• Title/Summary/Keyword: East Sea oceanography

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Morphological Development of Larvae and Juveniles of Codlets, Bregmaceros atlanticus in the East China Sea (동중국해에 출현한 대서양날개멸(Bregmaceros atlanticus Geode et Bean) 자치어의 형태 발달)

  • Lee, Eun-Kyung;Yoo, Jae-Myung;Kim, Sung;Lee, Tae-Won;Gong, Yong-Hak
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2004
  • The study focuses on the morphology of larval and juvenile codlets, Bregmaceros atlanticus, collected from the East China Sea in May 2001 and September 2002. A total of 47 individuals were collected by using an IKMT, and the range of their body lengths was $2.41{\sim}17.18$ mm. Specimens can be categorized into two groups: larvae and juvenile. The first group, in which the yolk is completely absorbed, had a body length of 2.41m. They had big heads, and large and thick melanophores were sparsely scattered about the head, bottom of the pectoral fins, rear parts of the trunk and ends of the notochords. The specimens had a body length of 2.54mm and over, and thin and elongated body trunks. Their heads were significantly smaller, including the body depth, and melanophores were coarsely developed all over their bodies. Occipital rays, the first and unique-ray dorsal fin, were observed on individuals of body length greater than 4.01 m, and the rays grew proportionally with body length, but didn't reach the root of the second dorsal fin. The second group, juveniles, had an body length of 9.82mm and over, and their fin rays satisfied the completed numbers of rays and vertebrae for adults. Melanophores were densely scattered all over the body, where thick colors were observed on the rear parts of the dorsal and anal fins and front part of the caudal fin.

Characteristics of Fluorescent Organic Matter and Amino Acids Composition in the East Sea (동해의 용존유기물 형광특성 및 아미노산 조성에 관한 연구)

  • 박용철;손승규
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.341-354
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    • 1995
  • Fluorescence characteristic and amino acids composition of organic matter were determined from extracted seawater samples at eight stations in the East Sea of Korea. Organic compounds have been extracted onto C-18 Sep-Pak cartridges. Three dimensional excitation/emission fluorescence contouring of extracts showed two markedly distinct characterized fluoroscopies representing protein-like biomacromolecule and humic-like geomacromolecule. Protein-like biomacromolecule showing fluorescence maxima at 280 nm/330 nm (excitation/emission) were abundant in the surface mixed layer and then apparently decreased below the thermocline at most stations. It suggests that source of biomacromolecule is comely related with vigorous biological synthetic activity in the surface layer and bacteria decompose its biologically labile components near the thermocline and in the deeper layer. On the other hand, humiliate geomacromolecule showing fluorescence maxima at 330 nm/430 nm (excitation/emission) were low in the surface mixed layer implying photochemical oxidation and then increased below the thermocline at most stations. It suggests that geomacromolecule might be transformed by condensation of bio-refractoryorganic fraction after decomposition of biomacromolecule and particulate organic carbon derived from the surface mixed layer. HPLC measurements of amino acids showed similar composition between seawater and extracted organic macromolecule after hydrolysis. Glycine, serine and alanine were predominant, accounting for more than 50% of total amino acids. Dissolved free amino acids of seawater were more abundant in the surface layer(0.7∼1.8 uM) than the deeper layer (0.2∼0.4 uM). D/L racemic ratio of alanine of extracted organic matter showed lower value in the surface layer than the deeper layer. It suggests that biomacromolecule predominant in the surface layer is relatively young, rapidly recycling and biologically labile.

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Isotopic Determination of Food Sources of Benthic Invertebrates in Two Different Macroalgal Habitats in the Korean Coasts (동위원소 분석에 의한 동해와 남해 연안의 상이한 해조류 군락에 서식하는 저서무척추동물 먹이원 평가)

  • Kang, Chang-Keun;Choy, Eun-Jung;Song, Haeng-Seop;Park, Hyun-Je;Soe, In-Soo;Jo, Q-Tae;Lee, Kun-Seop
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.380-389
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    • 2007
  • Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were analyzed in suspended particulate organic matter, macroalgae and macrobenthic invertebrates in order to determine the importance of primary organic matter sources in supporting food webs of rocky subtidal and intertidal macroalgal beds in the Korean coasts. Investigations were conducted at the inter tidal sites within Gwangyang bay, a semi-enclosed and eutrophicated bay, and the subtidal sites of the east coast, a relatively oligotrophic and open environment, in May and June 2005. Water-column suspension feeders showed more negative $\delta^{13}C$ values than those of the other feeding guilds, indicating trophic linkage with phytoplankton and thereby association with pelagic food chains. In contrast, animals of the other feeding guilds, including interface suspension feeders, herbivores, deposit feeders, omnivores and predators, displayed relatively less negative $\delta^{13}C$ values than those of the water-column suspension feeders and similar with that of macroalgae, indicating exclusive use of macroalgae-derived organic matter and association with benthic food chains. Most the macrobenthic species were considered to form strong trophic links with benthic food chains. In addition, the distribution of higher $\delta^{15}N$ values in macrobenthic consumers and macroalgae at the intertidal sites of Gwangyang Bay than those at the subtidal sites of the east coast suggests that anthropogenic nutrients may enhance the macroalgal production at the intertidal sites and in turn be incorporated into the particular littoral food web in Gwangyag Bay. These results confirm the dominant role of macroalgae in supporting rocky subtidal and intertidal food webs in the Korean coasts.

Seasonal Variation of Picocyanobacterial Community Composition in Seawaters Around Dokdo, Korea (독도 해역 초미소남세균 다양성의 계절적 변동)

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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2015
  • Picophytoplankton, a group of tiny microorganisms of less than $3{\mu}m$, play an important role as a major primary producer in tropical open ocean as well as temperate coastal waters. Until now, more than 20 and 10 clades of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus, respectively, have been identified in various marine environments, and its biogeographical distribution have been well studied as well as ecological niches of its major clades. To understand a distribution of diverse picocyanobacterial clades and environmental factors regulating their distribution, picocyanobacterial abundance and genetic diversity was investigated in adjacent waters of Dokdo showing diverse physical properties not only by seasonal variation but also by diverse physical processes. Synechococcus abundances were low in winter and then exponentially increased as water temperature increased up to $20^{\circ}C$. Above $20^{\circ}C$, the abundances tended to be saturated. On the contrary, Prochlorococcus was undetected or occupied a minor fraction of picocyanobacteria in most seasons. In summer, however, Prochlorococcus belonging to HLII ecotype occupied a significant fraction (up to 7%) of picocyanobacteria. In spring and early summer, the steep increase of Synechococcus abundances were resulted from growth of cold water-adapted Synechococcus belonging to clades I and IV. In summer, diverse Synechococcus clades including warm and pelagic water-favoring clade II tended to replace clades I and IV with maintaining high abundance. The water-column stability as well as temperature were found to be important factors regulating the Synechococcus abundances. Moreover, inflow and mixing of distinct water masses with different origins exerted significant influence on the composition of Synechococcus in the study area. Thus, physical processes as well as natural seasonal variation of environmental factors should be considered to better understand ecology of planktonic organisms around Dokdo.

Spatial Distribution of Transparent Exopolymer Particles(TEP) and Their Relation to Carbon Species in the Euphotic Layer of the Northern East Sea (동해 북부해역 유광층에서 TEP 분포와 이산화탄소 인자와의 상호관련성)

  • Jeon, Hyun-Duck;Rho, Tae-Keun;Lee, Tong-Sup
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2012
  • Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are formed by aggregation of polysaccharide products excreted by phytoplankton and have sticky character like gel. They play important role in the production of marine snow in water column. To study the distribution pattern of TEP concentration and its role in carbon cycle in the surface ocean, we measured pH, Total alkalinity (TA), and chlorophyll-a in addition to physical characteristics of seawater within the surface water column. TEP concentrations ranged from nearly undetectable values to $338{\mu}g\;Xeq\;l^{-1}$. They were considerably lower than previously reported values from costal sites, but showed similar values observed in other oceanic region during phytoplankton bloom periods. The spatial distribution of TEP concentrations were similar to those of chlorophyll-a, which indicate that the production of TEP were closely related to phytoplankton. Calculated total dissolved inorganic carbon ($TCO_2$) from the pH and TA was normalized to 35 psu of salinity ($NTCO_2$) and showed negative linear relationship with temperature. Biological drawdown of $NTCO_2$ ($NTCO_{2bio}$) was estimated from the difference between theoretical $NTCO_2$ values and observed $NTCO_2$. In the warm region located south of $40^{\circ}N$ along the $132.5^{\circ}N$ meridional lines, $NTCO_{2bio}$ showed negative value and TEP concentrations were high. This suggested that negative $NTCO_{2bio}$ may be attributed to the biological processes. At the stations located between 44 and $46^{\circ}N$, TEP concentrations showed high concentration at the chlorophyll-a maximum layer within the water column while they showed low concentration in the surface layer. Carbon content of TEP constituted about 40% of $NTCO_{2bio}$ at the chlorophylla maximum layer. In this study, we could not observe any positive and negative relationship between TEP concentration and $NTCO_2$ or pH. It is obvious that we should consider the importance of TEP in the biological carbon cycling processes within surface layer.

Microbial Community Composition Associated with Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (동해 울릉분지 가스 하이드레이트 매장 지역의 메탄산화 미생물 군집 조성 및 분포)

  • Cho, Hyeyoun;Kim, Sung-Han;Shin, Kyung-Hoon;Bahk, Jang-Jun;Hyun, Jung-Ho
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2015
  • To elucidate the microbial consortia responsible for the anaerobic methane oxidation in the methane hydrate bearing sediments, we compared the geochemical constituents of the sediment, the rate of sulfate reduction, and microbial biomass and diversity using an analysis of functional genes associated with the anaerobic methane oxidation and sulfate reduction between chimney site (UBGH2-3) on the continental slope and non-chimney site (UBGH2-10) on the basin of the Ulleung Basin. From the vertical profiles of geochemical constituents, sulfate and methane transition zone (SMTZ) was clearly defined between 0.5 and 1.5 mbsf (meters below seafloor) in the UBGH2-3, and between 6 and 7 mbsf at the UBGH2-10. At the UBGH2-3, the sulfate reduction rate (SRR) in the SMTZ exhibited was appeared to be $1.82nmol\;cm^{-3}d^{-1}$ at the depth of 1.15 mbsf. The SRR in the UBHG2-10 showed a highest value ($4.29nmol\;cm^{-3}d^{-1}$) at the SMTZ. The 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total Prokaryotes, mcrA, (methyl coenzyme M reductase subunit A), and dsrA (dissimilatory sulfite reductase subunit A) showed the peaks in the SMTZ at both sites, but the maximum mcrA gene copy number of the UBGH2-10 appeared below the SMTZ (9.8 mbsf). ANME-1 was a predominant ANME (Anaerobic MEthanotroph) group in both SMTZs of the UBGH2-3 and -10. However, The sequences of ANME-2 were detected only at 2.2 mbsf of the UBGH2-3 where high methane flux was observed because of massive amount of gas hydrate at shallow depth. And Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus (DSS) that is associated with ANME-2 was detected in 2.2 mbsf of the UBHG2-3. Overall results demonstrate that ANME-1 and ANME-2 are considered as significant archaeal groups related to methane cycle in the subsurface sediment of the East Sea, and ANME-2/DSS consortia might be more responsible for methane oxidation in the methane seeping region than in non-seeping region.

Environmentally Associated Spatial Distribution of a Macrozoobenthic Community in the Continental Shelf off the Southern Area of the East Sea, Korea (한국 동해 남부해역 대륙붕에 서식하는 대형저서동물군집 공간분포를 결정하는 환경요인)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Suk;Park, Young-Gyu;Kang, Seong-Gil;Choi, Tae Seob;Gim, Byeong-Mo;Ryu, Jongseong
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to understand environmental factors that determine spatial distribution of macrozoobenthic community in the southern area (ca 100-500 m depth) of East Sea, Korea, known as a candidate site for carbon storage under the seabed. From sixteen locations sampled in the summer of 2012, a total of 158 species were identified, showing density of $843indiv/m^2$ and biomass of $26.2g\;WW/m^2$, with increasing faunal density towards biologically higher diverse locations. Principal component analysis showed that a total of 33 environmental parameters were reduced to three principal components (PC), indicating sediment, bottom water, and depth, respectively. As sand content was increasing, number of species increased but biomass decreased. Six dominant species including two bivalve species favored high concentrations of ${\Omega}$ aragonite and ${\Omega}$ calcite, indicating that the corresponding species can be severely damaged by ocean acidification or $CO_2$ effluent. Cluaster analysis based on more than 1% density dominant species classified the entire study area into four faunal assemblage (location groups), which were delineated by characteristic species, including (A) Ampelisca miharaensis, (B) Edwardsioides japonica, (C) Maldane cristata, (D) Spiophanes kroeyeri, and clearly separated in terms of geography, bottom water and sediment environment. Overall, a discriminant function model was developed to predict four faunal assemblages from five simply-measured environmental variables (depth, sand content in sediment, temperature, salinity and pH in bottom water) with 100% accuracy, implying that benthic faunal assemablages are closed linked to certain combinations of abiotic factors.

Spatial Distribution of Macrozoobenthic Organisms along the Korean Coasts in Summer Season (한국 연안의 하계 대형저서동물의 공간분포)

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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2022
  • To clarify the spatial distribution pattern of macrozoobenthos in Korean coastal waters in the summer season and investigate the relationship between community structure and benthic environmental factors, field surveys on community structure and benthic environmental factors were conducted at 117 stations in August 2017. A total of 613 macrobenthic species were identified, with the mean density of 1,228 ind./m2 and the mean biomass (wet weight) of 110.9 g WW/m2. Rich biodiversity was found at stations near Wando and along the coast of the East Sea, and there is a trend that stations with greater biodiversity also showed higher mean density as well. The dominant species in all the coastal areas in Korea was Heteromastus filiformis, which were found at most of the stations during the survey. The relatively deep areas in the East Sea were dominated by Magelona johnsoni and Maldane cristata, which were the third and ninth dominant species in the study areas, respectively. Pseudopolydora kempi and Rhynchospio sp. were observed only at the station located in the Nakdong River estuary. From the cluster analysis the stations could be clustered into three station groups with more similar faunal composition. Group A was located in the eastern coast, characterized with deep water depth and low levels of sand contents, while Group B was located in the southern coast, characterized by shallow depth of water and high content of mud and organic matter. Lastly, Group C was in the western coast, demonstrating low levels of mud content and organic matters. The biodiversity of macrobenthic species in the study area showed high positive correlation coefficients with benthic environmental factors such as sorting, clay, silt, and contents of organic matter in sediments, but negatively correlated with the sand contents. Major dominant species, Theora lata and Eriopisella sechellensis, both showed negative correlation coefficients with the sand contents, but a relatively high positive correlation with the levels of organic contents.It can be concluded that the spatial distribution patterns of macrobenthic organisms in Korean coastal waters are affected by depth, sediment type, and contents of organic matters.

Sedimentary Characters of the Core Sediments and Their Stratigraphy Using $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ Ratio in the Korea Plateau, East Sea (동해 한국대지 코어퇴적물의 특성과 $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ 초기비를 이용한 퇴적시기 규명)

  • Kim, Jin-Kyoung;Woo, Kyung-Sik;Yoon, Seok-Hoon;Suk, Bong-Chool
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2007
  • A piston core (587 cm long) was recovered from the upper slope of a seamount in the Korea Plateau. Three episodes of sedimentation were identified based on sedimentary facies, grain size distribution, carbonate constituents and initial $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratio of carbonates. The lower part of the core, Unit I-a (core depth $465{\sim}587cm$) is composed of shallow marine carbonate sediments the deposited by storm surges, and is about $13{\sim}15Ma$ (Middle Miocene) based on $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ initial ratio. This suggests that the depositional environment was relatively shallow enough to be influenced by storm activities. Unit I-b (core depth $431{\sim}465cm$) is mostly composed of turbidites, and Sr isotope ages of bivalves and planktonic formaminifera are about $11{\sim}14\;and\;6{\sim}13Ma$, respectively. This indicates that the Korea Plateau maintained shallow water condition until 11 Ma, and began to subside since then. However, planktonic foraminifera were deposited after 11 Ma and redeposited as turbidites as a mixture of planktonic foraminifera and older shallow marine carbonates about 6 Ma ago. Unit II (core depth $0{\sim}431cm$) is composed of pelagic sediments, and the Sr isotope age is younger than 1 Ma, thus the time gap is about 5 Ma at the unconformity. About 1 Ma ago, the Korea Plateau subsided down to a water depth of about 600 m. The sampling locality was intermittently influenced by debris flows and/or turbidity currents along the slope, resulting the deposition of re-transported coarse shallow marine and volcaniclastic sediments.

Statistical Characteristics of East Sea Mesoscale Eddies Detected, Tracked, and Grouped Using Satellite Altimeter Data from 1993 to 2017 (인공위성 고도계 자료(1993-2017년)를 이용하여 탐지‧추적‧분류한 동해 중규모 소용돌이의 통계적 특성)

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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.267-281
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    • 2019
  • Energetic mesoscale eddies in the East Sea (ES) associated with strong mesoscale variability impacting circulation and environments were statistically characterized by analyzing satellite altimeter data collected during 1993-2017 and in-situ data obtained from four cruises conducted between 2015 and 2017. A total of 1,008 mesoscale eddies were detected, tracked, and identified and then classified into 27 groups characterized by mean lifetime (L, day), amplitude (H, m), radius (R, km), intensity per unit area (EI, $cm^2/s^2/km^2$), ellipticity (e), eddy kinetic energy (EKE, TJ), available potential energy (APE, TJ), and direction of movement. The center, boundary, and amplitude of mesoscale eddies identified from satellite altimeter data were compared to those from the in-situ observational data for the four cases, yielding uncertainties in the center position of 2-10 km, boundary position of 10-20 km, and amplitude of 0.6-5.9 cm. The mean L, H, R, EI, e, EKE, and APE of the ES mesoscale eddies during the total period are $95{\pm}104$ days, $3.5{\pm}1.5cm$, $39{\pm}6km$, $0.023{\pm}0.017cm^2/s^2/km^2$, $0.72{\pm}0.07$, $23{\pm}21TJ$, and $588{\pm}250TJ$, respectively. The ES mesoscale eddies tend to move following the mean surface current rather than propagating westward. The southern groups (south of the subpolar front) have a longer L, larger H, R, and higher EKE, APE; and stronger EI than those of the northern groups and tend to move a longer distance following surface currents. There are exceptions to the average characteristics, such as the quasi-stationary groups (the Wonsan Warm, Wonsan Cold, Western Japan Basin Warm, and Northern Subpolar Frontal Cold Eddy groups) and short-lived groups with a relatively larger H, higher EKE, and APE and stronger EI (the Yamato Coastal Warm, Central Yamato Warm, and Eastern Japan Basin Coastal Warm eddy groups). Small eddies in the northern ES hardly resolved using the satellite altimetry data only, were not identified here and discussed with potential over-estimations of the mean L, H, R, EI, EKE, and APE. This study suggests that the ES mesoscale eddies 1) include newly identified groups such as the Hokkaido and the Yamato Rise Warm Eddies in addition to relatively well-known groups (e.g., the Ulleung Warm and the Dok Cold Eddies); 2) have a shorter L; smaller H, R, and lower EKE; and stronger EI and higher APE than those of the global ocean, and move following surface currents rather than propagating westward; and 3) show large spatial inhomogeneity among groups.