• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cultural Background

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A study on the traditional salt-making of the Joolpo inlet area during the 18th and 19th century (18~19世紀 茁浦灣의 煮鹽 - 鹽場의 分布와 煮鹽法을 중심으로 -)

  • ;Hong, Keum-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.46-64
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    • 1994
  • Among every civilized people salt has been recognized as an essential foodstuff to the human society without which even man's survivor is unthinkable. The cultural-anthropological meaning of salt is estimated highly as well, and in geographical perspective salt itself symbolize regional interrelationship. Playing a decisive role in freeing innermost settlement from isolation, salt aiso made a contribution to expanding human habitats. This study tries to reconstruct historica geography of 18th and 19th century surrounding traditional salt-roasting (chayeom). The Joolpo Inlet area which is located on the mid-western coast in Honem Region is selected for study area. Established on the basis of optimum physical geographical conditions such as topography, climate and vegetation, salt-making of Joolpo Inlet area was run dynamically with the sudden turn of events in the 18-19th century which was chacterized as an age of transition from medieval society to modern one. In this paper the writer attempts to clarify mainly following three points: physical conditions and socio-economic background leading to the initiation and later development of roasting of salt in Joolpo Bay; distribution of saltworks; methods of saltmaking. Main points drawn from these analyses can be summarized as follows: of iron pan and cow-drawn tools rendered labour-saving and output growth. 1, Saltworks of Joolpo Inlet area in the 18-19th century were distributed evenly over Kobu, Puan, Mujang and Heungduck counties among which Kobu's was located in Puanmyon - a sort of exclave. All saltworks belonging to above four counties were clasified as most lucrative ones in Honam Region on government archives. In particular, Gumdang saltwork which belongs to Mujang county is noteworthy in that it was first introduced by one Paekje priest in 6th century and therefore it provides a clue to examine the history of salt-roasting of Joolpo Inlet area. In light of the fact that temple or monastery economy, regardless of East and West, has been closely connected with traditional industry, the case of Gumdang is not unusual. 2. The process of saltmaking follows this order: harrowing of salt field exposed to solar heat; construction of saltern mound with saline earth; acquiring of brine by leaching saline earth; roasting of salt. Salterns (saltworks) are consisted with various salt making facilities such as roasting shed, saltern mound, salt field, salt well) salt pit or brine pit) and seawater reservoir. Among them roasting shed which is constructed chiefly with hundreds of pieces of pine tree as a frame and with straw as roof and wall is customarily considered as an unit of saltwork. And inside it is saltpan made of two kinds of materials, that is iron pan or plaster pan. The area attached to one unit of roasting shed is approximately 1 ha, and that of saltern mound is a tenth of it.

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Frege's Critiques of Cantor - Mathematical Practices and Applications of Mathematics (프레게의 칸토르 비판 - 수학적 실천과 수학의 적용)

  • Park, Jun-Yong
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2009
  • Frege's logicism has been frequently regarded as a development in number theory which succeeded to the so called arithmetization of analysis in the late 19th century. But it is not easy for us to accept this opinion if we carefully examine his actual works on real analysis. So it has been often argued that his logicism was just a philosophical program which had not contact with any contemporary mathematical practices. In this paper I will show that these two opinions are all ill-founded ones which are due to the misunderstanding of the theoretical place of Frege's logicism in the context of contemporary mathematical practices. Firstly, I will carefully examine Cantorian definition of real numbers and Frege's critiques of it. On the basis of this, I will show that Frege's aim was to produce the purely logical definition of ratios of quantities. Secondly, I will consider the mathematical background of Frege's logicism. On the basis of this, I will show that his standpoint in real analysis was much subtler than what we used to expect. On the one hand, unlike Weierstrass and Cantor, Frege wanted to get such real analysis that could be universally applicable. On the other hand, unlike most mathematicians who insisted on the traditional conceptions, he would not depend upon any geometrical considerations in establishing real analysis. Thirdly, I will argue that Frege regarded these two aspects - the independence from geometry and the universal applicability - as those which characterized logic itself and, by logicism, arithmetic itself. And I will show that his conception of real numbers as ratios of quantities stemmed from his methodological maxim according to which the nature of numbers should be explained by the common roles they played in various contexts to which they applied, and that he thought that the universal applicability of numbers could not be adequately explicated without such an explanation.

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Family Welfare Policies and Fertility Rate (가족복지정책과 출산율)

  • Chai, Goo-MooK
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.337-361
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    • 2005
  • This study seeks the implications for the Korean family welfare policies after examining the characteristics of fertility rates and family welfare policies of advanced OECD countries, and comparatively analyzing the fertility rates among clusters of countries having similar family welfare policies. The fertility rates of most advanced OECD countries declined below the population replacement level in the 1970s, and continuously declined slowly after that period. But in the 1990s the fertility rate of some countries increased, on the other hand that of other countries declined. Such a difference of fertility rates suggests that there is some correlation between the fertility rate and the family welfare policy of each country. Advanced countries became concerned about the decline of fertility rate, established the government Population Issues Committee in order to deal with population problems, and increased family welfare supports. But the level and pattern(focusing on maternal employment supports or child-rearing supports) of each country's family welfare policies are differently developed according to its political ideology, cultural and historical background, and economic environments. A comparative assessment of the fertility rate among clusters of countries having similar family welfare policies demonstrates that the higher the level of family welfare supports is and the level of maternal employment supports in comparison with that of maternal child-rearing supports is, the higher of fertility rate is. And a comparative assessment of the fertility rate changes among clusters of countries also shows that the higher the level of family welfare supports is and the level of maternal employment supports in comparison with that of maternal child-rearing supports is, the higher the increase of fertility rate is or the lower the decrease of fertility rate is. The implications for the Korean family welfare policies are summarized as follows. First, it is necessary to establish the government Population Issues Committee which can study systematically fertility rates and population problems, and provide comprehensive population measures. Second, family welfare supports should be expanded through the establishment of family allowances, the prolongation of maternity leave and child-care leave and the upward readjustment of child-care leave benefits, and the extension of public child-care facilities. Third, maternal employment supports such as public child-care facilities and maternity leave should be given more weight than maternal child-rearing supports such as family allowance. Fourth, it is required to prepare social environments which can provide the youth with the hope that child-rearing is not difficult and gives them happiness.

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The Influence of Food Habits on Body Stature of Children (어린이의 식습관(食習慣)이 체위(體位)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Mi-Suk;Mo, Su-Mi
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1976
  • The Purpose of this study was to determine every possible correlation between food habits and body statures of primary school children, aged ten years old. This study was conducted from July to October of 1975. In July, prepared questionaires concerning life style, anthropometry, food preference, and food behavior were distributed through school teachers to 425 children; 219 boys and 206 girls, in the 5th grade of three elementary schools in the city of Seoul. Then, in October, when subjects had been classified into underweight/obese by statistical analysis, mothers of obese or underweight children were interviewed by the authors to determine weaning history, daily food consumption of their children, and opinions of various snacks for children. Analysis of results in terms of correlation coefficient, chisquare test and percentage calculations, are as follows: 1. Physical growth and development Boys Girls Height (cm) $134.8{\pm}5.74\;134.4{\pm}5.97$ Weight (kg) $30.0{\pm}4.27\;29.5{\pm}5.16$ Chestgirth (cm) $64.1{\pm}3.59\;63.3{\pm}3.81$ Arm circumference (cm) $18.3{\pm}1.61\;18.2{\pm}1.70$ Triceps skinfold thickness (mm) $10.9{\pm}5.13\;12.7{\pm}4.86$ Various indices of nutrition such as relative weight, relative chestgirth, $R{\ddot{o}}hrer's$ index, Kaup index, Vervaeck index were determined. 2. Food habits 1) Food $preference{\cdots}{\cdots}A$ varying number of foods were selected from 60 items were accepted. It was found that the food which children liked best was fruit and snacks were popular one. Lowest ranking among LIKED foods were from strongly flavored vegetables and organ meat. In general, girls had more food dislikes than did boys. Selected as liked foods were fruits, rice noodle soup, biscuits, and peanuts. Disliked foods were liver, green onions, onions, green pepper, mushrooms, oysters, shellfish, and pork. Items which children never ate before were liver, mushrooms, fish cake, boiled rice mixed with sorghum, mayonnaise, and fresh water firsh. Reasons which children gave for dislike were undesirable flavor and odor. 2) Food $behavior{\cdots}{\cdots}It$ was found that boys liked sweet and salty flavors more than did the girls who more often liked sour flavor. The majority of children enjoyed evening meals more than lunch and breakfast. A number of children skipped breakfast because of lack of appetite or lack of time before going to school. Snacks were the most popular food, especially among girls. Their snacking habits were formed by the encouragement of the mother, and the relieve boredom. Educational backgrounds of mothers and family economical levels of children were remarkable correlated with mothers' attitudes toward feeding of children. There were several interesting findings relating body stature to some other responses; such as that the obese child has a small number of brothers, higher birth order, higher educated mothers and higher family cultural background. It was also discovered that food perference, except for fat and oil group foods was not related to body stature. Sweet taste was liked best and pepperly taste was mostly disliked. Sour taste was popular in the group of underweight. Underweight children were more finicky, disliked snacking, and didn't get much attention from their mothers. 3) Correlation between body stature and nutrition during their infancy. The majority of children, both from obese and underweight, were breast fed as infant. Twenty five per cent of obese children and 17.4 per cent of underwight children started weaning at $1{\sim}6$ months old. The most popular supplemental food of weaning was cereal gruel for the obese group, while boiled white rice and cereal gruel were most common for the underweight group. Highly significant relationships were found between stature of parents and their children. In the obese group 47.8 per cent of fathers and 45.9 per cent of mothers were overweight; however, none of the fathers and only one mother was found to be underweight. In daily food consumption patterns, meals consisting of bread or noodle were popular in the obese group but disliked by the underweight group. The study found clear contrast in that the obese group liked meat and fish while the underweight group liked fruits and vegetables, especially kimchee. The obese children desired to eat cereal foods, milk and milk products, and fat foods while the underweight group desired to eat fruits and vegetables. Frequency of snacks per day was much greater in the obese group. Foods which mothers believed to be good for the health were carrots, cucumbers, fruits, milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and breads, while sweet foods such as candies, drinks. chocolate were considered not good for the teeth. Watching television was not significantly related to statures of children. Most significant relationships were found beween frequencies of family guest meals/and eating-out, and children's statures. Nutritional problems which have been considered for the malnourished children in addition to those of children who have a tendency toward obesity, must be taken into consideration in the development of proper nutrition education through the channels of regular school teaching and teaching by parents in the homes. Korean standards of anthropometric measurements for children should be revised, current measurements show much higher figures than present Korean standards.

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Preliminary Landscape Improvement Plan for Gu-ryong Village (구룡 해안마을 경관형성 기본계획)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Choi, Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2012
  • This Study is about the "Comprehensive Landscape Improvement Plan for Gu-ryoung Seaside Village that was one of most exhibited projects for developing sea villages." The formulations of the plan were supervised by the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs and were executed by the Goheung Country. Rather than proposing renovations for the landscape, this study maintains the existing order and attempts to examine the plan by scrutinizing the vernacular design language of the landscape. In the study, community members had the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas about the community through workshops composed of community participation programs, and participated in the decision-making process through consultation meetings. The conclusion of this study was relevant to the activities of the committee on landscape improvement. The Comprehensive Landscape Improvement Plan has three objectives: (1) resorting and modifying the natural landscape, (2) restructuring the roadways, and (3) modifying key spaces. In the end, the role of Gu-ryong Mountain as a background of the landscape was focused on tree planting drives that were undertaken, and accessibility to the sea front was improved. Second, in restructuring the roadways, rough roads were restored and unconnected roads were connected to ensure a network of roads along the sea front, inner roads in the village, roads at the Fringes Mountains, and stone roads on the mud flat. In addition, roads were named according to the character of the landscape and signs were installed. Finally, the existing key spaces, in which community members came together, were restored and new key spaces were created for the outdoor activities of the inhabitants and the diverse experience of visitors. A guideline was also created to regulate private areas such as roofs, walls, fences of residential buildings, and private container boxes and fishing gear along the sea front. The strength of this study is that it is seeking to determine the greatest potential of the landscape and set the plan by examining the lives of community members. Some problems were found during the development of this study. Further, there were problems in the community's understanding as elaborated below. First is the gap between community members' awareness and practice. Even though they were aware of the problems with the village landscape, they hesitated to implement improvements. Second, community members have misunderstandings about the landscape the improvement plan. The local government and the residents have understood this plan as a development project; for example, new building construction or the extension of roads. Third, residents are not aware that continuous attention and improvements are required for the upkeep of the landscape in the sea village. The plan to improve the landscape should promote a balance between making the area as a tourist attraction and maintaining the lives and cultural activities, because the sea village system incorporates settlements, economy, and culture.

A Study on the animation music video production for the viral marketing purposes A case study of project (바이럴 마케팅용 애니메이션 뮤직비디오 제작 연구 : 월드컵 응원가 <일어나라 대한민국> 사례를 중심으로)

  • Han, Sang-Gyun;Kim, Tak-Hoon;Kim, Yu-Mi
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.22
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2011
  • Recently, contemporary cultural contents have been shown its diversity changes followed by the birth of new media platforms with consumers' new needs in the global market. Also, developments of Internet and computer system networks are the main contributors of making this changes happened rapidly. This study aims to know that how to usefully use those new media platforms through the great example of stop-motion animation music video by analyzing its production and marketing process. The music video production had been focused to be completed with high quality by adjusting the production process economically in spite of the relatively short period(less than one month)from its crank-up to the deadline. Because the production was planned that main characters lead the whole story, the creative team had been tried to reduce the production hours by commonly use the same mold when they make original clay models by collecting the similarities of characters' appearances. By using CG technic, could overcome the visual monotonous from the similarities which inferred above. Also, the repeated rhythm in the music video, the similar scenes of backgrounds were commonly used by copy of the original scene. At the point of directing, the creative team considered both economical and art aspects for the quality work. In details, they divided the scenes into foreground and background, and removed unnecessary parts to save the production hours and budget but make depth of fields in the scenes. Except the viral marketing purposes, was searching for the methods to compensate the production cost. For this, the characters in the music video dressed the same T-shirts which are world-cup logo on, and those were designed for the sale after released the music video. Even the result of the sales was not enough to satisfied, it was estimated a great attempt to the domestic animation industry.

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A Study on the storytelling strategy of Animation Studio using Mythology - Based on the comparative analysis of Disney and Dream Works (신화를 활용한 애니메이션 스튜디오의 스토리텔링 전략 -디즈니<미녀와 야수>와 드림웍스<슈렉>의 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2017
  • As the expansion of the cultural industry expands, various competitive structures are formed and the methodologies for producing commercial success are being discussed. Among them, Hollywood studios use political relationships and apply ideologies that can produce the best interests. Also, they use a structure that can convey this ideology, which is a mythology. The myth has satisfied the public for a ling time. Campbell suggested that strategies come from the myth, and the ideology emerged as a result of what mythology has to do with existing powers. Disney and Dream Works use the mythology and combine their own values into ideology. Disney and Dream Works choose conflicting ideologies in a different growth background. If Disney is recognized as an educational animation by the ruling class, Dream Works are supported by the public for their actions against Disney. Disney has conservative and patriotic personality, Dream Works is more liberal and progressive. Disney's structure came out first, and Dream Works parodied it. So we can compare Disney and Dream Works with similar myths to create a storytelling structure that embodies ideology. As a result, Disney and Dream Works have been choosing the 9 stages the key of Ideology form the 17 stages of the mythology and reduced them to the introduction, growth and completion. In the first units of the introduction, Disney dealt with the subject of social leaders who sacrificed to the ruling class and Dream Works hinted at the overthrow of the ruling class through the irony. If Disney had deployed colored races in the main characters, Dream Works used a variety of races from the main characters to others. In the second units of growth, Disney organized the process of accepting the value of the ruling class, and Dream Works showed the individual values, not the values of society. In the third units completion, Disney showed the main character who live in the world of the ruling class rebuilded, and Dream Works removed the ruling class and went back to the Individual life. Through the structure of Disney and DreamWorks, we learned how to utilize the mythical structures that transform according to ideologies. The right way to organize works will require the strategic approach to storytelling.

Comparison of Attitudes toward Death among Nursing Students from South Korea, Japan and Indonesia (한국.일본.인도네시아 간호대학생의 죽음에 대한 태도 비교)

  • Lee, So Woo;Lee, So Young;Lee, Young Whee;Kuwano, Noriko;Ando, Michiyo;Hayashi, Mariko;Wardaningsih, Shanti
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.212-221
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was performed to compare nursing students' attitudes toward death among South Korea, Japan and Indonesia, and to confirm the need for death education in nursing. Methods: A total of 294 nursing students completed a questionnaire titled as the Death Attitude Profile-Revised (Wong, Recker, Gesser. 1994). Participating students were from two nursing schools in South Korea, two in Japan and one in Indonesia. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including, ${\chi}^2$-test, ANOVA and multiple comparison analysis. Results: The total mean score of the DAP-R for the three countries combined was $3.84{\pm}0.73$. By country, the mean was the highest for Indonesian students ($4.32{\pm}0.71$), followed by Korean ($3.75{\pm}0.57$) and Japanese ($3.56{\pm}0.70$) respectively. In relation to subcategories, Indonesian students showed the highest mean score for death avoidance ($3.67{\pm}1.38$) and approach acceptance ($5.37{\pm}1.00$). Korean students marked the highest ($5.51{\pm}0.91$) in neutral acceptance and Japanese students scored the best ($3.63{\pm}1.46$) in escape acceptance. Nursing students who had an experience of caring terminally ill patients tended to be affirmative in approach acceptance (P=0.047). There were significant differences in each of the four subcategories except fear of death among the three countries (P<0.001). Conclusion: The above results indicate it is necessary to develop education programs based on each country's social and cultural background to help nursing students form desirable attitudes toward death.

A Comparative Study of Landscape Characteristics on Bridges in Palaces of Korea and China - Focusing on the Chosun Dynasty and Ming and Qing Dynasties - (한국과 중국의 궁궐 내 교량에 관한 경관특성 비교 연구 - 조선시대와 명·청시대를 중심으로 -)

  • Zhang, Fu-Chen;Lee, Ai-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • A bridge is a structure constructed on water or in the air for convenient passage. Compared to other buildings, the building materials and structures of bridge required unique functions to cross the space. It depends on the productivity of the building, the level of science and technology, and the ecological environment of the building site. Also, it has important relationship with functions such as politics, military, economy, and life. Most of the academic research on bridges is focused on research in the field of bridge-building technology, so the study on the landscape aesthetics and history of bridges is lacking. Against this backdrop, the study will be valuable as a accumulation of both countries' understanding of bridge types, history and culture, as well as technical and aesthetic data, by analyzing the bridges located within the palaces of Korea and China. The research method is to analyze the bridge through field survey and literature analysis.. First, the bridges of royal palace of Korea and China are to be classified quantitatively as physical shapes, landscapes, and decorations by comparing the materials, forms, landscapes, and decorative culture of bridges. Second, characteristics, common points, and differences are extracted by classifying bridges of both countries. Also, the results are discussed based on the physical environment or cultural background. This would be worth cross-referencing in the building technology and aesthetics of the two countries. For the first important characteristics of result, main materials of Korean and Chinese palaces are stone. However, the bridge in China's royal palaces is also focused on wood. Second, in terms of form, the bridges in the royal gardens of Korea and China are all based on the beam bridge. However, the specific form, ratio, style of the beam bridge, and airspace of arched bridge are very different. Third, most of the connection methods are focused on the over bridge. It values the convergence with the surrounding landscape. Due to the difference in the area and location of water, the bridge in the Korean palace is more focused on the convergence of the surrounding buildings and plants, while the bridge in the Chinese palace is more concerned about the harmony of hydration. Fourth, the decoration places importance on the artistry and aesthetics of both the bridges in Korea and China. There is a difference in style in the same type of decoration due to culture.

A Study on Case for Localization of Korean Enterprise in Indonesia (인도네시아 진출 한국기업의 현지화에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Swo, Min-Kyo;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.481-508
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to research the specific ways of successful localization by analyzing the success and failures case for localization through the theoretical background and the strategic models of localization. The strategic models of localization are divided by management aspects such as the localization of production and sourcing, the localization of human resources, the localization of marketing, the localization of R&D, harmonious relationship with the local community and authority transfer between headquarters and local subsidiaries. And the specific measures of the successful localization are proposed within the framework of the strategic models by comparing and analyzing the success and failures case for localization of individual companies operating in Indonesia. The results indicate that there are successful companies which develop a suitable products for the local climate and failed automobile company which is weak for assembly of complete vehicle in terms of localization of production and sourcing. In case of localization of human resources, most companies recognize the importance of this part and endeavor to secure superior human resource through a related education. It is found that most of the companies perform R & D in their native country. In part of a harmonious relationship with the local community, Korean companies should contribute to the community and be friendly with local residents and make a good image of the company focusing on the cultural environment. In aspect of authority transfer between headquarters and local subsidiaries, there is a tendency to be determined by the head office rather than the joint participation. In the future, in order for Korean enterprise to be successful one in Indonesia market, a highly interdependent and complex forms between headquarters and local subsidiaries shall be performed and an active exchange of information and the selection of best talent regardless of nationality shall be promoted.

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