• Title/Summary/Keyword: DAILY CYCLE

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The Results of Hvperfractionated Radiation Therapy Combined with Taxol for Paraaortic Node Recurrence in Cervix Cancer (대동맥주위 림프절에 재발된 자궁경부암에서 Taxol을 병행한 과분할 방사선치료의 결과)

  • Kim, Jun-Sang;Jang, Ji-Young;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Sam-Yong;Cho, Moon-June
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to investigate treatment results, toxicity and efficacy of hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel for paraaortic node recurrence in cervix cancer. Materials and Methods: Between September 1997 to March 1999, 12 patients with paraaortic node recurrence in cervix cancer who previously received radical or postoperative radiotherapy were treated with hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel. Of these, 2 patients who irradiated less than 30 Gy were excluded, 10 patients were eligible for this study. Median age was 51 years. Initial FIGO stage was 1 stage IBI, 2 stage IIA, 7 stage IIB. For initial treatment, 7 patients received radical radiotherapy and 3 received postoperative radiotherapy. The paraaortic field encompassed the gross recurrent disease with superior margin at T12, and inferior margin was between L5 and S1 with gap for previously pelvic radiation field. The radiation field was initially anterior and posterior opposed field followed by both lateral field. The daily dose was 1.2 Gy, twice daily fractions, and total radiotherapy dose was between 50.4 and 60 Gy(median, 58.8 Gy). Concurrent chemotherapy was done with paclitaxel as a radiosensitizer. Dose range was from 20 mg/m$^{3}$ to 30 mg/m$^{3}$ (median, 25 mg/m$^{3}$), and cycle of chemotherapy was from 3 to 6 (median, 4.5 cycle). Follow-up period ranged from 3 to 21 months. Results : Interval between initial diagnosis and paraaortic node recurrence was range from 2 to 63 months (median, 8 months). The 1 year overall survival rate and median survival were 75$\%$ and 9.5 months, respectively. The 1 year disease free survival rate and median disease free survival were 30$\%$ and 7 months, respectively. At 1 month after treatment, 4 (40$\%$) achieved a complete response and 6 (60$\%$) experienced a partial response and all patients showed response above the partial response. There was distant metastasis in 6 patients and pelvic node recurrence In 2 patients after paraaortic node irradiation. There was 2 patients with grade 3 to 4 leukopenla and 8 patients with grade 1 to 2 nausea/ vomiting which was usually tolerable with antlemetic drug. There was no chronic complication in abdomen and pelvis during follow up period. Conclusion : hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel chemotherapy diosensitizer showed high response rate and few complication rate in paraaortic node recurrence in cervix cancer Therefore, present results suggest that hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel chemotherapy can be used as optimal treatment modality in this patients.

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Comparison of Food Supply Status of Korean(Chosun) and Taiwan Prisoners under the Period of Japanese Rule with That of French and German Prisoners in 1920~1930′s (일제하(1920~30연대) 조선과 대만 그리고 프랑스와 독일 수형인의 식품공급상황 비교)

  • 허채옥
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.267-283
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    • 2003
  • This study reviewed the prisoners' dietary lift status under the world panics and Japanese food shortage based on the data of the 1920~1930's prisons' main dish supplies in Chosun, Shinchu boys' prison in Taiwan, Franue correction center in France and Moabit detention house in Germany. 1. The status of main dish food supply of Chosun prisons in 1920~1930's was as follows: 1) Meals were provided with 12 rates depending on the working activities. There were big differences in energy supply between 1$^{st}$ rate of 6045.0 ㎉ in the Mockpo prison and 12$^{th}$ rate of 1855.8 ㎉ in the Masan prison in accordance with the grain supply ratio and the diet rates. 2) The average ratio of energy provided with protein, fat and carbohydrate(PFC ratio) was 20.0: 20.2: 59.8. The supplies of protein and fat were relatively high because main dish was mostly composed of soybean. The soybean was used in 20 ~60% of main dish in prisons except Gaesung. 3) It was estimated that PFC ratio(8.3: 8.1 : 83.6) in Gaesung boys' prison was not appropriate for growing boys because the soybean supply was low. 2. The overall comparison of nutrition supply of prisons in Chosun, Taiwan, France and Germany was as follows: 1) The daily supplies of energy in Keongsung prison was 3966.5 ㎉, of which the PFC ratio was 18.9: 16.6: 64.5. This showed that the PFC ratio seemed to be balanced, even though the total amount of energy is too high and the ratios of protein and fat were somewhat high and somewhat low, respectively. 2) The main dish of the Taiwan boys' prison was provided with 6 rates and the side dish in the from of weekly cycle menu. The energy intakes from 1$^{st}$ rate of 2862.9 ㎉ to 6$^{th}$ rate of 1388.9 ㎉ were not quite enough for growing boys. It was estimated that the amounts of protein and fat taken were small but the quality was not that bad because animal protein such as protein small fish and fried tofu were supplied. 3) In the French Frenue correction center and the German Moabit detention house, the daily total amounts of energy were 2771.3 ㎉ and 2678.7 ㎉, respectively, which was estimated as appropriate compared with standard energy amount of 3000 ㎉ at that time and the current energy RDA of 2500 ㎉ for adult. The ratio of PFC was 16.2: 12.0: 71.8 in Frenue correction center and 12.4: 14.3: 73.3 in Moabit detention house, which showed that the amount of fat was slightly lacked. From this study, it was suggested that the prisons in Chosun and Taiwan under the Japanese rule and European prisons after the world panic were making an efforts to supply prisoners the appropriate amount of energy. The only question remains is that this data may be from only the food supply plan not from the data the prisoners took in real.eal.

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A Study on the Differences in Breeding Call of Cicadas in Urban and Forest Areas (도시와 산림지역 매미과 번식울음 차이 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Jae;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.698-708
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in the breeding call characteristics of cicada species found in urban and forest areas in the central region of Korea by examining the interspecific effects and environmental factors affecting the breeding calls and breeding call patterns. The selected research sites were Gyungnam Apartment in Bangbae-dong, Seoul for the urban area and Chiak Mountain National Park in Wonju for the forest area. The research method for both sites was to record cicada breeding calls for 24 hours with a recorder installed at the site and analyze the results. Data from the Korea Meteorological Administration were used for environmental factors. The research period was from June 19, 2017 to September 30, 2017. As a result of the study, there were differences in the emergence of species between the two research sites: while Platypleura kaempferi, Hyalessa fuscata, Meimuna opalifera, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, and Suisha coreana were observed at both sites, Cryptotympana atrata was observed in the urban area and Leptosemia takanonis in the forest area only. The emergence periods of cicadas at the two sites were also different. The activities of P. kaempferi and L. takanonis were noticeable in the forest area. In the urban area, however, L. takanonis was not observed and the duration of activity of P. kaempferi was short. In the urban area, C. atrata appeared and sang for a long period; H. fuscata, M. opalifera, and G. nigrofuscata appeared earlier than in the forest area. S. coreana appeared earlier in the forest area than in the urban area. According to the daily call cycle analysis, even cospecific cicada showed a wide variation in their daily cycle depending on the region and the interspecific effects between different cicadas, and the environmental differences between the urban and forest areas affected the calls of cicadas. The results of correlation analysis between each cicada breeding calls and environmental factors of each site showed positive correlation with average temperature of most cicadas except P. kaempferi and C. atrata. The same species of each site showed positive correlations with more diverse weather factors such as solar irradiance. Logistic regression analysis showed that cicadas with overlapping calling times had significant effects on each other's breeding calls. C. atrata, which appeared only in the urban area, had a positive effect on the calling frequency of H. fuscata, M. opalifera, and G. nigrofuscata, which called in the same period. Additionally, L. takanonis, which appeared only in the forest area, and P. kaempferi had a positive effect on each other, and M. opalifera had a positive effect on the calling frequency of H. fuscata and G. nigrofuscata in the forest area. For the environmental factors, the calling frequency of cicadas was affected by the average temperatures of the urban and forest areas, and cicadas that appeared in the forest area were also affected by the amount of solar radiation. According to the results of statistical analysis, urban cicadas with similar activity periods are influenced by species, especially with respect to urban dominant species, C. atrata. Forest cicadas were influenced by species, mainly M. opalifera, which is a forest dominant species. The results of the meteorological impact analysis were similar to those of the correlation analysis, and were influenced mainly by the temperature, and the influence of the insolation was more increased in the forests.

Once vs. Twice Daily Thoracic Irradiation in Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (국한성 병기 소세포폐암의 방사선치료시 분할 조사방식에 따른 치료성적)

  • Kim, Jun-Sang;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Ju-Ock;Kim, Sun-Young;Cho, Moon-June
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : A retrospective study was conducted comparing single daily fraction (SDF) thoracic radiotherapy (TRT) with twice daily (BID) TRT to determine the potential benefit of BID TRT in limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Endpoints of the study were response. survival, pattern of failure, and acute toxicity. Materials and Methods : Between November 1989 to December 1996, 78 patients with histologically proven limited-stage SCLC were treated at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chungnam National University Hospital. Of these, 9 were irradiated for palliative intent, and 1 had recurrent disease. Remaining 68 patients were enrolled in this study. There were 26 patients with a median age of 58 years, and 22 (85$\%$) ECOG performance score of less than 1 in SDF TRT. There were 42 patients with a median age of 57 years, and 36 (86$\%$) ECOG performance score of less than 1 in BID TRT By radiation fractionation regimen, there were 26 in SDF TRT and 42 in BID TRT. SDF TRT consisted of 180 cGy, 5 days a week. BID TRT consisted of 150 cGy BID, 5 days a week in 13 of 42 and 120 cGy BID, in 29 of 42. And the twice daily fractions were separated by at least 4 hours. Total radiotherapy doses were between 5040 and 6940 cGy (median, 5040 cGy) in SDF TRT and was between 4320 and 5100 cGy (median, 4560 cGy) in BID TRT. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) was recommended for patients who achieved a CR. The recommended PCI dose was 2500 cGy/10 fractions. Chemotherapy consisted of CAV (cytoxan 1000 mg/$m^2$, adriamycin 40 mg/$m^2$, vincristine 1 mg/$m^2$) alternating with VPP (cisplatin 60 mg/$m^2$, etoposide 100 mg/$m^2$) every 3 weeks in 25 (96$\%$) of SDF TRT and in 40 (95$\%$) of BID TRT. Median cycle of chemotherapy was six in both group. Timing for chemotherapy was sequential in 23 of SDF TRT and in 3 BID TRT, and concurrent in 3 of SDF TRT and in 39 of BID TRT Follow-up ranged from 2 to 99 months (median, 14 months) in both groups. Results : Of the 26 SDF TRT, 9 (35$\%$) achieved a complete response (CR) and 14 (54$\%$) experienced a partial response (PR). Of the 42 BID TRT, 18 (43$\%$) achieved a CR and 23 (55$\%$) experienced a PR. There was no significant response difference between the two arms (p=0.119). Overall median and 2-year survival were 15 months and 26.8$\%$, respectively. The 2-year survivals were 26.9$\%$ and 28$\%$ in both arm, respectively (p=0.51). The 2-rear survivals were 35$\%$ in CR and 24.2$\%$ in PR, respectively. The grade 2 to 3 esophageal toxicities and grade 2 to 4 neutropenias were more common in BID TRT (p=0.028 0.003). There was no difference in locoregional and distant metastasis between the two arms (p=0 125 and 0.335, respectively). The most common site of distant metastasis was the brain. Conclusion : The median survival and 2-year survival were 17 months and 20.9$\%$ in SDF TRT with sequential chemotherapy, and 15 months and 28$\%$ in BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy, respectively. We did not observe a substantial improvement of long-term survival in the BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy compared with standard schedules of SDF TRT with sequential chemotherapy. The grade 2 to 3 esophageal toxicities and glade 2 to 4 neutropenias were more common in BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy. Although the acute toxicities were more common in BID TRT with concurrent chemotherapy than SDF TRT with sequential chemotherapy, a concurrent chemotherapy and twice daily TRT was feasible. However further patient accrual and long-term follow up are needed to determine the potential benefits of BID TRT in limited-stage SCLC.

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The New Category System of Yangseng for Korean Medicine (새로운 한의학 양생 범주에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Changhee;Lim, Byungmook;Park, Haemo;Jung, Myungsu;Hwang, Guiseo;Shin, Yongchul;Go, Sunggyu;Jang, Bohyung;Lee, Haewoong;Lee, Youngjun;Shin, Heontae;Park, Sunju;Hyun, Minkyung;Lee, Sangjae
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2015
  • Objective : This study aimed to develop a new category system of Yanseng(養生) for traditional Korean Medicine in order to prepare the ground for organizing the resources of Yangseng systematically. Method : We reviewed the existing medical books containing Yangseng contents. Based on the experts' consensus, we drew the new category system of Yangseng in consideration of a national trait of Korea and use of Yanseng in modern society. Results : First, We devided Yangseng category into two parts: methods and applications. Methods are divided into 5 parts: mind, diet, herb, Doinangyo(導引按蹻), life. A broad use of herbs in daily life is a national trait of Korea. Doinangyo contains relaxation methods like breathing, massages and exercises like Qigong and is also very popular way to maintain health in modern western society. Applications are divided into 6 parts: type of constitution, life cycle, seasons, type of symptoms and signs, type of Mibyung(未病) and diseases. We drew this 6 parts in consideration of use in the field of health care. Conclusion : The new category system of yangseng is based on existing theories and reflects Korean national trait and use of Yanseng in modern society. We hope this new category system play a role of foundation for organizing the resources of Yangseng systematically.

Simulation Study on Atmospheric Emission Scenarios of Radioxenon Produced by the North Korea's 6th Nuclear Test (북한 6차 핵실험으로 생성된 방사성제논의 대기 중 방출 시나리오에 대한 모의실험 연구)

  • Park, Kihyun;Min, Byung-Il;Kim, Sora;Kim, Jiyoon;Suh, Kyung-Suk
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.18 no.2_spc
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    • pp.261-273
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    • 2020
  • North Korea conducted the sixth underground nuclear test on September 3, 2017 at the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site (NTS). In contrast to the previous five nuclear tests, several induced earthquakes occurred around the NTS after the sixth nuclear test and this may have caused radioxenon leakages at the site. Considering these reported earthquakes, we performed atmospheric dispersion simulations on some radioxenon emission scenarios for this event using our Lagrangian Atmospheric Dose Assessment System (LADAS) model by employing the Unified Model (UM) based numerical weather prediction data produced by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). To find out possible detection locations and times, we combined not only daily and weekly based delayed releases but also leakages after the reported earthquakes around the NTS to create emission scenarios. Our simulation results were generally in good agreement with the measured data of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission and International Monitoring System (IMS) stations operated by the Comprehensive nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty Organization (CTBTO).

The Efficacy of Low-dose Aspirin Therapy for Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in IVF-ET (체외수정시술 환자의 과배란유도시 저용량 아스피린 투여의 효용성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Sil;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2001
  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of low-dose aspirin on IVF outcome and endometrium in patients undergoing IVF-ET. Materials and Methods : From February, 2001 to Jun, 2001, 60 infertile patients were randomly divided into study group (28 cycles) and control group (32 cycles). The study group received a daily oral dose of 25 mg of aspirin for at least 2 weeks from first visiting day. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation was initiated in all patients with the GnRH agonist starting in the midluteal phase of the previous cycle. Results: There were no significant differences in age of the patients, basal serum E2, LH, FSH level and endometrial thickness among two groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the study group and the control group respectively in dosage ($26.5{\pm}4.8$ vs $26.2{\pm}5.3$ amples) and duration ($10.4{\pm}4.2$ vs $9.8{\pm}5.3$ days) of gonadotropin administration, serum E2 level on the hCG administration day ($1823{\pm}342$ vs $1854{\pm}543$), LH ($14.5{\pm}2.7$ vs $14.8{\pm}3.1$), FSH ($16.7{\pm}3.4$ vs $18.3{\pm}4.7$), the number of follicles > 15 mm ($13.2{\pm}6.3$ vs $12.8{\pm}5.9$), the number of oocytes retrieved ($9.2{\pm}2.4$ vs $8.4{\pm}1.7$), the number of embryos transferred ($4.7{\pm}2.0$ vs $4.7{\pm}2.0$), fertilization rate (68.4% vs 64.5%), implantation rate (21.3% vs 17.6%), and clinical pregnancy rate (28.4% vs 26.2%). The endometrial thickness and the percentage of endometrial trilaminar pattern on hCG day were significantly higher in study group than control group ($12.9{\pm}3.7mm$ vs $10.4{\pm}2.8mm$, 78.3% vs 64.5%). Conclusion: Many reports suggest that low-dose aspirin improve ovarian response, implantation rate, fertilization rate, implantation rate, and pregnancy rate by increasing the blood flow, but we couldn't prove the significant effect of low-dose aspirin on the IVF outcome except on endometrium. This may be affected by dose of aspirin, duration, and number of patients studied. This trial is small, so our results highlight the need for a large randomized controlled trial to identify the effect of low-dose as pirin on IVF-ET outcome.

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A study on the determination of the number of mobility cluster (적정 이동군집수 결정에 관한 연구)

  • ;Ham, Sung Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 1995
  • To analyze mobility patterns, this study used three Constraint (Capability Constraint, Coupling Constraint, Authority Constraint) models which were proposed in Dr. Hagerstrand's Time-space theory. This paper shows that three constraint models have some effects upon mobility by age. In this study, Capability Constraint means a certain special constraint that is what we can't do during proceeding basic natural urges like sleep, fare, etc. Coupling constraint is a physical one. Each person limits the action range for staying on a special place in special time. For instance, students have to stay in school so that they have mobility constraints. Authority Constraint is a social one. When we use urban facilities or traffic, we may be controlled by mobility sphere by an agreement or a social position. It is social agreement that the opening hour of a store, the time table of mass-transportation and a social positional control that the personal income, the standard of education. In this study it has been in a process of determination of the cluster number that degree of influences a social constraint to mobility. Considering the mobility constraint of characteristics of space divides urban and rural, people in urban area have higher mobility rate than in rural area. Resuets of determination of the cluster, show similar mobility pattern. People in urban area are connected verity of mobility which related to urban space structures with determination of cluste-number. That is to say, mobility patterns can be changed by space charactcristics. Constraints by sex and age are also social constraints and they are influenced by mobility patterns. For instance, females at the age of twenties have similar mobility pattern to the same age male but they have sudden changes after thirty's age. Male entertains a similar pattern without restriction of age. That is to say, management by sex as a social constraint affects mobility. To establish more realistic traffie policy, mobility formation should be reflected to the space in a view of social-behavioral science. To embody this, some problems should be investigated as follows. 1. As a problem of methodology, if sufficient samples ensured, we could subdivide clusters and could open up a new method of analyzing the mobility clusters by using the neuro-network. 2. Extracting actions connected with mobility and finding life cycle which is classified by daily cluste-characteristics, suitable counterproposal could be presented to the traific policy.

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Development of the Better Soil Conservation Measures with Special References to Yam Hillside Farming (경사지(傾斜地) 농업기술(農業技術) 개량(改良)을 위한 효과적(效果的)인 토양보전공법(土壤保全工法) 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Bo Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 1981
  • The run-off experiment plots had been established for eight sets of plot comprising four treatments with two replications on $20^{\circ}$ slope land having the Wait-A-Bit Clay soil(locally known), at the Olive River Soil Conservation Centre, Trelawny in Jamaica. The location of plots was about 820 metres m.s.l. and sloped north-west. Each plot size was determined as $40m^2$ having 2.7 m wide and 15.8 m long along slope. All of the run-off soil and water were collected by using the receiving tanks through the collection troughs and conveyance pipes. These run-off materials were measured and sampled, dried and computed for determination of the soil loss from each treatment of plots. During the first period of experiment for about 10 month which was one crop-year cycle of yam crop, total amount of 1,295 mm rainfall received. The heaviest daily rainfall was recorded as 116.2 mm on August 5 followed by 100.4 mm on August 6, 1980. The soil sediment had been collected and analysed for eleven times during this experiment. Total amounts of soil sediment as over-dried weight by the treatment plot were estimated as 182 ton/ha from treatment I, 105 tons/ha from treatment II, 50 tons/ha from treatment III, 43 tons/ha from treatment IV respectively. It is recommendable at present that the treatment III and IV measure which treated with contour mounds with the hillside ditch and grass buffer strip should be adopt4ed for hillside farming particularly with yam cultivation in Jamaica.

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Resumption of Ovarian Cyclicity after Superovulation Treatment to Donor Cow in Hanwoo (한우 공란우 과배란 처리 후 난소 주기 재개에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Jun-Kyu;Choe, Chang-Yong;Cho, Sang-Rae;Yeon, Seong-Heum;Choi, Sun-Ho;Kim, Nam-Tae;Jung, Jin-Woo;Kim, Sung-Jae;Jung, Yeon-Sub;Bok, Nan-Hee;You, Yong-Hee;Son, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of abnormal ovarian cycles after superovulation treatment of Hanwoo donors. Thirty six, at random stages of the estrous cycle, received a CIDR. Four days later, the animals were superovulated with a total of 28AU FSH (Antorin, 2AU=1 ml) administered twice daily in constant doses over 4 days. On the 3th administration of FSH, CIDR was withdrawn and 25 mg $PGF_2{\alpha}$ was administered. Cows were artificially inseminated twice after estrous detection at 12 hr intervals. The cows received $100\;{\mu}g$ GnRH at the time of Ind insemination. Embryos were recovered 7 or 8 days after the 1st insemination. The cows were considered to have resumed ovarian cyclicity on the day of ovulation if followed by regular ovarian cycles. 50.0 percentage of the cows (18/36) had normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity (resumption within 40 days after superovulation), and 50.0% (18/36) had delayed resumption(resumption did not occur until>40 days after superovulation). Delayed resumption Type II (first ovulation did not occur until $\geq$ 40 days after superovulation, i.e. delayed first ovulation 33.3%) were the most common types of delayed resumptions. The mean numbers of total ova from < 10 and 10$\leq$ of corpora lutea (CL) was 7.3 and 13.9, respectively. The number of transferable embryos differed between < 10 and 10$\leq$ CL was 4.2 and 5.1, respectively. 11.1 percentage of the cows (4/36) did not resumption their ovarian cyclicity until 60 days after superovulation treatment.