest patches were recommended as wildlife protection areas managed by the provincial government. The other 520 forest patches were recommended to protect local wildlife animals and be managed by each county or city. These forest patches were located around the Geum-buk and Geum-nam mountains, and the forest patches are important resources as habitats to keep wildlife in the area. An ecological network consists of these separate forest patches with the ecological integration. A fractal dimension index was used to divide forest patches into several categories in order to find how patches are shaped. The forest patches with longer edges or more irregular shapes have a much higher possibility of being inhabited by various types of edge species. Through comparison of the wildlife protection areas recommended in this study to the current wildlife protection areas, we recognized that the current wildlife protection areas need boundary adjustments in order for wildlife animals to survive by themselves with water sources and food.

A Spatial Decision Support System for Establishing Urban Ecological Network ; Based on the Landscape Ecology Theory (도시 생태네트워크 설정을 위한 공간의사결정지원체계에 관한 연구 ; 경관생태학 이론을 기반으로)

  • Oh, Kyu-Shik;Lee, Dong-Woo;Jung, Seung-Hyun;Park, Chang-Suk
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2009
  • As a result of the current trend towards promoting conservation of the ecosystem, there have been various studies conducted to determine ways to establish an ecological network. The development of analytical methods and an environmental database of GIS has made the creation of this network more efficient. This study focuses on the development of an urban spatial decision support system based on 'Landscape Ecology Theory'. The spatial decision support system suggested in this study consists of four stages. First, landscape patch for the core areas, which are major structures of the ecological network, was determined using the GIS overlay method. Second, a forest habitat was investigated to determine connectivity assessment. Using the gravity model, connectivity assessment at the habitat forest was conducted to select the needed connecting area. Third, the most suitable corridor routes for the eco-network were presented using the least-cost path analysis. Finally, a brief investigation was conducted to determine the conflict areas between the study result and landuse. The results of this study can be applied to urban green network planning. Moreover, the method developed in this study can be utilized to control urban sprawl, promote biodiversity.

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A Landscape Planning of Multi-purpose Dam in Hwabuk (화북 다목적댐 조경계획)

  • Ahn Gye-Dong;Kim Yong-Geun;Min Kwon-Sik;Kang Hyun-Kyung;Kwon Jeon-O;Shin Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1 s.114
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2006
  • The Korea Water Resources Corporation(KOWACO) proposed bidding for an alternative design for Hwabuk Multi-purpose Dam in March of 2004. The site is located in Hakseong-ri, Goro-myeon, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do and has adrainage area of $87.52km^2$. The purpose of this project is to establish an environmentally friendly plan for minimizing the damage that was caused by the construction of the Hwabuk Multi-purpose Dam. The design principle of KOWACO was the restoration of the natural environment, a harmonious landscape, and the creation of a space of regional and local culture. The basic concept of this project involves an ecological-restoration axis and a functional-connection axis. The site is divided into four spaces: (1) the space of memory and symbol, (2) the space of nature and ecology, (3) the space of regional and local culture, and (4) the space of the regional economy. There are four sub-spaces in the space of memory and symbol: the track forest, the time forest, the memory room, and the sun plaza. There are three sub-spaces in the space of nature and ecology: the habitat of aquatic birds, the wind forest, and the eco-corridor. There are five themed parks in the space of regional and local culture: the culture and relic room, the wildflower garden, the ecological pond, the insect observation park, and the pyogo maze. There are three areas in the space of the regional economy: the forest pension, the waterside pension, and the community center, as Dungdungi village was reorganized to serve as a lodging complex. These themed parks, working together, can offer an effective space for nature, culture, rest, and experience.

A study on the improvement of Ecosystem Service Function for the Protected Horticulture Complex in Agricultural Landscape (시설원예단지의 생태계서비스 기능 증진을 위한 개선방안 연구)

  • SON, Jinkwan;KONG, Minjae;KANG, Donghyeon;LEE, Siyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2015
  • Agriculture, rural landscapes are accompanied by a variety of environmental issues. Therefore, it is necessary to study on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Horticulture complex is low groundwater recharge function, it can be evaluated as a facility that biodiversity is impaired. The ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes were obtained 19 kinds of functions. Experts survey Groundwater recharge function (4.13) teeth chapter higher, Water storage (4.05), Amphibian & Reptile habitat (3.96), Aquatic insect habitat (3.92), Flood control (3.87), Water purification (3.86), Avian habitat (3.76 ), Creating landscape (3.74), Vegetation diversity (3.71), Experience, Education (3.69), Biological control (3.48), Fishery habitat (3.42), Climate regulation (3.30), Mammal habitat (3.30), Air quality regulation (3.25 ), Mainenance of genetic diversity (3.25), were analyzed in order Rest area (3.14). Improving capabilities in the Detention Pond, Wetland, Green space, Corridor, Non-Chemical, Program development, Green spaces, Rainwater storage facilities, Water cycle system, Surface water storage facilities, Infiltration trench, Water purification facilities, Permeable pavement. Environmentally friendly, and to contribute to sustainable agricultural development through ecological planning.