• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cultural Regeneration

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Convergent Studies of Utilization Plan and Brand Suggestion for Abandoned Passenger Ferry Terminal in Jangseungpo to Improve Local Community Value (지역 가치 증진을 위한 장승포 폐 여객선 터미널의 활용 방안 및 브랜드 제안에 관한 융합 연구)

  • Lee, Ha Na;Oh, Kwang Myung;Paik, Jin Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.239-250
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    • 2019
  • Along with changes in the industrial structure, revitalizing decrepit or abandoned industrial-age infrastructures are actively under way on a global scale. This study was motivated by an interest in investigating currently idle industrial infrastructures and revitalizing the abandoned passenger ferry terminal in Geoje's Jangseungpo and surrounding areas. The main aims of this study were to examine regional features for the purpose of establishing urban renewal plans and field opinions of the local residents on how to proceed with the restoration of the passenger ferry terminal. To this end, this paper looked into previous case studies of converting decrepit industrial infrastructures into new cultural venues, depending on each region's special circumstances. This paper's findings are as follows: First, as a result of this investigation, the author found that in all cases in Korea and elsewhere revitalization focused on creating modern cultural spaces appropriate for the region while retaining its traditional value. At the same time, they sought sustainable cultural and economic revival. Second, as a result of the investigation on Geoje City's local characteristics, the author found that the surrounding areas' commercial districts were depressed after the terminal's closure. At the time of the investigation, the city government was trying to reopen the terminal as a major port offering multiple international ferry destinations while attracting tourists. Third, as a result of the surveys on the local residents, it was found that more than half of the residents were in agreement with the city government's plan to reopen the terminal and expressed their wishes that they want the terminal to have other uses such as cultural venues. Based on these research results, the author makes proposals, including expanding the passenger ferry terminal and offering cultural spaces within and near the terminal, based on the local residents' opinions and in reflection of local circumstances. As part of this effort, the author also recommends a new brand name and design plan for the new passenger ferry terminal so that Geoje City can improve its local community value.

Improvement of cultural efficiency using DNA markers in anther and seed culture of rice (DNA marker를 이용한 벼의 조직배양 효율개선)

  • Kim, Hong-Jib;Kim, Tae-Heon;Sohn, Jae-Keun
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the culturability of 'IR 36', a indica type rice cultivar using DNA marker associated with the ability of plant regeneration in anther and seed culture. The culturability of 6 rice cultivars and 2 indica/japonica lines ('MGRI 036', 'MGRI 079') were investigated in anther and seed culture. The culturability of 3 japonica rice cultivars were much higher than tongil and indica rice cultivars, and 'MGRI 036' and 'MGRI 079' has high culturability with 20% regenerability, also. 34 $BC_2F_4$ 4 lines were selected by marker screening using RZ400 among 90 $BC_2F_4$ lines derived from a cross between 'MGRI 079' and 'IR 36'. The frequency of callus formation of 10 $BC_2F_4$ lines were higher than 'IR 36' in anther culture among selected 34 $BC_2F_4$ lines. The ability of plant regeneration of 10 lines were higher than 'IR 36' in the seed culture among selected 34 $BC_2F_4$ lines. A promising line, $BC_2F_4$-28, was selected to have better culturability in the anther and seed culture among selected 34 $BC_2F_4$ lines. The heading date and grain shape of the $BC_2F_4$-28 was similar to 'IR 36'. Using the RZ400 DNA marker associated with the culturability will be useful method for improving of indica rice culticvar's culturability in rice breeding program.

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Examination of Public Art Project from Viewpoint of Place Marketing -Focused on Cases of Busan Public Art Project- (장소마케팅 관점에서 공공미술 프로젝트에 대한 고찰 -부산 공공미술 프로젝트 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.276-286
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    • 2011
  • Recently, many regional governments and national organizations have propelled public art projects as a part of city regeneration project for improvement of living environment and cultural welfare of neglected regions. It is necessary to think of meaning of the public art project in a context of city regeneration, not only in public art discourse. This paper starts from the question if recent public art projects performed in city of Busan during last 5 year was successful in terms of place marketing. This paper tried to revoke to consider public art project in terms of place marketing because it should be utilized ultimately to activate regional economy for the habitants. First, we reviewed theoretical background regarding definition of public art and place marketing, intended effects of public art project, and place marketing strategy. we elicited an analytical framework and analyzed representative 6 cases of recent public art projects performed in city of Busan in terms of requirements of public art project and viability of place marketing. Discussion of the analysis result suggested implications for the future public art project to direct.

The Viability of Manufacturing Industrial Districts in the City Center of Metropolis: The Handmade Shoes Industry in Daegu (대도시 도심 제조업 집적지의 형성과정과 존립기반: 대구시 수제화 산업을 사례로)

  • Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.506-523
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    • 2011
  • Since the 1990s, the handmade shoes industrial agglomeration district has formed in the city center, Hyangchon-dong, Jung-gu in Daegu. This paper aims to examine the formation process, to analyze the viability, and to propose policy implications of manufacturing industrial districts in a city center through studying this industrial district. The district's creation began as the result of the dissolution of local production and marketing system of handmade shoes in the 1980s, the excellent accessibility of the location and an inexpensive rent. The district's core viability lies in the external economies derived from local networks through social divisions of labor of production and marketing systems. Because of the lack of organizers of the social division of labor and 'integrated production system done by single business', the effect of external economies created by the social division of labor is limited. To get over this limitation, the district should to be restructured into a 'cultural street of leather crafts' as a part of 'making modern historical and cultural belt' programs within Daegu downtown regeneration policies. To support the restructuring, public assistant measures such as the establishment of a corporate services center should be strengthened.

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Study on design methods for museum restoration of modern architecture - Centering on cases of restoration modern architecture which fulfilled its epochal function to museum - (근대건축물의 뮤지엄 재생을 위한 디자인방법에 관한 연구 - 시대적 기능을 다한 근대건축물이 뮤지엄으로 재생된 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, In-Seob;Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2011
  • Throughout the world, interest in issues relevant to energy, resources, environment, etc, is ever soaring. Therefore, the restoration of modern architecture that fulfilled its epochal function is working as a cultural, historic medium. In addition, it also plays its role in the side of environmental approach and so on. Moreover, the museum, which was only used for the possession of art collections and exhibition purposes, is currently expanding its scale and range as the center of culture and education. Also in reality, with the use of various programs, it is globally pursuing urban vitalizations. This study looks at the meaning of modem architecture restoration as well as its relationship with urban area. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to look for design method's direction by finding the relevance between modem architecture restoration and museum during the restoration. This study is based on transformation and preservation scale during the restoration of modern architecture. It analyzed plane and design direction. Additionally, this study analyzed the architectural and regional effect caused by restoration. As a result, in accordance with the direction of museum and the usage, scale, structure as well as superficial aging condition of previous architecture, it shows difference in design methods in the process of restoration. The exterior of architecture was restored and preserved to its original form in order to show the symbolical form through historical value. This is essential to the modern museum. On the other hand, the interior of architecture put more value on utilization concept that its preservation and thus was restored accordingly. However, in all the cases, previous architecture were commonly used and even when alterations and additions were made due to aging and their change in usage, they were restored in a way that preserved and harmonized previous architecture. If the design method for restoration of modern architecture selects the restoration method by considering problems related to location, building value, structure, if it is studied from various angles and is restored after considering its usage as a museum, then we will be able to generate cultural and historical synergy effect. Furthermore, apart from architecture, it will have great impact on urban vitalizations.

A Study on the Development of Storytelling for Culture and Tourism Market Development - Based on Jecheon Central Market (문화관광형시장 육성을 위한 스토리텔링개발연구 - 제천중앙시장을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.367-374
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this research is to promote traditional markets, which are part of urban regeneration project, and to promote cultural and tourism market by applying characteristics and differentiated elements through story development through market-related resources in order to secure identity of the JeCheon Central market that lost function of the traditional market and regional aging of the traditional market. To this end, the basic survey and analysis of the Jecheon area and the current situation of the Jecheon Central Market were conducted to diagnose problems and to analyze keywords through surveys by local merchants and visitors. By drawing up measures to vitalize the Jecheon Central Market by floor and space, the Jecheon Central Market's design story is developed and applied so that it can restore the image of the local traditional market through regional and cultural elements and become a center of space and culture that can become a landmark for the region in the future. The storytelling designed for this purpose shall be linked to the spatial planning of each floor as well as the C.I. and exterior of the C.I. and the building of the Jecheon Central Market, and the identity of the Jecheon Central Market can be reestablishe.

Differentiating Contents for Rural Art Spaces through Place Assets (장소자산을 활용한 농촌 문화예술공간의 콘텐츠 차별화 방안)

  • Jung, Yeaeun;Jung, Naun;Lee, Byung-min
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.56
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    • pp.275-304
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    • 2020
  • This paper discusses a way to differentiate contents and enhance the competitiveness of art spaces in rural regions through place assets, noting the growing number of rural art spaces and their great potential as cultural spaces in recent years. First, we surveyed existing research and resources to understand the current status and roles of rural art spaces in the context of theoretical discussions on place assets. Based on this, we classified place assets into physical, human, and symbolic elements. After that, we conducted two case studies that apply this classification. For the case studies on the Ami Art Museum and the Potato Flower Studio, we investigated the sites and conducted in-depth interviews with the directors following a qualitative research method. Our findings through the case studies show that Ami Art Museum and Potato Flower Studio remodeled closed school buildings, which are known as physical place assets in rural areas. However, there was a difference in utilizing other place asset elements, and this resulted in different types of differentiated contents. We found three types of rural art spaces from two case studies: inhabitant-friendly, artist-friendly, and tourist-friendly. Finally, in our research, we presented a method of utilizing place assets that differentiate rural art places along with a method for developing differentiated contents. To conclude, the significance of our study is that it attempted to find out a way to make rural art spaces sustainable, and sought cultural regeneration in rural areas through revitalization of rural art spaces.

A Design Study of the 'Pathways' According to the Characteristics of the Deteriorated Residential Area (노후주거지의 특성에 따른 '길'의 디자인 연구)

  • Park, Su-Kyoung;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2015
  • The 'pathways' in the Deteriorated Residential Area is the valuable place which represents the history of the community. The 'pathways' is the physical boundary which connects individual environment of private residential area to public environment and which has value as a medium for the definite site for regeneration of Deteriorated Residential Area. Thus, the 'pathways' is considered as the perfect material for the public design for spatial culture to regenerate the Deteriorated Residential Area. However, the most of the public design projects utilize the 'pathways' fragmentarily, there are few systematic studies based on the attribute of the Deteriorated Residential Area. The purpose of this study is the consideration on the attributes of the 'pathways', the detection of the spatial characteristics to find application of the 'pathways', and the cultivation of the baseline data for further research for the spatial nature of the Deteriorated Residential Area. For this study, theoretical consideration is practiced in advance to analyze the meaning of the 'pathways' and Deteriorated Residential Area, the case research is performed using design elements as the analytic frame, and the approach is inferred for systematic public design based on the above result. The objects of case research were chosen among the latest projects implemented in the Deteriorated Residential Area whose subject was 'pathways' and which showed successful result. The characteristics of them were investigated and the details were examined through the homepages of the projects, the reports related to the projects, research material, and interview with the people involved. And to conclude, 'pathways' represents the composition of contents, the space of movement, the formation of community, the landscape design, and the participatory design in the Deteriorated Residential Area. The 'pathways' also finds the proper secondary cultural material for the spatial characteristics and can create the space for the various movements, stay, and communication using the characteristics of movements. The narrow and closed space should be utilized actively to be altered into beautiful space and the Deteriorated Residential Area should be regenerated into coexistent design where people share their lives through sharing spaces.

Current Status and Environment-Friendly Development Policy of Urban Riverfront in Korea on the Basis of It's Locatioanal Property (도시 수변공간의 활용 실태와 입지적 특성을 반영한 친환경적 수변 도시개발 방안)

  • Kim, Hang-Jib
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2012
  • Since 1970's, the rivers in industrial cities and metropolitan cities in Korea have been severely contaminated and the riverfronts have been to garbage yard, warehouses and sanitary facilities that produce low efficiency in urban land-use. As a result, riverfront in most cities became lost space and artificial area which composed of asphalt road, concrete riverbank and parking lot. However, Sustainable management is the main concept of riverfront development in 21st century. Also, in contemporary riverfront space, it is the pivotal paradigm that the development of eco-space and mixture of cultural space. Citizen require greener, more ecological and water-friendly space in riverfront of city. So, the purpose of this paper lies in suggestion for building sustainable development and management for riverfront in Korean city. For this purpose, this paper has reviewed the developmental trend of recent riverfront, has analyzed locational environment and land use of riverfront in city, has set policy and the strategy for sustainable riverfront.

A Study on the Location and Spatial Characteristics of Gwangju Folly (광주폴리의 입지 및 공간적 특성에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Kwan;Kim, Yun-Hag
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2012
  • Gwangju Metropolitan City has implemented a creative regeneration project of Gwangju Folly in the site of Gwangju-eup Fortress as part of the Gwangju Design Biennale by inviting well-known international architects. This study examined and analyzed the characteristics of location, place, and space through actual survey. The results were as follows. Gwangju Folly were mainly located at the four gates and corners of Gwangju-eup Fortress, main entrances of Asia Culture Complex, and historical places where the May 18 Democratization Movement occurred. The common place of Gwangju Folly was a footpath and common location types were the full location of footpath width and the partial location of footpath width. For the spatial types of Gwangju Folly, the practical type which people can stay was the most common(2/3). In the partial location of footpath width, the type which people take a rest and look out over the surroundings accounted for a half. In the full location of footpath width, the gate type which people pass accounted for 2/5. However, as footpath width was minimum for walking, both partial and full occupation types were narrow in place. It influenced the image of Gwangju Folly. Gwangju Folly did not play as a figure and show architects' intentions clearly because of their narrow locations. Therefore, it is very necessary to make a plan to maintain places so that Gwangju Folly do not have a cramped image and architects' intentions become clear with citizens' cultural competence. Also, urban property which creates the identity and attraction of Gwangju continuously should be settled down through helping citizens recognize the intention and value of artistic works.