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Classification of Quality Attributes Using Two-dimensional Evaluation Table (수정된 이원평가표를 이용한 품질속성의 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gwangpil;Song, Haegeun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 2018
  • For several decades, attribute classification methods using the asymmetrical relationship between an attribute performance and the satisfaction of that attribute have been explored by numerous researchers. In particular, the Kano model, which classifies quality attributes into 5 elements using simple questionnaire and two-dimensional evaluation table, has gained popularity: Attractive, One-dimensional, Must-be, Indifferent, and Reverse quality. As Kano's model is well accepted, many literatures have introduced categorization methods using the Kano's evaluation table at attribute level. However, they applied different terminologies and classification criteria and this causes confusion and misunderstanding. Therefore, a criterion for quality classification at attribute level is necessary. This study is aimed to suggest a new attribute classification method that sub-categorizes quality attributes using 5-point ordinal point and Kano's two-dimensional evaluation table through an extensive literature review. For this, the current study examines the intrinsic and extrinsic problems of the well-recognized Kano model that have been used for measuring customer satisfaction of products and services. For empirical study, the author conducted a comparative study between the results of Kano's model and the proposed method for an e-learning case (33 attributes). Results show that the proposed method is better in terms of ease of use and understanding of kano's results and this result will contribute to the further development of the attractive quality theory that enables to understand both the customers explicit and implicit needs.

A Study on the Teaching·Learning Management Status and Improvement Plan about 'Creative Engineering Design' Lesson of 'Technology·Home Economics Subject' for High School Teachers (고등학교 기술·가정 교과 '창의 공학 설계' 단원 수업에 대한 교수·학습 운영 실태 분석 및 개선 방안)

  • Kim, SeongIl;Lim, YunJin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.128-146
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to provide a basic research data for increasing the quality of 'creative engineering design' lesson and the teaching learning capability of high school teachers by analyzing the teaching learning management status and improvement plan of 'technology home economics subject' lesson for high school teachers. In order to investigate the teaching learning management status, the survey questionnaires from 63 teachers were collected from high school teachers who teach technology home economics subject currently and analyzed by statistical program SPSS 20. The main results of this study were as follows: First, for the contents of 'creative engineering design' lesson, the highest mean of response was 'creative thinking method'(M=4.22). In the learning activities, the teachers perceived the importance of the 'idea concept' highly. Second, in the management of 'creative engineering design' lesson, the teachers perceived the importance of the secure of tool, material budget, and practice space for the lesson highly. In the teaching capabilities, the teacher perceived the importance of the preparing teaching learning strategy most(M..4.14). Third, the teachers preferred to product for making uncomfortable things better in life and the other production outside from the content of textbook. Fourth, in the ratio of practice:theory lesson, they perceived the ratio of 3:7(36.5%), 4:6(25.4%), and 2:8(23.8%) are appropriate. In the assessment, the combination of production, portfolio, and presentation was preferred most. Fifth, there were statistically significant difference in teachers' interest and satisfaction and contents about 'creative engineering design' lesson between groups divided by the existence of practice space, certification held(technology teacher, non technology teacher), etc. Therefore, in order to improve the interest and satisfaction about the 'creative engineering design' lesson, the secure of space for technology practice and material budget were required. In addition, training and seminars program for improving the teaching capability for 'creative engineering design' lesson were required.

A study on the relationship between prior learning experience and mathematics achievement, GPA of college (고등학교 선행학습경험과 대학수학교과성적 및 대학학업성취도 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Gyeoung Hee;Lee, Jung Rye
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.423-439
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the relationship between prior learning experience, the high school records, mathematics grade in the KSAT(Korean Scholastic Aptitude Test) and mathematics achievement, GPA(grade point average) of college freshmen. It analyses how much mathematics capacities in the time of high school affect mathematics achievement of college freshmen. This study surveyed 193 freshmen, attending in a college of science and engineering, taking the 'basic differential and integral calculus' lecture, which was opened for the first semester of 2014 in the A university. The data processing was fulfilled by means of technical statistics, correlation analysis, difference test, ANOVA, ex post facto test, and regression analysis. The outcomes of this survey are followings: Firstly, over 90 percent of college freshmen underwent prior learning of mathematics when they attended high school. Secondly, their perception of effectiveness for prior learning is founded to be meaningfully lower than their perception of its needfulness. Thirdly, while there is higher positive correlation between mathematics achievement and GPA in the college, there is little correlation between high school records and GPA in the college. Also, there is little correlation between mathematics grade in the KSAT and mathematics achievement in the college. Fourthly, the accomplishments in the high school(The high school records, mathematics grade in the KSAT) and the efforts, satisfaction, necessity, etc. for prior learning had little effect on academic achievement in college mathematics. Based on these results, this study makes some suggestions for developing academical achievement in college mathematics.

A Study of a Teaching Plan for Gifted Students in Elementary School Mathematics Classes (일반학급에서의 초등 수학 영재아 지도 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Myeong-Ja;Shin, Hang-Kyun
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.163-192
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    • 2009
  • Currently, our country operates gifted education only as a special curriculum, which results in many problems, e.g., there are few beneficiaries of gifted education, considerable time and effort are required to gifted students, and gifted students' educational needs are ignored during the operation of regular curriculum. In order to solve these problems, the present study formulates the following research questions, finding it advisable to conduct gifted education in elementary regular classrooms within the scope of the regular curriculum. A. To devise a teaching plan for the gifted students on mathematics in the elementary school regular classroom. B. To develop a learning program for the gifted students in the elementary school regular classroom. C. To apply an in-depth learning program to gifted students in mathematics and analyze the effectiveness of the program. In order to answer these questions, a teaching plan was provided for the gifted students in mathematics using a differentiating instruction type. This type was developed by researching literature reviews. Primarily, those on characteristics of gifted students in mathematics and teaching-learning models for gifted education. In order to instruct the gifted students on mathematics in the regular classrooms, an in-depth learning program was developed. The gifted students were selected through teachers' recommendation and an advanced placement test. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the gifted education in mathematics and the possibility of the differentiating teaching type in the regular classrooms were determined. The analysis was applied through an in-depth learning program of selected gifted students in mathematics. To this end, an in-depth learning program developed in the present study was applied to 6 gifted students in mathematics in one first grade class of D Elementary School located in Nowon-gu, Seoul through a 10-period instruction. Thereafter, learning outputs, math diaries, teacher's checklist, interviews, video tape recordings the instruction were collected and analyzed. Based on instruction research and data analysis stated above, the following results were obtained. First, it was possible to implement the gifted education in mathematics using a differentiating instruction type in the regular classrooms, without incurring any significant difficulty to the teachers, the gifted students, and the non-gifted students. Specifically, this instruction was effective for the gifted students in mathematics. Since the gifted students have self-directed learning capability, the teacher can teach lessons to the gifted students individually or in a group, while teaching lessons to the non-gifted students. The teacher can take time to check the learning state of the gifted students and advise them, while the non-gifted students are solving their problems. Second, an in-depth learning program connected with the regular curriculum, was developed for the gifted students, and greatly effective to their development of mathematical thinking skills and creativity. The in-depth learning program held the interest of the gifted students and stimulated their mathematical thinking. It led to the creative learning results, and positively changed their attitude toward mathematics. Third, the gifted students with the most favorable results who took both teacher's recommendation and advanced placement test were more self-directed capable and task committed. They also showed favorable results of the in-depth learning program. Based on the foregoing study results, the conclusions are as follows: First, gifted education using a differentiating instruction type can be conducted for gifted students on mathematics in the elementary regular classrooms. This type of instruction conforms to the characteristics of the gifted students in mathematics and is greatly effective. Since the gifted students in mathematics have self-directed learning capabilities and task-commitment, their mathematical thinking skills and creativity were enhanced during individual exploration and learning through an in-depth learning program in a differentiating instruction. Second, when a differentiating instruction type is implemented, beneficiaries of gifted education will be enhanced. Gifted students and their parents' satisfaction with what their children are learning at school will increase. Teachers will have a better understanding of gifted education. Third, an in-depth learning program for gifted students on mathematics in the regular classrooms, should conform with an instructing and learning model for gifted education. This program should include various and creative contents by deepening the regular curriculum. Fourth, if an in-depth learning program is applied to the gifted students on mathematics in the regular classrooms, it can enhance their gifted abilities, change their attitude toward mathematics positively, and increase their creativity.

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A Study of Student Perspectives on Web-Based Learning Technology in Merchandising Courses (머천다이징 교과과정에서 인터넷을 기반으로한 학습테크롤로지에 대한 대학생들의 시각에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu-Hye;Stoel, Leslie
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1788-1799
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    • 2006
  • Assessment of the implementation of a web-based courseware technology application across a merchandising program over a two-year period provides empirical evidence that students believe the technology was easy to use and useful. Results also show that the use of the application was not a hard-ship for the students in terms of time or access, that students in lower class ranks who had not had technology enhanced courses previously were more satisfied with the technology than upper class students, and that perceptions of the technology and satisfaction with it increase with experience using the technology.

Designing Effective Virtual Training: A Case Study in Maritime Safety

  • Jung, Jinki;Kim, Hongtae
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.385-394
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate how to design effective virtual reality-based training (i.e., virtual training) in maritime safety and to present methods for enhancing interface fidelity by employing immersive interaction and 3D user interface (UI) design. Background: Emerging virtual reality technologies and hardware enable to provide immersive experiences to individuals. There is also a theory that the improvement of fidelity can improve the training efficiency. Such a sense of immersion can be utilized as an element for realizing effective training in the virtual space. Method: As an immersive interaction, we implemented gesture-based interaction using leap motion and Myo armband type sensors. Hand gestures captured from both sensors are used to interact with the virtual appliance in the scenario. The proposed 3D UI design is employed to visualize appropriate information for tasks in training. Results: A usability study to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method has been carried out. As a result, the usability test of satisfaction, intuitiveness of UI, ease of procedure learning, and equipment understanding showed that virtual training-based exercise was superior to existing training. These improvements were also independent of the type of input devices for virtual training. Conclusion: We have shown through experiments that the proposed interaction design results are more efficient interactions than the existing training method. The improvement of interface fidelity through intuitive and immediate feedback on the input device and the training information improve user satisfaction with the system, as well as training efficiency. Application: Design methods for an effective virtual training system can be applied to other areas by which trainees are required to do sophisticated job with their hands.

Influence of Social Presence on Online Community Users' Continuance Intention (사회적 실재감이 온라인 커뮤니티 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kwang-Mo;Choi, Hee-Won;Kwon, Song-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2014
  • This study is an empirical analysis on the relationship between social presence and online community users' continuance intention. Based on Bhattacherjee(2001)'s expectation-confirmation model (ECM) of IT continuance model, we test the influence of social presence on one's intention to continue using online communities. This study sampled 132 online community users. Research hypotheses are tested using the structural equation modelling(SEM) approach. The results of this study demonstrate that user satisfaction is influenced by perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment. But, the confirmation of expectation did not affect user satisfaction. And, social presence has direct effects on perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment. Further, social presence has a positive effect on users' continuance intention through mediating effect of perceived usefulness. This study suggests that perceived usefulness should be taken into account when carrying out the operating strategy of online communities.

Research on Influencing Factors of Consumer Behavior of Fresh Agricultural Products E-commerce in China (중국 신선 농산품 전자상거래 소비자행동 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Gao, Ze;Kim, Hyung-Ho;Sim, Jae-yeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide directional and policy references to develop a higher level of service quality and consumer-oriented e-commerce platform. This paper has established a model of consumer behavior of Chinese fresh agricultural e-commerce using customer satisfaction theory and cognitive value theory, and used survey and SPS23.0 to verify hypothesis. Studies have shown that when consumers consume fresh agricultural products, product quality, logistics and distribution service quality, interactive quality of e-commerce platform, and product price and cognitive value have a positive effect on consumer behavior. This study is meaningful in the study of consumer behavior of fresh agricultural e-commerce, and in the case of fresh agricultural e-commerce companies, consumer behavior can be understood. In the model constructed in this paper, the relationship between each influencing factor and consumer behavior is considered comprehensively, but the possible relationship between fine molecular factors has not been studied and analyzed. In the future learning process, it is necessary to make clear the characteristics and particularity of the industry, think about its influencing factors comprehensively and make in-depth analysis.

A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Mothers Sending Their Children to English Kindergarten (자녀를 영어유치원에 보내는 어머니들의 경험에 대한 연구)

  • Yi, Yul-E;Yang, Sung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.985-994
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    • 2009
  • This research is exploratory in considering the unique socio-cultural context of South Korea, where the present government is responding to the demand for English language training. The study asked the question: What do mothers experience when sending their young children to a private English institute, so called English kindergarten, instead of a regular preschool? A qualitative approach was used to analyze the in-depth interviews with 19 mothers who sent their young child to an English kindergarten. Mothers stated that their young child needs to be a competent English speaker. The mothers expected that an English kindergarten would prepare their child better for the elementary school English curriculum than a regular preschool. The study revealed that English kindergartens symbolized the precedence and the privileges of the elite because of their high tuition fees, native-speaker teachers, and small class sizes. The mothers showed a sense of pride and vicarious satisfaction from sending their child to an English kindergarten. However, the mothers recognized that English kindergartens put more emphasis on cognitive learning instead of the social development of children. It was almost impossible for mothers to communicate with the native-speaker teachers about their child. The mothers seemed to overlook their child's struggle to adapt to an English Kindergarten. The findings of the study raise issues concerning the boom of teaching young children English in Korea.

A Study on the Demand for Educational Programs for Fathers (아버지교육에 대한 요구도 조사 연구)

  • Song, Hyerim;Lee, Junghee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates fathers' demands for fathering education. Data from eight married, working men was collected through in-depth interviews. The interviews were intended to examine their father-role, working life, balance between work and family, and demand for the educational programs for fathers with particular regard to the themes, contents, and arrangement strategies they desire of the programs. The results show that fathers have a high demand for learning detailed methods of childrearing such as how to effectively sooth and play with their child(ren). Further, it was discovered that job flexibility is the major variable that determines a man's satisfaction with his parental role. Various information about possible arrangements of fathering education was collected from the interview data, such as desired themes, number of sessions, size of the educational program, volunteer role of participants, and focus of the course (e.g., many indicated interest in focusing on gender equality). This study reveals that greater detail, more effective contents, and efficient managerial strategies are required in fathering education in order to impart broader perspectives and knowledge about how to enhance the relationship between father and child(ren).