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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: E-learning satisfaction

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Visit Push Motivation for a Trading Area and Flow, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention (상권방문 추진동기와 몰입, 만족, 재방문 의도)

  • Lee, Soo-Duck;Lee, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - A trading area is very closely related to consumer life. A trading area is a cultural and social space that consumes culture and promotes human relationships as well as an economic space where consumers live their daily lives. In this context, a trading area research should be conducted objectively and empirically because it deals with the activities of consumer's life. The purpose of this study is to identify the intrinsic psychological motivation(push motivation) caused when consumers visit a trading area and to demonstrate how the push motivation for a trading area influence on consumer's flow, satisfaction, revisit intention. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to develop research hypotheses for this study, the development procedures for push motivation scale are as follows; (1) generating initial pool of items based on previous studies, (2) expert judgement to evaluate content and face validity, and (3) assessing convergent and discriminant validity using confirmatory factor analysis. In order to achieve these purposes, online surveys were conducted on frequent or familiar visitors to the trading areas around the Gangnam, Kunkuk University and Hongik University Station. Among the 1,343 questionnaires collected, 1,157 cases were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical package program, except for 186 responses in which responses were judged to be unfaithful. Results - The push motivation was classified into five sub-dimensions of excitement/stimulus, rest/relaxation, exit/refreshing, knowledge/learning and human relationship promotion as multidimensional and complex factors composed of individual and social-related dimensions. The excitement/stimulus and human relationship promotion of push motivation have positive effects on satisfaction. However, all dimensions of the push motivation have positive effects on flow. And flow has a positive effect on satisfaction and revisit intention. Meanwhile, the mediation test using boostrapping shows that flow plays a full mediating role in the relationship between rest/relaxation, exit/refreshing, knowledge/learning and satisfaction, but a partial mediating rol e between excitement/stimulus, human relationship promotion and satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction plays a partial mediating role between flow and revisit intention. Conclusions - This study shows that the push motivation is multidimensional and compositive depending on the situation of a consumer. In addition, it is found that the human relationship promotion(a social-related motivation) has a much more important effect on flow and satisfaction than other push motivations of individual dimensions. It also shows that satisfaction increases when consumers are being flowed at their visit and degree of revisit intention also grows as satisfaction increases. As implications of this study, a marketer should try to understand consumer's visit motivation at first and then develop factors that increase their flow, satisfaction, revisit intention. It also requires a marketer to approach subjects on a trading area more objectively and empirically based on the psychology and behavior of consumers, in order to establish a proper and efficient strategy on development of a trading area.

A Study on Contents Reorganization for Self-Directed Learning (자기주도적 학습을 위한 콘텐츠 재구성에 대한 연구)

  • Heo, Sun-Young;Kim, Eun-Gyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2011
  • Most of the online learning systems provide information that is based on the item difficulty what is custumized to learner. And the same learning process is performing to the same learning level learners. But, the degree of understanding of the same learning contents can be different even if the learner's level is same. Therefore, it is difficult to represent an effective learning experience because the learning is progressed by the determined difficulty of learning and the learning process even thought the provided content is difficult to understand. So we can control the learning difficulty during learning in order to escape from a uniform learning that online learning is provided. In this paper, we proposed a contents reorganization method for Self-Directed Learning. In this way, learners can understand their own level and customize the difficulty of learning. And then we expect the higher learning effect and satisfaction degree.

Developing APC for Weighting Quality Attributes (품질 속성의 가중치 선정을 위한 APC에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Hae Geun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2013
  • Determining relative importance among many quality attributes under financial constraints is an important task. The weighted value of an attribute particularly in QFD, will influence on engineering characteristics and this will eventually influence the whole manufacturing process such as parts deployment, process planning, and production planning. Several scholars have suggested weighting formulas using CSC (Customer Satisfaction Coefficient) in the Kano model. However, previous research shows that the validity of the CSC approaches has not been proved systematically. The aim of the present study is to address drawbacks of CSC and to develop APC (Average Potential Coefficient), a new approach for weighting of quality attributes. For this, the current study investigated 33 quality attributes of e-learning and conducted a survey of 375 university students for the results of APC, the Kano model, and the direct importance of the quality attributes. The results show that the proposed APC is better than other approaches based on the correlation analysis with the results of direct importance. An analysis of e-leaning's quality perceptions using the Kano model and suggestions for improving e-learning's service quality are also included in this study.

The role of CCDL in the EFL classroom (와세다대학교-강원대학교 원격수업을 위한 의사소통 중심의 영어수업 모형개발)

  • Park, Kyung-Ja
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.83-129
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    • 2003
  • This study explains a cooperative project between Kangwon National University (KNU) and Waseda University(WU), so called CCDLP (Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Project). The purpose of this project is to enhance the English proficiency of students at both universities by making their learning environments enjoyable and fruitful. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the role of CCDL in the EFL classroom by discussing (1) how to create the situations where students at both universities get to know and understand each other through modern technologies, (2) how to encourage the students to work closely together VC (Video Conferencing), TeleMeet, chat systems, and e-mail, and (3) how to provide a new style of learning and teaching L2. The results from a questionnaire and a grammaticality judgment test show that students have a sense of satisfaction and achievement in the English proficiency at the end of the project. The result of this project will be of great importance for future works in the use of communication systems in L2 learning and teaching.

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The Effect of Mentoring on the Mentor's Job Satisfaction: Mediating Effects of Personal Learning and Self-efficacy (멘토링이 멘토의 직무만족도에 미치는 영향: 개인학습 및 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Lee, In Hong;Dong, Hak Lim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2023
  • The recent Fourth Industrial Revolution is accelerating changes due to digital transformation. According to this trend, the existing start-up paradigm is changing, and new business models based on new technologies and creative ideas are emerging. In addition, the diversity of mentoring relationships and environments such as online mentoring, reverse mentoring, group mentoring, and multiple mentoring is also increasing. However, most mentors in their 50s and 60s, who are mainly active in the start-up field, have been able to help mentees a lot based on their own experience and expertise, but they are having difficulty responding to the changing environment due to a lack of understanding and experience of new technologies and environments. To cope with these changes well, mentors must constantly study, acquire and apply the latest technologies to improve their understanding of new technologies and the environment. In addition, it is necessary to have an understanding and respect for the diversity of mentoring relationships and environments, and to maximize the effectiveness of mentoring by actively utilizing them. Therefore, mentors should recognize that they directly affect the growth and development of mentees, constantly acquire new knowledge and skills to maintain and develop expertise, and actively deliver their knowledge and experiences to mentees. Therefore, in this study, was tried to empirically analyze the relationship between mentoring's influence on mentor's job satisfaction through mentor's personal learning and self-efficacy. The results of the empirical analysis were as follows. Among the functions of mentoring, career function and role modeling were found to have a positive effect on both personal learning and self-efficacy, which are parameters, and job satisfaction, which is a dependent variable. On the other hand, psychological and social functions have a positive effect on personal learning, but they do not have an effect on self-efficacy and job satisfaction. In addition, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect, all mediating effects were confirmed for career functions, and only the mediating effect of self-efficacy was confirmed for role modeling. Through this study, mentoring is an important factor in promoting job satisfaction, personal learning and self-efficacy, and this study can be said to be academically and practically meaningful in that it confirmed personal learning and self-efficacy as factors that increase mentor's job satisfaction, and the focus of mentoring research was shifted from mentee to mentor to study the impact of mentoring on mentors.

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An Exploratory study on derivation and Improvement of Kano Quality Attributes in Untact Classes (비대면 수업의 Kano 품질속성 도출과 개선에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Daeho Byun;Jaehoon Yang
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2022
  • Non-face-to-face classes continue due to Covid-19. There have been e-learning classes since the past, but the difference is that the current non-face-to-face classes are blended classes that combine real-time and recording classes or combine face-to-face and non-face classes. It is also characterized by being able to self-filmed or choose various lecture platforms in a place other than a dedicated studio. The advantages of non-face-to-face classes can be learned beyond time and space, and repetitive viewing and learning speed can be adjusted. Greening classes have no time and place constraints, and real-time classes have the advantage of high communication effects with learners. Evaluating whether non-face-to-face classes provide sufficient quality compared to face-to-face classes or e-learning will be necessary if branded classes are considered for post Covid. In this paper, for the evaluation of the service quality of non-face-to-face classes, the essential attributes desired by the instructors were derived from the viewpoint of Kano quality attributes and a quality improvement plan was proposed. After expressing the degree of functions that non-face-to-face classes should have on the X-axis and the satisfaction of learners on the Y-axis, 23 quality attributes were classified into 6 quality dimensions. In addition, satisfaction coefficient, dissatisfaction coefficient, and customer satisfaction improvement index were derived. As a result, 50% of learners were satisfied with non-face-to-face classes, but the preference was slightly higher than satisfaction, suggesting the sustainability of non-face-to-face classes. In terms of the customer satisfaction improvement index, the ranking of attributes with the largest increase in satisfaction when improving class quality was as follows. Professors' quick answers to learners' questions, content that can fully explain the subject, what the professor explains easily, develop high-quality content that can be learned on mobile phones, fairness of attendance checks, and real-time classes should start on time.

Development of Flipped Learning Class Design Model in Basic Medicine using Edutech : RECIPE Model (에듀테크를 활용한 기초의학 분야 플립드 러닝 수업 설계 모형 개발 : RECIPE 모델)

  • Lee, Mun-Young;Lee, Hyo-Rim
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to present basic data for systematic and effective basic medical education by developing a flipped learning class design model using smart tools and verifying its validity. To this end, in this study, a model proposal was developed based on literature review, and its validity was verified through expert review and field application. In this study, as a flipped learning class design model using smart tools, RECIPE(R: Ready, E: Establish a Plan, C: Create and Connect Media, I: Into the Classroom, P: Process-focused Assessment, E: Evaluation) model was developed. This model is a model that enhances the learning effect by applying an appropriate smart tool at each stage of designing flipped learning. As a result of applying this model to the development of'Anatomy'and'Neuroscience'lectures in the first semester of 2019, students' interest and satisfaction are high, and it is proposed as a specialized model in the field of basic medicine. Therefore, the RECIPE model developed in this study can be applied to various basic medicine-related classes, and it is expected that students will be able to understand basic medicine through the design of the flipped learning class based on this.

Analysis of Recognition and Needs for Parents in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools for Mathematics Education (초·중등 학부모 대상 수학교과 인식 및 요구 조사)

  • Lee, Hyeung Ju;Kim, Hyeongsik;Ko, Ho Kyoung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.213-231
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    • 2021
  • This study is intended to investigate contents related to parents' perception and satisfaction level of school mathematics curriculum. Based on the results, this study intended to deduce implications for mathematics education in schools, child education, and parent education. According to the result of the survey, the more positively the parents perceived the value of the mathematics learning, the more positively the child perceived, and the higher the parent's participation rate in mathematics-related education was. In terms of perception of teaching and learning activities, it showed that the willingness to participate in educational programs was lower for the parents of middle and high school students than the parents of elementary school students and the parents of elementary school students also showed higher satisfaction level of school mathematics curriculum. parents have perceived the necessity of teaching and mathematics education to develop artificial intelligence or data analysis skills. It was also found that the parents of middle and high school students' participation experience in education had an effect on the satisfaction level of their children's math teacher's class preparedness. Parents perceived positively to how pragmatic mathematics curriculum can be and provided answers to what they wish in specific mathematics classes in learning methods and future mathematics learning. As this is for educational experts to consider much in-depth in the future, this study suggested the need for diverse parents' education related to mathematics including the expansion of mathematics education with parents' participation, the creation of a mathematics learning environment for future mathematics learning.

Usability test for a medical image filing system (의료영상관리시스템의 사용성평가)

  • 박재희;이남식
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1993
  • In order to provide design concept and guidelines for the user interface of MIDASTM(Medical Image Display and Archiving System), a questionnire survey and empirical study were conducted. User and task requirements were analyzed based upon usrvey results. The empirical study was done on the 1.0 version of MIDAS to find out the influence of user charactenistics (i.e.job, experiences, etc.) and UI design factors(i.e. layout, wording, procedures) on various usability measures(i.e. performance, satisfaction). To perform empinical tests, eight task scenarios were selected and user interactions were recorderded using an auto-logging software. The results show that the doctor group requires more learning time. Also, eight types of user errors such as commision, omission, repeat were identified and the causes of the errors were analyzed related to UI design factors. UI design guidelines were suggested for a new version of medical image filing system.m.

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Adaptive Learning Path Recommendation based on Graph Theory and an Improved Immune Algorithm

  • BIAN, Cun-Ling;WANG, De-Liang;LIU, Shi-Yu;LU, Wei-Gang;DONG, Jun-Yu
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2277-2298
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    • 2019
  • Adaptive learning in e-learning has garnered researchers' interest. In it, learning resources could be recommended automatically to achieve a personalized learning experience. There are various ways to realize it. One of the realistic ways is adaptive learning path recommendation, in which learning resources are provided according to learners' requirements. This paper summarizes existing works and proposes an innovative approach. Firstly, a learner-centred concept map is created using graph theory based on the features of the learners and concepts. Then, the approach generates a linear concept sequence from the concept map using the proposed traversal algorithm. Finally, Learning Objects (LOs), which are the smallest concrete units that make up a learning path, are organized based on the concept sequences. In order to realize this step, we model it as a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problem, and an improved immune algorithm (IIA) is proposed to solve it. In the experimental stage, a series of simulated experiments are conducted on nine datasets with different levels of complexity. The results show that the proposed algorithm increases the computational efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover, an empirical study is carried out to validate the proposed approach from a pedagogical view. Compared with a self-selection based approach and the other evolutionary algorithm based approaches, the proposed approach produces better outcomes in terms of learners' homework, final exam grades and satisfaction.