• Title/Summary/Keyword: Curriculum Studies

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Teaching Methods of Inclusive Music Classes at Elementary Schools Based on Application of Understanding by Design and Differentiated Instruction (이해중심 교육과정과 맞춤형 수업의 적용을 통한 초등학교 통합학급의 음악과 수업 방안 연구)

  • Won, Chorong
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the teaching methods used in inclusive music classes at elementary schools by of music in elementary school inclusive classes through the application of understanding by design and differentiated instruction, and to explore the feasibility of inclusive education. To this end, based on the 2.0 version of the backward design template, a unit for music lessons for 3rd and 4th grade inclusive classes was developed. The unit presented elements of differentiated instruction that considered students with intellectual disabilities at each stage. In the first stage, goals and essential questions were presented by analyzing the curriculum's achievement standards. In the second stage, a performance task was developed using the GRASPS technique, guidelines and examples were presented. Various evaluation methods based on students' readiness, interest, and learning type were suggested. In the third stage, the unit's seven lessons were planned using the WHERETO model. Examples of differentiated instruction for students with intellectual disabilities were presented by flexibly using classroom elements. This study indicated that understanding by design and differentiated instruction can be applied to inclusive education. Future studies on more diversified educational design and strategies are needed for promoting inclusive education.

Elementary, Middle, and High School Students' Perception of Polar Region (초·중·고등학생들의 극지에 대한 인식)

  • Chung, Sueim;Choi, Haneul;Kim, Minjee;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.717-733
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    • 2021
  • This study is aimed to provide basic data to set the direction of polar literacy education and to raise awareness of the importance of polar research. Elementary, middle, and high school students' perception of the polar region was examined in terms of current status of polar information, impression regarding polar regions, and awareness of related issues. The study included 975 students from nine elementary, middle, and high schools, who responded to 16 questions, including close-ended and open-ended items. The results suggest that students had more experiences regarding the polar region on audiovisual media, but relatively limited learning experiences in school education. The impression they had of the polar region was confined to the monotonous image of a polar bear in crisis, following the melting of the glacier due to global warming. The students formed powerful images by combining scenes they saw in audiovisual media with emotions. In terms of recognizing problems in the polar region, the students were generally interested in creatures, natural environment, and climate change, but their interests varied depending on their school level and their own career path. The students highly valued the scientist's status as agents to address the problems facing the region, and gave priority to global citizenship values rather than practical standards. Based on the results, we suggest the following: introducing and systematizing content focusing on the polar region in the school curriculum, providing a differentiated learning experience through cooperation between scientists and educators, establishing polar literacy based on concepts that are relevant to various subjects, earth system-centered learning approach, setting the direction for follow-up studies and the need for science education that incorporates diverse values.

A Study on the Game Contents Design of Drone Educational Training Using AR (AR을 활용한 드론 교육 훈련 게임 콘텐츠 설계)

  • Choi, Chang-Min;Jung, Hyung-Won
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the drone industry is rapidly expanding as it is suggested that it will be used in various fields. As the size of the drone market grows, interest in drone-related certificates is also increasing. However, the current drone-related qualification system and education system are insufficient. Thus this study, analyzed the necessity of drone training, the features of functional games, and the effectiveness of educational training using AR through related technical studies to solve the practical difficulties of drone educational training. Later, drone educational training game contents using AR were divided into practice mode and test mode based on the drone national qualification course practical test, and the result screen was displayed at the end of the curriculum so that players could learn by level and evaluate the results on their own. In addition, constructed a hybrid processing system and network and AR operation system for response rate and response speed, implemented drone training game contents utilizing AR based on the design contents. It is expected that the use of game content using AR presented in this paper for drone training will further alleviate environmental difficulties and improve the sense of immersion in play, which will lead to a more effective drone educational training experience.

Directions to Improve Specialized Knowledges and Practical Abilities for Taekwondo Majoring University Students (태권도 전공 학생들의 태권도에 대한 전문지식과 전문 실기 능력 향상을 위한 개선 방향)

  • Chin, Seung-Tae;Lee, Yun-Jung;Han, Areum;Park, Se-Hyuk;Seo, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.411-418
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify contents of Taekwon and to improve specialized knowledges and practical abilities for Taekwondo majoring university students. The sample was categorized into college and student. The first round survey was divided into two parts in finding possible ways to improve practical abilities from students and school authority perspectives. The second round was conducted through survey by dividing respondents into students and school authority. The third round was performed to identify the nessessities and problems in relation to specialized knowledge and practical abilities such as sparring, poomsae, and demonstration. Based on the findings, three critical themes were identified: motivating them to accumulate specialized knowledge, providing opportunities to practice, and offering diverse job directions. Students indicated several critical themes such as recognition of job opportunities in different domains, endeavour to increase communication ability with others in different domains, reconsideration to learn things in different domains, and efforts to take an interests in life-time Taekwondo. The findings provide ideas in applying practical knowledge into the field and in changing students' perception in terms of Taekwondo majoring. They are specialized knowledge and practical ability improvement based upon college authority and students (15 college authority items, 9 student items).

A Study on the Construction of Intelligent Learning Platform Model for Faith Education in the Post Corona Era (포스트 코로나 시대 신앙교육을 위한 지능형학습플랫폼 모형 구성 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Chul
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.309-341
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an intelligent learning platform model for faith education in preparation for the post-corona era. This study reviewed artificial intelligence algorithms, research on learning platform development, and prior research related to faith education. The draft of the intelligent learning platform design model was developed by synthesizing previous studies. The developed draft model was validated by a Delphi survey targeting 5 experts. The content validity of the developed draft model was all 1. This is the validation of the draft model. Three revised opinions of experts were presented on the model. And the model was revised to reflect the opinions of experts. The modified final model consisted of three areas: learning materials, learning activities, learning data, and artificial intelligence. Each area is composed of 9 elements of curriculum, learning content additional learning resources, learner type, learning behavior, evaluation behavior, learner characteristic data, learning activity data, artificial intelligence data, and learning analysis. Each component has 29 sub-elements. In addition, 14 learning floors were formed. The biggest implication of this study is the first development of a basic model of an intelligent learning platform for faith education.

Development of Impression Management Education Program for Career Women (직장 여성을 위한 인상관리 교육프로그램 설계)

  • Hwang, Jung-Sun;Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to systematically develop an impression management education program for career women by applying the Educational System Development Model [ESD] (Kwon, 1997) based on the research results of Hwang and Lee(2019) on social attractiveness. Since the previous impression management education programs were generally developed by content experts, few of them were developed systematically by considering the learner characteristics, clearly setting the educational goals, and structuring the contents accordingly. In this study, 'social attractiveness' defined by Hwang and Lee (2019) was considered as the educational goal of the impression management education program. In particular, this study focused on the design stage of the ESD model, set teaching goals based on the components of social attractiveness derived from previous studies, and conducted an analysis of teaching activities, the establishment of the educational goals at the specific function level, allocation of time, and establishment of an evaluation plan. The research process was intended to improve the learners' social image directly related to success through a systematic educational program designed to enhance the social attractiveness of working women with various hands-on activities and information. The impression management education program designed in this study has the educational advantage of a learner-centered education program configured to meet the needs and goals of career women. In addition, based on the ESD model, the sub-factors necessary for impression management were identified, and the curriculum was configured to reflect them through mutual communication between the instructor and learners. Therefore, this education program meets the basic requirements of impression management education necessary for career women and is expected to contribute to enhancing the social attractiveness of working women.

Current Status of the Implementation of Convergence Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (초·중등학교의 융합교육 운영 현황 실태조사)

  • Kwon, Hyuksoo;Kim, Eojin;Park, Hyun Ju;Bae, Youngkwon;Lee, Dongkuk;Lee, Hyungdong;Lee, Hyonyoung;Choi, Sung-Youn;Ham, Hyung-In
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.336-348
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    • 2021
  • The goal of this study is to investigate the current status of implementation of convergence education in elementary, middle, and high schools. A survey was conducted on 871 in-service teachers nationwide, and frequency analysis was conducted by school level. Key findings are as follows: first, 449 (51.5%) are found to practice convergence education. Second, the reason for implementing convergence education is the voluntary effort of teachers and the educational necessity for the future society. Third, it was found that convergence education is being implemented centered on science, arts, and social studies as a link between subjects in regular curriculum hours. Fourth, 270 (64%) of teachers who implemented convergence education in response to COVID-19 performed online convergence education, and experienced difficulties in creating class materials and communicating with students. Fifth, the excessive work of teachers, insufficient support for teacher training and research group activities, and lack of various convergence education programs are suggested as reasons for not implementing convergence education. This study hopes to provide implications for policy and implementation for revitalizing convergence education.

A Case Study on Utilizing Open-Source Software SDL in C Programming Language Learning (C 프로그래밍 언어 학습에 공개 소스 소프트웨어 SDL 활용 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Deuk
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • Learning C programming language in electronics education is an important basic education course for understanding computer programming and acquiring the ability to use microprocessors in embedded systems. In order to focus on understanding basic grammar and algorithms, it is a common teaching method to write programs based on C standard library functions in the console window and learn theory and practice in parallel. However, if a student wants to start a project activity or go to a deeper stage after acquiring some basic knowledge of the C language, using only the C standard library function in the console window limits what a student can express or control with the C program. For the purpose of making it easier for a student to use graphics or multimedia resources and increase educational value, this paper studies a case of applying Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL), an open source software, into the C programming language learning process. The SDL-based programming course applied after completing the basic programming curriculum performed in the console window is introduced, and the educational value is evaluated through a survey. As a result, more than 56% of the respondents expressed positive opinions in terms of improved application ability, stimulating interest, and overall usefulness, and less than 4% of them had negative opinions.

Keyword Analysis of Research on Consumption of Children and Adolescents Using Text Mining (텍스트마이닝을 활용한 아동, 청소년 대상 소비관련 연구 키워드 분석)

  • Jin, Hyun-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to identify trends and potential themes of research on consumption of children and adolescents for 20 years by analyzing keywords. The keywords of 869 studies on consumption of children and adolescents published in journals listed in Korean Citation Index were analyzed using text mining techniques. The most frequent keywords were found in the order of youth, youth consumers, consumer education, conspicuous consumption, consumption behavior, and character. As a result of analyzing the frequency of keywords by dividing into five-year periods, it was confirmed that the frequency of consumer education was significantly higher betwn 2006 and 2010. Research on ethical consumption has been active since 2011, and research has been conducted on various topics instead of without a prominent keyword during the most recent 5-year period. Looking at the keywords based on the TF-IDF, the keywords related to the environment and the Internet were the main keywords between 2001 and 2005. From 2006 to 2010, the TF-IDF values of media use, advertisement education, and Internet items were high. From 2011 to 2015, fair trade, green growth, green consumption, North Korean defector youths, social media, and from 2016 to 2020, text mining, sustainable development education, maker education, and the 2015 revised curriculum appeared as important themes. As a result of topic modeling, eight topics were derived: consumer education, mass media/peer culture, rational consumption, Hallyu/cultural industry, consumer competency, economic education, teaching and learning method, and eco-friendly/ethical consumption. As a result of network analysis, it was found that conspicuous consumption and consumer education are important topics in consumption research of children and adolescents.

Development of Competency Evaluation Model for Public Private Partnership to Establish Strategies for Overseas Expansion (해외진출 전략 수립을 위한 민관합작투자사업의 역량평가모델 개발)

  • Park, Hwan Pyo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.391-402
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    • 2022
  • With the number of social overhead capital(SOC) projects that introduce private capital on the rise, overseas construction global companies today need to establish and advance their overseas order strategies. In this context, the purpose of this study is to develop the public private partnership(PPP) capacity evaluation model for developing countries and use it for domestic overseas construction companies to establish strategies for overseas expansion. The PPP competency evaluation model analyzes the importance of PPP competency evaluation items and infrastructure environment competency evaluation items through a review of previous studies and an interview survey with overseas construction experts. Through the above analysis results and expert surveys, problems that may occur when overseas construction companies enter the PPP market were derived, and improvement measures were proposed. Countries with a high probability of overseas construction companies entering the PPP market were determined to be those that have a mature PPP system, low risk in construction, and a good entry environment with a high infrastructure market size and growth rate. In addition, a lack of PPP investment experience, the absence of information on the infrastructure environment, and a shortage of PPP experts were identified as problems when entering the overseas construction PPP market. As an improvement measure, it was suggested to enter in cooperation with domestic and foreign companies. In addition, a plan was proposed to develop a curriculum to secure experts in areas such as PPP finance and contracts and to provide PPP information for each country. These findings are expected to contribute to overseas construction companies proposing strategies for entering the overseas construction market and using them for overseas expansion strategies and policy establishment.